Splitting 24 hour long 3gp videos

Brick Gold

Gold Member
Jan 30, 2022
I need a video splitter that can handle 2 GB 24 hour 3gp videos. The splitter I use freezes up and auto-closes with anything over 15 hours long. Anyone got some suggestions? I don't want to buy something to find the same trouble.
No suggestions, guess I will have to take on this adventure without the help.
The Windows Live Essentials 2012 package free from Microsoft, the one I was using when I created this topic, actually does handle videos longer than 16 hours long. The application's limits on handling videos is dependant on what Graphics Card is in your PC. I was trying to edit videos on a cheap laptop with a weak graphics card. Returning to my halfway decent PC solved the problem with larger videos.
Here is a link to the download if you are interested.

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Microsoft's official page on Live Essentials. Support cut in 2017.

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