So You Wanna Talk About Race & Inequality, Do You ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
So you wanna talk about race & inequality, do you ? OK. Let's do that. Let's ask Joe Biden (who's visiting Tampa, FL today) what he thinks about the lack of white males (or whites entirely), among the employees at the VA hospital here.

Let's have him, and a small team of campaign aides, go there, and walk through the long hallways of the VA main hospital and the clinics, and do a count of how many whites he sees. One can easily see hundreds of employees in just one hour. Doctors, nurses, technicians, clerical staff, maintenance, kitchen workers, among the 16,000 employees working there. And let's see if they can find ONE SINGLE white male among the groups.

And they can't find one, let's ask him why he thinks there are so few (or none). Wanna bet they don't say a word about Affirmative Action ? And if somebody questions him about Affirmative Action (the reason why there are few or no whites working there), let's see what kind of DODGE answers they come up with.

I called the liberal rag known as the Tampa Bay Times, and asked a guy in the newsroom. Instead of a conversation about Biden and the VA 's lack of white employees, the conversation immediately deflected into what kind of care I was getting there, did I apply for a job there, what kind of job,... everything the guy could think of other than what I called about (Joe Biden and the lack of white employees in the VA hospital system).

Fact is, while so many people are yammering about racial discrimination and inequality supposedly victimizing blacks and other non-white minorities, they are actually the BENEFICIARIES of the (Affirmative Action) discrimination, while whites (especially males) are the victims.
Yup. I’ve worked for the DoD and Federal government for 20 years. You’ll find there are certain types of civilian employees that do nothing but get others to do their job for them, and 9 times out of 10 they are black.
This thread was moved from politics to general discussion. It should have been moved to Race Relations/Racism
Don't let liberals dodge your conversation about racist discrimination against whites in Affirmative Action. They are terrified of the subject. They will do just about anything to avoid talking about it.

They quickly switch the subject to something different. Don't let them do that. When they try to start talking about something else, ignore their new subject, and just go back to talking about Affirmative Action, and whites being discriminated.

It's always a good idea to have an example of a place where AA's result are very apparent. Most any government office or institution (ex. VA hospital) will be about 90% non-white, and 99% (if not 100%) without any white males.

Talk about race & inequality ? Yeah we could do that.
....if there is inequality, the blacks bring it upon themselves
---they are over represented in great jobs--even though they graduate at lower levels
So you wanna talk about race & inequality, do you ? OK. Let's do that. Let's ask Joe Biden (who's visiting Tampa, FL today) what he thinks about the lack of white males (or whites entirely), among the employees at the VA hospital here.

Let's have him, and a small team of campaign aides, go there, and walk through the long hallways of the VA main hospital and the clinics, and do a count of how many whites he sees. One can easily see hundreds of employees in just one hour. Doctors, nurses, technicians, clerical staff, maintenance, kitchen workers, among the 16,000 employees working there. And let's see if they can find ONE SINGLE white male among the groups.

And they can't find one, let's ask him why he thinks there are so few (or none). Wanna bet they don't say a word about Affirmative Action ? And if somebody questions him about Affirmative Action (the reason why there are few or no whites working there), let's see what kind of DODGE answers they come up with.

I called the liberal rag known as the Tampa Bay Times, and asked a guy in the newsroom. Instead of a conversation about Biden and the VA 's lack of white employees, the conversation immediately deflected into what kind of care I was getting there, did I apply for a job there, what kind of job,... everything the guy could think of other than what I called about (Joe Biden and the lack of white employees in the VA hospital system).

Fact is, while so many people are yammering about racial discrimination and inequality supposedly victimizing blacks and other non-white minorities, they are actually the BENEFICIARIES of the (Affirmative Action) discrimination, while whites (especially males) are the victims.
It's not just the VA hospitals it's that way EVERYWHERE you look- except when it comes to homeless. The majority of homeless I see in my area are ALL White males AND White females. When I go to Walmart, I see no White employees (perhaps one White female), when I go to fast food restaurants I see no White employees. When I go to the DMV, I see no White employees, when I ride a city bus, the drivers on all routes are Black, (our buses line up downtown every hour, one can walk the line and SEE who's driving). At the county courthouse all White employees have been replaced with anything BUT White employees. I recently had to take my cat to the vet and was astounded to notice that all Vet offices proudly displayed photos of all veterinarians and I found ONE vet with ONE White male employee. Guess White males don't want to be veterinarians anymore, they also don't want to be Dr's or hold any city or state jobs.
This is not an exaggeration, White males have been pushed literally out of all employment in the nation their ancestors built for THEM. I've made it a point to actually LOOK for White employees no matter where I go since I began noticing that there were few to none EVERYWHERE I went and it doesn't matter where that is. I can assure you that you will find either no, or very few White employees and if there ARE one or two Whites they will be females, not males.

Want to know where you find mostly White males (other than on the streets, homeless) in the morgue. Gee, I can't understand for the life of me why they would be suicidal or turning to drugs and alcohol. We must fix this, anyone who tries to say that this is not intentional is a liar.
So you wanna talk about race & inequality, do you ? OK. Let's do that. Let's ask Joe Biden (who's visiting Tampa, FL today) what he thinks about the lack of white males (or whites entirely), among the employees at the VA hospital here.

Let's have him, and a small team of campaign aides, go there, and walk through the long hallways of the VA main hospital and the clinics, and do a count of how many whites he sees. One can easily see hundreds of employees in just one hour. Doctors, nurses, technicians, clerical staff, maintenance, kitchen workers, among the 16,000 employees working there. And let's see if they can find ONE SINGLE white male among the groups.

And they can't find one, let's ask him why he thinks there are so few (or none). Wanna bet they don't say a word about Affirmative Action ? And if somebody questions him about Affirmative Action (the reason why there are few or no whites working there), let's see what kind of DODGE answers they come up with.

I called the liberal rag known as the Tampa Bay Times, and asked a guy in the newsroom. Instead of a conversation about Biden and the VA 's lack of white employees, the conversation immediately deflected into what kind of care I was getting there, did I apply for a job there, what kind of job,... everything the guy could think of other than what I called about (Joe Biden and the lack of white employees in the VA hospital system).

Fact is, while so many people are yammering about racial discrimination and inequality supposedly victimizing blacks and other non-white minorities, they are actually the BENEFICIARIES of the (Affirmative Action) discrimination, while whites (especially males) are the victims.
It's not just the VA hospitals it's that way EVERYWHERE you look- except when it comes to homeless. The majority of homeless I see in my area are ALL White males AND White females. When I go to Walmart, I see no White employees (perhaps one White female), when I go to fast food restaurants I see no White employees. When I go to the DMV, I see no White employees, when I ride a city bus, the drivers on all routes are Black, (our buses line up downtown every hour, one can walk the line and SEE who's driving). At the county courthouse all White employees have been replaced with anything BUT White employees. I recently had to take my cat to the vet and was astounded to notice that all Vet offices proudly displayed photos of all veterinarians and I found ONE vet with ONE White male employee. Guess White males don't want to be veterinarians anymore, they also don't want to be Dr's or hold any city or state jobs.
This is not an exaggeration, White males have been pushed literally out of all employment in the nation their ancestors built for THEM. I've made it a point to actually LOOK for White employees no matter where I go since I began noticing that there were few to none EVERYWHERE I went and it doesn't matter where that is. I can assure you that you will find either no, or very few White employees and if there ARE one or two Whites they will be females, not males.

Want to know where you find mostly White males (other than on the streets, homeless) in the morgue. Gee, I can't understand for the life of me why they would be suicidal or turning to drugs and alcohol. We must fix this, anyone who tries to say that this is not intentional is a liar.
Of course it's intentional. It is Affirmative Action. Currently AA is banned in only 8 states, still legal in 42. That has to be changed. It should be banned in all 50 states, and really it already is, by the 1964 civil rights law. I imagine the reason why Trump has only mentioned it slightly, is because of the fear of losing black votes, which polls say he has increased his support from, since 2016.

I also imagine though, that IF Trump is re-elected, after that, we will see some swift and decisive action regarding this outrageous hypocrisy, where blacks whine about being discriminated AGAINST, when actually the discrimination if FOR them, making them the BENEFICIARIES of it (whites the victims). All this is while damn fool white liberals go around mindlessly blabbering about so-called "white-privilege".

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