Solar Output Not CO2 Drives the Climate.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
I have been barraged by the left wing nut cases who do not understand the paradoxical presentation of earths climatic systems. As I will show below the difference in a cooling world vs a warming world are stunning but confuse many people.


Stephen Wilde has done extensive research on solar input and how it affects the global climatic system.

In the graph above the left side shows a warming world where the suns energetic molecules bombard the Ozone layers of the earth and as that pressure increases at the equator, it creates a polar jet zonal response allowing warming of the earth. In a cooling phase when the suns output of excited molecules drops the ozone pressures build in the arctic regions, massive cooling and causing the wild polar jet swings we see on the right.



This is an excellent article on our planets atmospheric system and the pressures which control it. CO2 is but a very minor player and muted by water vapor such that concentrations above 7,000ppm have little or no effect on heat retention.


Just maybe Old Crock and Crick will learn something...

At the north and south poles the magnetic field lines converge, the Earth drags the atmosphere around a single point, the tropopause is lower, and temperature inversions are common. Polar vortices occur when an area of low pressure sits at the rotation pole of a planet. This causes air to spiral down from higher in the atmosphere, like water going down a drain. (Polar vortices should not be confused with the circumpolar jet around the poles, which is often given the same name in the media.)

All this remarkable action means that above the poles even the high mesosphere affects the height of the tropopause. In the polar vortices the descending flow draws air down from the mesosphere, right through the stratosphere to the tropopause.

The presence of a layer of ozone in the stratosphere is the cause of the temperature inversion that forms at the tropopause. That layer of ozone is warmed directly by incoming solar radiation. It is warmer than the rising air coming up from the surface below, so it effectively puts a lid on convection.

Ozone variations affect the temperature of the stratosphere, which in turn affects the height of the tropopause. From page 14 of Zangl and Hoinka:

There is no tropospheric hot spot due to water vapor... It is the convection cycle which keeps earth in the 12 deg C to 22 Deg C range and has done so for millions of years.

Is the Sun driving ozone and changing the climate?
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As I have shown in the previous post the wild swings we are observing today and what some call warming of the arctic is not true. IT is simply air movement due to pressure changes in a cooling world. When the temperature imbalance again returns near equilibrium and a zonal jet returns is when real heavy cooling will set in with the polar jet 10-15 deg Lat lower than it has been for well over 11,600 years. When that jet settles we will be in the next ice age. the next 90,000 years will be very cold in difference to today's temps. Even a slight change of less than 5 deg Lat as occurred in the LIA would be devastation for the world as we currently know it.
According to the AGWCult, they've eliminated all the climate variable except for a wisp of CO2. However, they can never show any lab experiment linking 120 (or 20 or whatever) PPM to a temperature increase because Earths climate if far too complex to replicate in a lab.

According to the AGWCult, they've eliminated all the climate variable except for a wisp of CO2. However, they can never show any lab experiment linking 120 (or 20 or whatever) PPM to a temperature increase because Earths climate if far too complex to replicate in a lab.


The last three hundred years we have been near equilibrium and our weather patterns have been moderate. Now they have become very low and major storms from the tropical regions never make it above 70 Deg Lat before they are ripped apart. Once more a effect of the polar jet and pressure gradients of a cooling world.

Meteorology is a fascinating field and there is much to learn. The crap being spewen today by alarmist and the Government hacks is pure agenda driven bull shit.

Its about to get very cold for a time and there is not a dam thing the alarmists can do about it..
The suns energetic molecules? LOL. Billy Boob, you are way out there, boy. Whatever you are smoking it is too damned strong for you.
"Pay no attention to the decades of failed denier predictions! The ice age really is coming! This time it's different!".

Such lovely kookery here. It babbles about magnetic field lines, ozone, polar vortexes and excited solar particles in a word-salad type way. Billy works hard to bring the most amusing cranks in the world to our computer screens, and we should let him know how much we appreciate that.
How could our star possibly have any influence on heat here on earth? That's heresy. Don't you know that no governments exist on the sun from whom trillions might be extorted?
Sweetie Pie, don't you know that your post makes absolutely no sense? You people post the most absolute nonsense, and then claim that it is proof of something.
"Pay no attention to the decades of failed denier predictions! The ice age really is coming! This time it's different!".

Such lovely kookery here. It babbles about magnetic field lines, ozone, polar vortexes and excited solar particles in a word-salad type way. Billy works hard to bring the most amusing cranks in the world to our computer screens, and we should let him know how much we appreciate that.
and still no scientific proof. Mantooth, you are consistent, you never present facts.
How could our star possibly have any influence on heat here on earth? That's heresy. Don't you know that no governments exist on the sun from whom trillions might be extorted?
Sweetie Pie, don't you know that your post makes absolutely no sense? You people post the most absolute nonsense, and then claim that it is proof of something.
but yet, you can't produce one experiment that shows 120 PPM of CO2 does anything to temperature or climate. Nice going there bub.
The suns energetic molecules? LOL. Billy Boob, you are way out there, boy. Whatever you are smoking it is too damned strong for you.
You really dont have a clue do you. You know nothing of magnetic fields and the interstellar magnetic fields which link the sun, earth, and other planets.. You crap on yourself when you dont realize that sunspots drive energetic molecules from the sun.
All I can do is laugh at the sheer stupidity of the left wit pathological morons..

So tell me old crock what is driving the Ozone changes? It isn't Co2.
Billy, being you're pushing climastrology big here, can you tell everyone how Jupiter ascending into the fourth house will be affecting climate on earth?

What of Mars conflicting with Venus? How does that change things?

Did the start of the Age of Aquarius make on oncoming ice age a sure thing?

When the moon is in the seventh house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of denialists
Age of denialists
Denialists! Denialists!
Billy, being you're pushing climastrology big here, can you tell everyone how Jupiter ascending into the fourth house will be affecting climate on earth?

What of Mars conflicting with Venus? How does that change things?

Did the start of the Age of Aquarius make on oncoming ice age a sure thing?

When the moon is in the seventh house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of denialists
Age of denialists
Denialists! Denialists!

As you once again prove you are a clueless moron who believes in Denialstrology for your "facts"//
In the graph above the left side shows a warming world where the suns energetic molecules bombard the Ozone layers of the earth and as that pressure increases at the equator, it creates a polar jet zonal response allowing warming of the earth. In a cooling phase when the suns output of excited molecules drops the ozone pressures build in the arctic regions, massive cooling and causing the wild polar jet swings we see on the right.

So, Billy Boy, the Earth's climate is controlled by the sun's output of "excited molecules". Is that right? Is that what you believe?
The problem isn't that solar power is the driver, it's that CO2 has a forcing factor. Also,

Sun climate moving in opposite directions

There is no correlation or forcing factor... None... In fact there is a dampening effect as compared to the LOG of CO2 in the lab. The increase we should see from CO2 alone is cut down by 80%. The last 100 years shows that natural variation is the only thing attributable to any rise in temperature.
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again, what about all the poison in the gas? who cares? go see if the chinese are starting to care. go live there cause we all soon will be there if we don't run from fossil fuel we will all be fossils

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