Steve Bannon slams Ron DeSantis for "cheap shot" against Donald Trump re: Stormy


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
For some reason Trump supporters are very angry at DeSantis for his statement a couple of days ago yesterday regarding Donald Trump and the whole Stormy Daniels thing.

I think it's unfair because the governor made it clear that he thinks the whole case is a witch hunt. They wanted him to defend Trump and he defended him. I just don't get it:

"He just doesn't have it right now, and this weekend showed it," said Steve Bannon, the host of the "Bannon's War Room" podcast and a former top adviser to Trump. The remark about Daniels, who Trump denies slept with him, was "a cheap shot from the cheap seats," he said."
And yet neither of you has even the faintest clue that this is nothing more than another in a very long list of hit pieces by the dividing Left to try to smear both 'Republican" front runners.

You "should" be ashamed of your lack of critical thinking skills......and how easily you jump on the Left's propaganda wanker wagon.
Instead, you are proud of your inadequacies.

We're shocked I tell you. less......the great source of unbiased reporting :laughing0301:
It's just awful how these bullies use their media power to squash any kind of perceived, Not Walking the Line ...of Lock Step. :eek: Anyone, at all who differs in any way, are their enemies, till death.
It was a cheap shot that played well for the donor class that favors Ron but actually hurts his standing with real voters.

And the be honest, DT kinda brought this on himself when he kept saying stupid shit like calling him DeSanctimonious & claiming he wasn't even a good governor.

These are self inflicted wounds for both of them & whoever is advising them is doing a disservice when they allow them to say this dumb crap.
If they'd stop with the childish BS & leave that to the deep thinkers in the Dem party, they would both reap the benefits
It was a cheap shot that played well for the donor class that favors Ron but actually hurts his standing with real voters.

And the be honest, DT kinda brought this on himself when he kept saying stupid shit like calling him DeSanctimonious & claiming he wasn't even a good governor.

These are self inflicted wounds for both of them & whoever is advising them is doing a disservice when they allow them to say this dumb crap.
If they'd stop with the childish BS & leave that to the deep thinkers in the Dem party, they would both reap the benefits

Dude, the childish acting is why people love Trump. They claim it makes him a fighter and all sort of stupid other shit.
NBC was right to call out DeSantis for his passive-aggressive dig that he thought he was being clever making. Why NBC felt the need to blurt the name “Steve Bannon” again I don’t understand, but I long ago gave up trying to understand the MSM and their MNR’s (mind numbed robots).

Trump’s response was spot-on. The MSM loves DeSantis now, but they will turn on him if he gets the nomination in 2024 (not that he’s announced). They will turn on him when Trump is gone, also, and DeSantis will feel the full weight of their childish tantrums.

As Trump explained, turning on him will not consist of analyzing his policies and explaining why they are bad for the nation. They have no interests in the benefits and downsides of policies, or they could never support Biden.

They will give air time to any gold digger who comes out of the woodwork to make accusations against Ron. The pictures of Ron as a young teacher partying with adult former students, will seem to be the only one the licensed networks will show.

Ron needs to practice his surprised face, unless he is really stupid enough not to know what will happen, which I doubt.
It was a cheap shot that played well for the donor class that favors Ron but actually hurts his standing with real voters.

And the be honest, DT kinda brought this on himself when he kept saying stupid shit like calling him DeSanctimonious & claiming he wasn't even a good governor.

These are self inflicted wounds for both of them & whoever is advising them is doing a disservice when they allow them to say this dumb crap.
If they'd stop with the childish BS & leave that to the deep thinkers in the Dem party, they would both reap the benefits
Yes, they both need to grow up and work together.
Every candidate I vote for is far better than anyone you vote for from the duopoly.

And you believed them when they told you that? :laughing0301:

Man, you are so gullible. Some unproven schmuck is going to tell you anything to get your vote, and you ate it up like warm pablum, because "Orange Man Bad."
I love this shit, someone took a dig at Trump and his followers lose their shit, while defending to their dying breath Trump doing the same thing to everyone that dares not bow down to him.
Kamala called Joe a racist, a bigot and a hater. A despicable person of the worst magnitude. Remember? She was right. Joe's tapestry of life is the worst of what humans are. Joe's elected government employee tapestry is an indictment of whether humans have a right to even be a viable species. He has spoken truths with his dementia that flies over the head of our esteemed 4th estate. Progs are not the good guys. Just promoted as that.
And you believed them when they told you that? :laughing0301:

Man, you are so gullible. Some unproven schmuck is going to tell you anything to get your vote, and you ate it up like warm pablum, because "Orange Man Bad."

They did not tell me anything.

But the irony of you voting for Trump due to what he told you and then accusing me of the same thing is delightful.
They did not tell me anything.

But the irony of you voting for Trump due to what he told you and then accusing me of the same thing is delightful.

At least Trump made good on most of what he promised, in case you've been living under a rock.

All you have is some empty suit filling your head with a bunch of empty promises. Like they say, "Wish in one hand and shit in the other, and see which one fills up first."

At least Trump made good on most of what he promised, in case you've been living under a rock.

You voted for him based on his words, nothing else.

All you had in 2016 was an empty suit filling your head with a bunch of empty promises, very few of which were kept...but his name calling will keep you voting for him
You voted for him based on his words, nothing else.

All you had in 2016 was an empty suit filling your head with a bunch of empty promises, very few of which were kept...but his name calling will keep you voting for him

And based on his accomplishments many of which were historical, I was 100% satisfied with Trump's performance. Although he could have accomplished a hell of a lot more, if he hadn't been harassed, investigated, and blocked every step of the way by the Democrats and some "Republicans."

Now imagine your stuffed suit LOLbertaian boy sitting in the White House, playing Kumbaya with the Democrats. How long do think he'd last? Hell, he'd fold up like a cheap suit and just go along to get along. Those Democrats would have him crying for his mommy after a year.

You might as well just had voted for whatever Democrat candidate was running, because that's what you were going to get anyway: Some unproven incompetent boob who thought he could play "President."

Kinda like what we have now, right? :laughing0301:
Biden and 'the lights are on, but nobodies home' mystique must be why he has so many perpetual followers.

I do not know any that "follows" Biden. Of all the people I know that voted for him, none were all that thrilled with doing so, they just saw it as the better alternative.

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