Some ideas for the democratic platform for 2016


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Run, NOT walk away from IDENITY politics! You just lost big in 2014 because you played it as people are growing sick of the nasty tone.

Why play a nasty hand when you have good ideas? How about this for the 2016 platform.

1. Pro-American businesses! Fight for more competition, fight for an end to the outsourcing, and be pro-new small business. You can also fight to make the large corporations pay their fair share! End all the fucking loop holes....

2. Promise the American people that you're the party that will fund infrastructure, invest in our science and r&d programs! Have your candidate do a Jfk to get us to Mars!!! Show the American people, you're the party of vision! The party that can reclaim our place in this world. Use the anti-science institution argument of the republicans as a fucking baseball bat and point out what exactly that the American people have that other nations don't. Fda = provides for clean food. Epa = provides for clean air and water. Nws = the best weather warning on earth!

3. For the lower and middle class promise and campaign on the minimum wage and tax reductions for people making from 50k to 500k per year. Anyone, of course, making more than 1 million should pay more. Tell the American people that they deserve more of the profit! 10.25/hour minimum wage!

4. End the war on drugs. Legalize pot!!! Release all that were imprisoned. Come straight out in argue it to the American people.

If you argue this and stay away from things that make people angry...You will win in 2016! NO whining about racism or sexism. That is nasty shit and we know it doesn't help push issues we feel deserve to be heard.

They're not going to drop PC/Identity Politics, it's been far too successful for them.

They're not going to become pro-business, "you didn't build that, someone ELSE made that happen" is part of their DNA.

I'd be voting Democrat if they did those two things. Which is why I'm stuck once again voting alternate party.

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They're not going to drop PC/Identity Politics, it's been far too successful for them.

They're not going to become pro-business, "you didn't build that, someone ELSE made that happen" is part of their DNA.

I'd be voting Democrat if they did those two things. Which is why I'm stuck once again voting alternate party.


This is pretty much the how I feel. I don't like a large portion of the republican platform and could be swayed if they'd stop doing the identity crap and work for America.

I honestly think identity politics is hurting the democrats. I believe furgason in 2014 is the Recession in 2008 for the Republicans. Just dumb political stances.

Republicans have a garbage fiscal stance that they keep running on. Cut, slash and burn isn't going to help this country...Quite the opposite in fact. We need a policy of accountability and real leadership.
How many times does it have to be said.

We don't need more businesses!

There is no demand as it many fucking office depots and home depots and best buys can you make?

Walk into any of the 300 starbucks in your town or the dozen mcdonalds and behold the 3 people in the room.

America is over saturated with too much of everything.

We have devalued labor just as Karl Marx said would happen.

The cure isn't more jobs but to increase the value of labor which is done by taking away the money from the fucking 1% and giving it to the other 99%

If you want to make people work for it fine.

But. I think it would be just easier to kill the 1% and give everyone else 10 acres of farm land and a gun 1,000 years of bullets and disband congress.
They're not going to drop PC/Identity Politics, it's been far too successful for them.

They're not going to become pro-business, "you didn't build that, someone ELSE made that happen" is part of their DNA.

I'd be voting Democrat if they did those two things. Which is why I'm stuck once again voting alternate party.

This is pretty much the how I feel. I don't like a large portion of the republican platform and could be swayed if they'd stop doing the identity crap and work for America.

I honestly think identity politics is hurting the democrats. I believe furgason in 2014 is the Recession in 2008 for the Republicans. Just dumb political stances.

Republicans have a garbage fiscal stance that they keep running on. Cut, slash and burn isn't going to help this country...Quite the opposite in fact. We need a policy of accountability and real leadership.
It's tough to say if Identity Politics is really hurting them. It's clearly dividing us further -- which appears to be part of the goal -- but they may feel that enough people will end up on their "side" after the dust settles that all the damage will have been worth it.

The Democratic party tried to run as liberals and were rejected. I predict they will go back to what worked, LIE pretending to be center right then turn freak liberal turncoat after they get elected.
They're not going to drop PC/Identity Politics, it's been far too successful for them.

They're not going to become pro-business, "you didn't build that, someone ELSE made that happen" is part of their DNA.

I'd be voting Democrat if they did those two things. Which is why I'm stuck once again voting alternate party.

This is pretty much the how I feel. I don't like a large portion of the republican platform and could be swayed if they'd stop doing the identity crap and work for America.

I honestly think identity politics is hurting the democrats. I believe furgason in 2014 is the Recession in 2008 for the Republicans. Just dumb political stances.

Republicans have a garbage fiscal stance that they keep running on. Cut, slash and burn isn't going to help this country...Quite the opposite in fact. We need a policy of accountability and real leadership.
It's tough to say if Identity Politics is really hurting them. It's clearly dividing us further -- which appears to be part of the goal -- but they may feel that enough people will end up on their "side" after the dust settles that all the damage will have been worth it.

Democrats are scum. No question about it. If they think race baiting and identity politics will get them elected (and they do) they will use it. Pro business? Dont make me laugh, They blame business for every ill in society.
As far as infrastructure, the Soviet Union spent more on science and infrastructure than any other country. We see how that worked out.
The Democratic party tried to run as liberals and were rejected. I predict they will go back to what worked, LIE pretending to be center right then turn freak liberal turncoat after they get elected.
They are way too invested in liberalism to turn back now. The radicals have taken hold of the party. Could you imagine a Hubert Humphrey in the party today? Instead they have commies and dykes preaching socialism.
They will get utterly trounced in the 2016 election and have a cathartic moment and kick out the crazies from their party.
The Democratic party tried to run as liberals and were rejected. I predict they will go back to what worked, LIE pretending to be center right then turn freak liberal turncoat after they get elected.
They are way too invested in liberalism to turn back now. The radicals have taken hold of the party. Could you imagine a Hubert Humphrey in the party today? Instead they have commies and dykes preaching socialism.
They will get utterly trounced in the 2016 election and have a cathartic moment and kick out the crazies from their party.

You underestimate their lying, mark my words just as in 2008 we will see the lying pukes who gave us Obamacare pretend to be conservatives in 2016.
The Democratic party tried to run as liberals and were rejected. I predict they will go back to what worked, LIE pretending to be center right then turn freak liberal turncoat after they get elected.
They are way too invested in liberalism to turn back now. The radicals have taken hold of the party. Could you imagine a Hubert Humphrey in the party today? Instead they have commies and dykes preaching socialism.
They will get utterly trounced in the 2016 election and have a cathartic moment and kick out the crazies from their party.

You underestimate their lying, mark my words just as in 2008 we will see the lying pukes who gave us Obamacare pretend to be conservatives in 2016.
They might try adopting some of that. Hell, Republicans arent immune to it. The Gov of TN is pushing a Medicaid expansion that he bills as "market based" but thats basically a lie. They might try the same bullshit.

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