Speaking of ethics? This pisses me right the hell off


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
The American Cancer Society has turned down a donation worth $500,000 from the Foundation Beyond Belief, a secular charity funded by atheists, freethinkers, and humanists.

Thursday, the Foundation Beyond Belief issued a formal statement indicating that their offer to raise up to a half million dollars through the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life program was recently tabled when the American Cancer Society declined to allow the Foundation to create a national Relay team as other non-profits have done.

While the American Cancer Society (ACS) claims their inability to work with the Foundation Beyond Belief (FBB) has nothing to do with the Foundation's godless stance, the evidence indicates otherwise. The fact is, the ACS allows other non-profits to participate in the national relay, and the only conceivable reason for the ACS to disallow the FBB from participating is their somewhat controversial position towards religious belief.

American Cancer Society refuses $500,000 from atheists - National Humanist | Examiner.com
This is ridiculous and unfortunate. I am glad that this organization decided to reorganize after having given the go ahead. They can keep on reorganizing. Not a dime from this way.
The American Cancer Society has turned down a donation worth $500,000 from the Foundation Beyond Belief, a secular charity funded by atheists, freethinkers, and humanists.

Thursday, the Foundation Beyond Belief issued a formal statement indicating that their offer to raise up to a half million dollars through the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life program was recently tabled when the American Cancer Society declined to allow the Foundation to create a national Relay team as other non-profits have done.

While the American Cancer Society (ACS) claims their inability to work with the Foundation Beyond Belief (FBB) has nothing to do with the Foundation's godless stance, the evidence indicates otherwise. The fact is, the ACS allows other non-profits to participate in the national relay, and the only conceivable reason for the ACS to disallow the FBB from participating is their somewhat controversial position towards religious belief.

American Cancer Society refuses $500,000 from atheists - National Humanist | Examiner.com
charity is a good thing no matter what the religious background of the donator is !! they should have accepted the money !!:confused:
I dont think they should take any money from anyone if they dont want to. I dont know what their reasons might be. But who are we to tell them they have to take the money? Even if it is for a good cause.
Oh, the will take the money. The money, with the exception of the matching the money raised, isn't the issue.
I dont think they should take any money from anyone if they dont want to. I dont know what their reasons might be. But who are we to tell them they have to take the money? Even if it is for a good cause.

As long as they don't lead people to believe their #1 goal is to help people.

This is pathetic, they should take money from Nazi's if they think it can help cancer patients.
I dont think they should take any money from anyone if they dont want to. I dont know what their reasons might be. But who are we to tell them they have to take the money? Even if it is for a good cause.

As long as they don't lead people to believe their #1 goal is to help people.

This is pathetic, they should take money from Nazi's if they think it can help cancer patients.

I disagree. Money does not = help.

People, and organizations of people, should be free to help as they choose. That means they should be free to accept or reject others "help". Especially if they have reason to believe strings are attached that will inhibit their primary mission.
The American Cancer Society has turned down a donation worth $500,000 from the Foundation Beyond Belief, a secular charity funded by atheists, freethinkers, and humanists.

Thursday, the Foundation Beyond Belief issued a formal statement indicating that their offer to raise up to a half million dollars through the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life program was recently tabled when the American Cancer Society declined to allow the Foundation to create a national Relay team as other non-profits have done.

While the American Cancer Society (ACS) claims their inability to work with the Foundation Beyond Belief (FBB) has nothing to do with the Foundation's godless stance, the evidence indicates otherwise. The fact is, the ACS allows other non-profits to participate in the national relay, and the only conceivable reason for the ACS to disallow the FBB from participating is their somewhat controversial position towards religious belief.

American Cancer Society refuses $500,000 from atheists - National Humanist | Examiner.com

I didn't know the American Cancer Society was religious.
i didn't know atheists were such whiny fucks.

Good point, wanting a charity that raises money for cancer research.........to take money for cancer research is absolutely ridiculous.

Then simply pointing it out on one thread, and being against them refusing it="atheists are whiny fucks."

Not your best stuff Del, your team lose this weekend?
i didn't know atheists were such whiny fucks.

Good point, wanting a charity that raises money for cancer research.........to take money for cancer research is absolutely ridiculous.

Then simply pointing it out on one thread, and being against them refusing it="atheists are whiny fucks."

Not your best stuff Del, your team lose this weekend?

i have to question the sincerity of the original offer if they refuse to work with ACS except under the conditions they want to impose, and then publicize it.

if you read the answer link, they didn't refuse the contribution, acs wouldn't let them participate in some national team thing. bbf didn't like it so they decided to raise a stink and also lie about whether ACS would accept their donation.

if one sincerely wants to donate money to a cause, i don't think one quibbles over things like that. if i was a cynical person, i'd suspect that it was a publicity stunt, rather than an honest effort.

we won 20-16
I disagree. Money does not = help.

Of course it does. What do you think funds the research, peanuts?

This is the same false premise that progressives use to continually expand the government. Providing more and more money doesn't mean it helps anything.

So why should a private organization have their liberty taken away in order to be forced to take money?

If Hitler wants to donate money to you, should we be obligated to take that money from such a repulsive human being. Some here obviously think so. They think any organization should be obligated to take money from anyone who offers. But why? Why such a simplistic view when life is much more nuanced?
i didn't know atheists were such whiny fucks.

Good point, wanting a charity that raises money for cancer research.........to take money for cancer research is absolutely ridiculous.

Then simply pointing it out on one thread, and being against them refusing it="atheists are whiny fucks."

Not your best stuff Del, your team lose this weekend?

i have to question the sincerity of the original offer if they refuse to work with ACS except under the conditions they want to impose, and then publicize it.

if you read the answer link, they didn't refuse the contribution, acs wouldn't let them participate in some national team thing. bbf didn't like it so they decided to raise a stink and also lie about whether ACS would accept their donation.

if one sincerely wants to donate money to a cause, i don't think one quibbles over things like that. if i was a cynical person, i'd suspect that it was a publicity stunt, rather than an honest effort.

we won 20-16

Fair enough.

The childish insult was still stupid, but what can ya do?
I disagree. Money does not = help.

Of course it does. What do you think funds the research, peanuts?

This is the same false premise that progressives use to continually expand the government. Providing more and more money doesn't mean it helps anything.

So why should a private organization have their liberty taken away in order to be forced to take money?

If Hitler wants to donate money to you, should we be obligated to take that money from such a repulsive human being. Some here obviously think so. They think any organization should be obligated to take money from anyone who offers. But why? Why such a simplistic view when life is much more nuanced?

No they shouldn't be governmentally obligated to take the money, or forced to per se.

Just saying basic human morality and a desire to help people you'd think would push a charity to take money.

But sadly in America, politics always puts its slimey fingers on everything. Even charity and cancer.
Good point, wanting a charity that raises money for cancer research.........to take money for cancer research is absolutely ridiculous.

Then simply pointing it out on one thread, and being against them refusing it="atheists are whiny fucks."

Not your best stuff Del, your team lose this weekend?

i have to question the sincerity of the original offer if they refuse to work with ACS except under the conditions they want to impose, and then publicize it.

if you read the answer link, they didn't refuse the contribution, acs wouldn't let them participate in some national team thing. bbf didn't like it so they decided to raise a stink and also lie about whether ACS would accept their donation.

if one sincerely wants to donate money to a cause, i don't think one quibbles over things like that. if i was a cynical person, i'd suspect that it was a publicity stunt, rather than an honest effort.

we won 20-16

Fair enough.

The childish insult was still stupid, but what can ya do?

i prefer to think of it as an accurate description of the person who wrote the piece.

of course, you're free to differ with that assessment.

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