Study: Black Americans Feel Less Empowered Under Obama Than They Once Did


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Study: Black Americans Feel Less Empowered Under Obama Than They Once Did

By Elizabeth Flock
October 17, 2012

Four years after Barack Obama was elected president, this is not exactly a "post-racial" America.

A new study from Washington University in St. Louis finds that under Obama, many black Americans feel less free than whites when it comes to political participation.

[SEE: Political Cartoonists Take On President Obama]

From 2005 to 2011, only 45 percent of blacks said they believed the government would allow them to make a public speech, while 67 percent of whites believed they could, the study found.

The study found that while the election of Obama initially boosted feelings of political empowerment among black Americans, those sentiments significantly faded in the years that followed—especially among conservative and religious blacks.

These two groups make up a large segment of the black population, with 56 percent of blacks identifying as "born again," and 39 percent of blacks as "somewhat conservative," according to the study.

Study: Black Americans Feel Less Empowered Under Obama Than They Once Did - Washington Whispers (


Black voters wary, supportive of Obama

Posted by
CNN's Jim Roope
October 18th, 2012
12:53 PM ET
4 hours ago

(CNN) – “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?" That commonly-asked question of modern presidential elections is being answered in the negative by some African-Americans.

[:54] “The last four years for me, have been difficult. They’ve been hard.”

Black voters wary, supportive of Obama – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Debate Shows Obama's an 'African' Stuck in the '70s

By The Drive-By Pundit


I was astonished. Not just me, but my son and his fiancée, who is fresh out of the 'hood. As if rehearsed, we all simultaneously leaped from our seats, hooting in total derision, loudly wondering what "hometown" he was talking about -- Nairobi?

Get this: the first "black" president of the United States, the man who worked as a South Side community organizer in Chicago, really believes that "folks" in the ghetto are still running around in afros, dashikis, and platform shoes, ducking behind Buick Electra 225s while taking potshots at each other with zip guns and .22s, once commonly referred to as "Saturday Night Specials." Seriously?

Obama couldn't be more mistaken if he added that black gangbangers also schedule nightly rumbles with straight razors and switchblades after the malt shop closes.


Read more: Articles: Debate Shows Obama's an 'African' Stuck in the '70s
AP poll: A slight majority of Americans are now expressing negative view of blacks

By Associated Press, Oct 27, 2012 03:49 PM EDT

WASHINGTON — Racial attitudes have not improved in the four years since the United States elected its first black president, an Associated Press poll finds, as a slight majority of Americans now express prejudice toward blacks whether they recognize those feelings or not.

Those views could cost President Barack Obama votes as he tries for re-election, the survey found, though the effects are mitigated by some people’s more favorable views of blacks.


AP poll: A slight majority of Americans are now expressing negative view of blacks - The Washington Post
Barack Obama’s Racist Campaign Ad To Black Voters

by Ulsterman on June 13, 2012

Why must a man whose mother was white feel the need to talk down to African American voters this way? Is it out of some self-perceived sense of superiority over those he claims to “have their back”? And what of the rest of America Mr. President?

[ame=]Obama's First Black Radio Ad of 2012 - YouTube[/ame]

Barack Obama’s Racist Campaign Ad To Black Voters - The Ulsterman Report
I guess a brotha in the white house isnt the ticket to easy street....maybe they'll figure out that their neighborhoods are shit because of liberal can dream
I guess a brotha in the white house isnt the ticket to easy street....maybe they'll figure out that their neighborhoods are shit because of liberal can dream

They can get an obongo phone...

[ame=]Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube[/ame]

--->>> Obongo 08!!! - Video
their neighborhoods look like shit because that is the way they want it.They were that way before Oblama took office and they will allways be that way.
their neighborhoods look like shit because that is the way they want it.They were that way before Oblama took office and they will allways be that way.
Wait a second Moonglow....that is a racist statement.....where is Chris, Dean, and Lakhota, oh and gayboy Swallow to bitch about it??????
Blacks Enslaving Themselves

December 20, 2012
By Mark Tapson

Separate incidents in entertainment news last week highlighted just how deeply blacks are in thrall to the divisive racism of identity politics.

First, ESPN commentator Rob Parker raised viewers’ eyebrows with his astounding musings about Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III on the show First Take. Parker, who is black, openly questioned whether the black “RG3” is black enough:

Is he a ‘brother,’ or is he a ‘cornball brother’? He’s not really… he’s black, he kinda does his thing, but he’s not really down with the cause. He’s not one of us. He’s kinda black, but he’s not really, like, the guy you’d really want to hang out with… I want to find out about him. I don’t know, because I keep hearing these things. We all know he has a white fiancée, there was all this talk about ‘he’s a Republican,’ which there’s no information at all…

Blacks Enslaving Themselves

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