Starting my own religion


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2021
I have decided to start my own brother. Is going to be a non-denominational, interfaith religion.
The following is an example of the principles my church will follow.

1; the universe was created by a god, but God does not directly interact with the universe. God created nature and nature operate autonomously without interference or input from God.

2; all living things, plants and animals, have souls. When a living thing dies it's Soul returns to God to await rebirth into new life.

3; In order for a life form to reach true sentience and self awareness, it requires both a soul and a body and mind which has evolved to a certain point. God judges all such beings, including humans, based on how they lived. Those who live good lives are reborn as sentient beings, and those who are judged poorly, are reborn as lesser beings. For example Hitler was most likely reborn as a slug or other lesser being which is considered far beneath humans.

4; God speaks to us through our souls. Which is the only direct interaction between God and the universe. Conscience is God telling us right from wrong. Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong. Therefore conscience must be an outside force.

God also inspires Us in this way. Using our souls to plant ideas into our heads. Some of the greatest philosophers and leaders of mankind built their teachings from ideas given to them by God, including Jesus of Nazareth, Ghsndi, Buddha, etc.
I also believe that democracy itself close based on a seed of inspiration planted by God. All of the greatest democracies we're built upon this divine inspiration.

5; the church will teach that nature is the father of all life, and that one of the few Universal sins one can commit is the unnecessary destruction of nature as a whole or Nature's ability to produce life.
For example, intentionally polluting is a sin, as is hunting solely for Sport with no intention of using the meat. Mankind has a duty to protect and care for nature. We may take what we need to survive but undo destruction of nature is one of the worst sins of mankind can commit.
I have decided to start my own brother. Is going to be a non-denominational, interfaith religion.
The following is an example of the principles my church will follow.

1; the universe was created by a god, but God does not directly interact with the universe. God created nature and nature operate autonomously without interference or input from God.

2; all living things, plants and animals, have souls. When a living thing dies it's Soul returns to God to await rebirth into new life.

3; In order for a life form to reach true sentience and self awareness, it requires both a soul and a body and mind which has evolved to a certain point. God judges all such beings, including humans, based on how they lived. Those who live good lives are reborn as sentient beings, and those who are judged poorly, are reborn as lesser beings. For example Hitler was most likely reborn as a slug or other lesser being which is considered far beneath humans.

4; God speaks to us through our souls. Which is the only direct interaction between God and the universe. Conscience is God telling us right from wrong. Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong. Therefore conscience must be an outside force.

God also inspires Us in this way. Using our souls to plant ideas into our heads. Some of the greatest philosophers and leaders of mankind built their teachings from ideas given to them by God, including Jesus of Nazareth, Ghsndi, Buddha, etc.
I also believe that democracy itself close based on a seed of inspiration planted by God. All of the greatest democracies we're built upon this divine inspiration.

5; the church will teach that nature is the father of all life, and that one of the few Universal sins one can commit is the unnecessary destruction of nature as a whole or Nature's ability to produce life.
For example, intentionally polluting is a sin, as is hunting solely for Sport with no intention of using the meat. Mankind has a duty to protect and care for nature. We may take what we need to survive but undo destruction of nature is one of the worst sins of mankind can commit.
Judaism except for 1.
Sounds like Buddhism to me ... except for the sin part ... maybe list all the sins Man can commit, so we all know how to behave ... and tell us who our judges and overlords are, so we know who to obey ... I assume you'll be Pope, but you'll need a lot of help managing the souls of trillions of living organisms ...

Would catch-and-release fishing be a sin? ...

Do we have to limit our driving now because the bugs we hit have souls and killing an innocent soul is a sin, maybe, or are we allowed to murder innocents if they get in our way? ...

How are we provisioning our priesthood, or do we make them get regular jobs? ...

Do we get cool head-gear like the Pastafarians? ...

How the hell are you going to feed everyone if we have to wait until the plant dies before we steal her babies and eat them? ...

Do I get a couple of wives 40 years my junior? ... if so, do you take United States dollars at face value? ...
I have decided to start my own brother. Is going to be a non-denominational, interfaith religion.
The following is an example of the principles my church will follow.

1; the universe was created by a god, but God does not directly interact with the universe. God created nature and nature operate autonomously without interference or input from God.

2; all living things, plants and animals, have souls. When a living thing dies it's Soul returns to God to await rebirth into new life.

3; In order for a life form to reach true sentience and self awareness, it requires both a soul and a body and mind which has evolved to a certain point. God judges all such beings, including humans, based on how they lived. Those who live good lives are reborn as sentient beings, and those who are judged poorly, are reborn as lesser beings. For example Hitler was most likely reborn as a slug or other lesser being which is considered far beneath humans.

4; God speaks to us through our souls. Which is the only direct interaction between God and the universe. Conscience is God telling us right from wrong. Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong. Therefore conscience must be an outside force.

God also inspires Us in this way. Using our souls to plant ideas into our heads. Some of the greatest philosophers and leaders of mankind built their teachings from ideas given to them by God, including Jesus of Nazareth, Ghsndi, Buddha, etc.
I also believe that democracy itself close based on a seed of inspiration planted by God. All of the greatest democracies we're built upon this divine inspiration.

5; the church will teach that nature is the father of all life, and that one of the few Universal sins one can commit is the unnecessary destruction of nature as a whole or Nature's ability to produce life.
For example, intentionally polluting is a sin, as is hunting solely for Sport with no intention of using the meat. Mankind has a duty to protect and care for nature. We may take what we need to survive but undo destruction of nature is one of the worst sins of mankind can commit.
Worked for Paul, Joseph Smith, Mohammed, and L. Ron Hubbard.
I have decided to start my own brother. Is going to be a non-denominational, interfaith religion.
The following is an example of the principles my church will follow.

1; the universe was created by a god, but God does not directly interact with the universe. God created nature and nature operate autonomously without interference or input from God.

2; all living things, plants and animals, have souls. When a living thing dies it's Soul returns to God to await rebirth into new life.

3; In order for a life form to reach true sentience and self awareness, it requires both a soul and a body and mind which has evolved to a certain point. God judges all such beings, including humans, based on how they lived. Those who live good lives are reborn as sentient beings, and those who are judged poorly, are reborn as lesser beings. For example Hitler was most likely reborn as a slug or other lesser being which is considered far beneath humans.

4; God speaks to us through our souls. Which is the only direct interaction between God and the universe. Conscience is God telling us right from wrong. Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong. Therefore conscience must be an outside force.

God also inspires Us in this way. Using our souls to plant ideas into our heads. Some of the greatest philosophers and leaders of mankind built their teachings from ideas given to them by God, including Jesus of Nazareth, Ghsndi, Buddha, etc.
I also believe that democracy itself close based on a seed of inspiration planted by God. All of the greatest democracies we're built upon this divine inspiration.

5; the church will teach that nature is the father of all life, and that one of the few Universal sins one can commit is the unnecessary destruction of nature as a whole or Nature's ability to produce life.
For example, intentionally polluting is a sin, as is hunting solely for Sport with no intention of using the meat. Mankind has a duty to protect and care for nature. We may take what we need to survive but undo destruction of nature is one of the worst sins of mankind can commit.
Awww shucks. I was looking forward to the opening of the Religion of Antiquity. I’m slightly disappointed.
I have decided to start my own brother. Is going to be a non-denominational, interfaith religion.
The following is an example of the principles my church will follow.

1; the universe was created by a god, but God does not directly interact with the universe. God created nature and nature operate autonomously without interference or input from God.

2; all living things, plants and animals, have souls. When a living thing dies it's Soul returns to God to await rebirth into new life.

3; In order for a life form to reach true sentience and self awareness, it requires both a soul and a body and mind which has evolved to a certain point. God judges all such beings, including humans, based on how they lived. Those who live good lives are reborn as sentient beings, and those who are judged poorly, are reborn as lesser beings. For example Hitler was most likely reborn as a slug or other lesser being which is considered far beneath humans.

4; God speaks to us through our souls. Which is the only direct interaction between God and the universe. Conscience is God telling us right from wrong. Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong. Therefore conscience must be an outside force.

God also inspires Us in this way. Using our souls to plant ideas into our heads. Some of the greatest philosophers and leaders of mankind built their teachings from ideas given to them by God, including Jesus of Nazareth, Ghsndi, Buddha, etc.
I also believe that democracy itself close based on a seed of inspiration planted by God. All of the greatest democracies we're built upon this divine inspiration.

5; the church will teach that nature is the father of all life, and that one of the few Universal sins one can commit is the unnecessary destruction of nature as a whole or Nature's ability to produce life.
For example, intentionally polluting is a sin, as is hunting solely for Sport with no intention of using the meat. Mankind has a duty to protect and care for nature. We may take what we need to survive but undo destruction of nature is one of the worst sins of mankind can commit.
Awww shucks. I was looking forward to the opening of the Religion of Antiquity. I’m slightly disappointed.
No one is stopping you.
I have decided to start my own brother. Is going to be a non-denominational, interfaith religion.
The following is an example of the principles my church will follow.

1; the universe was created by a god, but God does not directly interact with the universe. God created nature and nature operate autonomously without interference or input from God.

2; all living things, plants and animals, have souls. When a living thing dies it's Soul returns to God to await rebirth into new life.

3; In order for a life form to reach true sentience and self awareness, it requires both a soul and a body and mind which has evolved to a certain point. God judges all such beings, including humans, based on how they lived. Those who live good lives are reborn as sentient beings, and those who are judged poorly, are reborn as lesser beings. For example Hitler was most likely reborn as a slug or other lesser being which is considered far beneath humans.

4; God speaks to us through our souls. Which is the only direct interaction between God and the universe. Conscience is God telling us right from wrong. Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong. Therefore conscience must be an outside force.

God also inspires Us in this way. Using our souls to plant ideas into our heads. Some of the greatest philosophers and leaders of mankind built their teachings from ideas given to them by God, including Jesus of Nazareth, Ghsndi, Buddha, etc.
I also believe that democracy itself close based on a seed of inspiration planted by God. All of the greatest democracies we're built upon this divine inspiration.

5; the church will teach that nature is the father of all life, and that one of the few Universal sins one can commit is the unnecessary destruction of nature as a whole or Nature's ability to produce life.
For example, intentionally polluting is a sin, as is hunting solely for Sport with no intention of using the meat. Mankind has a duty to protect and care for nature. We may take what we need to survive but undo destruction of nature is one of the worst sins of mankind can commit.
Your new religion according to your topic was refuted in your first sentence claiming you were starting your own brother. What kind of confusion is that. Your narrative refutes your title making you the author of confusion. Do you get off on making people throw up or what.

That is human arrogance at its lowest.

You are doing what Jim Jones did to his followers giving sugar drink laced with a poison that made them so sick Jim Jones made his Sargent at arms shoot him fatally because he couldn't stomach the kind of death he inflicted on hundreds of women and children not to mention the horrors that death that is slow and punitive as any torture ever inflicted on human beings who faced death at an inhumane and unspeakably sinister death.

Jim Jones lives in your "brother" Religion.

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I have decided to start my own brother. Is going to be a non-denominational, interfaith religion.
The following is an example of the principles my church will follow.

1; the universe was created by a god, but God does not directly interact with the universe. God created nature and nature operate autonomously without interference or input from God.

2; all living things, plants and animals, have souls. When a living thing dies it's Soul returns to God to await rebirth into new life.

3; In order for a life form to reach true sentience and self awareness, it requires both a soul and a body and mind which has evolved to a certain point. God judges all such beings, including humans, based on how they lived. Those who live good lives are reborn as sentient beings, and those who are judged poorly, are reborn as lesser beings. For example Hitler was most likely reborn as a slug or other lesser being which is considered far beneath humans.

4; God speaks to us through our souls. Which is the only direct interaction between God and the universe. Conscience is God telling us right from wrong. Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong. Therefore conscience must be an outside force.

God also inspires Us in this way. Using our souls to plant ideas into our heads. Some of the greatest philosophers and leaders of mankind built their teachings from ideas given to them by God, including Jesus of Nazareth, Ghsndi, Buddha, etc.
I also believe that democracy itself close based on a seed of inspiration planted by God. All of the greatest democracies we're built upon this divine inspiration.

5; the church will teach that nature is the father of all life, and that one of the few Universal sins one can commit is the unnecessary destruction of nature as a whole or Nature's ability to produce life.
For example, intentionally polluting is a sin, as is hunting solely for Sport with no intention of using the meat. Mankind has a duty to protect and care for nature. We may take what we need to survive but undo destruction of nature is one of the worst sins of mankind can commit.

There's just a couple of insignificant items you have forgotten
There is no God. There is no soil.
But don't let that stop you comrade. Millions believed God would save th seem from the virus. 400000 died. That worked well.
I have decided to start my own brother. Is going to be a non-denominational, interfaith religion.
The following is an example of the principles my church will follow.

1; the universe was created by a god, but God does not directly interact with the universe. God created nature and nature operate autonomously without interference or input from God.

2; all living things, plants and animals, have souls. When a living thing dies it's Soul returns to God to await rebirth into new life.

3; In order for a life form to reach true sentience and self awareness, it requires both a soul and a body and mind which has evolved to a certain point. God judges all such beings, including humans, based on how they lived. Those who live good lives are reborn as sentient beings, and those who are judged poorly, are reborn as lesser beings. For example Hitler was most likely reborn as a slug or other lesser being which is considered far beneath humans.

4; God speaks to us through our souls. Which is the only direct interaction between God and the universe. Conscience is God telling us right from wrong. Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong. Therefore conscience must be an outside force.

God also inspires Us in this way. Using our souls to plant ideas into our heads. Some of the greatest philosophers and leaders of mankind built their teachings from ideas given to them by God, including Jesus of Nazareth, Ghsndi, Buddha, etc.
I also believe that democracy itself close based on a seed of inspiration planted by God. All of the greatest democracies we're built upon this divine inspiration.

5; the church will teach that nature is the father of all life, and that one of the few Universal sins one can commit is the unnecessary destruction of nature as a whole or Nature's ability to produce life.
For example, intentionally polluting is a sin, as is hunting solely for Sport with no intention of using the meat. Mankind has a duty to protect and care for nature. We may take what we need to survive but undo destruction of nature is one of the worst sins of mankind can commit.

There's just a couple of insignificant items you have forgotten
There is no God. There is no soil.
But don't let that stop you comrade. Millions believed God would save th seem from the virus. 400000 died. That worked well.
Stop blaming God for what was cooked up in a Chinese lab in Wuhan to gain superiority that will only end with genocide of anybody who tries to escape the horrors and mass murders Chona has used in the past by monsters like Mao who murdered 100 million people in mainland China who disagreed with his my way of death to ya unscrupulous malpractice. :frown:
I have decided to start my own brother. Is going to be a non-denominational, interfaith religion.
The following is an example of the principles my church will follow.

1; the universe was created by a god, but God does not directly interact with the universe. God created nature and nature operate autonomously without interference or input from God.

2; all living things, plants and animals, have souls. When a living thing dies it's Soul returns to God to await rebirth into new life.

3; In order for a life form to reach true sentience and self awareness, it requires both a soul and a body and mind which has evolved to a certain point. God judges all such beings, including humans, based on how they lived. Those who live good lives are reborn as sentient beings, and those who are judged poorly, are reborn as lesser beings. For example Hitler was most likely reborn as a slug or other lesser being which is considered far beneath humans.

4; God speaks to us through our souls. Which is the only direct interaction between God and the universe. Conscience is God telling us right from wrong. Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong. Therefore conscience must be an outside force.

God also inspires Us in this way. Using our souls to plant ideas into our heads. Some of the greatest philosophers and leaders of mankind built their teachings from ideas given to them by God, including Jesus of Nazareth, Ghsndi, Buddha, etc.
I also believe that democracy itself close based on a seed of inspiration planted by God. All of the greatest democracies we're built upon this divine inspiration.

5; the church will teach that nature is the father of all life, and that one of the few Universal sins one can commit is the unnecessary destruction of nature as a whole or Nature's ability to produce life.
For example, intentionally polluting is a sin, as is hunting solely for Sport with no intention of using the meat. Mankind has a duty to protect and care for nature. We may take what we need to survive but undo destruction of nature is one of the worst sins of mankind can commit.
Sounds a lot like Hinduism.
God also inspires Us in this way. Using our souls to plant ideas into our heads. Some of the greatest philosophers and leaders of mankind built their teachings from ideas given to them by God, including Jesus of Nazareth, Ghsndi, Buddha, etc.
I also believe that democracy itself close based on a seed of inspiration planted by God. All of the greatest democracies we're built upon this divine inspiration.

Sounds like a political based religion, where certain government the "great democracies" are considered virtually divine.

I guess that is where you are hoping to getting the funding for your new religion? Taxation and the patronage of prominent leaders seeking the imprimatur from Almighty God for their power?
I have decided to start my own brother. Is going to be a non-denominational, interfaith religion.
The following is an example of the principles my church will follow.

1; the universe was created by a god, but God does not directly interact with the universe. God created nature and nature operate autonomously without interference or input from God.

2; all living things, plants and animals, have souls. When a living thing dies it's Soul returns to God to await rebirth into new life.

3; In order for a life form to reach true sentience and self awareness, it requires both a soul and a body and mind which has evolved to a certain point. God judges all such beings, including humans, based on how they lived. Those who live good lives are reborn as sentient beings, and those who are judged poorly, are reborn as lesser beings. For example Hitler was most likely reborn as a slug or other lesser being which is considered far beneath humans.

4; God speaks to us through our souls. Which is the only direct interaction between God and the universe. Conscience is God telling us right from wrong. Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong. Therefore conscience must be an outside force.

God also inspires Us in this way. Using our souls to plant ideas into our heads. Some of the greatest philosophers and leaders of mankind built their teachings from ideas given to them by God, including Jesus of Nazareth, Ghsndi, Buddha, etc.
I also believe that democracy itself close based on a seed of inspiration planted by God. All of the greatest democracies we're built upon this divine inspiration.

5; the church will teach that nature is the father of all life, and that one of the few Universal sins one can commit is the unnecessary destruction of nature as a whole or Nature's ability to produce life.
For example, intentionally polluting is a sin, as is hunting solely for Sport with no intention of using the meat. Mankind has a duty to protect and care for nature. We may take what we need to survive but undo destruction of nature is one of the worst sins of mankind can commit.
Try the church of Universalist Unitarians. People of any religion can attend and have their opportunity to speak to the congregation.
Personally, while an Atheist, I prefer the church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, also known as Pastafarianism. It was created by Bobby Henderson around 2006. It certainly beats the other religions.
I have decided to start my own brother. Is going to be a non-denominational, interfaith religion.
The following is an example of the principles my church will follow.

1; the universe was created by a god, but God does not directly interact with the universe. God created nature and nature operate autonomously without interference or input from God.

2; all living things, plants and animals, have souls. When a living thing dies it's Soul returns to God to await rebirth into new life.

3; In order for a life form to reach true sentience and self awareness, it requires both a soul and a body and mind which has evolved to a certain point. God judges all such beings, including humans, based on how they lived. Those who live good lives are reborn as sentient beings, and those who are judged poorly, are reborn as lesser beings. For example Hitler was most likely reborn as a slug or other lesser being which is considered far beneath humans.

4; God speaks to us through our souls. Which is the only direct interaction between God and the universe. Conscience is God telling us right from wrong. Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong. Therefore conscience must be an outside force.

God also inspires Us in this way. Using our souls to plant ideas into our heads. Some of the greatest philosophers and leaders of mankind built their teachings from ideas given to them by God, including Jesus of Nazareth, Ghsndi, Buddha, etc.
I also believe that democracy itself close based on a seed of inspiration planted by God. All of the greatest democracies we're built upon this divine inspiration.

5; the church will teach that nature is the father of all life, and that one of the few Universal sins one can commit is the unnecessary destruction of nature as a whole or Nature's ability to produce life.
For example, intentionally polluting is a sin, as is hunting solely for Sport with no intention of using the meat. Mankind has a duty to protect and care for nature. We may take what we need to survive but undo destruction of nature is one of the worst sins of mankind can commit.
Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong.

seems like many don't have conscience.
I have decided to start my own brother. Is going to be a non-denominational, interfaith religion.
The following is an example of the principles my church will follow.

1; the universe was created by a god, but God does not directly interact with the universe. God created nature and nature operate autonomously without interference or input from God.

2; all living things, plants and animals, have souls. When a living thing dies it's Soul returns to God to await rebirth into new life.

3; In order for a life form to reach true sentience and self awareness, it requires both a soul and a body and mind which has evolved to a certain point. God judges all such beings, including humans, based on how they lived. Those who live good lives are reborn as sentient beings, and those who are judged poorly, are reborn as lesser beings. For example Hitler was most likely reborn as a slug or other lesser being which is considered far beneath humans.

4; God speaks to us through our souls. Which is the only direct interaction between God and the universe. Conscience is God telling us right from wrong. Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong. Therefore conscience must be an outside force.

God also inspires Us in this way. Using our souls to plant ideas into our heads. Some of the greatest philosophers and leaders of mankind built their teachings from ideas given to them by God, including Jesus of Nazareth, Ghsndi, Buddha, etc.
I also believe that democracy itself close based on a seed of inspiration planted by God. All of the greatest democracies we're built upon this divine inspiration.

5; the church will teach that nature is the father of all life, and that one of the few Universal sins one can commit is the unnecessary destruction of nature as a whole or Nature's ability to produce life.
For example, intentionally polluting is a sin, as is hunting solely for Sport with no intention of using the meat. Mankind has a duty to protect and care for nature. We may take what we need to survive but undo destruction of nature is one of the worst sins of mankind can commit.

There's just a couple of insignificant items you have forgotten
There is no God. There is no soil.
But don't let that stop you comrade. Millions believed God would save th seem from the virus. 400000 died. That worked well.
Stop blaming God for what was cooked up in a Chinese lab in Wuhan to gain superiority that will only end with genocide of anybody who tries to escape the horrors and mass murders Chona has used in the past by monsters like Mao who murdered 100 million people in mainland China who disagreed with his my way of death to ya unscrupulous malpractice. :frown:
The virus came from God, Mao was God's creation. I use to believe everything comes from God, as a Christian you will have to admit , Everything comes from God.
I have decided to start my own brother. Is going to be a non-denominational, interfaith religion.
The following is an example of the principles my church will follow.

1; the universe was created by a god, but God does not directly interact with the universe. God created nature and nature operate autonomously without interference or input from God.

2; all living things, plants and animals, have souls. When a living thing dies it's Soul returns to God to await rebirth into new life.

3; In order for a life form to reach true sentience and self awareness, it requires both a soul and a body and mind which has evolved to a certain point. God judges all such beings, including humans, based on how they lived. Those who live good lives are reborn as sentient beings, and those who are judged poorly, are reborn as lesser beings. For example Hitler was most likely reborn as a slug or other lesser being which is considered far beneath humans.

4; God speaks to us through our souls. Which is the only direct interaction between God and the universe. Conscience is God telling us right from wrong. Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong. Therefore conscience must be an outside force.

God also inspires Us in this way. Using our souls to plant ideas into our heads. Some of the greatest philosophers and leaders of mankind built their teachings from ideas given to them by God, including Jesus of Nazareth, Ghsndi, Buddha, etc.
I also believe that democracy itself close based on a seed of inspiration planted by God. All of the greatest democracies we're built upon this divine inspiration.

5; the church will teach that nature is the father of all life, and that one of the few Universal sins one can commit is the unnecessary destruction of nature as a whole or Nature's ability to produce life.
For example, intentionally polluting is a sin, as is hunting solely for Sport with no intention of using the meat. Mankind has a duty to protect and care for nature. We may take what we need to survive but undo destruction of nature is one of the worst sins of mankind can commit.
Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong.

seems like many don't have conscience.
I have decided to start my own brother. Is going to be a non-denominational, interfaith religion.
The following is an example of the principles my church will follow.

1; the universe was created by a god, but God does not directly interact with the universe. God created nature and nature operate autonomously without interference or input from God.

2; all living things, plants and animals, have souls. When a living thing dies it's Soul returns to God to await rebirth into new life.

3; In order for a life form to reach true sentience and self awareness, it requires both a soul and a body and mind which has evolved to a certain point. God judges all such beings, including humans, based on how they lived. Those who live good lives are reborn as sentient beings, and those who are judged poorly, are reborn as lesser beings. For example Hitler was most likely reborn as a slug or other lesser being which is considered far beneath humans.

4; God speaks to us through our souls. Which is the only direct interaction between God and the universe. Conscience is God telling us right from wrong. Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong. Therefore conscience must be an outside force.

God also inspires Us in this way. Using our souls to plant ideas into our heads. Some of the greatest philosophers and leaders of mankind built their teachings from ideas given to them by God, including Jesus of Nazareth, Ghsndi, Buddha, etc.
I also believe that democracy itself close based on a seed of inspiration planted by God. All of the greatest democracies we're built upon this divine inspiration.

5; the church will teach that nature is the father of all life, and that one of the few Universal sins one can commit is the unnecessary destruction of nature as a whole or Nature's ability to produce life.
For example, intentionally polluting is a sin, as is hunting solely for Sport with no intention of using the meat. Mankind has a duty to protect and care for nature. We may take what we need to survive but undo destruction of nature is one of the worst sins of mankind can commit.

There's just a couple of insignificant items you have forgotten
There is no God. There is no soil.
But don't let that stop you comrade. Millions believed God would save th seem from the virus. 400000 died. That worked well.
Stop blaming God for what was cooked up in a Chinese lab in Wuhan to gain superiority that will only end with genocide of anybody who tries to escape the horrors and mass murders Chona has used in the past by monsters like Mao who murdered 100 million people in mainland China who disagreed with his my way of death to ya unscrupulous malpractice. :frown:
The virus came from God, Mao was God's creation. I use to believe everything comes from God, as a Christian you will have to admit , Everything comes from God.

Absolute rubbish. God had nothing to do with it and you know it.
As for Mao, don't make me laugh. You're paranoid.
Does your wages come from? How about the car?
See how ridiculous your statement is.
I have decided to start my own brother. Is going to be a non-denominational, interfaith religion.
The following is an example of the principles my church will follow.

1; the universe was created by a god, but God does not directly interact with the universe. God created nature and nature operate autonomously without interference or input from God.

2; all living things, plants and animals, have souls. When a living thing dies it's Soul returns to God to await rebirth into new life.

3; In order for a life form to reach true sentience and self awareness, it requires both a soul and a body and mind which has evolved to a certain point. God judges all such beings, including humans, based on how they lived. Those who live good lives are reborn as sentient beings, and those who are judged poorly, are reborn as lesser beings. For example Hitler was most likely reborn as a slug or other lesser being which is considered far beneath humans.

4; God speaks to us through our souls. Which is the only direct interaction between God and the universe. Conscience is God telling us right from wrong. Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong. Therefore conscience must be an outside force.

God also inspires Us in this way. Using our souls to plant ideas into our heads. Some of the greatest philosophers and leaders of mankind built their teachings from ideas given to them by God, including Jesus of Nazareth, Ghsndi, Buddha, etc.
I also believe that democracy itself close based on a seed of inspiration planted by God. All of the greatest democracies we're built upon this divine inspiration.

5; the church will teach that nature is the father of all life, and that one of the few Universal sins one can commit is the unnecessary destruction of nature as a whole or Nature's ability to produce life.
For example, intentionally polluting is a sin, as is hunting solely for Sport with no intention of using the meat. Mankind has a duty to protect and care for nature. We may take what we need to survive but undo destruction of nature is one of the worst sins of mankind can commit.
Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong.

seems like many don't have conscience.
I have decided to start my own brother. Is going to be a non-denominational, interfaith religion.
The following is an example of the principles my church will follow.

1; the universe was created by a god, but God does not directly interact with the universe. God created nature and nature operate autonomously without interference or input from God.

2; all living things, plants and animals, have souls. When a living thing dies it's Soul returns to God to await rebirth into new life.

3; In order for a life form to reach true sentience and self awareness, it requires both a soul and a body and mind which has evolved to a certain point. God judges all such beings, including humans, based on how they lived. Those who live good lives are reborn as sentient beings, and those who are judged poorly, are reborn as lesser beings. For example Hitler was most likely reborn as a slug or other lesser being which is considered far beneath humans.

4; God speaks to us through our souls. Which is the only direct interaction between God and the universe. Conscience is God telling us right from wrong. Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong. Therefore conscience must be an outside force.

God also inspires Us in this way. Using our souls to plant ideas into our heads. Some of the greatest philosophers and leaders of mankind built their teachings from ideas given to them by God, including Jesus of Nazareth, Ghsndi, Buddha, etc.
I also believe that democracy itself close based on a seed of inspiration planted by God. All of the greatest democracies we're built upon this divine inspiration.

5; the church will teach that nature is the father of all life, and that one of the few Universal sins one can commit is the unnecessary destruction of nature as a whole or Nature's ability to produce life.
For example, intentionally polluting is a sin, as is hunting solely for Sport with no intention of using the meat. Mankind has a duty to protect and care for nature. We may take what we need to survive but undo destruction of nature is one of the worst sins of mankind can commit.

There's just a couple of insignificant items you have forgotten
There is no God. There is no soil.
But don't let that stop you comrade. Millions believed God would save th seem from the virus. 400000 died. That worked well.
Stop blaming God for what was cooked up in a Chinese lab in Wuhan to gain superiority that will only end with genocide of anybody who tries to escape the horrors and mass murders Chona has used in the past by monsters like Mao who murdered 100 million people in mainland China who disagreed with his my way of death to ya unscrupulous malpractice. :frown:
The virus came from God, Mao was God's creation. I use to believe everything comes from God, as a Christian you will have to admit , Everything comes from God.

Absolute rubbish. God had nothing to do with it and you know it.
As for Mao, don't make me laugh. You're paranoid.
Does your wages come from? How about the car?
See how ridiculous your statement is.
If your a Christian God creates the good and evil.
I take it your not a Christian.
I have decided to start my own brother. Is going to be a non-denominational, interfaith religion.
The following is an example of the principles my church will follow.

1; the universe was created by a god, but God does not directly interact with the universe. God created nature and nature operate autonomously without interference or input from God.

2; all living things, plants and animals, have souls. When a living thing dies it's Soul returns to God to await rebirth into new life.

3; In order for a life form to reach true sentience and self awareness, it requires both a soul and a body and mind which has evolved to a certain point. God judges all such beings, including humans, based on how they lived. Those who live good lives are reborn as sentient beings, and those who are judged poorly, are reborn as lesser beings. For example Hitler was most likely reborn as a slug or other lesser being which is considered far beneath humans.

4; God speaks to us through our souls. Which is the only direct interaction between God and the universe. Conscience is God telling us right from wrong. Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong. Therefore conscience must be an outside force.

God also inspires Us in this way. Using our souls to plant ideas into our heads. Some of the greatest philosophers and leaders of mankind built their teachings from ideas given to them by God, including Jesus of Nazareth, Ghsndi, Buddha, etc.
I also believe that democracy itself close based on a seed of inspiration planted by God. All of the greatest democracies we're built upon this divine inspiration.

5; the church will teach that nature is the father of all life, and that one of the few Universal sins one can commit is the unnecessary destruction of nature as a whole or Nature's ability to produce life.
For example, intentionally polluting is a sin, as is hunting solely for Sport with no intention of using the meat. Mankind has a duty to protect and care for nature. We may take what we need to survive but undo destruction of nature is one of the worst sins of mankind can commit.
Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong.

seems like many don't have conscience.
I have decided to start my own brother. Is going to be a non-denominational, interfaith religion.
The following is an example of the principles my church will follow.

1; the universe was created by a god, but God does not directly interact with the universe. God created nature and nature operate autonomously without interference or input from God.

2; all living things, plants and animals, have souls. When a living thing dies it's Soul returns to God to await rebirth into new life.

3; In order for a life form to reach true sentience and self awareness, it requires both a soul and a body and mind which has evolved to a certain point. God judges all such beings, including humans, based on how they lived. Those who live good lives are reborn as sentient beings, and those who are judged poorly, are reborn as lesser beings. For example Hitler was most likely reborn as a slug or other lesser being which is considered far beneath humans.

4; God speaks to us through our souls. Which is the only direct interaction between God and the universe. Conscience is God telling us right from wrong. Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong. Therefore conscience must be an outside force.

God also inspires Us in this way. Using our souls to plant ideas into our heads. Some of the greatest philosophers and leaders of mankind built their teachings from ideas given to them by God, including Jesus of Nazareth, Ghsndi, Buddha, etc.
I also believe that democracy itself close based on a seed of inspiration planted by God. All of the greatest democracies we're built upon this divine inspiration.

5; the church will teach that nature is the father of all life, and that one of the few Universal sins one can commit is the unnecessary destruction of nature as a whole or Nature's ability to produce life.
For example, intentionally polluting is a sin, as is hunting solely for Sport with no intention of using the meat. Mankind has a duty to protect and care for nature. We may take what we need to survive but undo destruction of nature is one of the worst sins of mankind can commit.

There's just a couple of insignificant items you have forgotten
There is no God. There is no soil.
But don't let that stop you comrade. Millions believed God would save th seem from the virus. 400000 died. That worked well.
Stop blaming God for what was cooked up in a Chinese lab in Wuhan to gain superiority that will only end with genocide of anybody who tries to escape the horrors and mass murders Chona has used in the past by monsters like Mao who murdered 100 million people in mainland China who disagreed with his my way of death to ya unscrupulous malpractice. :frown:
The virus came from God, Mao was God's creation. I use to believe everything comes from God, as a Christian you will have to admit , Everything comes from God.

Absolute rubbish. God had nothing to do with it and you know it.
As for Mao, don't make me laugh. You're paranoid.
Does your wages come from? How about the car?
See how ridiculous your statement is.
If your a Christian God creates the good and evil.
I take it your not a Christian.
Project much, angel?
I have decided to start my own brother. Is going to be a non-denominational, interfaith religion.
The following is an example of the principles my church will follow.

1; the universe was created by a god, but God does not directly interact with the universe. God created nature and nature operate autonomously without interference or input from God.

2; all living things, plants and animals, have souls. When a living thing dies it's Soul returns to God to await rebirth into new life.

3; In order for a life form to reach true sentience and self awareness, it requires both a soul and a body and mind which has evolved to a certain point. God judges all such beings, including humans, based on how they lived. Those who live good lives are reborn as sentient beings, and those who are judged poorly, are reborn as lesser beings. For example Hitler was most likely reborn as a slug or other lesser being which is considered far beneath humans.

4; God speaks to us through our souls. Which is the only direct interaction between God and the universe. Conscience is God telling us right from wrong. Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong. Therefore conscience must be an outside force.

God also inspires Us in this way. Using our souls to plant ideas into our heads. Some of the greatest philosophers and leaders of mankind built their teachings from ideas given to them by God, including Jesus of Nazareth, Ghsndi, Buddha, etc.
I also believe that democracy itself close based on a seed of inspiration planted by God. All of the greatest democracies we're built upon this divine inspiration.

5; the church will teach that nature is the father of all life, and that one of the few Universal sins one can commit is the unnecessary destruction of nature as a whole or Nature's ability to produce life.
For example, intentionally polluting is a sin, as is hunting solely for Sport with no intention of using the meat. Mankind has a duty to protect and care for nature. We may take what we need to survive but undo destruction of nature is one of the worst sins of mankind can commit.
Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong.

seems like many don't have conscience.
I have decided to start my own brother. Is going to be a non-denominational, interfaith religion.
The following is an example of the principles my church will follow.

1; the universe was created by a god, but God does not directly interact with the universe. God created nature and nature operate autonomously without interference or input from God.

2; all living things, plants and animals, have souls. When a living thing dies it's Soul returns to God to await rebirth into new life.

3; In order for a life form to reach true sentience and self awareness, it requires both a soul and a body and mind which has evolved to a certain point. God judges all such beings, including humans, based on how they lived. Those who live good lives are reborn as sentient beings, and those who are judged poorly, are reborn as lesser beings. For example Hitler was most likely reborn as a slug or other lesser being which is considered far beneath humans.

4; God speaks to us through our souls. Which is the only direct interaction between God and the universe. Conscience is God telling us right from wrong. Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong. Therefore conscience must be an outside force.

God also inspires Us in this way. Using our souls to plant ideas into our heads. Some of the greatest philosophers and leaders of mankind built their teachings from ideas given to them by God, including Jesus of Nazareth, Ghsndi, Buddha, etc.
I also believe that democracy itself close based on a seed of inspiration planted by God. All of the greatest democracies we're built upon this divine inspiration.

5; the church will teach that nature is the father of all life, and that one of the few Universal sins one can commit is the unnecessary destruction of nature as a whole or Nature's ability to produce life.
For example, intentionally polluting is a sin, as is hunting solely for Sport with no intention of using the meat. Mankind has a duty to protect and care for nature. We may take what we need to survive but undo destruction of nature is one of the worst sins of mankind can commit.

There's just a couple of insignificant items you have forgotten
There is no God. There is no soil.
But don't let that stop you comrade. Millions believed God would save th seem from the virus. 400000 died. That worked well.
Stop blaming God for what was cooked up in a Chinese lab in Wuhan to gain superiority that will only end with genocide of anybody who tries to escape the horrors and mass murders Chona has used in the past by monsters like Mao who murdered 100 million people in mainland China who disagreed with his my way of death to ya unscrupulous malpractice. :frown:
The virus came from God, Mao was God's creation. I use to believe everything comes from God, as a Christian you will have to admit , Everything comes from God.

Absolute rubbish. God had nothing to do with it and you know it.
As for Mao, don't make me laugh. You're paranoid.
Does your wages come from? How about the car?
See how ridiculous your statement is.
If your a Christian God creates the good and evil.
I take it your not a Christian.
Project much, angel?
I was replying to Colin Norris.
I have decided to start my own brother. Is going to be a non-denominational, interfaith religion.
The following is an example of the principles my church will follow.

1; the universe was created by a god, but God does not directly interact with the universe. God created nature and nature operate autonomously without interference or input from God.

2; all living things, plants and animals, have souls. When a living thing dies it's Soul returns to God to await rebirth into new life.

3; In order for a life form to reach true sentience and self awareness, it requires both a soul and a body and mind which has evolved to a certain point. God judges all such beings, including humans, based on how they lived. Those who live good lives are reborn as sentient beings, and those who are judged poorly, are reborn as lesser beings. For example Hitler was most likely reborn as a slug or other lesser being which is considered far beneath humans.

4; God speaks to us through our souls. Which is the only direct interaction between God and the universe. Conscience is God telling us right from wrong. Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong. Therefore conscience must be an outside force.

God also inspires Us in this way. Using our souls to plant ideas into our heads. Some of the greatest philosophers and leaders of mankind built their teachings from ideas given to them by God, including Jesus of Nazareth, Ghsndi, Buddha, etc.
I also believe that democracy itself close based on a seed of inspiration planted by God. All of the greatest democracies we're built upon this divine inspiration.

5; the church will teach that nature is the father of all life, and that one of the few Universal sins one can commit is the unnecessary destruction of nature as a whole or Nature's ability to produce life.
For example, intentionally polluting is a sin, as is hunting solely for Sport with no intention of using the meat. Mankind has a duty to protect and care for nature. We may take what we need to survive but undo destruction of nature is one of the worst sins of mankind can commit.
Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong.

seems like many don't have conscience.
I have decided to start my own brother. Is going to be a non-denominational, interfaith religion.
The following is an example of the principles my church will follow.

1; the universe was created by a god, but God does not directly interact with the universe. God created nature and nature operate autonomously without interference or input from God.

2; all living things, plants and animals, have souls. When a living thing dies it's Soul returns to God to await rebirth into new life.

3; In order for a life form to reach true sentience and self awareness, it requires both a soul and a body and mind which has evolved to a certain point. God judges all such beings, including humans, based on how they lived. Those who live good lives are reborn as sentient beings, and those who are judged poorly, are reborn as lesser beings. For example Hitler was most likely reborn as a slug or other lesser being which is considered far beneath humans.

4; God speaks to us through our souls. Which is the only direct interaction between God and the universe. Conscience is God telling us right from wrong. Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong. Therefore conscience must be an outside force.

God also inspires Us in this way. Using our souls to plant ideas into our heads. Some of the greatest philosophers and leaders of mankind built their teachings from ideas given to them by God, including Jesus of Nazareth, Ghsndi, Buddha, etc.
I also believe that democracy itself close based on a seed of inspiration planted by God. All of the greatest democracies we're built upon this divine inspiration.

5; the church will teach that nature is the father of all life, and that one of the few Universal sins one can commit is the unnecessary destruction of nature as a whole or Nature's ability to produce life.
For example, intentionally polluting is a sin, as is hunting solely for Sport with no intention of using the meat. Mankind has a duty to protect and care for nature. We may take what we need to survive but undo destruction of nature is one of the worst sins of mankind can commit.

There's just a couple of insignificant items you have forgotten
There is no God. There is no soil.
But don't let that stop you comrade. Millions believed God would save th seem from the virus. 400000 died. That worked well.
Stop blaming God for what was cooked up in a Chinese lab in Wuhan to gain superiority that will only end with genocide of anybody who tries to escape the horrors and mass murders Chona has used in the past by monsters like Mao who murdered 100 million people in mainland China who disagreed with his my way of death to ya unscrupulous malpractice. :frown:
The virus came from God, Mao was God's creation. I use to believe everything comes from God, as a Christian you will have to admit , Everything comes from God.

Absolute rubbish. God had nothing to do with it and you know it.
As for Mao, don't make me laugh. You're paranoid.
Does your wages come from? How about the car?
See how ridiculous your statement is.
If your a Christian God creates the good and evil.
I take it your not a Christian.

There is no God and never has been.
I have decided to start my own brother. Is going to be a non-denominational, interfaith religion.
The following is an example of the principles my church will follow.

1; the universe was created by a god, but God does not directly interact with the universe. God created nature and nature operate autonomously without interference or input from God.

2; all living things, plants and animals, have souls. When a living thing dies it's Soul returns to God to await rebirth into new life.

3; In order for a life form to reach true sentience and self awareness, it requires both a soul and a body and mind which has evolved to a certain point. God judges all such beings, including humans, based on how they lived. Those who live good lives are reborn as sentient beings, and those who are judged poorly, are reborn as lesser beings. For example Hitler was most likely reborn as a slug or other lesser being which is considered far beneath humans.

4; God speaks to us through our souls. Which is the only direct interaction between God and the universe. Conscience is God telling us right from wrong. Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong. Therefore conscience must be an outside force.

God also inspires Us in this way. Using our souls to plant ideas into our heads. Some of the greatest philosophers and leaders of mankind built their teachings from ideas given to them by God, including Jesus of Nazareth, Ghsndi, Buddha, etc.
I also believe that democracy itself close based on a seed of inspiration planted by God. All of the greatest democracies we're built upon this divine inspiration.

5; the church will teach that nature is the father of all life, and that one of the few Universal sins one can commit is the unnecessary destruction of nature as a whole or Nature's ability to produce life.
For example, intentionally polluting is a sin, as is hunting solely for Sport with no intention of using the meat. Mankind has a duty to protect and care for nature. We may take what we need to survive but undo destruction of nature is one of the worst sins of mankind can commit.
Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong.

seems like many don't have conscience.
I have decided to start my own brother. Is going to be a non-denominational, interfaith religion.
The following is an example of the principles my church will follow.

1; the universe was created by a god, but God does not directly interact with the universe. God created nature and nature operate autonomously without interference or input from God.

2; all living things, plants and animals, have souls. When a living thing dies it's Soul returns to God to await rebirth into new life.

3; In order for a life form to reach true sentience and self awareness, it requires both a soul and a body and mind which has evolved to a certain point. God judges all such beings, including humans, based on how they lived. Those who live good lives are reborn as sentient beings, and those who are judged poorly, are reborn as lesser beings. For example Hitler was most likely reborn as a slug or other lesser being which is considered far beneath humans.

4; God speaks to us through our souls. Which is the only direct interaction between God and the universe. Conscience is God telling us right from wrong. Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong. Therefore conscience must be an outside force.

God also inspires Us in this way. Using our souls to plant ideas into our heads. Some of the greatest philosophers and leaders of mankind built their teachings from ideas given to them by God, including Jesus of Nazareth, Ghsndi, Buddha, etc.
I also believe that democracy itself close based on a seed of inspiration planted by God. All of the greatest democracies we're built upon this divine inspiration.

5; the church will teach that nature is the father of all life, and that one of the few Universal sins one can commit is the unnecessary destruction of nature as a whole or Nature's ability to produce life.
For example, intentionally polluting is a sin, as is hunting solely for Sport with no intention of using the meat. Mankind has a duty to protect and care for nature. We may take what we need to survive but undo destruction of nature is one of the worst sins of mankind can commit.

There's just a couple of insignificant items you have forgotten
There is no God. There is no soil.
But don't let that stop you comrade. Millions believed God would save th seem from the virus. 400000 died. That worked well.
Stop blaming God for what was cooked up in a Chinese lab in Wuhan to gain superiority that will only end with genocide of anybody who tries to escape the horrors and mass murders Chona has used in the past by monsters like Mao who murdered 100 million people in mainland China who disagreed with his my way of death to ya unscrupulous malpractice. :frown:
The virus came from God, Mao was God's creation. I use to believe everything comes from God, as a Christian you will have to admit , Everything comes from God.

Absolute rubbish. God had nothing to do with it and you know it.
As for Mao, don't make me laugh. You're paranoid.
Does your wages come from? How about the car?
See how ridiculous your statement is.
I have decided to start my own brother. Is going to be a non-denominational, interfaith religion.
The following is an example of the principles my church will follow.

1; the universe was created by a god, but God does not directly interact with the universe. God created nature and nature operate autonomously without interference or input from God.

2; all living things, plants and animals, have souls. When a living thing dies it's Soul returns to God to await rebirth into new life.

3; In order for a life form to reach true sentience and self awareness, it requires both a soul and a body and mind which has evolved to a certain point. God judges all such beings, including humans, based on how they lived. Those who live good lives are reborn as sentient beings, and those who are judged poorly, are reborn as lesser beings. For example Hitler was most likely reborn as a slug or other lesser being which is considered far beneath humans.

4; God speaks to us through our souls. Which is the only direct interaction between God and the universe. Conscience is God telling us right from wrong. Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong. Therefore conscience must be an outside force.

God also inspires Us in this way. Using our souls to plant ideas into our heads. Some of the greatest philosophers and leaders of mankind built their teachings from ideas given to them by God, including Jesus of Nazareth, Ghsndi, Buddha, etc.
I also believe that democracy itself close based on a seed of inspiration planted by God. All of the greatest democracies we're built upon this divine inspiration.

5; the church will teach that nature is the father of all life, and that one of the few Universal sins one can commit is the unnecessary destruction of nature as a whole or Nature's ability to produce life.
For example, intentionally polluting is a sin, as is hunting solely for Sport with no intention of using the meat. Mankind has a duty to protect and care for nature. We may take what we need to survive but undo destruction of nature is one of the worst sins of mankind can commit.
Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong.

seems like many don't have conscience.
I have decided to start my own brother. Is going to be a non-denominational, interfaith religion.
The following is an example of the principles my church will follow.

1; the universe was created by a god, but God does not directly interact with the universe. God created nature and nature operate autonomously without interference or input from God.

2; all living things, plants and animals, have souls. When a living thing dies it's Soul returns to God to await rebirth into new life.

3; In order for a life form to reach true sentience and self awareness, it requires both a soul and a body and mind which has evolved to a certain point. God judges all such beings, including humans, based on how they lived. Those who live good lives are reborn as sentient beings, and those who are judged poorly, are reborn as lesser beings. For example Hitler was most likely reborn as a slug or other lesser being which is considered far beneath humans.

4; God speaks to us through our souls. Which is the only direct interaction between God and the universe. Conscience is God telling us right from wrong. Humans are not naturally good and so should not have a natural instinct telling us right from wrong. Therefore conscience must be an outside force.

God also inspires Us in this way. Using our souls to plant ideas into our heads. Some of the greatest philosophers and leaders of mankind built their teachings from ideas given to them by God, including Jesus of Nazareth, Ghsndi, Buddha, etc.
I also believe that democracy itself close based on a seed of inspiration planted by God. All of the greatest democracies we're built upon this divine inspiration.

5; the church will teach that nature is the father of all life, and that one of the few Universal sins one can commit is the unnecessary destruction of nature as a whole or Nature's ability to produce life.
For example, intentionally polluting is a sin, as is hunting solely for Sport with no intention of using the meat. Mankind has a duty to protect and care for nature. We may take what we need to survive but undo destruction of nature is one of the worst sins of mankind can commit.

There's just a couple of insignificant items you have forgotten
There is no God. There is no soil.
But don't let that stop you comrade. Millions believed God would save th seem from the virus. 400000 died. That worked well.
Stop blaming God for what was cooked up in a Chinese lab in Wuhan to gain superiority that will only end with genocide of anybody who tries to escape the horrors and mass murders Chona has used in the past by monsters like Mao who murdered 100 million people in mainland China who disagreed with his my way of death to ya unscrupulous malpractice. :frown:
The virus came from God, Mao was God's creation. I use to believe everything comes from God, as a Christian you will have to admit , Everything comes from God.

Absolute rubbish. God had nothing to do with it and you know it.
As for Mao, don't make me laugh. You're paranoid.
Does your wages come from? How about the car?
See how ridiculous your statement is.
If your a Christian God creates the good and evil.
I take it your not a Christian.

I'm an atheist. Even a Christian realises there is no God as you should and consequently stop peddling your ridiculous beliefs.
Nothing on this earth or any where was produced by a hideous ghost. To believe that it was is a indictment on the human race. Get some facts.

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