So Who’s Going to Reject Trumps Check in the Mail?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Suddenly ‘he’s not my President’ is ‘where’s my check’.

Which of you Democrats will abide by your principles and reject the check from the orange blob?

Show of hands please.
You have it backward, Hoss. That is called projection. The question is whether Trumpers will reject the checks who say they hate socialism. Will you stay with principal and reject all government handouts or cave? What will you do? LOL..The question is rhetorical. We all know what you will do.
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You have it backward, Hoss. That is called projection. The question is whether Trumpers will reject the checks who say they hate socialism. Will you stay from with principal and reject all government handouts or cave? What will you do? LOL..The question is rhetorical. We all know what you will do.
I had one of them -- seriously, I am not making this up -- trying to tell me that this is an example of capitalism, because corporate tax dollars (wrong) are being used.

Again, I am not making this up.

This is how far gone they are.
Suddenly ‘he’s not my President’ is ‘where’s my check’.
View attachment 315045

Which of you Democrats will abide by your principles and reject the check from the orange blob?

Show of hands please.

And just like that, Trump supporters and conservatives are OK with socialism. Thanks for finally stepping up and putting to rest that four decade old charade that conservatives are for fiscal responsibility. You guys spend money like drunken sailors. You put a liberal to shame...and at least they're up front about spending money.
Suddenly ‘he’s not my President’ is ‘where’s my check’.
View attachment 315045

Which of you Democrats will abide by your principles and reject the check from the orange blob?

Show of hands please.

And just like that, Trump supporters and conservatives are OK with socialism. Thanks for finally stepping up and putting to rest that four decade old charade that conservatives are for fiscal responsibility. You guys spend money like drunken sailors. You put a liberal to shame...and at least they're up front about spending money.

I don't think this is an accurate characterization. Even people like myself know this is necessary. I said Obamas was necessary too, my issue was with accountability of lenders and businesses that didn't operate properly. The situations are completely different also: that bailout was required because of their actions, this is required because of a virus. In effect, Chinas actions or lackthereof.

Ultimately, I look at it this way, "imagine what the $2T (in Canada it will be hundreds of billions ultimately) could have been used for if not for this virus?" Imagine how much wealthier the world would be?

Ultimately, some like Rand Paul, might argue even giving this money isn't wise. He is an outlier obviously.
You have it backward, Hoss. That is called projection. The question is whether Trumpers will reject the checks who say they hate socialism. Will you stay from with principal and reject all government handouts or cave? What will you do? LOL..The question is rhetorical. We all know what you will do.
I had one of them -- seriously, I am not making this up -- trying to tell me that this is an example of capitalism, because corporate tax dollars (wrong) are being used.

Again, I am not making this up.

This is how far gone they are.
What's more ignorant? Thinking it's corporate dollars or categorizing the relief checks as coming from the King of Debt? Both reflection appalling stupidity by members of The Following.
You have it backward, Hoss. That is called projection. The question is whether Trumpers will reject the checks who say they hate socialism. Will you stay with principal and reject all government handouts or cave? What will you do? LOL..The question is rhetorical. We all know what you will do.
This is very similar to Eminent Domain . My state governor forced my place of employment to shut down leaving me jobless.
President Trump and the Republicans are fixing the destruction caused by my state Democrat governor.

This is the right thing to do under these circumstances.
Different people look forward to their checks in different ways. For some people it will be if it comes, it comes. For some it will be shared with needier people. For Democrats it will be a reason to hang out, fidgeting by the mailbox. and complaining that it came too late or that rich corporations got more than they did.

Trumpism 2020
Tell the class how a one time tax credit is socialism.


Trumpism 2020

I think the 0P has a point and so do you. The Trump supporters who have screamed socialism nonstop will happily take this money as well the TDS sufferers who have done nothing but foam at the mouth about this man for the last four years. Basically everybody is a hypocrite all the way around

Trumpism 2020

I think the 0P has a point and so do you. The Trump supporters who have screamed socialism nonstop will happily take this money as well the TDS sufferers who have done nothing but foam at the mouth about this man for the last four years. Basically everybody is a hypocrite all the way around

IMO you're an idiot if you don't take it because banks and big business will get a fuck of a lot more than the people who are struggling ever will besides that it is your money that the government already took from you at least this way you know it won't be wasted on some unnecessary government project
You have it backward, Hoss. That is called projection. The question is whether Trumpers will reject the checks who say they hate socialism. Will you stay with principal and reject all government handouts or cave? What will you do? LOL..The question is rhetorical. We all know what you will do.
And that’s where you’re wrong. The government is responsible for recompense if they seize property. And by shutting willing workers out of their jobs they effectively seized their income. Nice try though...

Trumpism 2020

I think the 0P has a point and so do you. The Trump supporters who have screamed socialism nonstop will happily take this money as well the TDS sufferers who have done nothing but foam at the mouth about this man for the last four years. Basically everybody is a hypocrite all the way around
I’ll ask you also then. How’s a one time tax refund socialism?
Let’s be honest. Those checks are coming straight from the federal reserve printing presses.
You have it backward, Hoss. That is called projection. The question is whether Trumpers will reject the checks who say they hate socialism. Will you stay with principal and reject all government handouts or cave? What will you do? LOL..The question is rhetorical. We all know what you will do.
And that’s where you’re wrong. The government is responsible for recompense if they seize property. And by shutting willing workers out of their jobs they effectively seized their income. Nice try though...
Then why are checks going to everyone? Lots of people are still working. People without jobs are getting checks too.

If you wanted to just compensate people who are out of work, buff up unemployment insurance.

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