Socialists and Fascists Have Always Been Kissing Cousins

Uh, unrestrained Capitalism does lead to Monopolies.

What ever happened to Republicans like Teddy Roosevelt trust-busting Monopolies?

Americans have become frightfully more & more retarded each passing generation.
Monopolies require aggression in the marketplace, which isn't capitalistic....You're nearly as much an economic dilettante as that danielpaulos nitwit.
British Capitalists are the crown champions of Brutality, they killed on every continent, and continue such a legacy with the American empire.

Germans & Russians can't touch that, that kind of genocide & brutality that is.
Since they were acting on behalf of and under the auspices of the Crown, they weren't capitalists, properly defined.....Just STFU.
Uh, unrestrained Capitalism does lead to Monopolies.

What ever happened to Republicans like Teddy Roosevelt trust-busting Monopolies?

Americans have become frightfully more & more retarded each passing generation.
Monopolies require aggression in the marketplace, which isn't capitalistic....You're nearly as much an economic dilettante as that danielpaulos nitwit.

BS, Monopolies build up over time, it's a lack of government regulation, and sometimes minimum wage, and government favortism, which create such a thing.

Communism sucks, and so does Capitalism.

Keep in mind the U.S.A since the 1960's, has become more & more like Communism.

There's stagnant real wages, more & more junk products, undercutting wages, and of course monopolies cutting out jobs.
British Capitalists are the crown champions of Brutality, they killed on every continent, and continue such a legacy with the American empire.

Germans & Russians can't touch that, that kind of genocide & brutality that is.
Since they were acting on behalf of and under the auspices of the Crown, they weren't capitalists, properly defined.....Just STFU.

A strong centralized government Capitalist regime, still qualifies as a Capitalist regime, none the less.

You have 2 cows.
You give one to your neighbor

You have 2 cows.
The State takes both and gives you some milk

You have 2 cows.
The State takes both and sells you some milk

You have 2 cows.
The State takes both and shoots you

You have 2 cows.
The State takes both, shoots one, milks the other, and then
throws the milk away

You have two cows.
You sell one and buy a bull.
Your herd multiplies, and the economy
You sell them and retire on the income​
Bullshit from the typical COHENservative crowd. National Socialism is where you make sure ALL your neighbors and yourself are taken care of because that's what a society should do not look out for just themselves.

National Socialism is anti-Communism & also anti-Capitalism, you're way too Capitalistic to be a true NS.
I'm not a National Socialist I am a Racial Socialist.
That is the point when I saw two dangers approaching. Previously, I did not truly understand their names or their importance to the German people’s existence. Their names were Marxism and Jewry. - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

Poland thought similar about Jews in the 1930's, how many did they kill, exactly?

Oh wait, almost none.

It seems it's a product of being German to kill, kill, kill, rather than a product of Fascism, point blank.
Socialists and Fascists Have Always Been Kissing Cousins

Socialists and Fascists Have Always Been Kissing Cousins
In 1939, the same year the Germans and the Russians mutually consented to rape Poland, T.S. Eliot rather famously (or, I suppose for some, infamously) declared: “If you will not have God (and He is a jealous God), you should pay your respects to Hitler or Stalin.” Eliot, of course, could not have been more correct. In 1936, you had three choices: National Socialism, international socialism, or dignity... In 2018, we find ourselves in similar circumstances, even if they aren’t quite as clear cut as they were in 1936.... Of all the disturbing developments in culture and ideas over the last several years—including violence against legitimate authority, violence against the average citizen, and violence against the very ideas that undergird the West—few have been more disturbing than the reemergence of communism and socialism.... Why is this happening now, as much of Western civilization lingers in its twilight state? Most likely, it has to do with three critical things. First, we scholars have failed to convince the public of just how wicked all forms of communism were and remain. Most historians have focused their research and teaching on how “liberated” every form of eccentricity has become and how—in terms of race and gender—victims remain victims. Almost all historians ignore the most salient fact of the 20th century: that governments murdered more than 200 million innocents, the largest massacre in the history of the world. Terror reigned in the killing fields, the Holocaust camps, and the gulags.... Sadly, the age that advances progressively backwards has not halted. Indeed, over the last several years, it has advanced backwards rather quickly, suddenly, and, fearfully, without end.

Both ideologies (Socialism and Fascism) are collectivist (Marxist). Both elevate group rights above those of the individual. Both dictate people’s behavior on the basis of those group rights. Both are revolutionary creeds which advocate the destruction of the old world and building it anew. Their respective adherents may have a heightened sensitivity to the things that set them apart from – or even in conflict with – one another, but in reality those differences are superficial. The similarities are fundamental.
There are many who wish to enslave others and extract their wealth and freedom for themselves by means of propaganda and compulsion. They walk within the hallowed halls of Congress, on the streets in our fair cities, and our Universities, etc. Many would delight in subjugating others to their will. They must be fought, attacked relentlessly with superior ideas, defeated and conclusively demoralized. That is how we must preserve our freedom and liberty. It's a perpetual war.

Communism = Marxism = Fascism = Nazism = Islam = Democrats and Cows
Socialism, communism, fascism, nazism...and cows - Galt's Gulch
Little historical awareness yet again. Don't you guys ever tire of this particular strawman? For your reference. The Nazi's considered the Communists their class enemy. Hence the clashes between them in the 20th's,30th's and outright war in 1941. The reason for it and the war wasn't because of the second word of the name of the party, socialist. But rather the first one, being nationalists. Ironically enough, it is these nationalistic tendencies that are now so obviously being touted again as a solution to the worlds problems.

Stalin was a Nationalist & Social Conservative, in comparison to the Capitalist West of today.

Stalin outlawed Abortion, criminalized Gays, deported ethnic minorites out of Polish, Ukrainian & Russian living space, he also had patriotic parades & marches for the state & nation.
Socialists and Fascists Have Always Been Kissing Cousins

Socialists and Fascists Have Always Been Kissing Cousins
In 1939, the same year the Germans and the Russians mutually consented to rape Poland, T.S. Eliot rather famously (or, I suppose for some, infamously) declared: “If you will not have God (and He is a jealous God), you should pay your respects to Hitler or Stalin.” Eliot, of course, could not have been more correct. In 1936, you had three choices: National Socialism, international socialism, or dignity... In 2018, we find ourselves in similar circumstances, even if they aren’t quite as clear cut as they were in 1936.... Of all the disturbing developments in culture and ideas over the last several years—including violence against legitimate authority, violence against the average citizen, and violence against the very ideas that undergird the West—few have been more disturbing than the reemergence of communism and socialism.... Why is this happening now, as much of Western civilization lingers in its twilight state? Most likely, it has to do with three critical things. First, we scholars have failed to convince the public of just how wicked all forms of communism were and remain. Most historians have focused their research and teaching on how “liberated” every form of eccentricity has become and how—in terms of race and gender—victims remain victims. Almost all historians ignore the most salient fact of the 20th century: that governments murdered more than 200 million innocents, the largest massacre in the history of the world. Terror reigned in the killing fields, the Holocaust camps, and the gulags.... Sadly, the age that advances progressively backwards has not halted. Indeed, over the last several years, it has advanced backwards rather quickly, suddenly, and, fearfully, without end.

Both ideologies (Socialism and Fascism) are collectivist (Marxist). Both elevate group rights above those of the individual. Both dictate people’s behavior on the basis of those group rights. Both are revolutionary creeds which advocate the destruction of the old world and building it anew. Their respective adherents may have a heightened sensitivity to the things that set them apart from – or even in conflict with – one another, but in reality those differences are superficial. The similarities are fundamental.
There are many who wish to enslave others and extract their wealth and freedom for themselves by means of propaganda and compulsion. They walk within the hallowed halls of Congress, on the streets in our fair cities, and our Universities, etc. Many would delight in subjugating others to their will. They must be fought, attacked relentlessly with superior ideas, defeated and conclusively demoralized. That is how we must preserve our freedom and liberty. It's a perpetual war.

Communism = Marxism = Fascism = Nazism = Islam = Democrats and Cows
Socialism, communism, fascism, nazism...and cows - Galt's Gulch

Collectivists tend to be not only more aware of their society, and environment, they tend to be more Socially Conservative as well, especially Nationalistically, considering they tend to value their own societal heritage beyond others.

Personally, I see no value in Individualism, it's actually pretty weak, it has nothing to offer.

To say that Individualists haven't killed a bundle, is flat out ridiculous.

British people are the most Individualist in the World, according to testing.

British people killed on every continent, and continue to do so under the U.S.A.

If anything Individualists are probably more brutal & violent, than the Collectivists.
Socialists and Fascists Have Always Been Kissing Cousins

Socialists and Fascists Have Always Been Kissing Cousins
In 1939, the same year the Germans and the Russians mutually consented to rape Poland, T.S. Eliot rather famously (or, I suppose for some, infamously) declared: “If you will not have God (and He is a jealous God), you should pay your respects to Hitler or Stalin.” Eliot, of course, could not have been more correct. In 1936, you had three choices: National Socialism, international socialism, or dignity... In 2018, we find ourselves in similar circumstances, even if they aren’t quite as clear cut as they were in 1936.... Of all the disturbing developments in culture and ideas over the last several years—including violence against legitimate authority, violence against the average citizen, and violence against the very ideas that undergird the West—few have been more disturbing than the reemergence of communism and socialism.... Why is this happening now, as much of Western civilization lingers in its twilight state? Most likely, it has to do with three critical things. First, we scholars have failed to convince the public of just how wicked all forms of communism were and remain. Most historians have focused their research and teaching on how “liberated” every form of eccentricity has become and how—in terms of race and gender—victims remain victims. Almost all historians ignore the most salient fact of the 20th century: that governments murdered more than 200 million innocents, the largest massacre in the history of the world. Terror reigned in the killing fields, the Holocaust camps, and the gulags.... Sadly, the age that advances progressively backwards has not halted. Indeed, over the last several years, it has advanced backwards rather quickly, suddenly, and, fearfully, without end.

Both ideologies (Socialism and Fascism) are collectivist (Marxist). Both elevate group rights above those of the individual. Both dictate people’s behavior on the basis of those group rights. Both are revolutionary creeds which advocate the destruction of the old world and building it anew. Their respective adherents may have a heightened sensitivity to the things that set them apart from – or even in conflict with – one another, but in reality those differences are superficial. The similarities are fundamental.
There are many who wish to enslave others and extract their wealth and freedom for themselves by means of propaganda and compulsion. They walk within the hallowed halls of Congress, on the streets in our fair cities, and our Universities, etc. Many would delight in subjugating others to their will. They must be fought, attacked relentlessly with superior ideas, defeated and conclusively demoralized. That is how we must preserve our freedom and liberty. It's a perpetual war.

Communism = Marxism = Fascism = Nazism = Islam = Democrats and Cows
Socialism, communism, fascism, nazism...and cows - Galt's Gulch
Little historical awareness yet again. Don't you guys ever tire of this particular strawman? For your reference. The Nazi's considered the Communists their class enemy. Hence the clashes between them in the 20th's,30th's and outright war in 1941. The reason for it and the war wasn't because of the second word of the name of the party, socialist. But rather the first one, being nationalists. Ironically enough, it is these nationalistic tendencies that are now so obviously being touted again as a solution to the worlds problems.

Equally disturbing is that most younger defenders of communism buy into the oldest propaganda line of the Left—that real communism has never been tried and fascism is the polar opposite of communism. That the Nazis were actually “National Socialists,” these apologists argue, was merely a cynical ploy on the part of Hitler to gain the support of the working and middle classes of Germany. The term “socialism” meant nothing to Hitler. He was really a supporter of controlled corporate capitalism, not of the beautiful and compelling idea of socialism. Many of these young communism supporters go so far as to argue that those who label the Nazis “National Socialists” are either ignorant or willfully smearing a good word. While these new supporters have yet to proclaim those who call Nazis socialists as racists, they are coming close. A quick look at the social media response to a British conservative’s recent claim that National Socialism was—surprise!—socialist should be proof enough that communism is hardly dead and gone.
Our Ignorance of Socialism Is Dangerous

Since Krupp, Borsig, Thyssen and a bunch of others were committed Nazi's not to mention some of the richest people in Germany and about as far removed from Communist or even socialists as one can imagine. Claiming that exporting Socialism wasn't what drove the Nazi's is a hell of a lot more reasonable then trying to equate Nazism to Communism, let alone Democrats.

Really? I guess then we can't say the same for people like the Clinton's, Obama, Buffet, Bloomberg, Bezos, Carey, De Niro, Dimon and the Hollywood crowd just to mention a few. In Russia they're called Oligarchs. Do you really believe it's all about ideology in their cases? There you go again....

I'm not trying to make the case that they are all the same, you are. As for the rest, I can add, the brothers Koch, Murdoch and countless others who are Republicans. I don't try to equate Capitalism to Nazism. You are trying to tie Democrats to Nazi's and Communists . Tell me why having an intellectual honest argument is so hard for you?

What I was simply pointing out is that there are just as many or more multi-millionaires pushing the Marxist Socialist aspects as Democrats in politics as those on the conservative GOP side. You have to admit that the amount of money funded through the DNC is not coming from voters in $5.00 donations.

DNC Emails Reveal Pay To Play For Wealthy Donors
MintPress Newsdnc-emails-reveal-pay-play-wealthy...
DNC Emails Reveal Pay To Play For Wealthy Donors The revelations give an inside look into how the Democratic Party attempted to leverage its access and influence with the White House to bring in cash.
The Families Funding the 2016 Presidential Election - The ...
Oct 11, 2015 · More than a dozen of the elite donors were born outside the United States, immigrating from countries like Cuba, the old Soviet Union, Pakistan, India and Israel.
Little historical awareness yet again. Don't you guys ever tire of this particular strawman? For your reference. The Nazi's considered the Communists their class enemy. Hence the clashes between them in the 20th's,30th's and outright war in 1941. The reason for it and the war wasn't because of the second word of the name of the party, socialist. But rather the first one, being nationalists. Ironically enough, it is these nationalistic tendencies that are now so obviously being touted again as a solution to the worlds problems.

Equally disturbing is that most younger defenders of communism buy into the oldest propaganda line of the Left—that real communism has never been tried and fascism is the polar opposite of communism. That the Nazis were actually “National Socialists,” these apologists argue, was merely a cynical ploy on the part of Hitler to gain the support of the working and middle classes of Germany. The term “socialism” meant nothing to Hitler. He was really a supporter of controlled corporate capitalism, not of the beautiful and compelling idea of socialism. Many of these young communism supporters go so far as to argue that those who label the Nazis “National Socialists” are either ignorant or willfully smearing a good word. While these new supporters have yet to proclaim those who call Nazis socialists as racists, they are coming close. A quick look at the social media response to a British conservative’s recent claim that National Socialism was—surprise!—socialist should be proof enough that communism is hardly dead and gone.
Our Ignorance of Socialism Is Dangerous

Since Krupp, Borsig, Thyssen and a bunch of others were committed Nazi's not to mention some of the richest people in Germany and about as far removed from Communist or even socialists as one can imagine. Claiming that exporting Socialism wasn't what drove the Nazi's is a hell of a lot more reasonable then trying to equate Nazism to Communism, let alone Democrats.

Really? I guess then we can't say the same for people like the Clinton's, Obama, Buffet, Bloomberg, Bezos, Carey, De Niro, Dimon and the Hollywood crowd just to mention a few. In Russia they're called Oligarchs. Do you really believe it's all about ideology in their cases? There you go again....

I'm not trying to make the case that they are all the same, you are. As for the rest, I can add, the brothers Koch, Murdoch and countless others who are Republicans. I don't try to equate Capitalism to Nazism. You are trying to tie Democrats to Nazi's and Communists . Tell me why having an intellectual honest argument is so hard for you?

What I was simply pointing out is that there are just as many or more multi-millionaires pushing the Marxist Socialist aspects as Democrats in politics as those on the conservative GOP side. You have to admit that the amount of money funded through the DNC is not coming from voters in $5.00 donations.

DNC Emails Reveal Pay To Play For Wealthy Donors
MintPress Newsdnc-emails-reveal-pay-play-wealthy...
DNC Emails Reveal Pay To Play For Wealthy Donors The revelations give an inside look into how the Democratic Party attempted to leverage its access and influence with the White House to bring in cash.
The Families Funding the 2016 Presidential Election - The ...
Oct 11, 2015 · More than a dozen of the elite donors were born outside the United States, immigrating from countries like Cuba, the old Soviet Union, Pakistan, India and Israel.
If that's what you are pointing out then I want to know what Democrat ever has said they want to make the US a Marxist socialist country? The example they give is European Social Democracies. They are not Communist countries. They're just as much Capitalist countries as the US is. It seems to me that it's just another strawman." Democrats want universal Healthcare and free college so they are Communists". Are you an actual doctor doc? This is a genuine question for information, not some ploy?
Our Ignorance of Socialism Is Dangerous

Our Ignorance of Socialism Is Dangerous
A recent Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation survey found that 51 percent of American millennials would rather live in a socialist or communist country than in a capitalist country. Only 42 percent prefer the latter.... The number of people who died at the hands of Josef Stalin may be as high as 62 million. However, almost one-third of millennials think former President George W. Bush is responsible for more killings than Stalin.... Nazis come in as a poor third in terms of history’s most prolific mass murderers. According to professor Rudolph Rummel’s research, the 20th century, mankind’s most brutal century, saw 262 million people’s lives destroyed at the hands of their own governments.... America’s communists, socialists, and Marxists have little knowledge of socialist history. Bradley Birzer, a professor of history at Hillsdale College, explains this in an article for The American Conservative titled “Socialists and Fascists Have Always Been Kissing Cousins.” …. Are Americans who admire the world’s most brutal regimes miseducated or stupid? Or do they have some kind of devious agenda?

Whatever room Walter E. Williams walks into, he is almost always the smartest person in it. Along with Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, and Condi Rice, there are few other modern-day 'deep thinkers' who can approach his knowledge and understanding of history.
Sadly our Progressive Marxist Socialist Liberal "friends" are products of the Deep State Politically Correct Socialist indoctrination camps that masquerade as public schools which are mandated to inculcate our youth instead of instructing them on what they need to know to be productive and responsible citizens.
According to the Deep State all we need to know is contained within those walls where they inculcate (brainwash) those who are most impressionable, the ages of five through eighteen, in what the Deep State Globalist government wants them to know. These perfect little automatons are devoid of all essential knowledge and awareness and ready to do the Deep State Globalists’ bidding.
The American (re)education system is teaching our children Socialism; the soft, rosy and wishful thinking side. They are indoctrinated into thinking that because of the fact this is America, Socialism will work. See the paradox ?. "If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." George Orwell

It is more like, Your Ignorance of Socialism Is Dangerous...
All the elements mentioned in the article are subscribed to and permeate the American culture, that they exist by degree, not totaltarian control is key
Americans no longer do nuance. Gray areas aren't allowed.

Too complicated.

It is a case to spend more on education...

The funny thing about this is there is a lot of certain people on this board who love tell everyone else what they think... They also can't seem to understand moderation, if you basic healthcare a right you want to cause genocide?If you a simple standard of education, you raising the NAZI youths.....
Socialists and Fascists Have Always Been Kissing Cousins

Socialists and Fascists Have Always Been Kissing Cousins
In 1939, the same year the Germans and the Russians mutually consented to rape Poland, T.S. Eliot rather famously (or, I suppose for some, infamously) declared: “If you will not have God (and He is a jealous God), you should pay your respects to Hitler or Stalin.” Eliot, of course, could not have been more correct. In 1936, you had three choices: National Socialism, international socialism, or dignity... In 2018, we find ourselves in similar circumstances, even if they aren’t quite as clear cut as they were in 1936.... Of all the disturbing developments in culture and ideas over the last several years—including violence against legitimate authority, violence against the average citizen, and violence against the very ideas that undergird the West—few have been more disturbing than the reemergence of communism and socialism.... Why is this happening now, as much of Western civilization lingers in its twilight state? Most likely, it has to do with three critical things. First, we scholars have failed to convince the public of just how wicked all forms of communism were and remain. Most historians have focused their research and teaching on how “liberated” every form of eccentricity has become and how—in terms of race and gender—victims remain victims. Almost all historians ignore the most salient fact of the 20th century: that governments murdered more than 200 million innocents, the largest massacre in the history of the world. Terror reigned in the killing fields, the Holocaust camps, and the gulags.... Sadly, the age that advances progressively backwards has not halted. Indeed, over the last several years, it has advanced backwards rather quickly, suddenly, and, fearfully, without end.

Both ideologies (Socialism and Fascism) are collectivist (Marxist). Both elevate group rights above those of the individual. Both dictate people’s behavior on the basis of those group rights. Both are revolutionary creeds which advocate the destruction of the old world and building it anew. Their respective adherents may have a heightened sensitivity to the things that set them apart from – or even in conflict with – one another, but in reality those differences are superficial. The similarities are fundamental.
There are many who wish to enslave others and extract their wealth and freedom for themselves by means of propaganda and compulsion. They walk within the hallowed halls of Congress, on the streets in our fair cities, and our Universities, etc. Many would delight in subjugating others to their will. They must be fought, attacked relentlessly with superior ideas, defeated and conclusively demoralized. That is how we must preserve our freedom and liberty. It's a perpetual war.

Communism = Marxism = Fascism = Nazism = Islam = Democrats and Cows
Socialism, communism, fascism, nazism...and cows - Galt's Gulch
Keep reading that crap .. stay stupid.
All the elements mentioned in the article are subscribed to and permeate the American culture, that they exist by degree, not totaltarian control is key
Americans no longer do nuance. Gray areas aren't allowed.

Too complicated.

It is a case to spend more on education...

The funny thing about this is there is a lot of certain people on this board who love tell everyone else what they think... They also can't seem to understand moderation, if you basic healthcare a right you want to cause genocide?If you a simple standard of education, you raising the NAZI youths.....

On the other hand when there are over 50 million abortions allowed you fail to see that your genocide of the children is quite similar to Nazi/ Communist ideology.

Why Isn't Communism as Hated as Nazism?
The communists killed far more people than the Nazis, but never matched the Holocaust in the systemization of genocide. The uniqueness of the Holocaust and the enormous attention rightly paid to it have helped ensure that Nazism has a worse name than communism.

What's Wrong With Socialism: Eugenics and Abortion
On The Rocks Blog | A Christian Perspectivewhats-wrong-with-socialism
Legalized abortion allows for the removal of what such men as Hitler, Stalin, and Mao would have also deemed to be tumorous tissue in the body politic or weeds in the nation’s garden. Abortion is the preferred method of removal, when possible, well before the tumor on society has a chance to metastasize and become cancerous.

Hitler, Stalin, Mao = Atheist mass murderers? • Skeptical ...
if you think hitler was a marxist, you dont know what marx believed. hitler put marxists in his death camps along eith the jews, roma and disabled people. even to call stalin a marxist is a stretch since many of his actions were anti-socialist. mao s rhetoric was socialist but his policies often contradicted socialism. for one, like stalin, he ..
All the elements mentioned in the article are subscribed to and permeate the American culture, that they exist by degree, not totaltarian control is key
Americans no longer do nuance. Gray areas aren't allowed.

Too complicated.

It is a case to spend more on education...

The funny thing about this is there is a lot of certain people on this board who love tell everyone else what they think... They also can't seem to understand moderation, if you basic healthcare a right you want to cause genocide?If you a simple standard of education, you raising the NAZI youths.....

On the other hand when there are over 50 million abortions allowed you fail to see that your genocide of the children is quite similar to Nazi/ Communist ideology.

Why Isn't Communism as Hated as Nazism?
The communists killed far more people than the Nazis, but never matched the Holocaust in the systemization of genocide. The uniqueness of the Holocaust and the enormous attention rightly paid to it have helped ensure that Nazism has a worse name than communism.

What's Wrong With Socialism: Eugenics and Abortion
On The Rocks Blog | A Christian Perspectivewhats-wrong-with-socialism
Legalized abortion allows for the removal of what such men as Hitler, Stalin, and Mao would have also deemed to be tumorous tissue in the body politic or weeds in the nation’s garden. Abortion is the preferred method of removal, when possible, well before the tumor on society has a chance to metastasize and become cancerous.

Hitler, Stalin, Mao = Atheist mass murderers? • Skeptical ...
if you think hitler was a marxist, you dont know what marx believed. hitler put marxists in his death camps along eith the jews, roma and disabled people. even to call stalin a marxist is a stretch since many of his actions were anti-socialist. mao s rhetoric was socialist but his policies often contradicted socialism. for one, like stalin, he ..
Women in Nazi Germany

Hitler’s patriarchal views about women shaped Nazi policy and propaganda. One of the Nazis’ first policy objectives was to return women to motherhood in order to increase the population. In July 1933 the Nazi regime passed the Law for the Encouragement of Marriage. Married couples were given an early form of ‘baby bonus’: a state loan of 1000 Reichmarks that was partly repaid every time the wife gave birth (one quarter was deemed paid after the first child and the loan was discharged after four children). Between 1933 and 1936 the Nazi government issued these state loans to almost 695,000 married couples. German women were bombarded with speeches and propaganda that suggested their highest aspirations should be husband, home and healthy offspring. Pregnancy and motherhood were celebrated. Propaganda praised Kindersegen (women blessed with children) as national heroines. Women who bore multiple children were awarded a medallion, the Ehrenzeichen der Deutschen Mutter (‘Cross of Honour of the German Mother’). The cross was awarded in bronze for a fourth child, in silver for a sixth and gold for an eighth.

“The worth of a nation is shown in the willingness of its women to become valuable mothers … Germany must once again become a fertile land of mothers and children … the existence or non-existence of our people is decided solely by the mother.”
Mayer, Nazi eugenicist
As well as promoting motherhood, the Nazis also restricted abortion and contraception. During the 1920s Germany led the world in the development of contraceptive devices, including condoms, diaphragms and intra-uterine devices (IUDs). But the Nazis outlawed contraception – not only to increase the birthrate but also because many pioneers of contraceptive medicine were Jewish. Even publicising or discussing birth control was eventually banned in Nazi Germany. The regime also cracked down on abortion, imposing tough requirements for pregnancy terminations on medical grounds and harsh penalties for illegal abortions. Propaganda described abortion as a “crime against the body and against the state”. In 1932, the year before Hitler’s rise to power, just under 44,000 German women applied to terminate a pregnancy and 34,698 of these were approved. Between 1935 and 1940 there were only 14,333 applications and 9,701 approvals. Conversely, doctors would approve abortions – and indeed, even encourage them – if the patient happened to be non-Aryan. In November 1938 a Nazi-run state court ruled that abortion should be legal and freely available for all Jewish women.
All the elements mentioned in the article are subscribed to and permeate the American culture, that they exist by degree, not totaltarian control is key
Americans no longer do nuance. Gray areas aren't allowed.

Too complicated.

It is a case to spend more on education...

The funny thing about this is there is a lot of certain people on this board who love tell everyone else what they think... They also can't seem to understand moderation, if you basic healthcare a right you want to cause genocide?If you a simple standard of education, you raising the NAZI youths.....

On the other hand when there are over 50 million abortions allowed you fail to see that your genocide of the children is quite similar to Nazi/ Communist ideology.

Why Isn't Communism as Hated as Nazism?
The communists killed far more people than the Nazis, but never matched the Holocaust in the systemization of genocide. The uniqueness of the Holocaust and the enormous attention rightly paid to it have helped ensure that Nazism has a worse name than communism.

What's Wrong With Socialism: Eugenics and Abortion
On The Rocks Blog | A Christian Perspectivewhats-wrong-with-socialism
Legalized abortion allows for the removal of what such men as Hitler, Stalin, and Mao would have also deemed to be tumorous tissue in the body politic or weeds in the nation’s garden. Abortion is the preferred method of removal, when possible, well before the tumor on society has a chance to metastasize and become cancerous.

Hitler, Stalin, Mao = Atheist mass murderers? • Skeptical ...
if you think hitler was a marxist, you dont know what marx believed. hitler put marxists in his death camps along eith the jews, roma and disabled people. even to call stalin a marxist is a stretch since many of his actions were anti-socialist. mao s rhetoric was socialist but his policies often contradicted socialism. for one, like stalin, he ..
Women in Nazi Germany

Hitler’s patriarchal views about women shaped Nazi policy and propaganda. One of the Nazis’ first policy objectives was to return women to motherhood in order to increase the population. In July 1933 the Nazi regime passed the Law for the Encouragement of Marriage. Married couples were given an early form of ‘baby bonus’: a state loan of 1000 Reichmarks that was partly repaid every time the wife gave birth (one quarter was deemed paid after the first child and the loan was discharged after four children). Between 1933 and 1936 the Nazi government issued these state loans to almost 695,000 married couples. German women were bombarded with speeches and propaganda that suggested their highest aspirations should be husband, home and healthy offspring. Pregnancy and motherhood were celebrated. Propaganda praised Kindersegen (women blessed with children) as national heroines. Women who bore multiple children were awarded a medallion, the Ehrenzeichen der Deutschen Mutter (‘Cross of Honour of the German Mother’). The cross was awarded in bronze for a fourth child, in silver for a sixth and gold for an eighth.

“The worth of a nation is shown in the willingness of its women to become valuable mothers … Germany must once again become a fertile land of mothers and children … the existence or non-existence of our people is decided solely by the mother.”
Mayer, Nazi eugenicist
As well as promoting motherhood, the Nazis also restricted abortion and contraception. During the 1920s Germany led the world in the development of contraceptive devices, including condoms, diaphragms and intra-uterine devices (IUDs). But the Nazis outlawed contraception – not only to increase the birthrate but also because many pioneers of contraceptive medicine were Jewish. Even publicising or discussing birth control was eventually banned in Nazi Germany. The regime also cracked down on abortion, imposing tough requirements for pregnancy terminations on medical grounds and harsh penalties for illegal abortions. Propaganda described abortion as a “crime against the body and against the state”. In 1932, the year before Hitler’s rise to power, just under 44,000 German women applied to terminate a pregnancy and 34,698 of these were approved. Between 1935 and 1940 there were only 14,333 applications and 9,701 approvals. Conversely, doctors would approve abortions – and indeed, even encourage them – if the patient happened to be non-Aryan. In November 1938 a Nazi-run state court ruled that abortion should be legal and freely available for all Jewish women.

Conversely we find that Stalin also did the same well before Hitler and his Nazi criminals did.
Women and Marxism: Stalin
The title "Mother Heroine" has been conferred on 28,500 women. As a result of the growth of the national economy of the U.S.S.R., the material and cultural well-being of Soviet women and the entire Soviet people increases from year to year.

On Women’s Rights and Abortion in the USSR | Stalin ...
The USSR’s record for ensuring and safeguarding women’s rights was second to none at the time, and still a positive example: “To help women take an active part in production and in public life in general, the Soviet state has established numerous nurseries and kindergartens, where the mother can leave her child while she is at work.

Stalinist Pronatalism and its Pan-European Contex t
The October Revolution of 1917 in Russia brought to power a radical government that denounced the family as a bourgeois institution, undermined the institution of marriage, and promised the liberation of women . Yet by the 1930s, official Soviet culture endorsed strong families, glorifie d motherhood, and strove to raise the birthrate.

The Nazi eugenics movement - Rooted in Rights
The AHCA Would Put the Lives of Millions Like Me At Stake - Rooted in Rightsnazi-eugenics-movement
The German eugenics movement erupted based upon ideals formulated during the US eugenics movement of the 20s. Though the push for sterilization was carried out on a large scale in the US for a period, the ideas of the movement were quickly picked up and expanded upon by Hitler and his Nazi party to go along with their desire for a “perfect Aryan race”.

Eugenics in Russia and the Soviet Union - Oxford Handbooks
The history of eugenics in Russia has attracted relatively little scholarly attention. Eugenics garnered a warm reception among Russian hygienists and public health doctors. This article is concerned with the rise and fall of medical genetics in Soviet Russia and identifies three key components of eugenics.

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