Speaker Pelosi Don't Give Up On Stimulus Bill!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The current times are creating a career test for Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi; is she just a partisan leader who so often disappoint the American people by putting Party over Country or is she a statesman that puts the welfare and well-being of the country as her first priority at this crossroads time of our country where its economy is on the brink of incurring dramatic long-term damage. Specifically, the question is whether Speaker Pelosi will forge ahead on the stimulus bill and resolve the minor issues that remain and pass the compromise legislation through her Chamber before the November election even though she knows with certainty the legislation won't pass the Senate in this time frame. Why is this stimulus legislation so critical and it so critical the deal with the White House be cut before the election, you posit? When the current Fed Chairman Jay Powell and the former Fed Chairperson Janet Yellin plead with Congress and the President to pass a sizable stimulus bill and put them on notice that if they don't the economy will experience a massive recessionary effect the need for such a bill is compelling; even construing economic factors in a positive light America stands in a state where she has ten million people out of work and one hundred thousand plus small businesses permanently shuttered because of the pandemic, the hit to the country's GDP from the pandemic cannot be dismissed as just a dip that will naturally recover, the country needs a robust stimulus package from Washington immediately there should be no debate on this from responsible and good people! It is critical that the stimulus deal between the Democrats and the White House be reached before November 3 because otherwise such legislation won't be enacted until February of next year when the next government is installed and by then it will be too late the economy is like a series of lines of dominoes when individual dominoes fall it takes out large swaths of other dominoes practically meaning in part that the layoffs and business shutterings America will see in November December and January with no stimulus excuse the pun but will spread like an epidemic!

Speaker Pelosi can be partisan about this and say things like the Republicans should not have gone on hiatus and failed to negotiate a stimulus bill in the summer when it was clear it would be needed, or the Republicans are only offering the American people a $500 billion stimulus bill when any competent economist would conclude that number is insufficient to stop the dramatic economic damage the country is poised to experience from the pandemic! Speaker Pelosi can be partisan and say I am not going to give up my party's political edge on the stimulus legislation issue prior to election day by cutting a deal with President Trump and pushing the bill through my chamber prior to November 3! In taking this path Speaker Pelosi would be failing the interests of the American people in an historic way because the course she would be taking is to say to the American people we will conclude the stimulus negotiations after the election and any competent politician alive today that is honest knows that if the election plays out like the polls predict where Joe Biden wins the White House and let us say the Republicans hold the Senate (the polls are actually too close to call but it doesn't matter because in the lame duck session the Republicans will be in control of the Senate) no stimulus negotiation deal will be reached; because President Trump will be in an extreme angry state believing he was cheated out of his reelection by the Democrat and Senate Republicans will be desperate to preserve their Republican brand which they will adamantly believe entails federal spending restraint!

Why is Speaker Pelosi reaching a stimulus deal with the White House and passing it through her chamber prior to election day super critically important? Because after the election when the predicted outcome occurs Democrat members of her caucus are going to want a Heroes Act stimulus type of bill passed their position will be we won the White House our, the Democrat, agenda should be implemented rank and file Democrat members across the country expect it that is what all their hard work was for and as the Speaker knows life is not that simple the Republicans will hold essential power for moving legislation and they will block any such move the bottom line after the election Speaker Pelosi won't be able to control her caucus sufficiently to pass anything but a two plus trillion stimulus bill through her chamber and no possible way she'll get that from Republicans after the election; it is now or never Speaker Pelosi! If the Speaker cuts a deal prior to the election why does it make a difference in getting such a bill through the Senate; the challenge in the Senate is to get thirteen Republicans to support the bill so proponents of the bill will have sixty votes to overcome a filibuster of the bill so it can be voted to passage. If a deal is reached prior to the election the nation will likely see at least three Republican Senators up for election in swing states come out and support the bill because polls indicate the majority of the American people want Washington to deliver another robust stimulus bill and these Senators will grab the political edge supporting the bill has to offer; then you have one reliably good Senator in the Republican caucus Lisa Murkowski who one can count on to do the right thing on the bill and support it so proponents of the bill will only need nine more Republican votes; shortly after the election the recessionary fallout from no stimulus that Chairmen Powell and Chairwomen Yellin warned of (one can already see the precursors of it in the large drops in the financial markets as the reality of no stimulus settles in) large layoffs, high numbers of bankruptcies and significant increases in unemployment claim filings will begin to hit America this and other fallout will move nine additional Republican Senators to support the bill to stop the extreme economic bleeding in America! Why is it critical that a stimulus deal be cut now before the election in order to get President Trump to sign a robust stimulus bill into law; because after the election as stated he will be in no mood to negotiate such a deal with Democrats but if the only issue is how to get President Trump to sign the bill he already agreed to it can be viewed as a situation that needs a transactional arrangement to succeed. Democrats could offer a separate bill like the government will not be able to tear down any part of the Trump border wall for ten years except for a rare environmental or safety reason; Democrats should be amenable to this because America needs to take emotion and politics out of border security America needs a cooling off period about the border wall, America has had border walls for fifty years to protect America's borders why are now border walls like the work of the devil! President Trump should be sprinting to cut a stimulus deal; he has had the worst luck with the pandemic cases and hospital admissions are spiking just as election day is approaching and his defense of his handling of the pandemic just high lights how inept he was in fulfilling his duty as President on this issue. It would be an outstandingly smart move on President Trump's part to cut a deal with the Speaker on the stimulus bill then he can on the campaign trail during the remaining days of the election talk about all the great things in the bill that will help the American people and keep the economic recovery on track!

Speaker Pelosi if she would act with wisdom and virtue she could successfully lead her Party and the America people on this issue to enact a robust stimulus bill prior to the election. There is many facets of this issue that call for this expeditious action. Some people say wait until after the election when we know the will of the American people to continue the stimulus negotiations; well like twenty-one states allow ballots post marked by November 3rd to be counted so when will that be achieved and how about the litigation over the election that will certainly occur President Trump and the Republicans will likely throw everything including the kitchen sink in such lawsuits! Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi are you a Party Leader just interested in accumulating power or do you care about the well being of America and her sons and daughters that is the question you will answer in the next six days?
Democrats chose to hurt Trump over helping Americans. Trump even came up and tried. Democrats did not.

This is just like when Nancy Pelosi said she couldn't help the airport workers because she needs them as a bargaining chip.

Good morning, Sunday morning...
I wonder how Red states feel about bailing out Blue states. That has been the plan all along. Do they get it?
I wonder how Red states feel about bailing out Blue states. That has been the plan all along. Do they get it?

Yes and exchange usually the blue state bail out the red one. The red states are the ones hurting now, they didn't wear masks, and tramps ralllies left many covid people behind.

But I digress, I could careless if they want to go to a tramp rally and if they get covid from not wearing a mask.
I wonder how Red states feel about bailing out Blue states. That has been the plan all along. Do they get it?

Yes and exchange usually the blue state bail out the red one. The red states are the ones hurting now, they didn't wear masks, and tramps ralllies left many covid people behind.

But I digress, I could careless if they want to go to a tramp rally and if they get covid from not wearing a mask.

Not even close to truth. Masks do nothing as there are many states with increasing number of cases. Enjoy your isolation camps up north.
I wonder how Red states feel about bailing out Blue states. That has been the plan all along. Do they get it?

Yes and exchange usually the blue state bail out the red one. The red states are the ones hurting now, they didn't wear masks, and tramps ralllies left many covid people behind.

But I digress, I could careless if they want to go to a tramp rally and if they get covid from not wearing a mask.

You made that up. Blue States aren't bailing out red ones
I wonder how Red states feel about bailing out Blue states. That has been the plan all along. Do they get it?

Yes and exchange usually the blue state bail out the red one. The red states are the ones hurting now, they didn't wear masks, and tramps ralllies left many covid people behind.

But I digress, I could careless if they want to go to a tramp rally and if they get covid from not wearing a mask.

Not even close to truth. Masks do nothing as there are many states with increasing number of cases. Enjoy your isolation camps up north.

Oh the red states are hot with covid and the sad part is , many can just wear masks.
Real Americans have a problem with handing failed Blue states billions so they can use it to "build back" their cities destroyed by BLM riots and gross mismanagement. They voted the Democrats in. They can pay for it by raising their own state, local and property taxes.
I wonder how Red states feel about bailing out Blue states. That has been the plan all along. Do they get it?

Yes and exchange usually the blue state bail out the red one. The red states are the ones hurting now, they didn't wear masks, and tramps ralllies left many covid people behind.

But I digress, I could careless if they want to go to a tramp rally and if they get covid from not wearing a mask.

You made that up. Blue States aren't bailing out red ones

Sure they are even now. Everyone know that the blue states do the bail out of the red states.
I wonder how Red states feel about bailing out Blue states. That has been the plan all along. Do they get it?

Yes and exchange usually the blue state bail out the red one. The red states are the ones hurting now, they didn't wear masks, and tramps ralllies left many covid people behind.

But I digress, I could careless if they want to go to a tramp rally and if they get covid from not wearing a mask.

Not even close to truth. Masks do nothing as there are many states with increasing number of cases. Enjoy your isolation camps up north.

Oh the red states are hot with covid and the sad part is , many can just wear masks.

The vast majority of deaths are in States where Democrats call the shots.

John Adams: Facts are stubborn things
I wonder how Red states feel about bailing out Blue states. That has been the plan all along. Do they get it?

Yes and exchange usually the blue state bail out the red one. The red states are the ones hurting now, they didn't wear masks, and tramps ralllies left many covid people behind.

But I digress, I could careless if they want to go to a tramp rally and if they get covid from not wearing a mask.

You made that up. Blue States aren't bailing out red ones

Sure they are even now. Everyone know that the blue states do the bail out of the red states.

"Everyone knows" is a argumentum ad populum fallacy.

No one knows that. Leftists believe it because you're sheep.

It's total bull shit
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I wonder how Red states feel about bailing out Blue states. That has been the plan all along. Do they get it?

Yes and exchange usually the blue state bail out the red one. The red states are the ones hurting now, they didn't wear masks, and tramps ralllies left many covid people behind.

But I digress, I could careless if they want to go to a tramp rally and if they get covid from not wearing a mask.

Not even close to truth. Masks do nothing as there are many states with increasing number of cases. Enjoy your isolation camps up north.

Oh the red states are hot with covid and the sad part is , many can just wear masks.

The vast majority of deaths are in States where Democrats call the shots.

John Adams: Facts are stubborn things
She wants $300,000,000 to support Illegal Aliens housing and access to taxpayer funded health care.
I wonder how Red states feel about bailing out Blue states. That has been the plan all along. Do they get it?

Yes and exchange usually the blue state bail out the red one. The red states are the ones hurting now, they didn't wear masks, and tramps ralllies left many covid people behind.

But I digress, I could careless if they want to go to a tramp rally and if they get covid from not wearing a mask.

Not even close to truth. Masks do nothing as there are many states with increasing number of cases. Enjoy your isolation camps up north.

Oh the red states are hot with covid and the sad part is , many can just wear masks.

No, you're wrong. The top states are texas, california, illinois, wisconsin, and florida. Those aren't all red states.
A new report from WalletHub confirms what we already suspected: The states that depend the most on “big gubmin”t are also the states that are are always whining the most about… “big gubmint.”

And, wouldn’t you know it, one of the worst offenders is Kentucky — the state represented in the Senate by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican.
A new report from WalletHub confirms what we already suspected: The states that depend the most on “big gubmin”t are also the states that are are always whining the most about… “big gubmint.”

And, wouldn’t you know it, one of the worst offenders is Kentucky — the state represented in the Senate by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican.

Every article that claimed that I've seen is bull shit. They have very narrow definitions of how the money is counted. Like "direct transfer to State treasury." Most of them I've seen have Virginia low and Maryland mid when they are CLEARLY the two largest receivers of Federal government money.

State clearly how you are measuring this, obviously you can't because you don't know, you're just posting leftist fake news
Democrats chose to hurt Trump over helping Americans. Trump even came up and tried. Democrats did not.

This is just like when Nancy Pelosi said she couldn't help the airport workers because she needs them as a bargaining chip.

Good morning, Sunday morning...
With Progs it is the agendas over people. Excepting themselves with power of course. The 5 year plans...oh the five year plans.....
A new report from WalletHub confirms what we already suspected: The states that depend the most on “big gubmin”t are also the states that are are always whining the most about… “big gubmint.”

And, wouldn’t you know it, one of the worst offenders is Kentucky — the state represented in the Senate by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican.

Every article that claimed that I've seen is bull shit. They have very narrow definitions of how the money is counted. Like "direct transfer to State treasury." Most of them I've seen have Virginia low and Maryland mid when they are CLEARLY the two largest receivers of Federal government money.

State clearly how you are measuring this, obviously you can't because you don't know, you're just posting leftist fake news

McConnell and tramp do not want a stimulus plan.

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