State Department Apologizing To China For A Bill None Of Them Have Read


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

So the State Department feels it has to apologize to one of the worst countries in the world when it comes to human rights violations. Assistant Sec. of State Michael Posner said we have our own embarrassing habit of human rights violations and sighted the new Arizona law as a prime example.

Michelle Malkin Who is Michael Posner, and why is he apologizing to China?

Every time somebody asks them if they've read the bill under oath they say no. So how do they know what they're apologizing for??

It seems like everyone involved is getting wrapped up in the hype and like everything else these people do they are busy perpetuating an Urban Legend based on lies.

So the Obama Administration has found a target to deflect the focus from what they are doing. entire state. It's pitiful.

So far Attorney General Eric Holder and Sec. of Homeland Security Janet Nepolitono both have been questioned under oath and nether of them have admitted to even reading a large portion of the ten page bill. It would take only a few minutes...but they've been spending close to a month demonizing the bill without even knowing it's contents. Their only exposure has been "A Glance" or "I've Been Made Aware"....or "I Haven't Been Briefed On It's Contents".

This would appear to be a major league scam to any open-minded person.
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So the State Department feels it has to apologist to one of the worst countries in the world when it comes to human rights violations. Assistant Sec. of State Michael Posner said we have our own embarrassing habit of human rights violations and sighted the new Arizona law as a prime example.

Michelle Malkin Who is Michael Posner, and why is he apologizing to China?

Every time somebody asks them if they've read the bill under oath they say no. So how do they know what they're apologizing for??

It seems like everyone involved is getting wrapped up in the hype and like everything else these people do they are busy perpetuating an Urban Legend based on lies.

So the Obama Administration has found a target to deflect the focus from what they are doing. entire state. It's pitiful.

So far Attorney General Eric Holder and Sec. of Homeland Security Janet Nepolitono both have been questioned under oath and nether of them have admitted to even reading a large portion of the ten page bill. It would take only a few minutes...but they've been spending close to a month demonizing the bill without even knowing it's contents. Their only exposure has been "A Glance" or "I've Been Made Aware"....or "I Haven't Been Briefed On It's Contents".

This would appear to be a major league scam to any open-minded person.

The bill is almost the exact same law as is on the Federal Governments books. If they find it offensive then they must find the Federal Governments law offensive, which would explain why they won't enforce the damn law.
Who is Michael Posner???

Michael H. Posner
Assistant Secretary
Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Term of Appointment: 09/23/2009 to present

Michael H. Posner was sworn in as Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor on September 23, 2009.

Prior to joining State Department, Mr. Posner was the Executive Director and then President of Human Rights First. As its Executive Director he helped the organization earn a reputation for leadership in the areas of refugee protection, advancing a rights-based approach to national security, challenging crimes against humanity, and combating discrimination. He has been a frequent public commentator on these and other issues, and has testified dozens of times before the U.S. Congress. In January 2006, Mr. Posner stepped down as Executive Director to become the President of Human Rights First, a position he held until his appointment as Assistant Secretary.

Michelle Malkin Who is Michael Posner, and why is he apologizing to China?

If anyone is wondering why the Obama Administration seems like it's lost it's mind this guy is just one example.

Human Rights First
Human Rights First - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is funded in part by an organization that goes by the name of Open Society Institute.

Who created OSI???

George 1993. Open Society Institute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Once again George Soros shows he's got his claws deep into the White House.
Amazing that the source of this scam,....the Arizona law protest, is George Soros.

I remember when he swore he would bring the Bush Administration down if it took a billion dollars.

Now he's in power and running things in Washington. And the folks he pays are doing what he wants them to do in Our government.
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Is there nothing that the ObamaNation feels we should not apologize for?

We are being governed by a bunch of left wing morons, led by one of the most dangerous men on the planet.
Proof the democrats have lost their fucking minds!!'s not that simple.

People like Soros are pulling their strings.

People from other countries pulling the strings of our government.

Isn't that dangerous?

If Bush had a benefactor like Soros don't you think it would be the number one topic in the news????

What I'm seeing from most of America is :gives:
During a time when economies are crumbling and we're just coming off our own crisis these Democrats have a guy helping them get elected like this:

George Soros (pronounced /ˈsɔroʊs/ or /ˈsɔrəs/,[3] Hungarian IPA: [ˈʃoroʃ]; born August 12, 1930, as Schwartz György (Hungarian: Soros György)) is a Hungarian-American currency speculator, stock investor, businessman, philanthropist, and political activist.[4] He became known as "the Man Who Broke the Bank of England" after he made a reported $1 billion during the 1992 Black Wednesday UK currency crisis.[5][6]

This is insanity.
Proof the democrats have lost their fucking minds!!'s not that simple.

People like Soros are pulling their strings.

People from other countries pulling the strings of our government.

Isn't that dangerous?

If Bush had a benefactor like Soros don't you think it would be the number one topic in the news????

What I'm seeing from most of America is :gives:

Yes it's dangerously stupid. We need to vote some folks in that will put an end to this nonsense. We should contemplate on impeaching Obama. He's the worst thing that has ever happened to this country. Hell he makes Carter look like a genius!
Proof the democrats have lost their fucking minds!!'s not that simple.

People like Soros are pulling their strings.

People from other countries pulling the strings of our government.

Isn't that dangerous?

If Bush had a benefactor like Soros don't you think it would be the number one topic in the news????

What I'm seeing from most of America is :gives:

Yes it's dangerously stupid. We need to vote some folks in that will put an end to this nonsense. We should contemplate on impeaching Obama. He's the worst thing that has ever happened to this country. Hell he makes Carter look like a genius!

Attempting to Impeach him will only boost his approval rating.

We need to take back Congress and fight his policies at every turn till he's out of office....because it's plain to see that outside interests are running things. Anti-American interests.
Here's yet another scam that Soros has pulled:

Zarko Research has learned that a nefarious unknown group calling itself "The Tea Party" at PO Box 23 in Richville, MI 48757 (near Flint) is circulating a petition on a paid basis, at roughly $1 per signature to the circulator. The group is so new that the Secretary of State has nothing on file as of this moment.

The petition was mailed to known paid circulators in the metro Detroit area earlier this week and based on conclusions of proprietary knowledge to Zarko Research, the petition is being operated by a liberal-leaning petition management firm with ties to the Democratic Party.

He then reported in a follow-up:

Progressive Campaigns Inc. (PCI) has been hired to collect signatures to put on the ballot a "Tea Party" party. As reported below, actual paid signature gatherers have been offered real petitions at a rate of at last $1 per signature.... [snip]

Progressive has been funded by Soros, the Michigan Democratic Party, and is most recently known for the crude attempt to re-game the Michigan Constitution for the Democratic Party in 2008 through the Reform Michigan Government Now petition, which also operated initially for its first several weeks as a "stealth petition" (a petition that does not go through the Board of Canvasser approval process before circulation, but rolls the dice and operates quietly as long as possible). It took two months before the Michigan Democratic Party and Mark Brewer's fingers were proven to be behind Progressive's RMGN effort, but eventually the truth came out on that.

American Thinker Blog: The Self-discrediting Democrats

So the State Department feels it has to apologist to one of the worst countries in the world when it comes to human rights violations. Assistant Sec. of State Michael Posner said we have our own embarrassing habit of human rights violations and sighted the new Arizona law as a prime example.

Michelle Malkin Who is Michael Posner, and why is he apologizing to China?

Every time somebody asks them if they've read the bill under oath they say no. So how do they know what they're apologizing for??

It seems like everyone involved is getting wrapped up in the hype and like everything else these people do they are busy perpetuating an Urban Legend based on lies.

So the Obama Administration has found a target to deflect the focus from what they are doing. entire state. It's pitiful.

So far Attorney General Eric Holder and Sec. of Homeland Security Janet Nepolitono both have been questioned under oath and nether of them have admitted to even reading a large portion of the ten page bill. It would take only a few minutes...but they've been spending close to a month demonizing the bill without even knowing it's contents. Their only exposure has been "A Glance" or "I've Been Made Aware"....or "I Haven't Been Briefed On It's Contents".

This would appear to be a major league scam to any open-minded person.
That is the way the liberals function. Misrepresent an issue to gain approval and it racist...that always works for a while. Appeal to the emotion of those who would gladly offer everything that you own to support the needs of the throngs of illegal aliens that defy the Constitution daily. To read the law out loud would ruin their momentum toward getting all those illegals to vote for them in the next 'election'.

Who is Michael Posner???

Michael H. Posner
Assistant Secretary
Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Term of Appointment: 09/23/2009 to present

Michael H. Posner was sworn in as Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor on September 23, 2009.

Prior to joining State Department, Mr. Posner was the Executive Director and then President of Human Rights First. As its Executive Director he helped the organization earn a reputation for leadership in the areas of refugee protection, advancing a rights-based approach to national security, challenging crimes against humanity, and combating discrimination. He has been a frequent public commentator on these and other issues, and has testified dozens of times before the U.S. Congress. In January 2006, Mr. Posner stepped down as Executive Director to become the President of Human Rights First, a position he held until his appointment as Assistant Secretary.

Michelle Malkin Who is Michael Posner, and why is he apologizing to China?

If anyone is wondering why the Obama Administration seems like it's lost it's mind this guy is just one example.

Human Rights First
Human Rights First - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is funded in part by an organization that goes by the name of Open Society Institute.

Who created OSI???

George 1993. Open Society Institute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Once again George Soros shows he's got his claws deep into the White House.
Damn! I thought he was the CEO at Disneyland. I guess I was close! We have the looniest of the loons in control of our lives. God help us get through this alive and well!
It's amazing.

The Dems have been demonizing Wall Street but their largest benefactor made alot of his money there as a hedge-funder.

n 1956 Soros moved to New York City, where he worked as an arbitrage trader with F. M. Mayer from 1956 to 1959 and as an analyst with Wertheim and Company from 1959 to 1963. Throughout this time, Soros developed a philosophy of "reflexivity" based on the ideas of Karl Popper. Reflexivity, as used by Soros, is the belief that the action of beholding the valuation of any market by its participants, affects said valuation of the market in a procyclical 'virtuous or vicious' circle.[19]

Soros realized, however, that he would not make any money from the concept of reflexivity until he went into investing on his own. He began to investigate how to deal in investments. From 1963 to 1973 he worked at Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder, where he attained the position of vice-president. Soros finally concluded that he was a better investor than he was a philosopher or an executive. In 1967 he persuaded the company to set up an offshore investment fund, First Eagle, for him to run; in 1969 the company founded a second fund for Soros, the Double Eagle hedge fund.[19]

When investment regulations restricted his ability to run the funds as he wished, he quit his position in 1973 and established a private investment company that eventually evolved into the Quantum Fund. He has stated that his intent was to earn enough money on Wall Street to support himself as an author and philosopher — he calculated that $500,000 after five years would be possible and adequate.

He is also a former member of the Carlyle Group.[19]

Soros is the founder of Soros Fund Management. In 1970 he co-founded the Quantum Fund with Jim Rogers, which created the bulk of the Soros fortune. Rogers retired from the fund in 1980. Other partners have included Victor Niederhoffer and Stanley Druckenmiller.

In 2007, the Quantum Fund returned almost 32%, netting Soros $2.9 billion.[20]

On Black Wednesday (September 16, 1992), Soros's fund sold short more than $10 billion worth of pounds sterling[citation needed], profiting from the Bank of England's reluctance to either raise its interest rates to levels comparable to those of other European Exchange Rate Mechanism countries or to float its currency.

Finally, the Bank of England withdrew the currency from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism, devaluing the pound sterling, and Soros earned an estimated US$ 1.1 billion in the process. He was dubbed "the man who broke the Bank of England." In 1997, the UK Treasury estimated the cost of Black Wednesday at £3.4 billion.

The Times of Monday, October 26, 1992, quoted Soros as saying: "Our total position by Black Wednesday had to be worth almost $10 billion. We planned to sell more than that. In fact, when Norman Lamont said just before the devaluation that he would borrow nearly $15 billion to defend sterling, we were amused because that was about how much we wanted to sell."

Stanley Druckenmiller, who traded under Soros, originally saw the weakness in the pound. "Soros' contribution was pushing him to take a gigantic position."[21][22]

In 1997, during the Asian financial crisis, then Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad accused Soros of using the wealth under his control to punish ASEAN for welcoming Myanmar as a member. Soros has denied Mahathir's accusations. The nominal US dollar GDP of ASEAN fell by US$9.2 billion in 1997 and $218.2 billion (31.7%) in 1998.

So this guy gets rich off of ruining economies.

WAKE THE FUCK UP PEOPLE!!!'s not that simple.

People like Soros are pulling their strings.

People from other countries pulling the strings of our government.

Isn't that dangerous?

If Bush had a benefactor like Soros don't you think it would be the number one topic in the news????

What I'm seeing from most of America is :gives:

Yes it's dangerously stupid. We need to vote some folks in that will put an end to this nonsense. We should contemplate on impeaching Obama. He's the worst thing that has ever happened to this country. Hell he makes Carter look like a genius!

Attempting to Impeach him will only boost his approval rating.

We need to take back Congress and fight his policies at every turn till he's out of office....because it's plain to see that outside interests are running things. Anti-American interests.

After Novemeber when the democrats lose both the House and the Senate, impeachment is not out of the realm of possibility.

So the State Department feels it has to apologist to one of the worst countries in the world when it comes to human rights violations. Assistant Sec. of State Michael Posner said we have our own embarrassing habit of human rights violations and sighted the new Arizona law as a prime example.

Michelle Malkin Who is Michael Posner, and why is he apologizing to China?

Every time somebody asks them if they've read the bill under oath they say no. So how do they know what they're apologizing for??

It seems like everyone involved is getting wrapped up in the hype and like everything else these people do they are busy perpetuating an Urban Legend based on lies.

So the Obama Administration has found a target to deflect the focus from what they are doing. entire state. It's pitiful.

So far Attorney General Eric Holder and Sec. of Homeland Security Janet Nepolitono both have been questioned under oath and nether of them have admitted to even reading a large portion of the ten page bill. It would take only a few minutes...but they've been spending close to a month demonizing the bill without even knowing it's contents. Their only exposure has been "A Glance" or "I've Been Made Aware"....or "I Haven't Been Briefed On It's Contents".

This would appear to be a major league scam to any open-minded person.
That is the way the liberals function. Misrepresent an issue to gain approval and it racist...that always works for a while. Appeal to the emotion of those who would gladly offer everything that you own to support the needs of the throngs of illegal aliens that defy the Constitution daily. To read the law out loud would ruin their momentum toward getting all those illegals to vote for them in the next 'election'.

Who is Michael Posner???

Michael H. Posner
Assistant Secretary
Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Term of Appointment: 09/23/2009 to present

Michael H. Posner was sworn in as Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor on September 23, 2009.

Prior to joining State Department, Mr. Posner was the Executive Director and then President of Human Rights First. As its Executive Director he helped the organization earn a reputation for leadership in the areas of refugee protection, advancing a rights-based approach to national security, challenging crimes against humanity, and combating discrimination. He has been a frequent public commentator on these and other issues, and has testified dozens of times before the U.S. Congress. In January 2006, Mr. Posner stepped down as Executive Director to become the President of Human Rights First, a position he held until his appointment as Assistant Secretary.

Michelle Malkin Who is Michael Posner, and why is he apologizing to China?

If anyone is wondering why the Obama Administration seems like it's lost it's mind this guy is just one example.

Human Rights First
Human Rights First - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is funded in part by an organization that goes by the name of Open Society Institute.

Who created OSI???

George 1993. Open Society Institute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Once again George Soros shows he's got his claws deep into the White House.
Damn! I thought he was the CEO at Disneyland. I guess I was close! We have the looniest of the loons in control of our lives. God help us get through this alive and well!

Ditto on asaratis post.

THEY in D.C., apologize to the likes of China, yet no apology to the American people for NOT READING the entire health care BILL before passing it and screwing generations to come financially to the wall because they wanted this done 'overnight' instead of gradually?

THEY, in my opinion, anti American 'bastads', need to stand up and apologize to US, not them, I want the see the day when Pro-Americans run the affairs of the Untied States of America, not these growing in numbers, patronizing cry babies, who we have now.

Who the HELL is in charge of the United States of America today? Who the HELL is 'leading' this country, is it 'THEM'? One would think that the one's who are 'leading us now in Washington D.C. are NOT exactly pro-American, but pro-others that cannot stand, but tolerate us because of the economics involved.

We need people in Washington D.C. and all of America, that will put America and it's citizens first in their 'leadership', as I see it we, the American citizens, are being put in the backseat of our elected leaders policies and agendas for the most part, while they praise and apologize, with this patronizing 'bullcrap', to the rest of the world.
The number of Obama officials that still complain about the bill but have never read it continues to mount:

[ame=]YouTube - state guy[/ame]

Arizona-bashing ignoramus of the day
By Michelle Malkin • May 18, 2010 11:29 AM

Here’s State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley admitting to Fox News anchor Greg Jarrett, after 6-7 minutes of venting about Arizona’s immigration law, that he hasn’t read the bill, either.

Which makes him the 999th member of the Obama administration to admit complete ignorance of the object of his outrage. Or maybe he’s the 1,000th. I’ve lost count:
Waterboarding used to be the favorite topic of discussion.

Now they're using catch-phrases like racial-profiling in movies.

It's basically become the latest soup dejior.

The insidious nature of these people is amazing.

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