Tarriffs - VAT - Transaction Tax - Entitlement Reform - Medicare


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
Now that Trump and the GOP are in the driver's seat, will they screw-up worse than the dems with Obamacare? What new policies would help.
1. Adding tariffs and a VAT might help balance the Budget and create jobs - Revise the Tax Code
2. Adding a transaction tax to hammer high-frequency traders would help provide usable capital
3. Entitlement reform, such as moving the ages from 62 & 66 to 64 & 68 over time would save SS.
4. Keeping Medicare solvent past 2028 needs to happen as part of entitlement & Healthcare reform.
5. Clean House at the IRS, Interior, the VA, State, Education, and all Federal Departments & Cut Regulations
6. Totally revise/manage the US economy & education to match jobs and training/skills like Japan & Germany
7. Build "The Wall" using Foreign Aid money
8. Unleash the police to rid the streets of gangs & drugs
9. Unleash the Border Patrol
10. Get the military back to where it needs to be and defeat ISIS
11. Approve the Keystone pipeline
12. Promote off-shore drilling
13. Promote renewable energy
14. Punish "Sanctuary Cities"
15. Eliminate Obama's Executive Orders
16. Start safe zones in Syria and get the ME sheiks to pay to start getting areas of Syria back to normal

That list should keep Donald busy a day or two, please add more "high priority" items that need attention
Now that Trump and the GOP are in the driver's seat, will they screw-up worse than the dems with Obamacare? What new policies would help.
1. Adding tariffs and a VAT might help balance the Budget and create jobs - Revise the Tax Code
2. Adding a transaction tax to hammer high-frequency traders would help provide usable capital
3. Entitlement reform, such as moving the ages from 62 & 66 to 64 & 68 over time would save SS.
4. Keeping Medicare solvent past 2028 needs to happen as part of entitlement & Healthcare reform.
5. Clean House at the IRS, Interior, the VA, State, Education, and all Federal Departments & Cut Regulations
6. Totally revise/manage the US economy & education to match jobs and training/skills like Japan & Germany
7. Build "The Wall" using Foreign Aid money
8. Unleash the police to rid the streets of gangs & drugs
9. Unleash the Border Patrol
10. Get the military back to where it needs to be and defeat ISIS
11. Approve the Keystone pipeline
12. Promote off-shore drilling
13. Promote renewable energy
14. Punish "Sanctuary Cities"
15. Eliminate Obama's Executive Orders
16. Start safe zones in Syria and get the ME sheiks to pay to start getting areas of Syria back to normal

That list should keep Donald busy a day or two, please add more "high priority" items that need attention

Too bad Trump has said he is going to totally get rid of renewable energy development.

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