So why is the White House lying about Libya


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
Now that the State department has been making it clear that Libya was never about a video, we need to ask why our President has been lying about it and covering up what really happened to our Ambassador.

Obama tried to cover up a terrorist attack. Why?
What did dey know an' when did dey know it?...
'Within 24 Hours': When U.S. Intel in Libya Told Washington 9/11/12 Was Terror Attack
October 14, 2012 - - Sen. Lindsey Graham (R.-S.C.), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said on CBS's "Face the Nation" on Sunday that the U.S. intelligence community in Libya informed the administration in Washington, D.C., within 24 hours of the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya that the attack had been a terrorist strike whose perpetrators included militia associated with al Qaeda.
Graham said the fact that the administration was still publicly declaring more than five days later that the attack may have arisen as a spontaneous protest indicated that either "they are misleading or incredibly incompetent." "Well, the facts are there was never a riot," Graham told Bob Schieffer of CBS News. "The night in question, September 11, Ambassador [Chris] Stevens was being visited by the Turkish ambassador. There wasn't a soul around the compound. And the coordinated attack lasted for hours with al Qaeda-associated militia.

"My belief is that that was known by the administration within 24 hours," said Graham. "And, quite frankly, [U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations] Susan Rice, on your show on September 16, the president on the 18th, and the 25th, kept talking about an attack inspired by a video. They`re trying to sell a narrative, quite frankly, that the Mid-East, the wars are receding and al Qaeda's been dismantled, and to admit that our embassy was attacked by al Qaeda operatives and Libya leading from behind didn't work. I think undercuts that narrative. They never believed the media would investigate. Congress was out of session, and this caught up with them. "I think they have been misleading us," said Graham, "but it finally caught up with them."

Schieffer then told Graham: "Well, that is a very serious charge you just leveled, Senator Graham. "Are you saying the administration deliberately misled the American people to make it look as if terrorism is not as much of a threat as apparently it is?" "Either they are misleading the American people or incredibly incompetent," Graham said. "There was no way with anybody looking at all that you could believe five days after the attack it was based on a riot that never occurred. There was no riot at all. So to say that, you`re either very incompetent or misleading."

Schieffer challenged Graham to explain where he go the information to challenge the credibility of the administration's statements about what happened in Libya. "Where did you get this information that led you to this conclusion?" asked Schieffer. "Did you talk to officials there? Did you talk to people in the CIA? Did you talk to people in the administration? How are you so convinced of what you have just stated?" Graham said that the U.S. intelligence commmunity in Libya had told both him and Sen. Bob Corker (R.-Tenn.) that they had informed Washington within 24 hours that the attack in was a terrorist attack.

Now that the State department has been making it clear that Libya was never about a video, we need to ask why our President has been lying about it and covering up what really happened to our Ambassador.

Obama tried to cover up a terrorist attack. Why?

"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction"

- B. Hussein Obama
It was clearly a failure of this administration to protect this embassy and its ambassador. Someone had to take the blame. Why not some sap who made a video of the prophet of Mohammad? He can't fight back! He knows nothing of the failures of this administration! It was a clear victory for Obama, et al.

But some knew better and they blew the whistle. God Bless them!
Now that the State department has been making it clear that Libya was never about a video, we need to ask why our President has been lying about it and covering up what really happened to our Ambassador.

Obama tried to cover up a terrorist attack. Why?

It's really is as simple as they don't want to admit there is still a war on Terror. They don't want to admit there is still a threat.

They want to advance the narrative that Obama got Osama, and made people like us again, and everything is just fine now.

The Really scary thing is the fact they refused requests for more Security, and are on record saying they were trying to move from an Emergency Security footing, to a Normal one, despite the fact things were far from Normal in Libya, shows they actually believe their own Narrative.

I don't think Obama believed we could be attacked in Libya. I think he actually thought everyone in Libya loves him, and the US for getting rid of their Oppressor, and they would never attack us.

How ever you slice this, for this admin the best it gets on this one is they were terribly Incompetent, the worst case is they are a bunch of Lying assholes that care more about Political Power than Protecting America.
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Now that the State department has been making it clear that Libya was never about a video, we need to ask why our President has been lying about it and covering up what really happened to our Ambassador.

Obama tried to cover up a terrorist attack. Why?

"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction"

- B. Hussein Obama

Such a wise quote from a wise man. Look where it led. :mad:
This is a mess and the Administration has it's hands full trying to clean it up...
Has anyone seen Hilary lately?..did they send her out of town with instructions of
Don't call us Hilary we will call you when it's safe to come back...
Now that the State department has been making it clear that Libya was never about a video, we need to ask why our President has been lying about it and covering up what really happened to our Ambassador.

Obama tried to cover up a terrorist attack. Why?

"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction"

- B. Hussein Obama

That quote is taken way out of context as was pointed out in another thread. I'm not a fan of President Obama and certainly won't be voting for him in November, but there is no need to misrepresent the truth. Political debate should be based on facts and there are plenty of facts that can be used to criticize the president.
Boy, you guys are trying to milk this for all it's worth...

Yeah, Unlike Dems who only Milk the Silly shit, where someone just cheated on their wife, or turned out to be a closet gay.

When it comes to real problems, where people died, our security is at risk, and the American people want answers.

Well hell according to you, it's not worth a second look.

To funny.
Boy, you guys are trying to milk this for all it's worth...

Yeah, Unlike Dems who only Milk the Silly shit, where someone just cheated on their wife, or turned out to be a closet gay.

When it comes to real problems, where people died, our security is at risk, and the American people want answers.

Well hell according to you, it's not worth a second look.

To funny.
When did I say that? I was pointing out the silly behavior of the cons on the board. How many threads have you losers started on this subject; 20?

As for people dying...Pat Tillman was killed in a friendly fire incident; his family was lied to and his death was made into basically a recruiting video. I'm sure you were fine with that. The WMDs or poor intel thereof; thousands of American deaths. I guess that's off limits.

It was a few weeks ago that you guys were very sensitive about Obama highlighting that his administration killed Bin Laden. The consensus was that "he shouldn't get credit". But when there is a failure...boy he should get all the blame; right?

In fact the GOP reduced the Obama administration's request for embassy security.

Dana Milbank: Forget about Big Bird - The Washington Post

Here is a member of the GOP admitting as much:

Jason Chaffetz Admits House GOP Cut Funding For Embassy Security: 'You Have To Prioritize Things'

Oh wait; thats Huff won't believe it. Here is a CNN site.

Rep. Chaffetz says he "absolutely" voted to cut funding for embassy security – CNN Press Room - Blogs

We all know you won't believe it either so here is the actual quote.

Here's the actual quote:
Later in the interview, CNN Anchor Soledad O’Brien asks, “Is it true that you voted to cut the funding for embassy security?”
Chaffetz answers, “Absolutely. Look we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have… 15,0000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, a private army there, for President Obama, in Baghdad. And we’re talking about can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces. When you’re in touch economic times, you have to make difficult choices. You have to prioritize things.”

I'm sure they oversampled someone or there was some sort of conspiracy in place this time too; right?
A State Dept person testified before Congress last week that the funding cuts had nothing to do with the decision not to increase security in Benghazi. That is a pure bullshit response from the left, trying to raise a lot of dust and confusion when the truth is they fucked up and got caught doing it, and an American ambassador and 3 other Americans died as a result. It was politics, pure and simple, Obama said he had decimated Al Qaida and had it on the run, so there was nothing the State Dept or any other gov't institution was going to do to make it appear otherwise.
Boy, you guys are trying to milk this for all it's worth...

Perhaps the Obama administration could answer questions and explain themselves if they want this to go away. Outright lying to the American people isn't something we should take lightly. We know he knew better, but continued with the lies.

This isn't some minor incident, this is about the president refusing to point at Muslim terrorists and instead blaming a U.S. citizen.

Not time to move on till the investigation is complete and Obama has come clean. People need to resign over this and Obama should do so first.

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