Some things can never be answered


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Why do they put braille dot pads on drive through ATMs?

Why do overlook and oversee mean opposite things?

Can snakes sit?

Why do schools make kids learn the quadratic formula in algebra class, knowing less than 1% of them will ever use it?

Why do they put braille dot pads on drive through ATMs?
Because quite simply, the keypad manufacturer doesn't know where the ATM will be placed or who might need to use it!

Why do overlook and oversee mean opposite things?
OVERLOOK means to look past, to forgive and forget.
OVERSEE means to watch over, to supervise.

Can snakes sit?
It's their natural state. They are sitting on their bellies. If they raise their head up, then they are sitting up.

Why do schools make kids learn the quadratic formula in algebra class, knowing less than 1% of them will ever use it?
You could probably fit what the average person remembers in one school year.
You could probably cram what the average person USES into one school month.
All the rest is familiarization for later specialization, and to teach you how to think. Plus to justify paying teachers $80,000 a year. ;)
Why do they put braille dot pads on drive through ATMs?

Why do overlook and oversee mean opposite things?

Can snakes sit?

Why do schools make kids learn the quadratic formula in algebra class, knowing less than 1% of them will ever use it?

I got more.

1. Why do they cancel school and still have us pay school taxes? In fact, why were toddlers pulled out of class to protest guns when they were in school? I thought they were there to learn about the 2nd amendment, not protest something they sill have not learned about

2. Why do they want to raise taxes to reduce carbon emissions? Do taxes reduce carbon emissions?

3. How does taxing the top 1% help us? Is that extra revenue going to be put in our bank accounts? LOL. Why do we all assume that raising taxes increases the amount government will spend when they simply create massive deficits every year despite the revenue coming in?

4. Why do people want to stop jobs going over seas but have no problem when people come to the US to take jobs away in the US?

5. Why is OK to close down a golf course but allow jam packed Wal Mart to remain open as they cram hundreds of people on a plane everyday that all breath recirculated air?
Why do they put braille dot pads on drive through ATMs?

Why do overlook and oversee mean opposite things?

Can snakes sit?

Why do schools make kids learn the quadratic formula in algebra class, knowing less than 1% of them will ever use it?


It's easier and less expensive to produce one kind of ATM housing than it is to have 2 different kinds. That's the pragmatic reason. Another reason is that if a blind person is riding in the back seat of a car, or taxi or Uber they can access their account via an ATM without help.
Only the Lord can answer this one for me. What drove the late beautiful precious at the top of this picture to that gun?


God bless you always!!!

Drive on a parkway, park on a driveway?
If the plural of mouse is mice, why isn't the plural of house hice?

The Old English world for mouse contained a Germanic Umlaut. Words with similar origins like louse or tooth, have mutilated plurals, like lice and teeth.
You know we’re not actually looking for the answer. Just pointing out the humor.

But, it's not funny if there is actually an answer.
Why do they put braille dot pads on drive through ATMs?

Why do overlook and oversee mean opposite things?

Can snakes sit?

Why do schools make kids learn the quadratic formula in algebra class, knowing less than 1% of them will ever use it?


Simple, I can answer anything, deposit 5 cents.

1) Braile dot pads on ATM's same reason there are braile bumps coming up to stop signs and if you veer off the road.

Overlook, over see just to confuse you and make your trip more interesting.

Yes snakes sit, make better targets that way.

Quadratic? Guess I am part of the 1%.. Why? So kids learn something other than lib, Bushbaby/Ovomit programming. Whats wrong with math other than kids now have no clue, can't even spell math. "Square root that little check mark thingy on my calculator?"

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