South Carolina cop guns down innocent man on highway for no reason


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
WCSC Investigation underway following trooper-involved shooting on I-20

A SC state trooper pulled over an innocent man for no reason last night. Supposedly the driver had been drinking, and failed field sobriety tests...and instead of SERVING this citizen like hes sworn to give him a complimentary ride home or call a cab like a servant should....he tried to arrest him for DUI.

The innocent man resisted this unlawful arrest and the pig cop tased him. The taser failed....and the cop probably smiled knowing this meant he gets to murder now.

So this innocent innocent man goes and gets back in his car and tries to drive away which is his right.

The tyrant cop cant just let it go. He tries to.fight the man to get him in handcuffs.

The innocent man the pulls out a gun...probably to hand it over to the cop.for safe keeping....and this trigger happy donut gulper...shoots him.

Does the brutality never end? He couldnt have given this man a ride home instead!!!?? He is after all supposed to SERVE.
Seems to be a small problem with your outline of events.....

There is no requirement (via SCOTUS) for the officer to "Serve" the individual. LEO's serve the State. Therefore the arrest was totally warranted, and in your eyes probably better than my preference, which would have been for the officer to gun him down BEACUSE he was drunk and behind the wheel of a car (I support the death penalty for ANY alcohol or drug use).

The moron then chooses to RESIST the officer (another capital crime in my mind) and more than likely because the department isn't properly funded the taser doesn't work.

The individual has no right to resist and definitely not to try and escape from custody. So his worthless ass gets gunned down like the animal he is.

Nothing wrong with this scenario from the officer's side, from what I can see.
Always amusing when people provide links to the story they themselves CLEARY didn't read.

"Authorities say the trooper stopped a Volkswagen for failing to maintain a single lane and suspicion of DUI.

Once the vehicle was stopped, the trooper began administering field sobriety tests on the subject.

Authorities say when the trooper went to place the man under arrest for DUI, he began to resist and struggled with the trooper. The man began to walk toward his vehicle, the trooper then gave him verbal commands and continued to try to make an arrest. The trooper deployed his taser to attempt to stop the man but it wasn't effective.

Troopers say the suspect got back into his vehicle and continued to struggle with the trooper. During the struggle, the subject took a handgun from his car and exited the vehicle, according to Authorities. At that time, the trooper fired his service weapon, striking the man, he was transported to a local hospital.

His condition is unknown at this time.

The trooper has been placed on administrative duty and the State Law Enforcement Division has taken over the investigation, both are standard protocol in an officer-involved shooting. "
Always amusing when people provide links to the story they themselves CLEARY didn't read.
Sarcasm is tricky for ya huh?

(skims) ...Oh. :)

My mistake. :)

Haha...yes guys I was being sarcastic. But its pretty sad that the way cop haters portray incidents these days that its hard to tell tbe difference.

BUT...that said this cop may still need to be fired and arrested. They havent said if the driver was black or hispanic yet. If so...maybe.
But...the innocent man may have known he was going to jail....and needed to pull that gun ONLY to hand it over to the cop for safe keeping! Trigger happy cop didnt give him time to explain why he needed to resist arrest and pull a gun ya know?
Always amusing when people provide links to the story they themselves CLEARY didn't read.
Sarcasm is tricky for ya huh?

(skims) ...Oh. :)

My mistake. :)

Haha...yes guys I was being sarcastic. But its pretty sad that the way cop haters portray incidents these days that its hard to tell tbe difference.

BUT...that said this cop may still need to be fired and arrested. They havent said if the driver was black or hispanic yet. If so...maybe.

Admittedly, I did exactly what I poked you for not doing (or so I thought.) I didn't read your entire OP. I skimmed the first paragraph then went to the link. :)

My bad. :)

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