Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (Official Trailer)


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
WARNING: The director said people may want to skip the trailer if you want to go into the movie blind. But there's no way I'm waiting until December since I'd probably get spoiled eventually by the internet. The trailer is good. It definitely spoils (or hints at some spoilers) some stuff, but I have a feeling there could be some misdirects in there.

My total guess on what the trailer means *POTENTIAL ACCIDENTAL SPOILERS*:

Snoke was talking about when he first found Kylo in the opening voice over, but Snoke became disappointed in Kylo and ordered Snoke to bring Rey to him. Kylo clearly has some good still in him since he was on the verge of crying before shooting Leia (assuming that wasn't a misdirect).

I actually think that's a misdirect with editing or Kylo purposefully misses, which confirms to Leia that there is still some good in him. Kylo eventually betrays Snoke by pretending to bring Rey to him, but Rey and Kylo actually join forces (maybe as gray jedi?) to take down Snoke. But to keep up the conflict and drama, Snoke finds out about the plot after all and sets a trap for both of them. Maybe Benicio Del Toro enters at this point.

Luke has so much guilt that he's too scared to train Rey, which is what leads Rey to seek out Kylo. Maybe Leia tells her to go find Kylo, because Leia still senses some good in him.

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