Sudanese Slave Speech At Durbin Conference - A Must Read!

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Sudan - a remarkable address to the recent "Durban Conference" in New York


These are the words of Simon Deng, once a Sudanese slave. He is addressing the Durban Conference in NY, in 2011

"The UN has itself become a tool against Israel. For over 50 years, 82 percent of the UN General Assembly emergency meetings have been about condemning one state - Israel.

Is Israel a racist state? To my people, the people who know racism – the answer is absolutely not. Israel is a state of people who are the colors of the rainbow. Jews themselves come in all colors, even black. I met with Ethiopian Jews in Israel. Beautiful black Jews. So, yes … I came here today to tell you that the people who suffer most from the UN anti-Israel policy are not the Israelis but all those people who the UN ignores in order to tell its big lie against Israel: we, the victims of Arab/Muslim abuse: women, ethnic minorities, religious minorities, homosexuals, in the Arab/Muslim world."

Simon Deng, Former Sudanese Slave: Calling Israel a racist state is absurd and immoral.

Post edited for fair use, deletion of dead link and addition of valid link.
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What does this have to do with Israel and Palestine?
The man's speech is about Israel and Palestine. I guess the "good Christian woman" is not concerned with her fellow Christians because the Jews are not involved and it is her friends who murdered two millions Christians in the Sudan.
What does this have to do with Israel and Palestine?
The man's speech is about Israel and Palestine. I guess the "good Christian woman" is not concerned with her fellow Christians because the Jews are not involved and it is her friends who murdered two millions Christians in the Sudan.

What relevance to Israel and Palestine are words spoken by someone from the Sudan at a conference in New York 2 years ago?
What does this have to do with Israel and Palestine?
The man's speech is about Israel and Palestine. I guess the "good Christian woman" is not concerned with her fellow Christians because the Jews are not involved and it is her friends who murdered two millions Christians in the Sudan.

What relevance to Israel and Palestine are words spoken by someone from the Sudan at a conference in New York 2 years ago?
We realize that you don't care what happens to your brethren so no one is forcing you to read the article. Do you think that everyone reads everything you write.
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What does this have to do with Israel and Palestine?
The man's speech is about Israel and Palestine. I guess the "good Christian woman" is not concerned with her fellow Christians because the Jews are not involved and it is her friends who murdered two millions Christians in the Sudan.

Sherri, I wish you'd read his speech. He explains that:

By exaggerating Palestinian suffering, and by blaming the Jews for it, the UN has muffled the cries of those who suffer on a far larger scale.

For over fifty years the indigenous black population of Sudan — Christians and Muslims alike — has been the victims of the brutal, racist Arab Muslim regimes in Khartoum.

In South Sudan, my homeland, about 4 million innocent men, women and children were slaughtered from 1955 to 2005. Seven million were ethnically cleansed and they became the largest refugee group since World War II.

So four million people murdered and Seven million people forced into refugee camps under horrific conditions, Sherri. Who did it? They were murdered by racist arab Muslim regimes in Khartoum and the only thing the UN can focus on is Palestine? Why? There is no genocide in Gaza or anywhere else. Never has been. Your people over there are overweight. No one is starving to death. No one is being raped by IDF soldiers, no one is being abused by IDF or any Israelis. What have any of you to complain over? Look at Darfur! There is no comparison! The UN are purposely turning a blind eye to genocide of huge proportions while straining a gnat in Gaza. Doesn't make sense to me. Does it make sense to anyone else? Why is the UN only concerned with Palestinians and bringing one ridiculous charge against Israel after another (baseless charges ) why hasn't anyone confronted them about this? What is going on here? All very important questions. I'd like some answers.
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The man's speech is about Israel and Palestine. I guess the "good Christian woman" is not concerned with her fellow Christians because the Jews are not involved and it is her friends who murdered two millions Christians in the Sudan.

What relevance to Israel and Palestine are words spoken by someone from the Sudan at a conference in New York 2 years ago?
We realize that you don't care what happens to your brethren so no one is forcing you to read the article. Do you think that everyone reads everything

You stick with defining your brethren, you have no right to tell me who my brethren are. That man speaking is not my brethren, assuming he is a Zionist. And nations, none of them, are my brethren, either. So, this speech you desire to exalt and glorify is nothing to me or my brethren. I do not see a mans opinion about Israel, who lives in the Sudan , 2 years ago in New York, to add anything to my understanding of this conflict.
What does this have to do with Israel and Palestine?
The man's speech is about Israel and Palestine. I guess the "good Christian woman" is not concerned with her fellow Christians because the Jews are not involved and it is her friends who murdered two millions Christians in the Sudan.

4 million murdered. 7 million forced into refugee camps under sub human conditions. :(
What relevance to Israel and Palestine are words spoken by someone from the Sudan at a conference in New York 2 years ago?
We realize that you don't care what happens to your brethren so no one is forcing you to read the article. Do you think that everyone reads everything

You stick with defining your brethren, you have no right to tell me who my brethren are. That man speaking is not my brethren, assuming he is a Zionist. And nations, none of them, are my brethren, either. So, this speech you desire to exalt and glorify is nothing to me or my brethren. I do not see a mans opinion about Israel, who lives in the Sudan , 2 years ago in New York, to add anything to my understanding of this conflict.

He is speaking for my Christian brethren and Israeli - Jewish brethren. The Christian church is family to the Jewish brethren as well. As you are family to your own brethren, Sherri. Whoever they are. Don't believe I've encountered your brand of religion before.
- Jeri
He is revealing the truth about the UN / Palestinian agenda and why it is corrupt to the core. He is talking about how the world has ignored Darfur, genocides that eclipse anything any Palestinian could ever claim to have "imagined" in their life. The people of Darfur have truly suffered whereas the stories you people write about are made up and fictional. imo. Do you understand the significance of this speech to the Durbin Conference now, Sherri? - Jeremiah
He is revealing the truth about the UN / Palestinian agenda and why it is corrupt to the core. He is talking about how the world has ignored Darfur, genocides that eclipse anything any Palestinian could ever claim to have "imagined" in their life. The people of Darfur have truly suffered whereas the stories you people write about are made up and fictional. imo. Do you understand the significance of this speech to the Durbin Conference now, Sherri? - Jeremiah

Just more Zionist propaganda to try to whitewash Israels crimes against humanity.
What does this have to do with Israel and Palestine?
The man's speech is about Israel and Palestine. I guess the "good Christian woman" is not concerned with her fellow Christians because the Jews are not involved and it is her friends who murdered two millions Christians in the Sudan.

i guess the "good massah hoss" makes a distinction between the "house nigras" and those he would have shackeled, whipped and beaten with bats depending on wheter they grovel to zionists or not.

the article is from a propaganda site and more than two years old.

sudanese refugees? it...and seriously, weep.

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Israel turns away Darfur refugees

Israel secretly repatriated 1,000 to Sudan, without informing UN - Diplomacy & Defense - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Southern Sudan refugee leader appeals to Israeli Knesset - Sudan Tribune: Plural news and views on Sudan

well, at least one sudanese is safe, fat, and happy...and well paid, i am sure.

p.s. knock off this incessant "frau sherri" and "nigerian christians" and other such inane personal attacks and i will very gladly drop my inane "shackle and whip" post...but as it stands, turn-about seems like fair play.
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What relevance to Israel and Palestine are words spoken by someone from the Sudan at a conference in New York 2 years ago?
We realize that you don't care what happens to your brethren so no one is forcing you to read the article. Do you think that everyone reads everything

You stick with defining your brethren, you have no right to tell me who my brethren are. That man speaking is not my brethren, assuming he is a Zionist. And nations, none of them, are my brethren, either. So, this speech you desire to exalt and glorify is nothing to me or my brethren. I do not see a mans opinion about Israel, who lives in the Sudan , 2 years ago in New York, to add anything to my understanding of this conflict.
You mean you don't consider these Black Christians your brethren?

Nigerian church again blesses Israel - Israel Today | Israel News
We realize that you don't care what happens to your brethren so no one is forcing you to read the article. Do you think that everyone reads everything

You stick with defining your brethren, you have no right to tell me who my brethren are. That man speaking is not my brethren, assuming he is a Zionist. And nations, none of them, are my brethren, either. So, this speech you desire to exalt and glorify is nothing to me or my brethren. I do not see a mans opinion about Israel, who lives in the Sudan , 2 years ago in New York, to add anything to my understanding of this conflict.

He is speaking for my Christian brethren and Israeli - Jewish brethren. The Christian church is family to the Jewish brethren as well. As you are family to your own brethren, Sherri. Whoever they are. Don't believe I've encountered your brand of religion before.
- Jeri

Are you a mind reader now? How do you know who another is speaking for? Zionism is the new religion, created in the 1800s. Jesus certainly did not use the word brethren the way Zionists like you do.
He is revealing the truth about the UN / Palestinian agenda and why it is corrupt to the core. He is talking about how the world has ignored Darfur, genocides that eclipse anything any Palestinian could ever claim to have "imagined" in their life. The people of Darfur have truly suffered whereas the stories you people write about are made up and fictional. imo. Do you understand the significance of this speech to the Durbin Conference now, Sherri? - Jeremiah

weren't y'all boycotting the durbin converence...well, that is when you had some time off from complaining about how BDS deterred open convesation and the free exchange of ideas?
He is revealing the truth about the UN / Palestinian agenda and why it is corrupt to the core. He is talking about how the world has ignored Darfur, genocides that eclipse anything any Palestinian could ever claim to have "imagined" in their life. The people of Darfur have truly suffered whereas the stories you people write about are made up and fictional. imo. Do you understand the significance of this speech to the Durbin Conference now, Sherri? - Jeremiah

Just more Zionist propaganda to try to whitewash Israels crimes against humanity.
I wonder why Frau Sherri is all over the Internet day and night bashing the Jews and Israel when she, as good Christian woman can't even spend a few moments of her time each day on some forum where the poster are talking about crimes against humanity, and Frau Sherri can join in and condemn these crimes against humanity which her friends are certainly committing.
Yes, Sherri was very quiet during the Boston terror attack and not a peep out of her about these latest jihadists either. I find Sherris choice of company interesting to say the least, Hoss. - Jeri
He is revealing the truth about the UN / Palestinian agenda and why it is corrupt to the core. He is talking about how the world has ignored Darfur, genocides that eclipse anything any Palestinian could ever claim to have "imagined" in their life. The people of Darfur have truly suffered whereas the stories you people write about are made up and fictional. imo. Do you understand the significance of this speech to the Durbin Conference now, Sherri? - Jeremiah

weren't y'all boycotting the durbin converence...well, that is when you had some time off from complaining about how BDS deterred open convesation and the free exchange of ideas?

I want a comment from you on his speech, Seal. Least you can do. One comment. Dig deep. You can do this. - J.
He is revealing the truth about the UN / Palestinian agenda and why it is corrupt to the core. He is talking about how the world has ignored Darfur, genocides that eclipse anything any Palestinian could ever claim to have "imagined" in their life. The people of Darfur have truly suffered whereas the stories you people write about are made up and fictional. imo. Do you understand the significance of this speech to the Durbin Conference now, Sherri? - Jeremiah

weren't y'all boycotting the durbin converence...well, that is when you had some time off from complaining about how BDS deterred open convesation and the free exchange of ideas?

I want a comment from you on his speech, Seal. Least you can do. One comment. Dig deep. You can do this. - J.

perhaps in your overwhelming sorrow and false tears for the sudanese, you missed this...

the article is from a propaganda site and more than two years old.

sudanese refugees? it...and seriously, weep.

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Israel turns away Darfur refugees

Israel secretly repatriated 1,000 to Sudan, without informing UN - Diplomacy & Defense - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Southern Sudan refugee leader appeals to Israeli Knesset - Sudan Tribune: Plural news and views on Sudan

well, at least one sudanese is safe, fat, and happy...and well paid, i am sure.

let me emphasise "well paid".

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