Such excrement as Tom Mulcair and Justin Trudeau don't have a clue what Canadian values are yet atte

David Jeffrey Spetch

Senior Member
Nov 17, 2014
Such excrement as Tom Mulcair and Justin Trudeau don't have a clue what Canadian values are yet attempt to force their bias garbage on Canadians with their every pathetic lie and deception!

Every heterosexual on the planet is naturally repulsed with those born with the same sex genital as the heterosexual having sex with one another and proof of this is that we are not homosexual and we are not bi sexual. Tom excrement Mulcair and Justin Trudeau forced such lies as homophobia through legislation referring to a natural repulsion as an irrational fear.

Now here they are attempting to force muslim scum on everyone while claiming the lie that anyone who opposes muslim scum is a xenophobe or an islamaphobe. Islam deems acceptable nine year olds getting raped which is pedophili of which quite obviously is no where near the standard of Canadian law,. Islam deems acceptable the beheading or stoning to death of non muslims and every muslim on the planet follows islam which proves that a rational concern is not an irrational fear which is the very factual evidence which proves that there is no such thing as an islamaphobe.

So why are these low li8fe scum bags and traitors still in office. Why are they not in jail and their families living with their shame?!!

Toilet paper has much greater value and higher stature that Trudeau and Mulcair combined, even used toilet paper!

These goofs make up lies force them through legistaltion then start referring to such rbbish as Canadian values. Well just because a few lying deceiving scum in office value lies and deceptions, most certainly doesn't mean even close to a majority of CanaDIANS DO!

These low life's do not represent Canada, they represent betraying Canada to lobbyist dictatorship while stuffing their greedy little pockets to defecate on what it means to be Canadian!

Marriage will be restored to a respectable state, homosexua;ls pretending to be the opposite sex that they are born so they can use their sick filthy disgusting deceptions to rob heterosexuals of the right freedom and liberty to be heterosexual needs to be criminalized, low life scum needs to be removed from office and mosques need to be demolished, islam criminalized, muslims deported, sharia banned and Canada saved from a slew of bias greedy garbage which is exactly what our so called elected officials are and represent, bias greedy garbage!

Video: Tom Mulcair wants Justin Trudeau to 'stand up' to Donald Trump


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
Such excrement as Tom Mulcair and Justin Trudeau don't have a clue what Canadian values are yet attempt to force their bias garbage on Canadians with their every pathetic lie and deception!

Every heterosexual on the planet is naturally repulsed with those born with the same sex genital as the heterosexual having sex with one another and proof of this is that we are not homosexual and we are not bi sexual. Tom excrement Mulcair and Justin Trudeau forced such lies as homophobia through legislation referring to a natural repulsion as an irrational fear.

Now here they are attempting to force muslim scum on everyone while claiming the lie that anyone who opposes muslim scum is a xenophobe or an islamaphobe. Islam deems acceptable nine year olds getting raped which is pedophili of which quite obviously is no where near the standard of Canadian law,. Islam deems acceptable the beheading or stoning to death of non muslims and every muslim on the planet follows islam which proves that a rational concern is not an irrational fear which is the very factual evidence which proves that there is no such thing as an islamaphobe.

So why are these low li8fe scum bags and traitors still in office. Why are they not in jail and their families living with their shame?!!

Toilet paper has much greater value and higher stature that Trudeau and Mulcair combined, even used toilet paper!

These goofs make up lies force them through legistaltion then start referring to such rbbish as Canadian values. Well just because a few lying deceiving scum in office value lies and deceptions, most certainly doesn't mean even close to a majority of CanaDIANS DO!

These low life's do not represent Canada, they represent betraying Canada to lobbyist dictatorship while stuffing their greedy little pockets to defecate on what it means to be Canadian!

Marriage will be restored to a respectable state, homosexua;ls pretending to be the opposite sex that they are born so they can use their sick filthy disgusting deceptions to rob heterosexuals of the right freedom and liberty to be heterosexual needs to be criminalized, low life scum needs to be removed from office and mosques need to be demolished, islam criminalized, muslims deported, sharia banned and Canada saved from a slew of bias greedy garbage which is exactly what our so called elected officials are and represent, bias greedy garbage!

Video: Tom Mulcair wants Justin Trudeau to 'stand up' to Donald Trump


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

Canada has no morals or values anymore. The values that we had are now the ones that turdeau and bulcair, and the social justice warriors dumped on the rest of the Canada. I guess that we can really blame the stupid electorate who elected those sick pathetic phucks in. With some Canadians they just can't get enough of turdeaumania. The fools.
Such excrement as Tom Mulcair and Justin Trudeau don't have a clue what Canadian values are yet attempt to force their bias garbage on Canadians with their every pathetic lie and deception!

Every heterosexual on the planet is naturally repulsed with those born with the same sex genital as the heterosexual having sex with one another and proof of this is that we are not homosexual and we are not bi sexual. Tom excrement Mulcair and Justin Trudeau forced such lies as homophobia through legislation referring to a natural repulsion as an irrational fear.

Now here they are attempting to force muslim scum on everyone while claiming the lie that anyone who opposes muslim scum is a xenophobe or an islamaphobe. Islam deems acceptable nine year olds getting raped which is pedophili of which quite obviously is no where near the standard of Canadian law,. Islam deems acceptable the beheading or stoning to death of non muslims and every muslim on the planet follows islam which proves that a rational concern is not an irrational fear which is the very factual evidence which proves that there is no such thing as an islamaphobe.

So why are these low li8fe scum bags and traitors still in office. Why are they not in jail and their families living with their shame?!!

Toilet paper has much greater value and higher stature that Trudeau and Mulcair combined, even used toilet paper!

These goofs make up lies force them through legistaltion then start referring to such rbbish as Canadian values. Well just because a few lying deceiving scum in office value lies and deceptions, most certainly doesn't mean even close to a majority of CanaDIANS DO!

These low life's do not represent Canada, they represent betraying Canada to lobbyist dictatorship while stuffing their greedy little pockets to defecate on what it means to be Canadian!

Marriage will be restored to a respectable state, homosexua;ls pretending to be the opposite sex that they are born so they can use their sick filthy disgusting deceptions to rob heterosexuals of the right freedom and liberty to be heterosexual needs to be criminalized, low life scum needs to be removed from office and mosques need to be demolished, islam criminalized, muslims deported, sharia banned and Canada saved from a slew of bias greedy garbage which is exactly what our so called elected officials are and represent, bias greedy garbage!

Video: Tom Mulcair wants Justin Trudeau to 'stand up' to Donald Trump


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

Them two morons keep trying to tell me that what they want for Canada is their values. I know for sure that their values are not my values. Their values are destroying Canada and it's values.

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