States Speak Up Asking Senate to Throw Out Impeachment


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
Fox News reports on Wednesday that 21 GOP Attorneys General have requested that the U.S. Senate bounce both articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump, saying that the impeachment and trial, “establishes a dangerous historical precedent.”

They pulled no punches.

“If not expressly repudiated by the Senate, the theories animating both Articles will set a precedent that is entirely contrary to the Framers’ design and ruinous to the most important governmental structure protections contained in our Constitution: the separation of powers,” the AGs said. They continued.

RELATED: Tulsi Gabbard Announces $50M Lawsuit Against Hillary Clinton

“Even an unsuccessful effort to impeach the President undermines the integrity of the 2020 presidential election because it weaponizes a process that should only be initiated in exceedingly rare circumstances and should never be used for partisan purposes.”

In conclusion, they noted, “It cannot be a legitimate basis to impeach a President for acting in a legal manner that may also be politically advantageous.

Such a standard would be cause for the impeachment of virtually every President, past, present, and future.”
States Speak Up Asking Senate to Throw Out Impeachment

BJ - On The Horizon - Total Democrat Destruction. Luv it.
too late. donny will forever have the stigma of being the 3rd president in US history to have been impeached.

it can't be revoked. tee hee & tutt tutt. now, will he be removed? highly unlikely.
forever & ever & everrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


side by side with slick willy.
Hopefully those GOP attorney generals can use that publicity stunt for campaign fund raising....

God bless them
Trump should not have tried to cheat.....using our tax money and a diplomatic staff that we pay for, to do it

He wouldn't be in this mess...
Trump should not have tried to cheat.....using our tax money and a diplomatic staff that we pay for, to do it

He wouldn't be in this mess...

He's actually not in a mess.
He will be easily reelected.
It just sets a bad precedent.
You dont care about the country, so have no concern.
Hopefully those GOP attorney generals can use that publicity stunt for campaign fund raising....

God bless them

Actually that is all the whole impeachment hoax has been.
A stunt to try to get bad publicity for the President.
Fox News reports on Wednesday that 21 GOP Attorneys General have requested that the U.S. Senate bounce both articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump, saying that the impeachment and trial, “establishes a dangerous historical precedent.”

They pulled no punches.

“If not expressly repudiated by the Senate, the theories animating both Articles will set a precedent that is entirely contrary to the Framers’ design and ruinous to the most important governmental structure protections contained in our Constitution: the separation of powers,” the AGs said. They continued.

RELATED: Tulsi Gabbard Announces $50M Lawsuit Against Hillary Clinton

“Even an unsuccessful effort to impeach the President undermines the integrity of the 2020 presidential election because it weaponizes a process that should only be initiated in exceedingly rare circumstances and should never be used for partisan purposes.”

In conclusion, they noted, “It cannot be a legitimate basis to impeach a President for acting in a legal manner that may also be politically advantageous.

Such a standard would be cause for the impeachment of virtually every President, past, present, and future.”
States Speak Up Asking Senate to Throw Out Impeachment

BJ - On The Horizon - Total Democrat Destruction. Luv it.

there are 50 states, they are outnumbered.
Trump should not have tried to cheat.....using our tax money and a diplomatic staff that we pay for, to do it

He wouldn't be in this mess...

He's actually not in a mess.
He will be easily reelected.
It just sets a bad precedent.
You dont care about the country, so have no concern.

We , the Democrats, care about the Constitution.
Trump should not have tried to cheat...


Now I see why the idiots yesterday repeated the same shit over & over....

Shiffforbrains used the word cheat what, 20 or 30 times?
They say if you repeat a lie enough........

And here you are like a good little gullible tool repeating it today. Got your marching orders.
Trump should not have tried to cheat.....using our tax money and a diplomatic staff that we pay for, to do it

He wouldn't be in this mess...

He's actually not in a mess.
He will be easily reelected.
It just sets a bad precedent.
You dont care about the country, so have no concern.
Trump doesn't care about the country or our values, he would not have abused his power, to cheat, if he did.....

HE is putting the nation through this.... if he cared for the Nation, like Nixon, he would have resigned.... And spared the nation from this.... :thup:
Actually that is all the whole impeachment hoax has been.
A stunt to try to get bad publicity for the President.

Nice OP. I worry that before it became apparent even to The Squad that they couldn't make this happen, that it was more than a bad publicity stunt: it was a coup d'état against a legitimately elected president. By a major party, purely to get the power back that they lost in the election. This is such a terrible departure from what passed for honest politics before that it feels like Rome with Julius Caesar and his legions marching toward it to overthrow the Republic. Which he did. And which the Left wants to do now, to destroy the American Republic.
Trump should not have tried to cheat.....using our tax money and a diplomatic staff that we pay for, to do it

He wouldn't be in this mess...

He's actually not in a mess.
He will be easily reelected.
It just sets a bad precedent.
You dont care about the country, so have no concern.
Trump doesn't care about the country or our values, he would not have abused his power, to cheat, if he did.....

HE is putting the nation through this.... if he cared for the Nation, like Nixon, he would have resigned.... And spared the nation from this.... :thup:

Speaks volumes about you guys.
“Even an unsuccessful effort to impeach the President undermines the integrity of the 2020 presidential election because it weaponizes a process that should only be initiated in exceedingly rare circumstances and should never be used for partisan purposes.”

How many times will the most corrupt POTUS in history get away with election fraud?

Trump’s Call for Russian Hacking Makes Even Less Sense After Mueller

Yet Trump refused to tell Russia to stay out of the election.

"'I’m not going to tell Putin what to do,' he said. 'Why should I tell Putin what to do?'"
Trump should not have tried to cheat...


Now I see why the idiots yesterday repeated the same shit over & over....

Shiffforbrains used the word cheat what, 20 or 30 times?
They say if you repeat a lie enough........

And here you are like a good little gullible tool repeating it today. Got your marching orders.
Ahh, so now you realize how Trump does it With his followers, repeating things 10 times in one 5 Minute presser! He gets em every time! Are you part of that brainwashed group?

I've mentioned it, months ago, guess Schiff is mimicking me!!!
too late. donny will forever have the stigma of being the 3rd president in US history to have been impeached.

it can't be revoked. tee hee & tutt tutt. now, will he be removed? highly unlikely.
The stigma belongs entirely to Nan Pelosi and her group of impeachment nuts!
And even partisan freaks like yourself can see where this is all going. It's a rerun of the Russian collusion farce.
It's doomed to failure and this will hasten Pelosi being removed from her place as head lunatic in the House.
Trump should not have tried to cheat.....using our tax money and a diplomatic staff that we pay for, to do it

He wouldn't be in this mess...

He's actually not in a mess.
He will be easily reelected.
It just sets a bad precedent.
You dont care about the country, so have no concern.

We , the Democrats, care about the Constitution.
Obviously sarcasm.
Democrats care about power - nothing else.
They don't have it, so they impeach. And they're too stupid to realize that this sham will re-elect Trump. Fuckin idiots.
Why are liberals so mad about an economy that has never been witnessed by anyone dead or alive. Been in finance since Reagan. I have never seen anything like this. 2020 will be even better.

Half of Americans want it to tank, even though it will cause them and others financial harm. History will laugh at liberals.

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