Stock in clinton foundation is surprisingly going down in value...for some reason....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
And here is the biggest problem for the clinton crime family....with no more government offices to sell to the highest bidder, why on earth would you give them any more money?

And those that gave them money to get something from the future President Clinton...will Rocko and Moose be around with baseball bats to get their investment back....?

Blog: The crumbling Clinton criminal enterprise

Think about it for a moment: with no more promise of future access to the presidential inner circle, what third-world government or major global enterprise truly wants to pay a cool half-mil to a now not so cool Bill for his special insights? Do you suppose that all those Wall Street swells are breathlessly waiting to hear the unique perspectives of a now not the first female president at a tidy 250 grand a pop? Sure they are.

But of course, the influence-peddling speeches were just chump change, mere walking around money for high rollers like Hill and Bill. The real cash, the huge multi-million-dollar payoffs that even bought pre-presidential secretary of state access, has until now come in the form of donations to the various non-profit entities the Clintons created to funnel their filthy lucre into – huge amounts of cash that could be washed, rinsed, dried, possibly even nationally dyed before being made available to maintain their one-percent lifestyle. It occurs to me that perhaps there is no longer a waiting list of sheiks and Middle Eastern potentates eager to pony up petro-dollars to ensure that a Clinton presidency maintains a firm grip on the now closed tap of federal petroleum resources, as the current occupant of the Oval Office long has.

Read more: Blog: The crumbling Clinton criminal enterprise
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LOL! My wifes stock is going through the roof and the stock market is higher then it has been since 2008 when bath house obastard was elected.
LOL! My wifes stock is going through the roof and the stock market is higher then it has been since 2008 when bath house obastard was elected.

Amazing what can happen when someone who wants the country to actually succeed gets elected.......all of a sudden people start investing in the future.....

See you later B. Obama....don't let the door hit you on the way out....
It's clear the liberal douche scum do not care or want good things to happen. I posted a link that shows the stock market higher then it was been since 2008 and all they do is keep on spewing racist trash and how Trump will destroy the world. It's been one day and the stock market is higher then when barry was elected. But do they like that, no....

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