State Dept. Meltdown at Benghazi Hearing


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
State Dept. Meltdown at Benghazi Hearing
Commentary ^ | 10/10/2012 | Alana Goodman

State Dept. Meltdown at Benghazi Hearing « Commentary Magazine
The Obama administration’s Benghazi response continued to unravel at the House Oversight Committee hearing today, as State Department officials struggled unsuccessfully to get their stories straight.

Ambassador Patrick Kennedy defended UN Ambassador Susan Rice’s claim on September 16 that the attack was part of a spontaneous protest that erupted over an anti-Islam video, saying that anyone at the State Department would have said the same thing as Rice based on the intelligence available at the time. “If any administration official, including any career official, were on television on Sunday, September 16, they would have said what Ambassador Rice said. The information she had at that point from the intelligence community is the same that I had at that point,” said Kennedy.

But, as Republicans on the Oversight Committee pointed out, that appears to contradict Kennedy’s comments from a September 12 unclassified briefing, when he reportedly called it a terrorist attack.

Another State Department official, Charlene Lamb, wrote in her prepared testimony (but did not read aloud) that she was able to monitor the attack “in almost real-time” once a Diplomatic Security agent activated the imminent danger notification system. Yet she didn’t explain why the State Department and other administration officials initially said spontaneous protests were responsible for the attack, if there had been officials monitoring it in real-time.

Time to file impeachment papers. This fucker needs to go! :mad:

Obama shouldn't be allowed to lie so blatantly to the American people. Fucking piece of shit.
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Everything is political with this administration. Not protecting are people while they are amongst savages is so egregious. Lying to the American people on fucking 911, and continuing to cover up the facts concerning are four brave dead Americans for politics - he is an inept peice of shit who does need to be impeached, and procecuted!
I want impeachment papers filed.

If there's any lefted within the democratic party with any honesty they will vote with us.
Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul have been doing just that for some time now but getting nowhere with it. Yet.
Everything is political with this administration. Not protecting are people while they are amongst savages is so egregious. Lying to the American people on fucking 911, and continuing to cover up the facts concerning are four brave dead Americans for politics - he is an inept peice of shit who does need to be impeached, and procecuted!

There is another thing going down here and you can see what the obongo administration thinks of the gay. Sending a gay man into the lions den with no protection, shame...
State Dept. Meltdown at Benghazi Hearing
Commentary ^ | 10/10/2012 | Alana Goodman

State Dept. Meltdown at Benghazi Hearing « Commentary Magazine
The Obama administration’s Benghazi response continued to unravel at the House Oversight Committee hearing today, as State Department officials struggled unsuccessfully to get their stories straight.

Ambassador Patrick Kennedy defended UN Ambassador Susan Rice’s claim on September 16 that the attack was part of a spontaneous protest that erupted over an anti-Islam video, saying that anyone at the State Department would have said the same thing as Rice based on the intelligence available at the time. “If any administration official, including any career official, were on television on Sunday, September 16, they would have said what Ambassador Rice said. The information she had at that point from the intelligence community is the same that I had at that point,” said Kennedy.

But, as Republicans on the Oversight Committee pointed out, that appears to contradict Kennedy’s comments from a September 12 unclassified briefing, when he reportedly called it a terrorist attack.

Another State Department official, Charlene Lamb, wrote in her prepared testimony (but did not read aloud) that she was able to monitor the attack “in almost real-time” once a Diplomatic Security agent activated the imminent danger notification system. Yet she didn’t explain why the State Department and other administration officials initially said spontaneous protests were responsible for the attack, if there had been officials monitoring it in real-time.

Time to file impeachment papers. This fucker needs to go! :mad:

Obama shouldn't be allowed to lie so blatantly to the American people. Fucking piece of shit.

Colonel Wood and Mr. Nordstrum repeatedly asked for security and were denied. They were the security men on the ground responsible for assessing the risk to the ambassador. Kennedy and Lamb could not adequately answer why these requests were denied after the repeated attacks on this embassy.

Heads should roll. Some of the security people that were provided were not armed. They provided drivers, security people to communicate and run the cameras! Kennedy told Congressmen on the 12th that this was indicative of a terrorist attack, but Clinton continued with the fantasy video story from that point on for days.

No one asked who thought up the video story. But it was a whopper! That sorry sap who made that amateur, sloppy video should sue this administration!

Watergate was just a drip compared to this!
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Everything is political with this administration. Not protecting are people while they are amongst savages is so egregious. Lying to the American people on fucking 911, and continuing to cover up the facts concerning are four brave dead Americans for politics - he is an inept peice of shit who does need to be impeached, and procecuted!

There is another thing going down here and you can see what the obongo administration thinks of the gay. Sending a gay man into the lions den with no protection, shame...

And here I thought his views on gays had evolved.
The State Department took a beating today, as they should. The question remains, where did they get their talking points? Who dreamt up the story of the video?

The president kept that story going a week. Was he the story originator to cover for his administration's ineptness and the fact that he was not engaged in intelligence briefings?
The State Department took a beating today, as they should. The question remains, where did they get their talking points? Who dreamt up the story of the video?

The president kept that story going a week. Was he the story originator to cover for his administration's ineptness and the fact that he was not engaged in intelligence briefings?

Here's the fun part.

The hearings have revealed that REPUBLICANS voted to cut funding for foreign embassies.

And it's the very guys who are running the investigation that admitted it.


The State Department took a beating today, as they should. The question remains, where did they get their talking points? Who dreamt up the story of the video?

The president kept that story going a week. Was he the story originator to cover for his administration's ineptness and the fact that he was not engaged in intelligence briefings?

Here's the fun part.

The hearings have revealed that REPUBLICANS voted to cut funding for foreign embassies.

And it's the very guys who are running the investigation that admitted it.



No funding has been cut because the bill has not been passed. If it had, then this embassy would have been closed and we'd not have 4 dead Americans and a President whose first instinct is to blame an American.

Well, no, We would still have that same President. Score one for you.
How much is this Regime depending upon the main stream media to cover up for them? In a conference call to the media to get their story out before being sworn in and having to testify under oath, the regime called every media outlet EXCEPT FoxNews.

It is simply amazing how corrupt our media is anymore.
How many freaking scandals does it take for the liberal media to wake up?

He is their Messiah. They will believe every word he says. It is like they are in a trance. I know in the last 4 years of Bush I was pissed at him alot and would say so. Even though I did vote for him. If he fucked up , I would not paint a pretty picture.. I swear when they see him they are like Chris Matthews they get a tingle... It reminds of people who are in cults. No matter what you tell them their Dear Leader is always right!

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