Spokane Republican Congressman Linked To Spying Report


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Matt Shea, Spokane Republican, criticized after political spying report

So Washington state lawmaker, Matt Shea is being unfairly attacked by the socialist dems for appearing to support spying on political opponents. Really dems? After you guys have spied on our president and tried to take him down? From the article:

"The Guardian newspaper reported Saturday it had obtained the contents of chats involving Republican Rep. Matt Shea, of Spokane Valley, and three other men proposing to confront leftists with a variety of tactics, including violence, surveillance and intimidation. The chats on the messaging app Signal took place in the days leading up to a supposed left-wing revolt in November 2017. The revolt never occurred."

Basically the racist democrats are trying to accuse Rep. Shea of taking part in private discussions with right-wing figures about carrying out surveillance, “psyops” and even violent attacks on perceived political enemies, according to chat records obtained by the Guardian. The chat group included Jack Robertson, who broadcasts a far-right radio show, Radio Free Redoubt, under the alias “John Jacob Schmidt”. The chat also included Anthony Bosworth, whose history includes a public altercation with his own daughter and bringing guns to a court house. Bosworth participated in the 2016 occupation of the Malheur national wildlife refuge, reportedly at Shea’s request.

The name of another participant (or should I say the snitch), who provided the chat records to the Guardian, has been withheld due to concerns about personal safety. Shea is a veteran and conservative patriot who has represented his district with honor since 2008. He has embraced far-right conspiracy theories, mingled with militia groups and visited right-wing activists who seized a wildlife refuge in Oregon in 2016. He bravely stood up for Jesus in 2018 after a document he authored laid out a "biblical basis for war" against people who practiced same-sex marriage and abortion and instructed: "If they do not yield, kill all males."

It's despicable they are giving this guy such a hard time when all he did was joke about torturing and killing his political opponents; volunteering to do background checks on liberal activists to get the location of their child's daycare, home, etc -- it was all innocent chatroom banter -- the real terrorist and threat to America is sitting right there on Capital Hill, muslim Ilhan Omar -- who not only calls for violence against Jews and Americans in general,but actively plots with terrorists -- I am sure of it, most likely...she probably has done all of that...she definitely probably chatted online about it.

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