Stupid Liberals


VIP Member
Mar 16, 2010
Over and over again I read about some dumb liberal whining about how the rich should pay more in taxes. What these yahoos don’t get is that taxes have nothing to do with being rich or not, that is the scam the progressives want us to believe. Many of the biggest liberal losers here keep pushing this idea because they are too stupid to think for themselves.

Taxes are based on income in a given period of time, not on wealth. Ex:

Bob is out of work and lives with his mother. Bob strikes it rich in the lottery and wins a million dollars. Bob now has to pay taxes on a million dollar income.

“Giant-tech” corporation has billions in assets, buildings, trucks, and inventory. Sales slump due to a slow economy and “Giant-tech” has a loss of income for the year, spending more than it takes in. Giant-tech would pay nothing in income tax because it had no income to report.

The PROGRESSIVE income tax is designed to punish those who make money, not punish those who have money. This little tool keeps the rich insulated from hard working successful people that are climbing the socio-economic ladder. This is why so many RICH LIBERALS want taxes, the more the better because it keeps the average guy down, while keeping the poor addicted to the government programs that promote laziness.
The problem with republicans is, they think they are going to make it rich one day. In the real world, the chances of that happening are slim.
Over and over again I read about some dumb liberal whining about how the rich should pay more in taxes. What these yahoos don’t get is that taxes have nothing to do with being rich or not, that is the scam the progressives want us to believe. Many of the biggest liberal losers here keep pushing this idea because they are too stupid to think for themselves.

Taxes are based on income in a given period of time, not on wealth. Ex:

Bob is out of work and lives with his mother. Bob strikes it rich in the lottery and wins a million dollars. Bob now has to pay taxes on a million dollar income.

“Giant-tech” corporation has billions in assets, buildings, trucks, and inventory. Sales slump due to a slow economy and “Giant-tech” has a loss of income for the year, spending more than it takes in. Giant-tech would pay nothing in income tax because it had no income to report.

The PROGRESSIVE income tax is designed to punish those who make money, not punish those who have money. This little tool keeps the rich insulated from hard working successful people that are climbing the socio-economic ladder. This is why so many RICH LIBERALS want taxes, the more the better because it keeps the average guy down, while keeping the poor addicted to the government programs that promote laziness.
How much time do you spend putting together this drivel?

Your "message" makes no sense.
Over and over again I read about some dumb liberal whining about how the rich should pay more in taxes. What these yahoos don’t get is that taxes have nothing to do with being rich or not, that is the scam the progressives want us to believe. Many of the biggest liberal losers here keep pushing this idea because they are too stupid to think for themselves.

Taxes are based on income in a given period of time, not on wealth. Ex:

Bob is out of work and lives with his mother. Bob strikes it rich in the lottery and wins a million dollars. Bob now has to pay taxes on a million dollar income.

“Giant-tech” corporation has billions in assets, buildings, trucks, and inventory. Sales slump due to a slow economy and “Giant-tech” has a loss of income for the year, spending more than it takes in. Giant-tech would pay nothing in income tax because it had no income to report.

The PROGRESSIVE income tax is designed to punish those who make money, not punish those who have money. This little tool keeps the rich insulated from hard working successful people that are climbing the socio-economic ladder. This is why so many RICH LIBERALS want taxes, the more the better because it keeps the average guy down, while keeping the poor addicted to the government programs that promote laziness.

Interesting POV, SuMar.

I've pointed out in the past that much of the developing weath that the truly VERY wealthy enjoy often get isn't subject to taxation at all.

Unrealized capital gains, for example.

TAX FREE state municipal bonds for another.

The ONLY way that that any of that unrealized but nevertheless very real increase in wealth every gets taxed is as a result of the inheritence tax.

And that is the tax that the Republicans so want to completely eliminate.
The problem with republicans is, they think they are going to make it rich one day. In the real world, the chances of that happening are slim.

Slim? maybe. Possible? Yes.

Hell of a lot more more possible than the liberals idea of cradle to grave entitlements.
The problem with republicans is, they think they are going to make it rich one day. In the real world, the chances of that happening are slim.

Not necessarily.

The problem with the democrats is that they feel that the poor will always be poor, therefore, according to them, if they are poor everyone must be poor.

Republicans want everyone to be rich.
The problem with republicans is, they think they are going to make it rich one day. In the real world, the chances of that happening are slim.

Chances would be a lot better if we all got to keep more of the money we earn.

Do you realize that if over 45 year working lifetime that even a person who averaged only 45K a year could retire as a multi millionaire?

All he would have to do is save the 15% of his salary that is confiscated by the government for Social Security in a privately held account and earn an average of 5% interest over that time frame.

Sounds like striking it rich to me.
The problem with republicans is, they think they are going to make it rich one day. In the real world, the chances of that happening are slim.

I do think you're on to something here...especially if you look at "Republican" as a brand. I can only speak for what I see here in the South and on my travels, but there is a large group of people who are attracted to the Republican lifestyle...thinking that they can join in with the rich crowd if they just join the Republican side.

This is kind of absurd since there are affluent Democrats too...but as a brand, the Republican party has the identity of "the rich".

There's more to it than that obviously but that is a certain draw of the party in reality.
The problem with republicans is, they think they are going to make it rich one day. In the real world, the chances of that happening are slim.

Exactly. Ironically, the average conservative who argues for lower taxes for the rich is actually arguing for a bigger share of the tax burden to be paid by himself.
I make a fairly decent living, I have no dependents and a lot fewer deductions than the average person in my income bracket,

and I pay well under 10% of my gross income in federal income taxes.

That hardly seems excessive to me.
Compare the taxes paid by 3 individuals receiving $80,000 based on:

a. their own labor
b. an inheritance
c. capital gain

Why should labor be discrimated against in terms of taxes?

I'm all for a flat tax, but let's not only look at the tax rate. Let's also consider the tax base and tax all these things equally.
The problem with republicans is, they think they are going to make it rich one day. In the real world, the chances of that happening are slim.

Chances would be a lot better if we all got to keep more of the money we earn.

Do you realize that if over 45 year working lifetime that even a person who averaged only 45K a year could retire as a multi millionaire?

All he would have to do is save the 15% of his salary that is confiscated by the government for Social Security in a privately held account and earn an average of 5% interest over that time frame.

Sounds like striking it rich to me.

You forget that the government is responsible for maintaining the infrastructure that makes commerce possible.

The problem with neo-Cons is that they want across the board tax cuts but also want to sacrifice nothing in the way of services.
WEll it's a drop dead certainty that if you tax only on taxable INCOME, but not wealth itself, then it pays dividend to START OUT WEALTHY, doesn't it?

Give me a million or ten, and I will never pay a single cent in taxes, while clipping tax free coupons, folks.

I will not touch the principle, and I will live a life of extreme affluence while the rest of you working stiffs are duped into paying my share of the taxes.

I will take advantage of every service this government provides for me, and it will cost me not one thin dime.

But hey, you people who believe in the American dream?

You just keep paying my taxes for me, while I enjoy the benefit of welfare for millionaires, okay?

And be sure to vote Republican, too, so that never changes, would you?

Thanks in advance for being sheep.
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The problem with republicans is, they think they are going to make it rich one day. In the real world, the chances of that happening are slim.

Chances would be a lot better if we all got to keep more of the money we earn.

Do you realize that if over 45 year working lifetime that even a person who averaged only 45K a year could retire as a multi millionaire?

All he would have to do is save the 15% of his salary that is confiscated by the government for Social Security in a privately held account and earn an average of 5% interest over that time frame.

Sounds like striking it rich to me.

This is why you need a more stable economic system that is not victim to the boom and bust of an unregulated market.

Do you realise just how many people lost retirement investiments during this mess?

Do you realise this whole mess was created by people who stood to benifit off of it and it was orchestraed by the 1% who many people defend as if they are gods?

If we had tax laws that made people by a fair capital gains tax of investement earnings and had regulations that kept the economy more stable (like glass steagal) then the little guy would not get HOSED every couple of years.
I make a fairly decent living, I have no dependents and a lot fewer deductions than the average person in my income bracket,

and I pay well under 10% of my gross income in federal income taxes.

That hardly seems excessive to me.

What about property taxes, excise taxes, gas taxes sale taxes utility taxes etc etc etc etc etc etc

You pay a hell of al ot more than 10% of your income in taxes. Your just to dumb to realize it.

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