Surprise, Surprise - WH / Biden Refuses To Reveal Who Is Buying, Hunter Biden's Art


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Obama ethics chief blasts WH plan to not disclose who's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art

Obama ethics chief blasts WH plan to not disclose who's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art

"Nobody ever said secrecy was the best disinfectant, but that's what we have now. And White House officials getting involved in any way other than to request transparency amounts to effectively putting an official stamp of approval on the president’s son trading on his father’s public service,"

Obama ethics chief blasts WH plan to not disclose who's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art

Obama ethics chief blasts WH plan to not disclose who's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art

"Nobody ever said secrecy was the best disinfectant, but that's what we have now. And White House officials getting involved in any way other than to request transparency amounts to effectively putting an official stamp of approval on the president’s son trading on his father’s public service,"

Can you imagine how annoyed the Russian and Chinese billionaires must be to have to pretend to like this crackhead's "art", and pay outrageous sums of money for it, just so they can get a meeting with "the big guy"?

Obama ethics chief blasts WH plan to not disclose who's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art

Obama ethics chief blasts WH plan to not disclose who's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art

"Nobody ever said secrecy was the best disinfectant, but that's what we have now. And White House officials getting involved in any way other than to request transparency amounts to effectively putting an official stamp of approval on the president’s son trading on his father’s public service,"

Can you imagine how annoyed the Russian and Chinese billionaires must be to have to pretend to like this crackhead's "art", and pay outrageous sums of money for it, just so they can get a meeting with "the big guy"?

can't be any worse than the price gouging from Trump at his resorts and hotels while president. The taxpayer is still being double charged for secret service protection for Trump.
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Obama ethics chief blasts WH plan to not disclose who's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art

Obama ethics chief blasts WH plan to not disclose who's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art

"Nobody ever said secrecy was the best disinfectant, but that's what we have now. And White House officials getting involved in any way other than to request transparency amounts to effectively putting an official stamp of approval on the president’s son trading on his father’s public service,"

None of your business.
Obama ethics chief blasts WH plan to not disclose who's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art

Obama ethics chief blasts WH plan to not disclose who's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art

"Nobody ever said secrecy was the best disinfectant, but that's what we have now. And White House officials getting involved in any way other than to request transparency amounts to effectively putting an official stamp of approval on the president’s son trading on his father’s public service,"

Obama ethics chief blasts WH plan to not disclose who's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art

Obama ethics chief blasts WH plan to not disclose who's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art

"Nobody ever said secrecy was the best disinfectant, but that's what we have now. And White House officials getting involved in any way other than to request transparency amounts to effectively putting an official stamp of approval on the president’s son trading on his father’s public service,"

Why would the White House be responsible to disclose information about Hunters business dealings? Are you high?
Obama ethics chief blasts WH plan to not disclose who's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art

Obama ethics chief blasts WH plan to not disclose who's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art

"Nobody ever said secrecy was the best disinfectant, but that's what we have now. And White House officials getting involved in any way other than to request transparency amounts to effectively putting an official stamp of approval on the president’s son trading on his father’s public service,"

Can you imagine how annoyed the Russian and Chinese billionaires must be to have to pretend to like this crackhead's "art", and pay outrageous sums of money for it, just so they can get a meeting with "the big guy"?

can't be any worse than the price gouging from Trump at his resorts and hotels while president. The taxpayer is still being double charged for secret service protection for Trump.

Hunter isn't selling his paintings from the WH nor is Biden involved in the sales. This is Trump-stupid on display.
Obama ethics chief blasts WH plan to not disclose who's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art

Obama ethics chief blasts WH plan to not disclose who's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art

"Nobody ever said secrecy was the best disinfectant, but that's what we have now. And White House officials getting involved in any way other than to request transparency amounts to effectively putting an official stamp of approval on the president’s son trading on his father’s public service,"

Why would the White House be responsible to disclose information about Hunters business dealings? Are you high?
Would you be saying that if DJT Jr were doing this???
Obama ethics chief blasts WH plan to not disclose who's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art

Obama ethics chief blasts WH plan to not disclose who's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art

"Nobody ever said secrecy was the best disinfectant, but that's what we have now. And White House officials getting involved in any way other than to request transparency amounts to effectively putting an official stamp of approval on the president’s son trading on his father’s public service,"

Can you imagine how annoyed the Russian and Chinese billionaires must be to have to pretend to like this crackhead's "art", and pay outrageous sums of money for it, just so they can get a meeting with "the big guy"?

can't be any worse than the price gouging from Trump at his resorts and hotels while president. The taxpayer is still being double charged for secret service protection for Trump.

Hunter isn't selling his paintings from the WH nor is Biden involved in the sales. This is Trump-stupid on display.
You are correct in that they are under zero obligation to disclose anything about this. That said can you at least admit its not a good look? Especially with all the shit that has swirled around Hunter and his past "business" dealings?
Obama ethics chief blasts WH plan to not disclose who's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art

Obama ethics chief blasts WH plan to not disclose who's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art

"Nobody ever said secrecy was the best disinfectant, but that's what we have now. And White House officials getting involved in any way other than to request transparency amounts to effectively putting an official stamp of approval on the president’s son trading on his father’s public service,"

Why would the White House be responsible to disclose information about Hunters business dealings? Are you high?
Would you be saying that if DJT Jr were doing this???
Haha, nice deflection. It doesn’t matter in the least what I would be saying IF somebody else was in power. What matters here is exactly what is being discussed. Stay on topic. If you’re entire point is to call me a hypocrite then go head and call me a hypocrite. I don't care. You and I both know that the WH has no involvement in this situation and the article is a joke
Obama ethics chief blasts WH plan to not disclose who's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art

Obama ethics chief blasts WH plan to not disclose who's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art

"Nobody ever said secrecy was the best disinfectant, but that's what we have now. And White House officials getting involved in any way other than to request transparency amounts to effectively putting an official stamp of approval on the president’s son trading on his father’s public service,"

Why would the White House be responsible to disclose information about Hunters business dealings? Are you high?
Would you be saying that if DJT Jr were doing this???
Haha, nice deflection. It doesn’t matter in the least what I would be saying IF somebody else was in power. What matters here is exactly what is being discussed. Stay on topic. If you’re entire point is to call me a hypocrite then go head and call me a hypocrite. I don't care. You and I both know that the WH has no involvement in this situation and the article is a joke
Well actually we have no idea whether the WH has any involvement or not which is the issue is it not? No one really cares if Hunter is selling art it's whether he's selling access along with the art. And my point is 100% valid especially given Hunter's past "business dealings. At a minimum this is a horrible look for the President and the WH, and if theres nothing going on it's an unforced error. Of course the media will likely ignore it, because he has a (D) next to his name.

None of your business.
Actually, since the Bidens have engaged in Russian Money Laundering, Influence Peddling, and have taken millions / billions from the CCP & Russia, it is.

You're confused .. Trump has been borrowing from Russian Banks since the 1990s. Evidently he owes them nearly billion dollars.

Money laundering came up for Trump in his casino days and in the sale of Trump Tower units.
Obama ethics chief blasts WH plan to not disclose who's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art

Obama ethics chief blasts WH plan to not disclose who's paying 'outrageous sums' for Hunter Biden art

"Nobody ever said secrecy was the best disinfectant, but that's what we have now. And White House officials getting involved in any way other than to request transparency amounts to effectively putting an official stamp of approval on the president’s son trading on his father’s public service,"

Why would the White House be responsible to disclose information about Hunters business dealings? Are you high?
Would you be saying that if DJT Jr were doing this???
Haha, nice deflection. It doesn’t matter in the least what I would be saying IF somebody else was in power. What matters here is exactly what is being discussed. Stay on topic. If you’re entire point is to call me a hypocrite then go head and call me a hypocrite. I don't care. You and I both know that the WH has no involvement in this situation and the article is a joke
Well actually we have no idea whether the WH has any involvement or not which is the issue is it not? No one really cares if Hunter is selling art it's whether he's selling access along with the art. And my point is 100% valid especially given Hunter's past "business dealings. At a minimum this is a horrible look for the President and the WH, and if theres nothing going on it's an unforced error. Of course the media will likely ignore it, because he has a (D) next to his name.
Haha, well if you have evidence that political influence is being sold and laws are being broken then fine. But it sounds like y’all just want to keep poking around playing your partisan shitball game. It’s not worth a second of the Whitehouses time at this point

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