Still Waiting To Hear From The "Peaceful Muslims"


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2012
So. Cal.
That is, if there ARE any.

And that is the crux of the matter, isn't it? Instead of everyone else battling ISIS and extremists like them, shouldn't the "good" Muslims be doing that? Yes. But they aren't. And they won't.
And that is the crux of the matter, isn't it? Instead of everyone else battling ISIS and extremists like them, shouldn't the "good" Muslims be doing that? Yes. But they aren't. And they won't.

But didn't Jordan start a massive, brutal campaign against ISIS? And isn't Jordan a muslim nation? So, some are. But not enough.

That being said, I agree with the OP to a point. There are some moderate muslims who speak out against this barbarism, but they are a very small minority and often, their "announcements" are half-hearted at best.
That is, if there ARE any.


You are CLEARLY a Fox News Junkie and didn't notice the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize winner was a "good Muslim" that said America should have dropped books instead of bombs in the middle east notating it's entire problem is lack of education because the FORCEFUL GOVERNMENT DOESN'T ALLOW IT.

Here in America they just cut funding to it so they don't look like dictators. . . .

I'm swimming in a combination of irony and sadness....
That is, if there ARE any.


You are CLEARLY a Fox News Junkie and didn't notice the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize winner was a "good Muslim" that said America should have dropped books instead of bombs in the middle east notating it's entire problem is lack of education because the FORCEFUL GOVERNMENT DOESN'T ALLOW IT.

Here in America they just cut funding to it so they don't look like dictators. . . .

I'm swimming in a combination of irony and sadness....
Nobel Peace Prize? Does that mean you think Yasir Arafat was "good muslim"?
And that is the crux of the matter, isn't it? Instead of everyone else battling ISIS and extremists like them, shouldn't the "good" Muslims be doing that? Yes. But they aren't. And they won't.

But didn't Jordan start a massive, brutal campaign against ISIS? And isn't Jordan a muslim nation? So, some are. But not enough.

That being said, I agree with the OP to a point. There are some moderate muslims who speak out against this barbarism, but they are a very small minority and often, their "announcements" are half-hearted at best.
Jordan is acting in self defense, not because they're opposed to using Islam to justify killing Jews or Christians. Otherwise, they would have taken up arms a long time ago.
Still Waiting To Hear From The "Peaceful Muslims"

If by 'peaceful' you mean moderate, don't hold your breath. Islam is an extreme 'religion' so those who follow it cannot possibly be regarded as moderate.
And that is the crux of the matter, isn't it? Instead of everyone else battling ISIS and extremists like them, shouldn't the "good" Muslims be doing that? Yes. But they aren't. And they won't.

But didn't Jordan start a massive, brutal campaign against ISIS? And isn't Jordan a muslim nation? So, some are. But not enough.

That being said, I agree with the OP to a point. There are some moderate muslims who speak out against this barbarism, but they are a very small minority and often, their "announcements" are half-hearted at best.

They are either afraid to speak out or they in support of barbarism that is the face of their religion. In either case, makes it very hard to believe we are talking about a peaceful, tolerant religion here.
Talk about a War on Women and Intolerance of Homosexuals. Women are beaten for driving, going to school, or stoned to death for getting raped since it was their fault. Or, who can forget the young Christian girls being kidnapped and held as sex slaves? Think the Homosexuals would ever have a Global Gay Marriage Conference in Riyadh? All that being said, keep this in mind the next time a liberal wags its finger at you about tolerance when it comes to Muslims or the next time a Muslim in the US gets offended because they have to see a sign for bacon. Think about how much tolerance a Christian, Jew, or atheist gets in the Muslim world.

Tolerance = Live and Let Live . Tolerance <> Submit or Appease.
Actually peaceful Muslims spoke out in July against ISIS. CAIR sent out a press release calling the acts "morally repugnant".

But my guess is you'll ignore it because it's against your narrative that Muslims aren't peaceful and all our blood thirsty animals and must be destroyed and banned in the US.

But I am still waiting for "peaceful" Christians condemning the 2012 Norway attacks. Wait, no one thought to ask for that? Why is that? Because people make the assumption that Christian extremists are the exception to the rule while they assume peaceful Muslims are the exception to the rule.
Talk about a War on Women and Intolerance of Homosexuals. Women are beaten for driving, going to school, or stoned to death for getting raped since it was their fault. Or, who can forget the young Christian girls being kidnapped and held as sex slaves? Think the Homosexuals would ever have a Global Gay Marriage Conference in Riyadh? All that being said, keep this in mind the next time a liberal wags its finger at you about tolerance when it comes to Muslims or the next time a Muslim in the US gets offended because they have to see a sign for bacon. Think about how much tolerance a Christian, Jew, or atheist gets in the Muslim world.

Tolerance = Live and Let Live . Tolerance <> Submit or Appease.

Actually peaceful Muslims spoke out in July against ISIS. CAIR sent out a press release calling the acts "morally repugnant".

But my guess is you'll ignore it because it's against your narrative that Muslims aren't peaceful and all our blood thirsty animals and must be destroyed and banned in the US.

But I am still waiting for "peaceful" Christians condemning the 2012 Norway attacks. Wait, no one thought to ask for that? Why is that? Because people make the assumption that Christian extremists are the exception to the rule while they assume peaceful Muslims are the exception to the rule.

BOTH of you have made valid points.

First, there have been over 25,000 terror-attacks on this planet of ours SINCE 2001. 25,000+ !!
This is barbaric and it is disgusting. And for a long time, the response from the "islamic world" was slow on the uptake and it was lame. And by now, many do not believe "moderate" islamic organizations when they speak out against terror. It's a real problem for muslims. And CAIR is itself an indicted co-conspirator in the Islamic Brotherhood scandals from 2005 and 2006. Money for weapons for terrorists flowed through CAIR, so I am not very inclined to trust their word on anything.

And I am also in agreement with LeftofLeft's assessment of how Islam treats women and gays, not to mention non-believers.

On the other hand, Brevink's deed was hardly spoken of in the Christian world. The only problem I have with that observation is that Brevink based his deeds on ideology, not religion, if I remember correctly. In fact, he was highly critical of both Catholicism and Protestantism and called himself a "cultural Christian":

Anders Behring Breivik - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So, it's kind of an apples to coathangers comparison.

Of course, we could all spend the entire day just DEMANDING that there be relativism in every case, or we can devote our energies to keeping another terror attack from happening.
That is, if there ARE any.


"“There is no distinction in the American Muslim community between peaceful Muslims and jihadists.” Robert Spencer, AFDI, SIOA, SION"

"Jews were uniquely violent and untrustworthy compared to all the other peoples of the world."
- Nazi rhetoric of the 1930s.
Talk about a War on Women and Intolerance of Homosexuals. Women are beaten for driving, going to school, or stoned to death for getting raped since it was their fault. Or, who can forget the young Christian girls being kidnapped and held as sex slaves? Think the Homosexuals would ever have a Global Gay Marriage Conference in Riyadh? All that being said, keep this in mind the next time a liberal wags its finger at you about tolerance when it comes to Muslims or the next time a Muslim in the US gets offended because they have to see a sign for bacon. Think about how much tolerance a Christian, Jew, or atheist gets in the Muslim world.

Tolerance = Live and Let Live . Tolerance <> Submit or Appease.

Actually peaceful Muslims spoke out in July against ISIS. CAIR sent out a press release calling the acts "morally repugnant".

But my guess is you'll ignore it because it's against your narrative that Muslims aren't peaceful and all our blood thirsty animals and must be destroyed and banned in the US.

But I am still waiting for "peaceful" Christians condemning the 2012 Norway attacks. Wait, no one thought to ask for that? Why is that? Because people make the assumption that Christian extremists are the exception to the rule while they assume peaceful Muslims are the exception to the rule.

BOTH of you have made valid points.

First, there have been over 25,000 terror-attacks on this planet of ours SINCE 2001. 25,000+ !!
This is barbaric and it is disgusting. And for a long time, the response from the "islamic world" was slow on the uptake and it was lame. And by now, many do not believe "moderate" islamic organizations when they speak out against terror. It's a real problem for muslims. And CAIR is itself an indicted co-conspirator in the Islamic Brotherhood scandals from 2005 and 2006. Money for weapons for terrorists flowed through CAIR, so I am not very inclined to trust their word on anything.

And I am also in agreement with LeftofLeft's assessment of how Islam treats women and gays, not to mention non-believers.

On the other hand, Brevink's deed was hardly spoken of in the Christian world. The only problem I have with that observation is that Brevink based his deeds on ideology, not religion, if I remember correctly. In fact, he was highly critical of both Catholicism and Protestantism and called himself a "cultural Christian":

Anders Behring Breivik - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So, it's kind of an apples to coathangers comparison.

Of course, we could all spend the entire day just DEMANDING that there be relativism in every case, or we can devote our energies to keeping another terror attack from happening.
In a case like Brevink's it is and should be treated as a nut job not a fundamental problem with Christianity in general. Most people started the same way with muslim violence. Just blaming it on a few nut jobs. But as this thing has grown it's become pretty obvious that there's a fundamental problem at the root of this religion that needs to be addressed.
In a case like Brevink's it is and should be treated as a nut job not a fundamental problem with Christianity in general. Most people started the same way with muslim violence. Just blaming it on a few nut jobs. But as this thing has grown it's become pretty obvious that there's a fundamental problem at the root of this religion that needs to be addressed.

Yes, yes let's address it.


Can you show when Copenhagen cartoonist, Lars Vilks , made fun of zionism, judaism, Ben Gurion, and/or the holocaust ?!!?!?!?!?
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