Tax cuts my ass.........


Left Coast Isolationist
Oct 28, 2004
Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago and there was prosperity, absolutely no national debt, the largest middle class in the world and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.

what the hell happened

Tax his land,

Tax his wage,

Tax his bed in which he lays.

Tax his tractor,

Tax his mule,

Teach him taxes are the rule.

Tax his cow,

Tax his goat,

Tax his pants,

Tax his coat.

Tax his ties,

Tax his shirts,

Tax his work,

Tax his dirt.

Tax his tobacco,

Tax his drink,

Tax him if he tries to think.

Tax his booze,

Tax his beers,

If he cries,

Tax his tears.

Tax his bills,

Tax his gas,

Tax his notes,

Tax his cash.

Tax him good and let him know

That after taxes, he has no dough.

If he hollers,

Tax him more,

Tax him until he's good and sore.

Tax his coffin,

Tax his grave,

Tax the sod in which he lays.

Put these words upon his tomb,

"Taxes drove me to my doom!"

And when he's gone,

We won't relax,

We'll still be after the inheritance TAX!!

Accounts Receivable Tax,

Building Permit Tax,

CDL License Tax,

Cigarette Tax,

Corporate Income Tax,

Dog License Tax,

Federal Income Tax,

Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA),

Fishing License Tax,

Food License Tax,

Fuel Permit Tax,

Gasoline Tax,

Hunting License Tax,

Inheritance Tax,

Inventory Tax,

IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax),

IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax),

Liquor Tax,

Luxury Tax,

Marriage License Tax,

Medicare Tax,

Property Tax,

Real Estate Tax,

Service charge taxes,

Social Security Tax,

Road Usage Tax (Truckers),

Sales Taxes,

Recreational Vehicle Tax,

School Tax,

State Income Tax,

State Unemployment Tax (SUTA),

Telephone Federal Excise Tax,

Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax,

Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Tax,

Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax,

Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges

Tax, Telephone State and Local Tax,

Telephone Usage Charge Tax,

Utility Tax,

Vehicle License Registration Tax,

Vehicle Sales Tax,

Watercraft Registration Tax,

Well Permit Tax,

Workers Compensation Tax.

as i said......... Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago and there was prosperity, absolutely no national debt, the largest middle class in the world and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.

What the hell happened?????
The worst part is that you don't see many of these taxes. We fork over billions every day in corporate income taxes in the form of higher prices, and the idiots who vote Democrat thank the politicians for the favor and ask for HIGHER corporate tax. Even then, the Democrats want it to be even worse.

They want a higher inheritance tax. Essentially, they don't want any of your hard earned, ALREADY TAXED money to be used to pay for your prosperity's college, business expenses, house, or anything else. They use Paris Hilton as an example of how bad inheritance is, but without money, she'd just be a whore with no money. I mean, are we really saying that the entire fortunes of self-made multi-billionares, such as Sam Walton, must die with them?

Before the contract with America unseated Democrat congressional power, the Democrats actually wanted to, get this, tax homeowners on the money they would be making if they rented out the house, minus their mortgage payment. Here's the way it works. You own a house and pay $600/month in mortgage payments. A government appraiser (who has no incentive to get it right) determines that, if you put your house up for rent, you could be getting $800/month. So, the government determines that you're saving $200/month by paying a mortgage instead of renting, and that $2400 (over 12 months) must be reported as income on your taxes.
The worst part is that you don't see many of these taxes. We fork over billions every day in corporate income taxes in the form of higher prices, and the idiots who vote Democrat thank the politicians for the favor and ask for HIGHER corporate tax. Even then, the Democrats want it to be even worse.

I'd say the worst part is when businesses pass along the costs of taxes and people denounce them as greedy. Not only do politicians get the benefit of tax revenues, they get more political power and influence as people chase after the wrong target. It's bad enough that the politicians aren't being tarred and feathered and publicly horsewhipped for their shenannigans, but they actually get popular support for it.

Oh and don't forget my favorite tax of all, the regressive and super-stealthy tax of money printing/inflation. There isn't one person in a thousand who will blame the government for higher prices instead of businessmen.
"And my advice to those who die

declare the pennies on your eyes

cause I'm the taxman - yeah I'm the taxman

and you're working for no one but me".

- George Harrison
It's called "The New Deal", courtesy of FDR.

No, you need to go back further than that. In 1913, 36 States had ratified the 16th Amendment to the Constitution. In October, Congress passed a new federal income tax law. This not so coincidentally coincided with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act that same year. On December 22, I might add, before a mostly absent Congress celebrating the Holidays with Family. Some of the bill's most vocal critics had already left Washington, assured that the significant differences between the house and senate versions would not be reconciled and voted on until the new year.

What went wrong is that Congress and this country let the banking elite and the Wall Street Money Trust sieze control of our money in the form of the Federal Reserve, a Central Bank. Of course, a smokescreen was needed. Taxes were just that with a federal income tax leading the way. Ask yourself why taxes are needed?

The government, via cooperation with the Federal Reserve (which is not a government entity, but a private banking cartel), can fund (and does) anything it desires simply by inflating the money supply. This is in large part how the government spends beyond its means today. It is also how the government (and other Central Banks) monetizes debt and other asset markets (yes, the stock market included). This should appall everyone.

But if the government simply funded its projects by monetary inflation and without tax revenue, the public would be deeply suspicious and the masses would soon understand the fiat currency scheme. Such a system would not be allowed in the open as it allows politicians unbridled spending power that is not immediately evident in the form of price inflation. But with taxes, it can execute in stealth mode and as a result of obfuscation, very few understand how money really functions under a fiat system. Hence, reason #1 why taxes are needed is for reasons of stealth and misdirection. This does not even address the numerous advantages of banks controlling the supply of money.

Reason #2 is that without a federal income tax, there would be no supporting reason (artificial as that reason may be) for a fiat currency. Federal income taxes are required to be paid in U.S. Dollars (fiat currency). Without the need to render payment of taxes in US Dollars, a fiat currency has no underlying intrinsic value.

Interesting theory about the money supply. I must admit that I have little knowledge about how the system works. I'm not sure that its as corrupt as you appear to claim, but I do see huge advantages of a paper money system- based on the full faith and credit of the US- then the gold standard, which puts a severe restriction on the supply of money, hence the creation of wealth for middle America.
If we were on a "literal" gold standard--ie, no paper whatsoever, just jingly gold and silver coins in our pockets--that would create a problem, in that you wouldn't be able to pay small amounts as easily. A 1/20 oz. gold coin is tiny, but is still worth about half a day's pay for your average worker. Paper money (and copper or clad coins) can serve a useful purpose--namely, allowing for minute subdivisions of a scarce metal.

The problem isn't paper money per se, it's how it's currently implemented. When you expand the supply, you aren't creating any wealth. Productivity improvements, free trade, clever new business plans, etc. do that...but not printing paper. It's just a wealth transfer: whoever prints it and spends it first gets the biggest benefit, whoever spends it second gets a lesser benefit, etc. whether banks or counterfeiters. Once it filters throughout the economy, ordinary workers have to deal with higher prices until their wages can catch up. And by the time they catch up, the process has begun again.

Thus we see most households needing two workers to provide what one worker used to. This started about 35 years ago, coinciding with our final abandonment with the last vestiges of the gold standard. Really, with productivity improvements and so forth we ought to be better off now than 3 decades ago, we should really expect single-earner households (or early retirements) to be much more common than they were. It seems to me that this issue should be central in any discussion of "family values"--wouldn't it be easier to instill your values if both parents weren't forced to work?
Again I have to start out a confession of my ignorance of this subject- but one that interests me.

My understanding is that the gov'mint prints only enogh money to keep up with the building of wealth (the money supply). Money is meely a scorecard- it is not wealth. If they print too much we get inflation (one cause). The converse is also true.

I disagree that we are not better off than we were 35 years ago. The fact that we have many 2-earner households proves that the economy is roaring- enough to support all those extra jobs with a very low unemployment rate. So low that we have to import aliens to make up a worker deficit.

I myself am better off than my father was, yet work in a lower earning career track. Coupled with wifie's earnings I'm damn happy.
Again I have to start out a confession of my ignorance of this subject- but one that interests me.

My understanding is that the gov'mint prints only enogh money to keep up with the building of wealth (the money supply). Money is meely a scorecard- it is not wealth. If they print too much we get inflation (one cause). The converse is also true.

I disagree that we are not better off than we were 35 years ago. The fact that we have many 2-earner households proves that the economy is roaring- enough to support all those extra jobs with a very low unemployment rate. So low that we have to import aliens to make up a worker deficit.

I myself am better off than my father was, yet work in a lower earning career track. Coupled with wifie's earnings I'm damn happy.

People want to say we're worse off than 35 years ago (they had progressive income tax, then, too) because it supports their position. Democrats often say employers aren't paying enough, which is why we have 2-income households. However, consider the following:

My mother lived in a single income house with the breadwinner having no greater than a high school education until about, well, 35 years ago. They did not have:

More than 2 bedrooms until they added on to the house.

More than 1 television, and she was about 12 before they got a color unit.

Much food that was cooked outside the home.

A computer.

A cellular phone.

Internet access.

Central air conditioning.

Video games.

In fact, she even remembers bathing in a washtub and using an outhouse. The fact is that people have to go to a 2 income household because they need more stuff.
No, you need to go back further than that. In 1913, 36 States had ratified the 16th Amendment to the Constitution. In October, Congress passed a new federal income tax law. This not so coincidentally coincided with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act that same year. On December 22, I might add, before a mostly absent Congress celebrating the Holidays with Family. Some of the bill's most vocal critics had already left Washington, assured that the significant differences between the house and senate versions would not be reconciled and voted on until the new year.

What went wrong is that Congress and this country let the banking elite and the Wall Street Money Trust sieze control of our money in the form of the Federal Reserve, a Central Bank. Of course, a smokescreen was needed. Taxes were just that with a federal income tax leading the way. Ask yourself why taxes are needed?

The government, via cooperation with the Federal Reserve (which is not a government entity, but a private banking cartel), can fund (and does) anything it desires simply by inflating the money supply. This is in large part how the government spends beyond its means today. It is also how the government (and other Central Banks) monetizes debt and other asset markets (yes, the stock market included). This should appall everyone.

But if the government simply funded its projects by monetary inflation and without tax revenue, the public would be deeply suspicious and the masses would soon understand the fiat currency scheme. Such a system would not be allowed in the open as it allows politicians unbridled spending power that is not immediately evident in the form of price inflation. But with taxes, it can execute in stealth mode and as a result of obfuscation, very few understand how money really functions under a fiat system. Hence, reason #1 why taxes are needed is for reasons of stealth and misdirection. This does not even address the numerous advantages of banks controlling the supply of money.

Reason #2 is that without a federal income tax, there would be no supporting reason (artificial as that reason may be) for a fiat currency. Federal income taxes are required to be paid in U.S. Dollars (fiat currency). Without the need to render payment of taxes in US Dollars, a fiat currency has no underlying intrinsic value.

Before FDR, only the rich were required to pay an income tax. After FDR, everyone was. In addition, FDR raised taxes and burdened us with Social Security tax.
Before FDR, only the rich were required to pay an income tax. After FDR, everyone was. In addition, FDR raised taxes and burdened us with Social Security tax.
Yes, but you missed my point. The point is why the income tax came into being in the first place (well before FDR and the new deal).

Interesting theory about the money supply. I must admit that I have little knowledge about how the system works. I'm not sure that its as corrupt as you appear to claim, but I do see huge advantages of a paper money system- based on the full faith and credit of the US- then the gold standard, which puts a severe restriction on the supply of money, hence the creation of wealth for middle America.

Full faith and credit of the US? Severe restriction on the supply of money = restriction on the creation of wealth for middle America? You have it wrong. Central Banking, fiat currencies, and fractional reserve banking is the worst thing that has happened to middle America.

All I can tell you is follow the money and keep an open mind. I also would suggest background reading on monetary policy, central banking, and the Federal Reserve. It will open your eyes and expose you to info that you will not see from the mainstream financial press or your prototypical Keynesian economist.

Von Mises' Human Action is an excellent read, but can be a bit daunting. Griffin's The Creature From Jekyll Island is one of the best books I have read. There are plenty of other good ones that address economic and monetary policy. But The Creature is an excellent start.

Again I have to start out a confession of my ignorance of this subject- but one that interests me.

My understanding is that the gov'mint prints only enogh money to keep up with the building of wealth (the money supply). Money is meely a scorecard- it is not wealth. If they print too much we get inflation (one cause). The converse is also true.
Your understanding is incorrect. Some questions ... How much do you think the money supply has increased (%) over the last several years (just as an example)? Why do you think we have increased the money supply? What do you believe a realistic figure for price inflation is today?


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