Tax $100B lawyers and reduce $600 billion defensive Medicine!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I have NO idea what it will take to get people AWARE that the number one cause of $600 billion a year in health care costs is "defensive medical practices" out of the fear of lawsuits!

FACTS: Emergency room physicians practice Defensive medicine..
1) More than half (53 percent) of emergency physicians reported that fear of lawsuits is the main reason for ordering the number of tests they do.

Emergency Visits Are Increasing, New Poll Finds; Many Patients Referred by Primary Care Doctors

2) Nine out of 10 physicians reported practicing defensive medicine.
Estimate Defensive Medicine Costs Americans $650-850 Billion Annually
Doctors Practice Medicine in Fear, New Study Finds

BUT the majority of very uneducated people BLAME the insurance companies for health care costs and are FALLING for Obamacare's totally inept, totally baseless, and TOTALLY UNADDRESSED Tort Reform!

To fix it:
Private health insurance based on taxing the $100 billion lawyers make off lawsuits!

Tanning Salons are taxed 10% under Obamacare -- cause Obamacare said tanning caused cancer!

Then if $600 billion a year is caused by FEAR of lawsuits.. TAX lawyers!

Have all the "uninsured" patients register with the Uninsured Health Insurance Company © (UHIC)... and all uninsured charges passed on to UHIC... then the $20B in lawyer tax would pay the claims!
Problem solved for the true 10 million "uninsured" people. No need for the hateful Obamacare!
For those of you that STILL don't get it!!!
This has very little to do with the cost of malpractice insurance! Many ignorant people don't seem to understand the distinction!
The $600 billion comes from like the articles and surveys show DEFENSIVE MEDICINE!
1) Emergency room doctor NOT wanting to be sued, will have a patient presenting heart symptoms possibly put into the hospital .. out of fear of lawsuit.
2) Family doctor KNOWS they patient well BUT the patient insists on 2nd opinion.. refers to a specialist.."defensive medical practice"... all out of fear of lawsuits!

So NO one is suggesting physicians not ERROR on the SIDE of caution BUT common sense should prevail.. All tests an emergency room physician sees indicate not life threatening.. YET anxiety from patient forces doctor to hospitalize patient!
Adds up to $600 billion a year..
CUT that by $100 billion and watch the costs of insurance/medicare fall!

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