The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
He was railroaded. The Judge did not follow the guidelines for jury selection and was also personally biased against Stone. The Raid on his home tainted The Case from The Beginning, and the Prosecutors also did not follow sentencing guidelines. The Gag order on Stone may also have been illegal the way it was handed down.

Judge takes firm approach toward Roger Stone ahead of sentencing

Ahead of the hearing, Stone’s defense made several requests for a new trial in the wake of revelations of possible political bias of a juror in his first case.

Former Memphis City Schools Board President Tomeka Hart said last week that she was the foreperson on the jury that convicted Stone, and revealed a history of Democratic activism after a string of her anti-Trump social media posts came to light—including the retweeting of an argument mocking those who considered Stone’s dramatic arrest in a predawn raid last year by a federal tactical team to be excessive force. Hart also suggested Trump and his supporters are racist and praised the investigation conducted by Mueller, which ultimately led to Stone’s prosecution.

It also emerged that Jackson had denied a defense request to strike a potential juror who was an Obama-era press official with admitted anti-Trump views—and whose husband worked at the division of the Justice Department that handled the probe leading to Stone’s arrest. And another juror donated to former Democratic presidential candidates and other progressive causes, federal election records reviewed by Fox News showed.
A surprising Articles from Napolitano, that I agree with.

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Roger Stone deserves justice — there's no evidence he's received it

Roger Stone is a gifted political consultant known for going the distance for his clients. He has worked for such marquee names as Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Tom Kean and Donald Trump. His expertise is the lawful destruction of the opposition candidacy -- what is known in the trade as opposition research. In that process, he has made enemies, some of whom have sought to destroy him.

That process of destruction began a year ago, when he was ordered out of the bedroom that he shared with his wife, and out of their home at 5:30 in the morning by no less than 23 federal agents carrying assault weapons. Behind his home on a Fort Lauderdale canal was a government boat filled with federal agents. Above his home was a government helicopter also filled with feds. All of this was captured in real time by CNN, which the feds had unlawfully tipped off about the coming raid.

Notwithstanding the armada the government sent to fetch Stone, a Florida federal judge, who noted that a phone call to Stone's lawyers would have produced him, released Stone without the obligation of posting bail. He was soon indicted for lying to Congress, intimidating a witness and obstruction of justice. Last fall, he was convicted on all counts, and the trial judge unconstitutionally prevented him from speaking publicly. The prosecutors recommended a seven- to nine-year sentence to the trial judge. In Stone's case, he faces a maximum of 50 years in federal prison.


From where did the prosecutors get their numbers? Congress has enacted guidelines, which produce mathematical calculations as guides for federal judges. There was a time when these guidelines were mandatory, but a long-simmering uproar from the judicial and legal communities resulted in the guidelines becoming advisory. The statute achieving that goal was signed into law by Trump.

When Trump learned that the feds were seeking seven to nine years from Stone, he tweeted harsh criticism of the system and personnel that produced that recommendation.
I doubt he will get a retrial, much less a fair trial. Our “justice system” has become a joke after decades of sycophants running the show. Progressive judges, Democrat politicians that use the Feds to investigate their political opponents....
Not only was there some indications that the jury (and the judge) was biased before the trial but somehow the judge has taken away Stone's 1st Amendment free speech rights with a permanent gag order. Is this what life would be like for everyone if the socialist democrat party took over the Constitution?

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