Socialist Liberals / Democrats SEEM To Seek To Add The United States To The List Of The World's 10 Most Censored Nations AS US Sinks In 'Most Free'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
North Korea, China, Russia, Turkmenistan, and Iran continue to top the list of the world's tops the list of the World's Most Censored Countries”.

In the last several decades the United States has risen higher and higher on this list while it has completely dropped out of the list of Top Ten (10) Most Free Nations In the World.

In 2020, The United States is ranked 45th in the ranking of the 2020 World's Most Free Press.

"For a long time, the US was one of the freest countries in the world. However, other countries have risen to the top regarding personal and economic freedom for residents."

World's Most Free Nations In the World:

1. Tied - Norway, Sweden, Finland
2. Tied - Canada, the Netherlands
3. Tied - Uruguay, Australia, New Zealand
4. Tied - Barbados, Denmark, Iceland, Portugal
5. Tied - Switzerland, Ireland, Japan
6. Tied - Dominica, Estonia, Austria, Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom
7. Tied - Czech Republic, Chile, Spain, Tuvalu
8. Micronesia
9. Tied with 92 - St. Lucia, Palau, Kiribati, Marshall Islands
10. Tied with 91 - Bahamas, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Lithuania, and Taiwan

North Korea, China, Russia, Turkmenistan, and Iran continue to top the list of the world's tops the list of the World's Most Censored Countries”.

In the last several decades the United States has risen higher and higher on this list while it has completely dropped out of the list of Top Ten (10) Most Free Nations In the World.

In 2020, The United States is ranked 45th in the ranking of the 2020 World's Most Free Press.

"For a long time, the US was one of the freest countries in the world. However, other countries have risen to the top regarding personal and economic freedom for residents."

World's Most Free Nations In the World:

1. Tied - Norway, Sweden, Finland
2. Tied - Canada, the Netherlands
3. Tied - Uruguay, Australia, New Zealand
4. Tied - Barbados, Denmark, Iceland, Portugal
5. Tied - Switzerland, Ireland, Japan
6. Tied - Dominica, Estonia, Austria, Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom
7. Tied - Czech Republic, Chile, Spain, Tuvalu
8. Micronesia
9. Tied with 92 - St. Lucia, Palau, Kiribati, Marshall Islands
10. Tied with 91 - Bahamas, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Lithuania, and Taiwan

So...the last several decades is referenced. You do realize, don't you, that Dems didn't have control for all of that time?

I don't think you read your links before composing your retarded title.

Trump-era hostility toward press persists

Visit the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker
Press freedom in the United States continued to suffer during President Donald Trump’s third year in office. Arrests, physical assaults, public denigration and the harassment of journalists continued in 2019, though the numbers of journalists arrested and assaulted were slightly lower than the year prior. Much of that ire has come from President Trump and his associates in the federal government, who have demonstrated the United States is no longer a champion of press freedom at home or abroad. This dangerous anti-press sentiment has trickled down to local governments, institutions and the American public. In March 2019, a leaked document revealed the US government was using a secret database tracking journalists, activists and others who border authorities believed should be stopped for questioning when crossing certain checkpoints along the US-Mexico border. A couple months later, the Justice Department charged Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange with 17 counts of the WWI-era Espionage Act. If he is convicted, this would set a dangerous precedent for journalists who publish classified US government information of public interest moving forward. Under President Trump, the White House has strategically replaced traditional forms of press access with those that limit the ability of journalists to ask questions of the administration. The last daily, televised White House press briefing led by a press secretary took place in March 2019, and since then the federal government has made multiple attempts to deny specific journalists and news outlets access to other opportunities for press engagement.
North Korea, China, Russia, Turkmenistan, and Iran continue to top the list of the world's tops the list of the World's Most Censored Countries”.

In the last several decades the United States has risen higher and higher on this list while it has completely dropped out of the list of Top Ten (10) Most Free Nations In the World.

In 2020, The United States is ranked 45th in the ranking of the 2020 World's Most Free Press.

"For a long time, the US was one of the freest countries in the world. However, other countries have risen to the top regarding personal and economic freedom for residents."

World's Most Free Nations In the World:

1. Tied - Norway, Sweden, Finland
2. Tied - Canada, the Netherlands
3. Tied - Uruguay, Australia, New Zealand
4. Tied - Barbados, Denmark, Iceland, Portugal
5. Tied - Switzerland, Ireland, Japan
6. Tied - Dominica, Estonia, Austria, Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom
7. Tied - Czech Republic, Chile, Spain, Tuvalu
8. Micronesia
9. Tied with 92 - St. Lucia, Palau, Kiribati, Marshall Islands
10. Tied with 91 - Bahamas, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Lithuania, and Taiwan

So...the last several decades is referenced. You do realize, don't you, that Dems didn't have control for all of that time?

I don't think you read your links before composing your retarded title.

Trump-era hostility toward press persists

Visit the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker
Press freedom in the United States continued to suffer during President Donald Trump’s third year in office. Arrests, physical assaults, public denigration and the harassment of journalists continued in 2019, though the numbers of journalists arrested and assaulted were slightly lower than the year prior. Much of that ire has come from President Trump and his associates in the federal government, who have demonstrated the United States is no longer a champion of press freedom at home or abroad. This dangerous anti-press sentiment has trickled down to local governments, institutions and the American public. In March 2019, a leaked document revealed the US government was using a secret database tracking journalists, activists and others who border authorities believed should be stopped for questioning when crossing certain checkpoints along the US-Mexico border. A couple months later, the Justice Department charged Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange with 17 counts of the WWI-era Espionage Act. If he is convicted, this would set a dangerous precedent for journalists who publish classified US government information of public interest moving forward. Under President Trump, the White House has strategically replaced traditional forms of press access with those that limit the ability of journalists to ask questions of the administration. The last daily, televised White House press briefing led by a press secretary took place in March 2019, and since then the federal government has made multiple attempts to deny specific journalists and news outlets access to other opportunities for press engagement.

One of the reasons Leftist Extremists, the Fake News Media, and snowflakes HATE President Trump is because he DESTROYED the Leftist Fake News Media by exposing them as LIARS and Democrat Party surrogate Propaganda-Pushers.

Barak Obama and his administration was not only exposed as TRAITORS who attempted to affect a political coup with the help of the Russian Intel Service-authored propaganda delivered by a foreign ex-spy working for Russians, the media - like the New York Times and CNN were IRREFUTABLY proven to have intentionally facilitated their treasonous attempt by KNOWINGLY printing / running KNOWN FALSE news and LIES.

CNN and the New York Times were proven to be the worst of the worst but certainly not the only ones. As the evidence kept flooding out, as their lies kept being exposed, these Socialist Fake News Media were forced to run retraction after retraction, and they were forced to fire (sacrifice) many of their reporters and staff for being exposed as the authors of these lies.

'Oh, boo hoo....the President proved again and again and AGAIN the Liberal media were complicit in attempting to conduct coup attempts to try to overthrow the US govt and mislead and lie to the American people.'

Bwuhahahaha! Poor snowflake, so upset President Trump defeated the treasonous, lying, seditious Democrats over and over for 4 years....
North Korea, China, Russia, Turkmenistan, and Iran continue to top the list of the world's tops the list of the World's Most Censored Countries”.

In the last several decades the United States has risen higher and higher on this list while it has completely dropped out of the list of Top Ten (10) Most Free Nations In the World.

In 2020, The United States is ranked 45th in the ranking of the 2020 World's Most Free Press.

"For a long time, the US was one of the freest countries in the world. However, other countries have risen to the top regarding personal and economic freedom for residents."

World's Most Free Nations In the World:

1. Tied - Norway, Sweden, Finland
2. Tied - Canada, the Netherlands
3. Tied - Uruguay, Australia, New Zealand
4. Tied - Barbados, Denmark, Iceland, Portugal
5. Tied - Switzerland, Ireland, Japan
6. Tied - Dominica, Estonia, Austria, Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom
7. Tied - Czech Republic, Chile, Spain, Tuvalu
8. Micronesia
9. Tied with 92 - St. Lucia, Palau, Kiribati, Marshall Islands
10. Tied with 91 - Bahamas, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Lithuania, and Taiwan

So...the last several decades is referenced. You do realize, don't you, that Dems didn't have control for all of that time?

I don't think you read your links before composing your retarded title.

Trump-era hostility toward press persists

Visit the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker
Press freedom in the United States continued to suffer during President Donald Trump’s third year in office. Arrests, physical assaults, public denigration and the harassment of journalists continued in 2019, though the numbers of journalists arrested and assaulted were slightly lower than the year prior. Much of that ire has come from President Trump and his associates in the federal government, who have demonstrated the United States is no longer a champion of press freedom at home or abroad. This dangerous anti-press sentiment has trickled down to local governments, institutions and the American public. In March 2019, a leaked document revealed the US government was using a secret database tracking journalists, activists and others who border authorities believed should be stopped for questioning when crossing certain checkpoints along the US-Mexico border. A couple months later, the Justice Department charged Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange with 17 counts of the WWI-era Espionage Act. If he is convicted, this would set a dangerous precedent for journalists who publish classified US government information of public interest moving forward. Under President Trump, the White House has strategically replaced traditional forms of press access with those that limit the ability of journalists to ask questions of the administration. The last daily, televised White House press briefing led by a press secretary took place in March 2019, and since then the federal government has made multiple attempts to deny specific journalists and news outlets access to other opportunities for press engagement.
The Progs have controlled the direction. Now we live for the scorched earth of the American homeland. Cities vaporized is preferable to living under your tyranny.
How can snowflakes continue to attempt to defend criminal, oppressive, Socialist Democrat Politicians spreading Socialist Control in the background?


Critics stunned by AOC's 'un-American' call for commission to 'rein in' free press
Critics stunned by AOC's 'un-American' call for commission to 'rein in' free press

Wow, that bit of inconvenient TRUTH has to be a kick in the 'junk' to snowflakes attempting to defend socialist Democrats who seek to control 'freedom of the press' and 'freedom of speech'.

We watched Pelosi declare the Socialist Democrat Definition of 'Incitement Of An Insurrection' is asking citizens to walk to the Capitol to cheer on politicians objecting to certification of an election, as Democrats have done....while completely, intentionally ignoring highly reported, recorded existing videotape and audio of top Democrats calling for actual violence, insurrections, and physical attacks against US citizens, against the government, against private small businesses, and elected politicians.

In 2016 Democrat Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton and her team paid thugs to beat and bloody American voters who supported her political opponent at his rallies.

Donald Trump Supporter Beaten Bloody By Protestors At A ...

Democrats' violent rhetoric became so bad they incited a mentally unstable, hate-driven snowflake into attempting an assassination of GOP elected officials, resulting in the wounding of one.

Powerful Louisiana politician Steve Scalise critically ...

The Big Tech Monopolies, supported by Democrats, are waging a war against Free Speech, not only Conservatives and Trump Supporters, not only deleting their accounts and blacking out news, but they have collaborated to eliminate all competition.

We are already seeing the Democratic party's 'Truth Commissions' in action.
CNN is the Democrats' idea of 'Honest, Truthful Journalism':

This is CNN – Don Lemon: If You Voted For
Trump, You Are with the Ku Klux Klan (VIDEO)

Disabled veteran rep. responds to CNN anchor who questioned his patriotism


CNN's Jake Tapper Mocks Army veteran and double amputee Rep. Brian Mast, R-Fla

Tapper, who has made a habit of offering his opinion during newscasts, faced intense backlash Wednesday for questioning Mast’s commitment to democracy after the Purple Heart recipient opposed President Trump's impeachment following last week's riot on Capitol Hill.

Socialist Democrats have abandoned real journalism and seeks to destroy it as they have embraced the CCP model of state-run socialist media.
North Korea, China, Russia, Turkmenistan, and Iran continue to top the list of the world's tops the list of the World's Most Censored Countries”.

In the last several decades the United States has risen higher and higher on this list while it has completely dropped out of the list of Top Ten (10) Most Free Nations In the World.

In 2020, The United States is ranked 45th in the ranking of the 2020 World's Most Free Press.

"For a long time, the US was one of the freest countries in the world. However, other countries have risen to the top regarding personal and economic freedom for residents."

World's Most Free Nations In the World:

1. Tied - Norway, Sweden, Finland
2. Tied - Canada, the Netherlands
3. Tied - Uruguay, Australia, New Zealand
4. Tied - Barbados, Denmark, Iceland, Portugal
5. Tied - Switzerland, Ireland, Japan
6. Tied - Dominica, Estonia, Austria, Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom
7. Tied - Czech Republic, Chile, Spain, Tuvalu
8. Micronesia
9. Tied with 92 - St. Lucia, Palau, Kiribati, Marshall Islands
10. Tied with 91 - Bahamas, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Lithuania, and Taiwan

So...the last several decades is referenced. You do realize, don't you, that Dems didn't have control for all of that time?

I don't think you read your links before composing your retarded title.

Trump-era hostility toward press persists

Visit the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker
Press freedom in the United States continued to suffer during President Donald Trump’s third year in office. Arrests, physical assaults, public denigration and the harassment of journalists continued in 2019, though the numbers of journalists arrested and assaulted were slightly lower than the year prior. Much of that ire has come from President Trump and his associates in the federal government, who have demonstrated the United States is no longer a champion of press freedom at home or abroad. This dangerous anti-press sentiment has trickled down to local governments, institutions and the American public. In March 2019, a leaked document revealed the US government was using a secret database tracking journalists, activists and others who border authorities believed should be stopped for questioning when crossing certain checkpoints along the US-Mexico border. A couple months later, the Justice Department charged Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange with 17 counts of the WWI-era Espionage Act. If he is convicted, this would set a dangerous precedent for journalists who publish classified US government information of public interest moving forward. Under President Trump, the White House has strategically replaced traditional forms of press access with those that limit the ability of journalists to ask questions of the administration. The last daily, televised White House press briefing led by a press secretary took place in March 2019, and since then the federal government has made multiple attempts to deny specific journalists and news outlets access to other opportunities for press engagement.

Factually untrue. The Dems have had substantive control of this country since 1932. There have been brief periods where Repubs held a little bit of power but anything they tried to do was countered by the Dems in short order. Now that the Dems have stolen control of the Senate you are going to see them clamp down on free speech, and pretty much every other freedom we used to enjoy to placate their communist masters in China.

Expect to see massive assaults on people in the coming years. This country's next evolutionary stage is a dictatorship. The Dems are working like hell to control all information that is allowed to be viewed. Any conservative voice will be crushed. Any conservative who dares to speak up will be sent to a reeducation camp. The left wing loons here are already crowing about them. They are quite literally the wannabe camp guards tossing the Jews into the ovens. only this time it is Trump supporters.

This is what YOU wanted coyote. Congrats. This country is going to be destroyed in short order thanks to people like you.
North Korea, China, Russia, Turkmenistan, and Iran continue to top the list of the world's tops the list of the World's Most Censored Countries”.

In the last several decades the United States has risen higher and higher on this list while it has completely dropped out of the list of Top Ten (10) Most Free Nations In the World.

In 2020, The United States is ranked 45th in the ranking of the 2020 World's Most Free Press.

"For a long time, the US was one of the freest countries in the world. However, other countries have risen to the top regarding personal and economic freedom for residents."

World's Most Free Nations In the World:

1. Tied - Norway, Sweden, Finland
2. Tied - Canada, the Netherlands
3. Tied - Uruguay, Australia, New Zealand
4. Tied - Barbados, Denmark, Iceland, Portugal
5. Tied - Switzerland, Ireland, Japan
6. Tied - Dominica, Estonia, Austria, Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom
7. Tied - Czech Republic, Chile, Spain, Tuvalu
8. Micronesia
9. Tied with 92 - St. Lucia, Palau, Kiribati, Marshall Islands
10. Tied with 91 - Bahamas, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Lithuania, and Taiwan

So...the last several decades is referenced. You do realize, don't you, that Dems didn't have control for all of that time?

I don't think you read your links before composing your retarded title.

Trump-era hostility toward press persists

Visit the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker
Press freedom in the United States continued to suffer during President Donald Trump’s third year in office. Arrests, physical assaults, public denigration and the harassment of journalists continued in 2019, though the numbers of journalists arrested and assaulted were slightly lower than the year prior. Much of that ire has come from President Trump and his associates in the federal government, who have demonstrated the United States is no longer a champion of press freedom at home or abroad. This dangerous anti-press sentiment has trickled down to local governments, institutions and the American public. In March 2019, a leaked document revealed the US government was using a secret database tracking journalists, activists and others who border authorities believed should be stopped for questioning when crossing certain checkpoints along the US-Mexico border. A couple months later, the Justice Department charged Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange with 17 counts of the WWI-era Espionage Act. If he is convicted, this would set a dangerous precedent for journalists who publish classified US government information of public interest moving forward. Under President Trump, the White House has strategically replaced traditional forms of press access with those that limit the ability of journalists to ask questions of the administration. The last daily, televised White House press briefing led by a press secretary took place in March 2019, and since then the federal government has made multiple attempts to deny specific journalists and news outlets access to other opportunities for press engagement.
I don't care who the fuck is limiting our free press/speech.

KNOCK IT OFF or we will use our 2nd to preserve our 1st!!!

That sentiment should be universally agreed and shared by all Americans.
North Korea, China, Russia, Turkmenistan, and Iran continue to top the list of the world's tops the list of the World's Most Censored Countries”.

In the last several decades the United States has risen higher and higher on this list while it has completely dropped out of the list of Top Ten (10) Most Free Nations In the World.

In 2020, The United States is ranked 45th in the ranking of the 2020 World's Most Free Press.

"For a long time, the US was one of the freest countries in the world. However, other countries have risen to the top regarding personal and economic freedom for residents."

World's Most Free Nations In the World:

1. Tied - Norway, Sweden, Finland
2. Tied - Canada, the Netherlands
3. Tied - Uruguay, Australia, New Zealand
4. Tied - Barbados, Denmark, Iceland, Portugal
5. Tied - Switzerland, Ireland, Japan
6. Tied - Dominica, Estonia, Austria, Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom
7. Tied - Czech Republic, Chile, Spain, Tuvalu
8. Micronesia
9. Tied with 92 - St. Lucia, Palau, Kiribati, Marshall Islands
10. Tied with 91 - Bahamas, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Lithuania, and Taiwan

So...the last several decades is referenced. You do realize, don't you, that Dems didn't have control for all of that time?

I don't think you read your links before composing your retarded title.

Trump-era hostility toward press persists

Visit the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker
Press freedom in the United States continued to suffer during President Donald Trump’s third year in office. Arrests, physical assaults, public denigration and the harassment of journalists continued in 2019, though the numbers of journalists arrested and assaulted were slightly lower than the year prior. Much of that ire has come from President Trump and his associates in the federal government, who have demonstrated the United States is no longer a champion of press freedom at home or abroad. This dangerous anti-press sentiment has trickled down to local governments, institutions and the American public. In March 2019, a leaked document revealed the US government was using a secret database tracking journalists, activists and others who border authorities believed should be stopped for questioning when crossing certain checkpoints along the US-Mexico border. A couple months later, the Justice Department charged Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange with 17 counts of the WWI-era Espionage Act. If he is convicted, this would set a dangerous precedent for journalists who publish classified US government information of public interest moving forward. Under President Trump, the White House has strategically replaced traditional forms of press access with those that limit the ability of journalists to ask questions of the administration. The last daily, televised White House press briefing led by a press secretary took place in March 2019, and since then the federal government has made multiple attempts to deny specific journalists and news outlets access to other opportunities for press engagement.
I don't care who the fuck is limiting our free press/speech.

KNOCK IT OFF or we will use our 2nd to preserve our 1st!!!

That sentiment should be universally agreed and shared by all Americans.

Maybe you could start by stopping your attacks on the media. Speaking when it happens around the world.

Repudiate your your leader's claim that it's "the enemy of the people".
North Korea, China, Russia, Turkmenistan, and Iran continue to top the list of the world's tops the list of the World's Most Censored Countries”.

In the last several decades the United States has risen higher and higher on this list while it has completely dropped out of the list of Top Ten (10) Most Free Nations In the World.

In 2020, The United States is ranked 45th in the ranking of the 2020 World's Most Free Press.

"For a long time, the US was one of the freest countries in the world. However, other countries have risen to the top regarding personal and economic freedom for residents."

World's Most Free Nations In the World:

1. Tied - Norway, Sweden, Finland
2. Tied - Canada, the Netherlands
3. Tied - Uruguay, Australia, New Zealand
4. Tied - Barbados, Denmark, Iceland, Portugal
5. Tied - Switzerland, Ireland, Japan
6. Tied - Dominica, Estonia, Austria, Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom
7. Tied - Czech Republic, Chile, Spain, Tuvalu
8. Micronesia
9. Tied with 92 - St. Lucia, Palau, Kiribati, Marshall Islands
10. Tied with 91 - Bahamas, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Lithuania, and Taiwan

So...the last several decades is referenced. You do realize, don't you, that Dems didn't have control for all of that time?

I don't think you read your links before composing your retarded title.

Trump-era hostility toward press persists

Visit the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker
Press freedom in the United States continued to suffer during President Donald Trump’s third year in office. Arrests, physical assaults, public denigration and the harassment of journalists continued in 2019, though the numbers of journalists arrested and assaulted were slightly lower than the year prior. Much of that ire has come from President Trump and his associates in the federal government, who have demonstrated the United States is no longer a champion of press freedom at home or abroad. This dangerous anti-press sentiment has trickled down to local governments, institutions and the American public. In March 2019, a leaked document revealed the US government was using a secret database tracking journalists, activists and others who border authorities believed should be stopped for questioning when crossing certain checkpoints along the US-Mexico border. A couple months later, the Justice Department charged Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange with 17 counts of the WWI-era Espionage Act. If he is convicted, this would set a dangerous precedent for journalists who publish classified US government information of public interest moving forward. Under President Trump, the White House has strategically replaced traditional forms of press access with those that limit the ability of journalists to ask questions of the administration. The last daily, televised White House press briefing led by a press secretary took place in March 2019, and since then the federal government has made multiple attempts to deny specific journalists and news outlets access to other opportunities for press engagement.
I don't care who the fuck is limiting our free press/speech.

KNOCK IT OFF or we will use our 2nd to preserve our 1st!!!

That sentiment should be universally agreed and shared by all Americans.

Maybe you could start by stopping your attacks on the media. Speaking when it happens around the world.

Repudiate your your leader's claim that it's "the enemy of the people".
How is criticizing bullshit bias reporting the cause of limiting free press? It's irrelevant and a poor excuse.

And the more scrutiny, the more likely we are to get to the truth. That can't happen when it's nothing but propaganda without freedom to scrutinize.

I didn't need Trump to tell me 25 years ago that the press is the enemy of the people. It's really the unchallenged press causing the problem.
North Korea, China, Russia, Turkmenistan, and Iran continue to top the list of the world's tops the list of the World's Most Censored Countries”.

In the last several decades the United States has risen higher and higher on this list while it has completely dropped out of the list of Top Ten (10) Most Free Nations In the World.

In 2020, The United States is ranked 45th in the ranking of the 2020 World's Most Free Press.

"For a long time, the US was one of the freest countries in the world. However, other countries have risen to the top regarding personal and economic freedom for residents."

World's Most Free Nations In the World:

1. Tied - Norway, Sweden, Finland
2. Tied - Canada, the Netherlands
3. Tied - Uruguay, Australia, New Zealand
4. Tied - Barbados, Denmark, Iceland, Portugal
5. Tied - Switzerland, Ireland, Japan
6. Tied - Dominica, Estonia, Austria, Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom
7. Tied - Czech Republic, Chile, Spain, Tuvalu
8. Micronesia
9. Tied with 92 - St. Lucia, Palau, Kiribati, Marshall Islands
10. Tied with 91 - Bahamas, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Lithuania, and Taiwan

So...the last several decades is referenced. You do realize, don't you, that Dems didn't have control for all of that time?

I don't think you read your links before composing your retarded title.

Trump-era hostility toward press persists

Visit the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker
Press freedom in the United States continued to suffer during President Donald Trump’s third year in office. Arrests, physical assaults, public denigration and the harassment of journalists continued in 2019, though the numbers of journalists arrested and assaulted were slightly lower than the year prior. Much of that ire has come from President Trump and his associates in the federal government, who have demonstrated the United States is no longer a champion of press freedom at home or abroad. This dangerous anti-press sentiment has trickled down to local governments, institutions and the American public. In March 2019, a leaked document revealed the US government was using a secret database tracking journalists, activists and others who border authorities believed should be stopped for questioning when crossing certain checkpoints along the US-Mexico border. A couple months later, the Justice Department charged Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange with 17 counts of the WWI-era Espionage Act. If he is convicted, this would set a dangerous precedent for journalists who publish classified US government information of public interest moving forward. Under President Trump, the White House has strategically replaced traditional forms of press access with those that limit the ability of journalists to ask questions of the administration. The last daily, televised White House press briefing led by a press secretary took place in March 2019, and since then the federal government has made multiple attempts to deny specific journalists and news outlets access to other opportunities for press engagement.

Factually untrue. The Dems have had substantive control of this country since 1932. There have been brief periods where Repubs held a little bit of power but anything they tried to do was countered by the Dems in short order. Now that the Dems have stolen control of the Senate you are going to see them clamp down on free speech, and pretty much every other freedom we used to enjoy to placate their communist masters in China.

Expect to see massive assaults on people in the coming years. This country's next evolutionary stage is a dictatorship. The Dems are working like hell to control all information that is allowed to be viewed. Any conservative voice will be crushed. Any conservative who dares to speak up will be sent to a reeducation camp. The left wing loons here are already crowing about them. They are quite literally the wannabe camp guards tossing the Jews into the ovens. only this time it is Trump supporters.

This is what YOU wanted coyote. Congrats. This country is going to be destroyed in short order thanks to people like you.

Or people like you...

Over the past several decades Republicans have held the majority of state legislatures, governorships, and Congress. Over the past four years you have held the presidency, and cemented hour hold on the courts. And now you have sent your brownshirts to storm the capital and bring down our government. To violently overthrow an election and quite possibly execute the VP and members of Congress.

What did you plan on replacing it with? All this talk of re-education camps and such is nothing more than ridiculous drama and a nod to the unbelievable need to portray Trump supporters as victims. Well they are I guess. Their cult leader tells them that. He tells them he loves them and that they are "special" as they ransack the most sacred symbol of our governance, bearing confederate flags and decked in Camp Auschwitz t-shirts.

There is something way wrong with your viewpoint when THIS is labeled traitorous, unpatriotic and the president himself, with the vociferous support of his followers calls from him to be blackballed from employment...


Yet THESE are called "Patriots" as they beat a policeman with a an American flag.

North Korea, China, Russia, Turkmenistan, and Iran continue to top the list of the world's tops the list of the World's Most Censored Countries”.

In the last several decades the United States has risen higher and higher on this list while it has completely dropped out of the list of Top Ten (10) Most Free Nations In the World.

In 2020, The United States is ranked 45th in the ranking of the 2020 World's Most Free Press.

"For a long time, the US was one of the freest countries in the world. However, other countries have risen to the top regarding personal and economic freedom for residents."

World's Most Free Nations In the World:

1. Tied - Norway, Sweden, Finland
2. Tied - Canada, the Netherlands
3. Tied - Uruguay, Australia, New Zealand
4. Tied - Barbados, Denmark, Iceland, Portugal
5. Tied - Switzerland, Ireland, Japan
6. Tied - Dominica, Estonia, Austria, Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom
7. Tied - Czech Republic, Chile, Spain, Tuvalu
8. Micronesia
9. Tied with 92 - St. Lucia, Palau, Kiribati, Marshall Islands
10. Tied with 91 - Bahamas, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Lithuania, and Taiwan

The USA Freedom of the Press Index has dropped substantially under Donald J. Trump, because of his attempts to label the press the "enemy of the people". That's a little phrase Trump picked up from Joseph Stalin. Another guy who could not stand to be criticized. The USA was 41st in the world in 2016. A 10% drop in 4 years.

Vladimir Putin has murdered more than 200 journalists. Trump often wished he had the power that Putin had, and he did make a good run at it.

I love the personal freedom index. Every time one of the "USA, USA, USA!!!!" crowd tries to slag Canada, their usual line is that Canadians aren't "free" like Americans. USA is #52 in the World versus #2 for Canada. All I can say is, "Thank heavens for living a truly free country like Canada".
North Korea, China, Russia, Turkmenistan, and Iran continue to top the list of the world's tops the list of the World's Most Censored Countries”.

In the last several decades the United States has risen higher and higher on this list while it has completely dropped out of the list of Top Ten (10) Most Free Nations In the World.

In 2020, The United States is ranked 45th in the ranking of the 2020 World's Most Free Press.

"For a long time, the US was one of the freest countries in the world. However, other countries have risen to the top regarding personal and economic freedom for residents."

World's Most Free Nations In the World:

1. Tied - Norway, Sweden, Finland
2. Tied - Canada, the Netherlands
3. Tied - Uruguay, Australia, New Zealand
4. Tied - Barbados, Denmark, Iceland, Portugal
5. Tied - Switzerland, Ireland, Japan
6. Tied - Dominica, Estonia, Austria, Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom
7. Tied - Czech Republic, Chile, Spain, Tuvalu
8. Micronesia
9. Tied with 92 - St. Lucia, Palau, Kiribati, Marshall Islands
10. Tied with 91 - Bahamas, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Lithuania, and Taiwan

So...the last several decades is referenced. You do realize, don't you, that Dems didn't have control for all of that time?

I don't think you read your links before composing your retarded title.

Trump-era hostility toward press persists

Visit the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker
Press freedom in the United States continued to suffer during President Donald Trump’s third year in office. Arrests, physical assaults, public denigration and the harassment of journalists continued in 2019, though the numbers of journalists arrested and assaulted were slightly lower than the year prior. Much of that ire has come from President Trump and his associates in the federal government, who have demonstrated the United States is no longer a champion of press freedom at home or abroad. This dangerous anti-press sentiment has trickled down to local governments, institutions and the American public. In March 2019, a leaked document revealed the US government was using a secret database tracking journalists, activists and others who border authorities believed should be stopped for questioning when crossing certain checkpoints along the US-Mexico border. A couple months later, the Justice Department charged Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange with 17 counts of the WWI-era Espionage Act. If he is convicted, this would set a dangerous precedent for journalists who publish classified US government information of public interest moving forward. Under President Trump, the White House has strategically replaced traditional forms of press access with those that limit the ability of journalists to ask questions of the administration. The last daily, televised White House press briefing led by a press secretary took place in March 2019, and since then the federal government has made multiple attempts to deny specific journalists and news outlets access to other opportunities for press engagement.

Factually untrue. The Dems have had substantive control of this country since 1932. There have been brief periods where Repubs held a little bit of power but anything they tried to do was countered by the Dems in short order. Now that the Dems have stolen control of the Senate you are going to see them clamp down on free speech, and pretty much every other freedom we used to enjoy to placate their communist masters in China.

Expect to see massive assaults on people in the coming years. This country's next evolutionary stage is a dictatorship. The Dems are working like hell to control all information that is allowed to be viewed. Any conservative voice will be crushed. Any conservative who dares to speak up will be sent to a reeducation camp. The left wing loons here are already crowing about them. They are quite literally the wannabe camp guards tossing the Jews into the ovens. only this time it is Trump supporters.

This is what YOU wanted coyote. Congrats. This country is going to be destroyed in short order thanks to people like you.

Or people like you...

Over the past several decades Republicans have held the majority of state legislatures, governorships, and Congress. Over the past four years you have held the presidency, and cemented hour hold on the courts. And now you have sent your brownshirts to storm the capital and bring down our government. To violently overthrow an election and quite possibly execute the VP and members of Congress.

What did you plan on replacing it with? All this talk of re-education camps and such is nothing more than ridiculous drama and a nod to the unbelievable need to portray Trump supporters as victims. Well they are I guess. Their cult leader tells them that. He tells them he loves them and that they are "special" as they ransack the most sacred symbol of our governance, bearing confederate flags and decked in Camp Auschwitz t-shirts.

There is something way wrong with your viewpoint when THIS is labeled traitorous, unpatriotic and the president himself, with the vociferous support of his followers calls from him to be blackballed from employment...

View attachment 442963

Yet THESE are called "Patriots" as they beat a policeman with a an American flag.

View attachment 442964

The brownshirts were YOUR people coyote. Want to know who's lying? Look in the mirror honey. Every thing that you accused Trump of doing, was actually being done by YOUR heroes in the CACA Party. You own the violence that's coming to this country. We tried to warn you but you are either too stupid, or too invested in the takeover. There is going to be mass death in this country like we haven't seen since the civil war. And it is all coming from YOU.

I hope you live long enough to see what sort of misery you will have helped perpetrate on the poor people of this country.
North Korea, China, Russia, Turkmenistan, and Iran continue to top the list of the world's tops the list of the World's Most Censored Countries”.

In the last several decades the United States has risen higher and higher on this list while it has completely dropped out of the list of Top Ten (10) Most Free Nations In the World.

In 2020, The United States is ranked 45th in the ranking of the 2020 World's Most Free Press.

"For a long time, the US was one of the freest countries in the world. However, other countries have risen to the top regarding personal and economic freedom for residents."

World's Most Free Nations In the World:

1. Tied - Norway, Sweden, Finland
2. Tied - Canada, the Netherlands
3. Tied - Uruguay, Australia, New Zealand
4. Tied - Barbados, Denmark, Iceland, Portugal
5. Tied - Switzerland, Ireland, Japan
6. Tied - Dominica, Estonia, Austria, Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom
7. Tied - Czech Republic, Chile, Spain, Tuvalu
8. Micronesia
9. Tied with 92 - St. Lucia, Palau, Kiribati, Marshall Islands
10. Tied with 91 - Bahamas, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Lithuania, and Taiwan

So...the last several decades is referenced. You do realize, don't you, that Dems didn't have control for all of that time?

I don't think you read your links before composing your retarded title.

Trump-era hostility toward press persists

Visit the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker
Press freedom in the United States continued to suffer during President Donald Trump’s third year in office. Arrests, physical assaults, public denigration and the harassment of journalists continued in 2019, though the numbers of journalists arrested and assaulted were slightly lower than the year prior. Much of that ire has come from President Trump and his associates in the federal government, who have demonstrated the United States is no longer a champion of press freedom at home or abroad. This dangerous anti-press sentiment has trickled down to local governments, institutions and the American public. In March 2019, a leaked document revealed the US government was using a secret database tracking journalists, activists and others who border authorities believed should be stopped for questioning when crossing certain checkpoints along the US-Mexico border. A couple months later, the Justice Department charged Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange with 17 counts of the WWI-era Espionage Act. If he is convicted, this would set a dangerous precedent for journalists who publish classified US government information of public interest moving forward. Under President Trump, the White House has strategically replaced traditional forms of press access with those that limit the ability of journalists to ask questions of the administration. The last daily, televised White House press briefing led by a press secretary took place in March 2019, and since then the federal government has made multiple attempts to deny specific journalists and news outlets access to other opportunities for press engagement.

Factually untrue. The Dems have had substantive control of this country since 1932. There have been brief periods where Repubs held a little bit of power but anything they tried to do was countered by the Dems in short order. Now that the Dems have stolen control of the Senate you are going to see them clamp down on free speech, and pretty much every other freedom we used to enjoy to placate their communist masters in China.

Expect to see massive assaults on people in the coming years. This country's next evolutionary stage is a dictatorship. The Dems are working like hell to control all information that is allowed to be viewed. Any conservative voice will be crushed. Any conservative who dares to speak up will be sent to a reeducation camp. The left wing loons here are already crowing about them. They are quite literally the wannabe camp guards tossing the Jews into the ovens. only this time it is Trump supporters.

This is what YOU wanted coyote. Congrats. This country is going to be destroyed in short order thanks to people like you.

Or people like you...

Over the past several decades Republicans have held the majority of state legislatures, governorships, and Congress. Over the past four years you have held the presidency, and cemented hour hold on the courts. And now you have sent your brownshirts to storm the capital and bring down our government. To violently overthrow an election and quite possibly execute the VP and members of Congress.

What did you plan on replacing it with? All this talk of re-education camps and such is nothing more than ridiculous drama and a nod to the unbelievable need to portray Trump supporters as victims. Well they are I guess. Their cult leader tells them that. He tells them he loves them and that they are "special" as they ransack the most sacred symbol of our governance, bearing confederate flags and decked in Camp Auschwitz t-shirts.

There is something way wrong with your viewpoint when THIS is labeled traitorous, unpatriotic and the president himself, with the vociferous support of his followers calls from him to be blackballed from employment...

View attachment 442963

Yet THESE are called "Patriots" as they beat a policeman with a an American flag.

View attachment 442964

The brownshirts were YOUR people coyote. Want to know who's lying? Look in the mirror honey. Every thing that you accused Trump of doing, was actually being done by YOUR heroes in the CACA Party. You own the violence that's coming to this country. We tried to warn you but you are either too stupid, or too invested in the takeover. There is going to be mass death in this country like we haven't seen since the civil war. And it is all coming from YOU.

I hope you live long enough to see what sort of misery you will have helped perpetrate on the poor people of this country.

I am sorry you feel that way West, but no, those who ransacked the Capital were Trump's mob. You've drunk seriously deep of the Trump Koolaide.

You own it, these ones were yours.
North Korea, China, Russia, Turkmenistan, and Iran continue to top the list of the world's tops the list of the World's Most Censored Countries”.

In the last several decades the United States has risen higher and higher on this list while it has completely dropped out of the list of Top Ten (10) Most Free Nations In the World.

In 2020, The United States is ranked 45th in the ranking of the 2020 World's Most Free Press.

"For a long time, the US was one of the freest countries in the world. However, other countries have risen to the top regarding personal and economic freedom for residents."

World's Most Free Nations In the World:

1. Tied - Norway, Sweden, Finland
2. Tied - Canada, the Netherlands
3. Tied - Uruguay, Australia, New Zealand
4. Tied - Barbados, Denmark, Iceland, Portugal
5. Tied - Switzerland, Ireland, Japan
6. Tied - Dominica, Estonia, Austria, Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom
7. Tied - Czech Republic, Chile, Spain, Tuvalu
8. Micronesia
9. Tied with 92 - St. Lucia, Palau, Kiribati, Marshall Islands
10. Tied with 91 - Bahamas, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Lithuania, and Taiwan

The USA Freedom of the Press Index has dropped substantially under Donald J. Trump, because of his attempts to label the press the "enemy of the people". That's a little phrase Trump picked up from Joseph Stalin. Another guy who could not stand to be criticized. The USA was 41st in the world in 2016. A 10% drop in 4 years.

Vladimir Putin has murdered more than 200 journalists. Trump often wished he had the power that Putin had, and he did make a good run at it.

I love the personal freedom index. Every time one of the "USA, USA, USA!!!!" crowd tries to slag Canada, their usual line is that Canadians aren't "free" like Americans. USA is #52 in the World versus #2 for Canada. All I can say is, "Thank heavens for living a truly free country like Canada".

Only acts of government have the potential to preempt or limit speech, not private sector entities such as social media.

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