Some sober truth: Who healthcare reform is truly going to help.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Well, they forced it through. Whats done is done, so, rather than bashing it, lets be honest and soberingly truthful. Here is a few examples of who healthcare reform will help, by taking the money from others:

- Remember in your suburban high school the guy that you hung around with that smoked weed all the time? And when you hit your senior year you all graduated. He stayed at home and kept going to high school parties while you went off to college and worked a part-time job to make ends meet? On summer breaks, you would see him still going out, drinking, working odd jobs, living with parents still. Then, you graduated. He was working part-time still, age 25. You worked your way up, through entry level jobs, until you landed a nice career, around age 27 or 28. Meanwhile, he finally moved out into an apt, works part-time still, has a couple simple possession arrests, can't find a job with benefits. And whines about how YOU should pay more in taxes to support his substance abuse therapy.

- Remember in your ghetto high school when you hated the gangs and violence and drugs? And rather than get caught up in that, you stayed to yourself, played sports, and graduated. The guy who always said you were a "sell out" was selling petty amounts of dope and dropped out of high school. Eventually he decided to get his GED, or maybe he didn't. You graduated and they wanted you to run the streets with them, selling dope. You didn't. Instead, you listened to that Army recruiter and enlisted. Did your 4 years honorably. You heard that back home "that guy" was arrested a few times and got out. But he was actually making more $$$ from drug dealing than you were in the Army. Oh well, not your route in life. You went back home, and used your GI Bill to go to college. Landed a good job with benefits. "That guy" now is a convicted felon, can't find work. And he wants YOU to pay his healthcare for the therapy he needs from the bullet wound he has from a previous bad drug deal altercation.

- Remember your old apartment neighbor? When things were good, he was 28, so were you. Both of you were healthy. You saved your money, paid for your own insurance, drove a used car, had an old but OK television, an old cell phone, and lived modestly. Then you got a nice job and did well. But while he was 28, he ran up huge debt on credit cards. He bought a house he couldn't afford, a car he didn't need, a boat he never used, etc, etc. Now, he's in debt, bad, and wants you to pay his healthcare costs.

- Remember driving through the ghetto and seeing everyone who owned a new SUV? And a new flat-screen TV? And wearing very expensive Ed Hardy, FUBU, Roca Wear clothing? Expensive jewelry? Remember seeing that? While living in housing that you are subsidizing? Now, you must also pay their healthcare costs.

- Remember that former coworker of yours? Yeah, you do. He was always late to work. Some mornings he smelled of alcohol. Got caught sleeping on the job a few times. Got fired. Now has liver disease and can't find a job. Yeah.....he needs some of your money.

- Remember that woman you knew that always has a Snickers, Twinky or ice cream bar in her hand? She laughed at people who worked out all the time and ate healthy saying they were "crazy" and that they needed to "live a little". Many of us told her she needed to watch her weight, but she said "I'm happy with my body" and stuffed another fried chicken leg into her mouth. When asked if she wanted to go to the gym with you, she said "No, exercise is boring I hate it" and she got fatter. Then, she changed jobs, and the new insurance she tried to get said "NO, you are too fat, have high cholesterol, diabetes and are way to expensive". Now, after all that, she wants the same people that warned her and tried to help her to pay for her mistakes. Fair, right?

I could go on and on, but this issue is about ENVY for other peoples things. People who COULD afford health insurance decided instead to buy new clothes, new cars, new homes, drugs, XBoxes, whatever. They are pissed because they see people who worked hard and earned a job or money that could provide BOTH healthcare and luxury items, and they could not. So, they decided to buy the luxury items instead, and then bitch about wanting YOU to also pay for their health costs. They decided to eat crap, never exercise and now demand others pay for their costs.

Just reality guys. This is what liberals are all about. Everyone takes a certain path in life from age 16 to about age 30 when our long-term destiny is cemented. But after that destiny is realized, the liberals want to make everyone equal again.....regardless of the good or bad decisions they made during those crucial years of laying life's foundation.
Ah, almost 24 hours, and not 1 response. I assume that means I'm correct on all the above. So, let me add a few more folks who WE are not footing the healthcare bill for:

- Remember your old college friend from England who was in country on a visa for school? Then it ran out, and he went through the very long, very expensive process of becoming a legal US citizen? Oh yeah, he struggled in his mid 20's. No job would hire him because he was unsure if he would be deported or not. Lost a girlfriend because she thought he was gonna have to leave country. But no, he stuck it out, became a US citizen, and got a job. aren't going to pay for HIM. Nope. You're gonna pay for the 20 million who snuck in and didn't do it the legal way.

- You are also going to pay for the Native American child molestors viagra pills. Yes, IT IS IN THE BILL. :clap2: Too bad MSNBC didn't cover that one.

- Oh, and you are also now funding student loans. All of them. Because this bill banned private student loans. So, guess what? You're funding all the special feel good programs also. Like the one at the College of Charleston (SC). A STATE public college. Which just kicked off a massive Diversity Campaign. Turns out, the students who applied and got accepted are now whining that the downtown Charleston campus is too white. They actually say they can't relate to someone teaching them who "doesn't look like me". The C of C Diversity Chief (real position) says the campus needs to "improve" and become "more enlightened" and "more culturally positive". In other words, get rid of some of these whiteys. C of C is 97% white. Oh, and by the way, South Carolina State University, 45 minutes from C of C, is 98% black. And for the record, they do NOT have a diversity chief and there is currently no push or request that SC State become more diversified. SC State and C of C are BOTH state public schools.
You are falling into the politicians trap. They want us to fight amongst ourselves over who is benefiting, who deserves to benefit, and whom we are bailing out.

As I posted in another thread, the real winners are:

The biggest winners:

- Big Government, which will get bigger consisting of:
a) Politicians who now have more dependents to add to their voting blocs.
b) Government bureaucrats, more funding to swell their ranks.
c) Public employee unions, who extract their unearned share of taxpayer productivity.

- Mega Corporation Cronies, who will work with Big Government to divide up the tax pie, shutting off smaller competitors, and securing government guaranteed territories and profits.

- The Vestiges of ACORN, who will continue to receive Federal Funds in the effort to escort the "uninsured" (who despite their Near Death Condition, won't be insured until 2014) to the voting booths and to "instruct" them how to vote.

- Statists, those who have long wanted to replace our values and system of government which was designed to protect individual liberty and to limit government with one that enshrines power in the state and makes the individual subservient to it.

The biggest losers: every individual around the world who values his liberty and respects that of others.
It doesnt help anyone. You cant help people by promising money that doesnt exist.
That depends upon what you call help.

The politicians and their cronies are certainly helping themselves to taxpayer money. In the short run at least, they are benefiting.
That depends upon what you call help.

The politicians and their cronies are certainly helping themselves to taxpayer money. In the short run at least, they are benefiting.

how are they personally benefiting....not speculation, but facts....can you show specifically, how they are benefiting please....?

as i stand now, not certain if i agree with you....?

It doesnt help anyone. You cant help people by promising money that doesnt exist.

did we not fund the war and reconstruction in iraq with money we DID NOT HAVE, and if so....does that mean we helped NO ONE there? :confused:

Remember 9-11? We kinda didn't have much choice in that one. Not to mention the economy was booming during the post 9-11 years, Bush CUT taxes, and if not for the liberal racial threats that created the massive housing bubble, we'd probably still be doing OK.

However, there is a big difference in funding a war that was the result of a 9-11 attack, and government forcing private citizens to purchase a private good for the purpose of wealth redistribution amongst the lazy, the addicts and the criminals who "can't afford" health care.

Liberals are now trying to use the post 9-11 wars are a reason for ANY government action. "Hey, we used tax money for the war, THEREFORE we should use tax money to subsidize everyone's vacations, everyone's cable bill and everyone's gas bill."

Wrong. Doesn't work that way. Also, after 9-11, the overwhelming majority of Americans, outside San Francisco anyway, were FOR the war. The majority of Americans were against the healtcare bill BEFORE it was passed, now even more so since we are learning juicy nuggets of info like how TAX MONEY is funding viagra pills for Native American child molestors (yep, in the bill.)
That depends upon what you call help.

The politicians and their cronies are certainly helping themselves to taxpayer money. In the short run at least, they are benefiting.

how are they personally benefiting....not speculation, but facts....can you show specifically, how they are benefiting please....?

as i stand now, not certain if i agree with you....?


Stupak got $750,000 bribe for his YES vote to go to 3 airports in Michigan. He then folded and voted YES. He benefits from that, as well as those airports that will donate to his campaign.

However, they won't benefit for much longer. They will suffer massive defeats in November. And the left has no clue what the conservatives are going to do when back in power. This nation WILL get repaired back to how it should be. In part thanks to the arrogance on the left that will sweep the right back into power.

The pendulum in politics swings. It swung left from Bush 1 to Clinton, then further right to Bush 2, the FAR further left to Obama, and soon a FAR FAR swing right. Can't wait.
Heres the deal.

Its the law of the land now.

Keep whining all you want but you are helpless to change it.

Your party is dying due to the fact that you and your bretheren keep insisting it appeal to fewer and fewer voters.

Your ideas failed and your point of few is not the mainstream.
It doesnt help anyone. You cant help people by promising money that doesnt exist.

did we not fund the war and reconstruction in iraq with money we DID NOT HAVE, and if so....does that mean we helped NO ONE there? :confused:

There is a huge difference between now and then.

We werent in an economic recession then. Wealth was being generated. It's not now and since taxes are increasing even less wealth will be generated by the time the supposed benefits of the bill come into effect.

We are also about to lose are credit rating. Which means it will be even more expensive to borrow money in the future. This system will not last long enough for anyone to benefit from it.
Heres the deal.

Its the law of the land now.

Keep whining all you want but you are helpless to change it.

Your party is dying due to the fact that you and your bretheren keep insisting it appeal to fewer and fewer voters.

Your ideas failed and your point of few is not the mainstream.

Helpless huh? We will see about that.
Heres the deal.

Its the law of the land now.

Keep whining all you want but you are helpless to change it.

Your party is dying due to the fact that you and your bretheren keep insisting it appeal to fewer and fewer voters.

Your ideas failed and your point of few is not the mainstream.

HAHA!! You also would've fit in well under Communist Russia or the National Socialist Germans.


Is there a statue of Obama in your living room....or bedroom?

MY IDEALS are hard work, personal responsibility, social morality consistent with the church, fiscal conservatism, and physical fitness. Plus independence and self-reliance. THOSE ideals NEVER have failed and never will. In the best or worst of times, people with THOSE ideals will ALWAYS come out on top over people like you, who worship government officials and drop to your knees at the sound of a politicians demands.

You guys have two rude awakenings: One in November with the elections. Two when you realize this healthcare bill is not the golden goose egg that you thought would lift you all out of liberal mediocrity.
Heres the deal.

Its the law of the land now.

Keep whining all you want but you are helpless to change it.

Your party is dying due to the fact that you and your bretheren keep insisting it appeal to fewer and fewer voters.

Your ideas failed and your point of few is not the mainstream.

Helpless huh? We will see about that.

How will you effect this repeal?
That depends upon what you call help.

The politicians and their cronies are certainly helping themselves to taxpayer money. In the short run at least, they are benefiting.

how are they personally benefiting....not speculation, but facts....can you show specifically, how they are benefiting please....?

as i stand now, not certain if i agree with you....?


Stupak got $750,000 bribe for his YES vote to go to 3 airports in Michigan. He then folded and voted YES. He benefits from that, as well as those airports that will donate to his campaign.

However, they won't benefit for much longer. They will suffer massive defeats in November. And the left has no clue what the conservatives are going to do when back in power. This nation WILL get repaired back to how it should be. In part thanks to the arrogance on the left that will sweep the right back into power.

The pendulum in politics swings. It swung left from Bush 1 to Clinton, then further right to Bush 2, the FAR further left to Obama, and soon a FAR FAR swing right. Can't wait.

are these airports privately owned or gvt owned?
Your ideas failed and your point of few is not the mainstream.

Oh, and if by "mainstream" you mean as in consistent with the majority of Americans according to every major poll regarding this bill.............well, I'd say my views are quite mainstream. See, you can't understand "mainstream" unless you watch something OTHER than MSNBC. Thats your problem.

Grow up, get a job, stop sucking on the government nipple child.
how are they personally benefiting....not speculation, but facts....can you show specifically, how they are benefiting please....?

as i stand now, not certain if i agree with you....?


Stupak got $750,000 bribe for his YES vote to go to 3 airports in Michigan. He then folded and voted YES. He benefits from that, as well as those airports that will donate to his campaign.

However, they won't benefit for much longer. They will suffer massive defeats in November. And the left has no clue what the conservatives are going to do when back in power. This nation WILL get repaired back to how it should be. In part thanks to the arrogance on the left that will sweep the right back into power.

The pendulum in politics swings. It swung left from Bush 1 to Clinton, then further right to Bush 2, the FAR further left to Obama, and soon a FAR FAR swing right. Can't wait.

are these airports privately owned or gvt owned?

Does it matter? A bribe is a bribe, no matter how we dress it up. And Stupak benefits from it. BUT, he'll be unemployed in November, so its OK.
Well, they forced it through. Whats done is done, so, rather than bashing it, lets be honest and soberingly truthful. Here is a few examples of who healthcare reform will help, by taking the money from others:

- Remember in your suburban high school the guy that you hung around with that smoked weed all the time? And when you hit your senior year you all graduated. He stayed at home and kept going to high school parties while you went off to college and worked a part-time job to make ends meet? On summer breaks, you would see him still going out, drinking, working odd jobs, living with parents still. Then, you graduated. He was working part-time still, age 25. You worked your way up, through entry level jobs, until you landed a nice career, around age 27 or 28. Meanwhile, he finally moved out into an apt, works part-time still, has a couple simple possession arrests, can't find a job with benefits. And whines about how YOU should pay more in taxes to support his substance abuse therapy.

- Remember in your ghetto high school when you hated the gangs and violence and drugs? And rather than get caught up in that, you stayed to yourself, played sports, and graduated. The guy who always said you were a "sell out" was selling petty amounts of dope and dropped out of high school. Eventually he decided to get his GED, or maybe he didn't. You graduated and they wanted you to run the streets with them, selling dope. You didn't. Instead, you listened to that Army recruiter and enlisted. Did your 4 years honorably. You heard that back home "that guy" was arrested a few times and got out. But he was actually making more $$$ from drug dealing than you were in the Army. Oh well, not your route in life. You went back home, and used your GI Bill to go to college. Landed a good job with benefits. "That guy" now is a convicted felon, can't find work. And he wants YOU to pay his healthcare for the therapy he needs from the bullet wound he has from a previous bad drug deal altercation.

- Remember your old apartment neighbor? When things were good, he was 28, so were you. Both of you were healthy. You saved your money, paid for your own insurance, drove a used car, had an old but OK television, an old cell phone, and lived modestly. Then you got a nice job and did well. But while he was 28, he ran up huge debt on credit cards. He bought a house he couldn't afford, a car he didn't need, a boat he never used, etc, etc. Now, he's in debt, bad, and wants you to pay his healthcare costs.

- Remember driving through the ghetto and seeing everyone who owned a new SUV? And a new flat-screen TV? And wearing very expensive Ed Hardy, FUBU, Roca Wear clothing? Expensive jewelry? Remember seeing that? While living in housing that you are subsidizing? Now, you must also pay their healthcare costs.

- Remember that former coworker of yours? Yeah, you do. He was always late to work. Some mornings he smelled of alcohol. Got caught sleeping on the job a few times. Got fired. Now has liver disease and can't find a job. Yeah.....he needs some of your money.

- Remember that woman you knew that always has a Snickers, Twinky or ice cream bar in her hand? She laughed at people who worked out all the time and ate healthy saying they were "crazy" and that they needed to "live a little". Many of us told her she needed to watch her weight, but she said "I'm happy with my body" and stuffed another fried chicken leg into her mouth. When asked if she wanted to go to the gym with you, she said "No, exercise is boring I hate it" and she got fatter. Then, she changed jobs, and the new insurance she tried to get said "NO, you are too fat, have high cholesterol, diabetes and are way to expensive". Now, after all that, she wants the same people that warned her and tried to help her to pay for her mistakes. Fair, right?

I could go on and on, but this issue is about ENVY for other peoples things. People who COULD afford health insurance decided instead to buy new clothes, new cars, new homes, drugs, XBoxes, whatever. They are pissed because they see people who worked hard and earned a job or money that could provide BOTH healthcare and luxury items, and they could not. So, they decided to buy the luxury items instead, and then bitch about wanting YOU to also pay for their health costs. They decided to eat crap, never exercise and now demand others pay for their costs.

Just reality guys. This is what liberals are all about. Everyone takes a certain path in life from age 16 to about age 30 when our long-term destiny is cemented. But after that destiny is realized, the liberals want to make everyone equal again.....regardless of the good or bad decisions they made during those crucial years of laying life's foundation.

You need a doctor...for your head. You have a severe social illness, it's called hatred.

Do you remember that 25 year old guy with the souped-up car? Well, last night he wrapped it around a tree. He was rushed to the hospital, but even though he spent his money on headers instead of health insurance, he was still given medical care. He gets to keep the headers and YOU and I get to pay for his medical treatment.
That depends upon what you call help.

The politicians and their cronies are certainly helping themselves to taxpayer money. In the short run at least, they are benefiting.

how are they personally benefiting....not speculation, but facts....can you show specifically, how they are benefiting please....?

as i stand now, not certain if i agree with you....?


Stupak got $750,000 bribe for his YES vote to go to 3 airports in Michigan. He then folded and voted YES. He benefits from that, as well as those airports that will donate to his campaign.

However, they won't benefit for much longer. They will suffer massive defeats in November. And the left has no clue what the conservatives are going to do when back in power. This nation WILL get repaired back to how it should be. In part thanks to the arrogance on the left that will sweep the right back into power.

The pendulum in politics swings. It swung left from Bush 1 to Clinton, then further right to Bush 2, the FAR further left to Obama, and soon a FAR FAR swing right. Can't wait.

THIS is what stupak GOT to change his vote, the executive order....according to him...

STUPAK: Well, if both sides are mad at me, I guess I did the right thing. And when you do legislation, there's always got to be a common ground. And I was able to reach it while still honoring the principle of the sanctity of life and -- and maintaining it and still passed health care. You know, the pro-life Democrats that stood with me -- courageously stood with me right up until that Sunday and we got our executive order to protect life, they're a courageous bunch of members. And I was just proud to stand with them. And we got -- both goals were accomplished.
Here is an interesting article that I saw yesterday while clicking on links provided by Barb on another thread:

Unmarried Women Will Greatly Benefit from Health Reform

I don't agree with the article for a few reasons, but the article itself was interesting.

If you are going to force single women to purchase health insurance and their employers do not cover insurance then you are taking hard earned money out of their pockets. Money that they can't afford to spend.


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