stacked house ? Trump got twenty tickets ?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
i'm still researching this, but i could tell right away something was off. the bush crowd were pretty rowdy, sounded hammered at times.

here's what i've found so far:

SCANDAL=> HOUSE WAS STACKED - Trump Camp Given ONLY 20 TICKETS For Supporters at GOP Debate - The Gateway Pundit

Roger Stone @RogerJStoneJr

The HOUSE is stacked- Trump Camp given ONLY 20 tickets- RNC Donors PURCHASED TICKETS- Hostile Establishment House #Trump2016

  • Trump then took on the GOP debate audience.
    Business Insider reported:

    The audience loudly booed Trump, driving the back-and-forth off the rails. Trump said audience members were all members of the Republican establishment.

    “That’s all of his donors and special interests out there,” Trump said of the people booing him. “That’s what it is. And by the way, let me just tell you: We needed tickets. You can’t get them. You know who has the tickets? … Donors, special interests, the people that are putting up the money. That’s who it is.”

    The booing continued. Trump said he was self-funding his campaign, so Republican donors weren’t a fan of his candidacy.

    “The reason they’re not loving me is I don’t want their money.
it's politics, but i am curious who got in. i do like a rowdy audience and all the candidates to be on the stage together. banning Carly was egregious.
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Personally, I don't care about the audience. The show is about what the candidates are saying. Needing an audience is like needing a laugh track.

I agree and it would be best not to have to listen to the clapping or booing.
i'm still researching this, but i could tell right away something was off. the bush crowd were pretty rowdy, sounded hammered at times.

here's what i've found so far:

SCANDAL=> HOUSE WAS STACKED - Trump Camp Given ONLY 20 TICKETS For Supporters at GOP Debate - The Gateway Pundit

Roger Stone @RogerJStoneJr

The HOUSE is stacked- Trump Camp given ONLY 20 tickets- RNC Donors PURCHASED TICKETS- Hostile Establishment House #Trump2016

  • Trump then took on the GOP debate audience.
    Business Insider reported:

    The audience loudly booed Trump, driving the back-and-forth off the rails. Trump said audience members were all members of the Republican establishment.

    “That’s all of his donors and special interests out there,” Trump said of the people booing him. “That’s what it is. And by the way, let me just tell you: We needed tickets. You can’t get them. You know who has the tickets? … Donors, special interests, the people that are putting up the money. That’s who it is.”

    The booing continued. Trump said he was self-funding his campaign, so Republican donors weren’t a fan of his candidacy.

    “The reason they’re not loving me is I don’t want their money.
it's politics, but i am curious who got in. i do like a rowdy audience and all the candidates to be on the stage together. banning Carly was egregious.
There were 7 candidates debating, I think...
If each candidate got 20 tickets out of the 1000 total that means 860 tickets remained,,,
The RNC had control of those tickets
Trump, Cruz and Carson are not establishment candidates, meaning they are not acceptable to be the nominee
The remaining tickets would likely got to the candidates supporter that the establishment would want as the nominee
That would probably be Bush or Rubio? Don't know

Going back to check my facts.
Check :)
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Carson was only there for his looks. :) at least that is how he felt.
I am not a Trump for President supporter, but I am against the RNC or the DNC picking our candidates for us by allowing dirty tricks or creating the tricks themselves in our elections.

And the Cruz campaign dirty tricks in Iowa, telling Carson supporters he was leaving the race, when he wasn't, in order for Cruz to get Carson supporters, to beat Trump, infuriated me....that was not right and just.

and if the RNC packed the audience with supporters of the establishment candidates that they wanted to be in the Presidential race as speculated in this thread, that is NOT right and just either!

I am not going to vote for Trump, butttttttt GO TRUMP!
I am not a Trump for President supporter, but I am against the RNC or the DNC picking our candidates for us by allowing dirty tricks or creating the tricks themselves in our elections.

And the Cruz campaign dirty tricks in Iowa, telling Carson supporters he was leaving the race, when he wasn't, in order for Cruz to get Carson supporters, to beat Trump, infuriated me....that was not right and just.

and if the RNC packed the audience with supporters of the establishment candidates that they wanted to be in the Presidential race as speculated in this thread, that is NOT right and just either!

I am not going to vote for Trump, butttttttt GO TRUMP!

Care, I'm really impressed that you took the time to be read the thread and objectively discuss your thoughts. I hate the dishonesty and dirty tricks myself. I was on Trump but during the last debate, I thought I may go Cruz. then his dirty trick with Carson. That was too low. And I don;t like the maneuvering of tickets to stack the house. I believe they did because they are not silent about getting rid of Trump. It wasn't a big deal, unless you like good clean fights.

So, I'm back to square one...who knows, I may jump ship!
whine about the mods, whine about the audience, whine whine whine RW's, WHINE.

the Democrats don't whine. They sit back and laugh at RW's.
i'm still researching this, but i could tell right away something was off. the bush crowd were pretty rowdy, sounded hammered at times.

here's what i've found so far:

SCANDAL=> HOUSE WAS STACKED - Trump Camp Given ONLY 20 TICKETS For Supporters at GOP Debate - The Gateway Pundit

Roger Stone @RogerJStoneJr

The HOUSE is stacked- Trump Camp given ONLY 20 tickets- RNC Donors PURCHASED TICKETS- Hostile Establishment House #Trump2016

  • Trump then took on the GOP debate audience.
    Business Insider reported:

    The audience loudly booed Trump, driving the back-and-forth off the rails. Trump said audience members were all members of the Republican establishment.

    “That’s all of his donors and special interests out there,” Trump said of the people booing him. “That’s what it is. And by the way, let me just tell you: We needed tickets. You can’t get them. You know who has the tickets? … Donors, special interests, the people that are putting up the money. That’s who it is.”

    The booing continued. Trump said he was self-funding his campaign, so Republican donors weren’t a fan of his candidacy.

    “The reason they’re not loving me is I don’t want their money.
it's politics, but i am curious who got in. i do like a rowdy audience and all the candidates to be on the stage together. banning Carly was egregious.

You know what, people who are GOPers should be double pissed! They turned a venue from an opportunity to help you pick your candidate, to a venue where they promote a candidate(s) they want. A picture is worth 1000 words, and a picture with audio is worth 2000. If people weren't made aware of what was going on, they would have a totally different take on the meaning of what happened.

Honestly, do you think the GOP actually cares who you want, or what you think? Let me tell you the truth-----------> take all the establishment candidates that the GOP knows they can control, find the one who they think has the best chance to stop Trump, Cruz, Carson, and Fiorina, and that is who they are going to tout as the savior. Yesterday it was Rubio, he screwed up, so maybe the middle of next week it will be Kasich or Christie. They are all I-N-T-E-R-C-H-A-N-G-A-B-L-E for the purpose required. And what is that purpose? To be controlled by them if they get elected President, PERIOD! Do you think they want to put up anybody they can't control?

The supposed moderates who post on here are in La-La land. They actually think they are supporting moderate views. No they aren't! They are supporting the Washington "good Ole Boys/girls" club who wants to maintain power.

QUESTION-----------> How did we get in this disaster we are in? Oh, you moderates want to blame Obama, don't you! Sure, he steered the ship of state, but the GOP had the oars in the water to pedal backwards and REFUSED to do it for their own political, expediency! They didn't care what all of us wanted, they just cared about getting re-elected and ducking their heads down.

REALITY---------> They could have long-long ago stood up to Obamacare, using the same tactics the Democrats used to install it in the 1st place! Didn't know that, did you! Wouldn't do it, forget about it, and they could have basically forced it through with the power of the purse. So tell all of us supposed RWs, if they won't back up what they say they are going to do when running for election, why vote for them?

Now, they are trying to tell you that the very things they ran on for their seats, don't count for the Presidency? Re-read that last sentence please, and soak it in!

They are telling you that someone who WILL do what you elected THEM to do, is wrong, vote for a moderate. ARE YOU KIDDING ME! And to help convince you, we are going to put a bunch of cheerleaders in the debate, without telling you they are PAID cheerleaders, then have you weigh what the Republican party is thinking.

And some of you claim the Democrats are totally unethical? If your are not seething from them slapping you in the face, then you are part of the problem! Why in the hell worry about what the left is going to tell you to do, because after the right is done grooming you, it won't hurt at all.
I am not a Trump for President supporter, but I am against the RNC or the DNC picking our candidates for us by allowing dirty tricks or creating the tricks themselves in our elections.

And the Cruz campaign dirty tricks in Iowa, telling Carson supporters he was leaving the race, when he wasn't, in order for Cruz to get Carson supporters, to beat Trump, infuriated me....that was not right and just.

and if the RNC packed the audience with supporters of the establishment candidates that they wanted to be in the Presidential race as speculated in this thread, that is NOT right and just either!

I am not going to vote for Trump, butttttttt GO TRUMP!

Care, I'm really impressed that you took the time to be read the thread and objectively discuss your thoughts. I hate the dishonesty and dirty tricks myself. I was on Trump but during the last debate, I thought I may go Cruz. then his dirty trick with Carson. That was too low. And I don;t like the maneuvering of tickets to stack the house. I believe they did because they are not silent about getting rid of Trump. It wasn't a big deal, unless you like good clean fights.

So, I'm back to square one...who knows, I may jump ship!

When they keep talking about Obama, don't they know he can't run again. Take our country back, where did it go, and I don't want to go back, unless I can be 30 again with rear window defrost and internet.
Trump will bring back a hell of a lot more than waterboarding

Bush will bomb NK to get us back into the game

Rafael just sniffles about his drug addict sister

Marco got spanked like the little boy he really is

jeeeeeeezussssss kriesttttttttt ... these dolts want to run the country ????????????
Rand Paul had noisy plants in the last Fox'd that work out for him? :lol: What should be noted is that those who were booing Rubio early were cheering him in the second half.
The next dirty trick will be a series of "match up polls" that show how only Rubio, Kasich. Bush, or Christie, can beat hiLIARy or the Crackpot. Nobody else has a chance, especially not Trump!

I don't think it will work this cycle.....Republican voters are pissed.
The next dirty trick will be a series of "match up polls" that show how only Rubio, Kasich. Bush, or Christie, can beat hiLIARy or the Crackpot. Nobody else has a chance, especially not Trump!

I don't think it will work this cycle.....Republican voters are pissed.
Those polls have already existed for MONTHS. Trump has consistently been the loser vs Hillary
Trump Gets Booed at Debate

Good for him! As he pointed out, the audience was not made up of run-of-the-mill NH voters but the ones who gave $$$$ to certain candidates or the GOP. ( says only 75 RNC donors were in the audience of 1000 and all candidates received an equal number of tickets)(And TheGateWayPundit reports that the Trump campaign only received 20 tickets!)

As for eminent domain – which should count – individual rights or the good of the whole? Without this legal move, a lot of things we take for granted would not exist. Do you drive to work on an Internet? It's probably there because some private property was taken in order to build it. Our country expanded due to the railroads and many of them were only built because they co-opted private holdings.

And how many of those who booed benefited from eminent domain? If you want the full story of the property referred to, go to Vera Coking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And here's a question nobody posed – how many times did Florida use eminent domain during Gov Bush's term of office?

And how many people who don't live in New Hampshire are going to be bused in to vote there?

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