Syria has maintained the most diverse population among her Arab neighbors. According to the CIA World Fact Book 16% of Syria population are Christians of various sects and 10% Jewish. Syria has the highest percent of Jewish people as part of her population other than the State of Israel. Today living in Syria there are over 180,000 Jewish people. Syria is the only Arab nation with a Moslem population under 75%.
The United States government went from the end of the Cold War into the Dirty Wars onto the War of Lies. Unless the American people wake-up to the true realities of their government foreign policies their children will be fighting in wars for many lifetimes to come. The Neocons Clean Break Document is the base for the President Bushs foreign policies in the Middle East. Today the United States is at war in the Arab world in the name of freedom. Freedom without prosperity is tyranny too.
Washington DC want to dictate its policies onto the people of the world. With little to no understanding of the grievances of the people on the other side. The Bush Administration wants to hold President Bashar al-ASAD of Syria to higher standards than the United States in regards to boarder security. It is Syria location boarding Israel, Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey and Jordan putting it in the heart of ancient Middle Eastern trading routes. The United States has gone to war against an enemy with no boarders, no army of any one nation, not really understanding who the is enemy. This is a prescription for global chaos that only the military industrial complex and international oil companies will profit from over the short term.
The United States government went from the end of the Cold War into the Dirty Wars onto the War of Lies. Unless the American people wake-up to the true realities of their government foreign policies their children will be fighting in wars for many lifetimes to come. The Neocons Clean Break Document is the base for the President Bushs foreign policies in the Middle East. Today the United States is at war in the Arab world in the name of freedom. Freedom without prosperity is tyranny too.
Washington DC want to dictate its policies onto the people of the world. With little to no understanding of the grievances of the people on the other side. The Bush Administration wants to hold President Bashar al-ASAD of Syria to higher standards than the United States in regards to boarder security. It is Syria location boarding Israel, Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey and Jordan putting it in the heart of ancient Middle Eastern trading routes. The United States has gone to war against an enemy with no boarders, no army of any one nation, not really understanding who the is enemy. This is a prescription for global chaos that only the military industrial complex and international oil companies will profit from over the short term.