Survey shows blacks wildly overestimate frequency of police fatally shooting young black men


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Math is hard. Urban legends are easy.

Public interest in the Derek Chauvin trial is likely influenced by the widespread belief that police killings of young black men are common.

But most Americans wildly overestimate how often this happens, and how wrong they are is closely connected to their political beliefs, according to a recent study.

Traffic accidents kill about 23 in 100,000 men ages 25-29, with a slightly higher rate for blacks relative to whites. This is at least five times higher than police killings of black men of the same age, using any method of force.

Eight in 10 black survey respondents said they believe young black men are more likely to die in police shootings than in traffic accidents. (The black rate of deaths by police is three times higher than for whites, however.)

Blacks who voted for President Donald Trump in 2020 were far less likely to wrongly believe that police shootings claim more young black lives than traffic accidents, though most of them (53%) still incorrectly guessed, showing this belief is "not simply a function of ideology." Among those who voted for Joe Biden, 81% were wrong.

The demographic closest to getting the answer right was white Trump voters, only 15% of whom incorrectly believed police shootings killed more young black men. For white Biden voters, the figure was 53%, and about 10 points higher for highly educated liberal whites.

The surveys were conducted in November and December and disclosed in a report on "The Social Construction of Racism in the United States" by University of London politics professor Eric Kaufmann. He obtained his data on police killings and traffic deaths from science journals and a highway insurance nonprofit.

Kaufmann found that ideology, presidential vote and view on whether "white Republicans are racist" had an even greater effect than race on a person's answer to the question.


Police shootings are not the black man's biggest problem.

April 18 2021 Year to Date in Chicago:

Total Shootings 937
Police involved shootings 8

Seems to me your bro's are the ones that are racist.
Heather McDonald specializes in debunking Neo-Marxist B.S. that perpetuates the lie of white Americans
hunting down and killing blacks. If anything it's white people who should be afraid and arm themselves
against racist black attacks (and Asians should be fearful too, I suppose).

The instances of black violence against whites far surpass white attacks on blacks. heather mcdonald books - Google Search
As a veteran of several INNER CITY hospital emergency room-------I will IMPART my clinical impression to you LUCKY people. -----BEHOLD --IMEO----Black males especially those from age 20 thru 30 -----do die LOTS of violence----lots-----at the hands of other black males
20-30 years of age LOTS -----it was like an EPIDEMIC------long before the current horrific ONGOING
PS-----I should add------THE MEDIA plays a role----a bullet in the head of a young black male-----does not
so much as make the news
Sadly, folks think this due to the leftwing's met to keep them angry, and spread division and hate...the DNC's goal
Leftwingers are brainwashed by the media. They have no grasp of the facts, and they don’t care to.

Democratic voters are a prime exzmple of the power of brainwashing....a term that came into vogue during the Korean War when the Chinese brainwashed some American prisoners.

Those who voted for bifden were so saturated with a irrational hatred of Trump......the only possible explanation for it is being duped and brainwashed by the MSM.
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Democratic voters are a prime exzmple of the power of brainwashing....a term that came into vogue during the Korean War when the Chinese brainwashed some American prisoners.

Those who voted for bifden were so saturated with a irrational hatred of Trump......the only possible explanation for it is being duped and brainwashed by the MSM.

The difference between the left and right are many of course but one major one is how they treat their presidential political opponent.

While republicans will try to block the bullshit presidents like Obama try to pull and shove down the throats of the American people like the unaffordable care act, Republicans didn't hate as a person. In fact many said while they staunchly were against everything politically that Obama was for, they didn't hate him as a person. Same with BIden. They thought BIden was a moron and still do, but don't hate him as a person.

The left HATES republican presidents AS PEOPLE. They hated Bush, they REALLY REALLY hated Trump. They didn't just disagree with his politics, they hated him PERSONALLY. Why? Because the left is jealous of anyone who is successful WITHOUT being on the gov't tit the whole time. After all, Biden is a multi millionaire gained from illegal foreign donations and working for the gov't for 50 years. But they don't hate him. Why? Because he gained his wealth through taxpayers, which seems to be perfectly ok with lefties.

But that being said, when you hate someone so much and so deeply you will be highly likely to believe ANYTHING negative you hear about them and dismiss anything positive. It's human nature.
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I hate artificial and exaggerated and generalized descriptions of the characters
and credibility of LEFT vs RIGHT. However---there is no question in my
mind that the "COPS KILL BLACKS" libel is bullshit
I hate artificial and exaggerated and generalized descriptions of the characters
and credibility of LEFT vs RIGHT. However---there is no question in my
mind that the "COPS KILL BLACKS" libel is bullshit

Cops do kill blacks but that's because blacks are more likely to kill cops than whites. No criminal is good or predictable or even safe to a cop, but I can promise a cop is on heightened alert when he stops a car full of young black men vs young white men. That being said, more whites are killed by cops every year than blacks.

So I would say:

Cops do kill blacks but that's because blacks are more likely to kill cops than whites. No criminal is good or predictable or even safe to a cop, but I can promise a cop is on heightened alert when he stops a car full of young black men vs young white men.
I am fully aware of that HEIGHTENED ALERT and the fact that it is, unfortunately, absolutely
justified. Of course---some people will call my statement "RACIAL PROFILING" -----nope---
it is, simply, normal COGNITION
I am fully aware of that HEIGHTENED ALERT and the fact that it is, unfortunately, absolutely
justified. Of course---some people will call my statement "RACIAL PROFILING" -----nope---
it is, simply, normal COGNITION

That's right. Just like people are more likely to be on high alert when approached by a stray pit bull than a stray poodle. Yes both dogs are capable of biting but only one has a reputation for doing so far more than the other.
Math is hard. Urban legends are easy.

Public interest in the Derek Chauvin trial is likely influenced by the widespread belief that police killings of young black men are common.
But most Americans wildly overestimate how often this happens, and how wrong they are is closely connected to their political beliefs, according to a recent study.
Traffic accidents kill about 23 in 100,000 men ages 25-29, with a slightly higher rate for blacks relative to whites. This is at least five times higher than police killings of black men of the same age, using any method of force.
Eight in 10 black survey respondents said they believe young black men are more likely to die in police shootings than in traffic accidents. (The black rate of deaths by police is three times higher than for whites, however.)
Blacks who voted for President Donald Trump in 2020 were far less likely to wrongly believe that police shootings claim more young black lives than traffic accidents, though most of them (53%) still incorrectly guessed, showing this belief is "not simply a function of ideology." Among those who voted for Joe Biden, 81% were wrong.
The demographic closest to getting the answer right was white Trump voters, only 15% of whom incorrectly believed police shootings killed more young black men. For white Biden voters, the figure was 53%, and about 10 points higher for highly educated liberal whites.
The surveys were conducted in November and December and disclosed in a report on "The Social Construction of Racism in the United States" by University of London politics professor Eric Kaufmann. He obtained his data on police killings and traffic deaths from science journals and a highway insurance nonprofit.
Kaufmann found that ideology, presidential vote and view on whether "white Republicans are racist" had an even greater effect than race on a person's answer to the question.

sadly when the leftist and their propagandist push false narratives those lies take hold and are believed.

we have seen it far to often

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