Special report: Microchip security continues to confound Pentagon


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Nearly nine years ago, the Senate Armed Services Committee reported the results of an investigation of counterfeit electronic parts in the U.S. military. The year-long probe found fully 1 million bogus parts, including components for several types of combat aircraft.

“Our report outlines how this flood of counterfeit parts, overwhelmingly from China, threatens national security, the safety of our troops and American jobs,” said Sen. Carl Levin, the Michigan Democrat who chaired the panel at the time.

Worries have only grown since then that technology that was made or modified in China, including everything from computer chips to servers, can be not just counterfeit but also malicious if it carries spyware.

The Pentagon has taken steps since then to try to shore up its vulnerability to questionable parts. When it comes to semiconductors, the building blocks of digital products, U.S. defense and intelligence agencies are still grappling with how to ensure those parts are not just available when needed — but also secure.

There are three parts.
This is part one:

This is part two:

I am a firm believer that the semiconductors should be made in the US.

By conservatives.


Making all parts in-country would double, triple, quadruple or more the cost of hundreds of thousands of parts. It would also not make them any more secure from malicious intent. You are posting bumper stickers, not offering sound advice.
Verify integrity or purchase none until possible. Make do with much less in any case. Switch focus to the peaceful rebuilding of our infrastructure and setting a good national example. Let's get happy for a change.
Making all parts in-country would double, triple, quadruple or more the cost of hundreds of thousands of parts. It would also not make them any more secure from malicious intent. You are posting bumper stickers, not offering sound advice.
Did you read anything in any of those links?
I agree with most everyone here. The more self sufficient you are the better off you'll be. We should be self sufficient especially when it comes to military, food, energy, pharmaceuticals and technology. But I doubt if Biden is smart enough to see this.

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