So, who will the Democrats put up in 2024?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Debbie Wasserman Schultz is tainted

Donna Brazile is done

Podesta might be a candidate

Biden and Sanders will be too old

Hillary will be in another country

How about Rham Emanuel? He's doing such a great job in Chicago....
I hear they are looking at Rep. Ellison to be the DNC chairman. He is a Muslim-American. Do they have to keep shooting themselves in the foot? They are on one leg now!
It doesn't matter.

It won't be a true believer in regressive dogma like crazy bernie. It will be a sociopath happy to sell the utopian bullshit, but ensure the wall street donors don't have to fund too much of it.

Someone who WANTS that kind of power is dangerous, and when they're clearly on a mission to acquire as much wealth and power as possible you should have the cognitive skills to recognize it. Libturds have ZERO.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz is tainted

Donna Brazile is done

Podesta might be a candidate

Biden and Sanders will be too old

Hillary will be in another country

How about Rham Emanuel? He's doing such a great job in Chicago....

I wish Biden had run this time, but understand why he didn't.

I'm thinking Elizabeth Warren :)

In 2020 :banana:
Debbie Wasserman Schultz is tainted

Donna Brazile is done

Podesta might be a candidate

Biden and Sanders will be too old

Hillary will be in another country

How about Rham Emanuel? He's doing such a great job in Chicago....

Chelsea Clinton...duh

And y'all thought this was the last of them. Dream on....

I wish Biden had run this time, but understand why he didn't.

I'm thinking Elizabeth Warren :)

In 2020 :banana:

Every word of that is funny.



Elizabeth Warren...


Why not just sign the country over to the UN and confiscate all private property?

Oh right... That fuckin RKBA...

Debbie Wasserman Schultz is tainted

Donna Brazile is done

Podesta might be a candidate

Biden and Sanders will be too old

Hillary will be in another country

How about Rham Emanuel? He's doing such a great job in Chicago....

I wish Biden had run this time, but understand why he didn't.

I'm thinking Elizabeth Warren :)

In 2020 :banana:
Think that would be good news for the GOP. It has to be someone with integrity. I'm sure someone must fill that bill. The current feelings of the Dem. party is pretty low right now. They may need an outsider like Trump.
I wish Biden had run this time, but understand why he didn't.

I'm thinking Elizabeth Warren :)

In 2020 :banana:

Every word of that is funny.



Elizabeth Warren...


Why not just sign the country over to the UN and confiscate all private property.

Oh right... That fuckin RKBA...
I was going to go there, but decided not to. We have to try to unite, you know.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz is tainted

Donna Brazile is done

Podesta might be a candidate

Biden and Sanders will be too old

Hillary will be in another country

How about Rham Emanuel? He's doing such a great job in Chicago....

I wish Biden had run this time, but understand why he didn't.

I'm thinking Elizabeth Warren :)

In 2020 :banana:
Nope the Dems will pick a man, likely a white one as they have to get back to fundementals, David Duke might switch parties and run with Chelsea
Debbie Wasserman Schultz is tainted

Donna Brazile is done

Podesta might be a candidate

Biden and Sanders will be too old

Hillary will be in another country

How about Rham Emanuel? He's doing such a great job in Chicago....

I wish Biden had run this time, but understand why he didn't.

I'm thinking Elizabeth Warren :)

In 2020 :banana:
Think that would be good news for the GOP. It has to be someone with integrity. I'm sure someone must fill that bill. The current feelings of the Dem. party is pretty low right now. They may need an outsider like Trump.

I don't know...if the Election were next year - you might be right. But a lot can happen in 4 years - a lot. It might be then that it's found voting for an outsider, primarily BECAUSE he was an outsider - has been a terrible mistake. It's hard to make any predictions because of the nature of this election, and the nature of Trump.

I like Warren though, and I feel she has integrity. Podesta though? Never thought of him.
Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) could be just the man to win in 2020. By then he will have had more experience in the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. He has a high rating from trade unions and a low rating from the National Rifle Association. Just the man for the job!

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) could be just the man to win in 2020. By then he will have had more experience in the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. He has a high rating from trade unions and a low rating from the National Rifle Association. Just the man for the job!

He might be...but I do think the Democratic Party has to move to the center. He has to be in favor of the 2nd amendment.
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Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) could be just the man to win in 2020. By then he will have had more experience in the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. He has a high rating from trade unions and a low rating from the National Rifle Association. Just the man for the job!

He night be...but I do think the Democratic Party has to move to the center. He has to be in favor of the 2nd amendment.
The Democratic Party cannot be all things to all people. It must distinguish itself from the people who support the Republicans and gun control in keeping with the proper interpretation of the 2nd Amendment is one such issue. The insane availability of firearms does not come from the Democratic value of human life.
I was going to go there, but decided not to. We have to try to unite, you know.

We're not going to. They don't want too, I don't care what they say. They always talk unity and compromise when they lose.

This time I say fuck 'em.

Of course I say that all the time.
Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) could be just the man to win in 2020. By then he will have had more experience in the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. He has a high rating from trade unions and a low rating from the National Rifle Association. Just the man for the job!

He night be...but I do think the Democratic Party has to move to the center. He has to be in favor of the 2nd amendment.
The Democratic Party cannot be all things to all people. It must distinguish itself from the people who support the Republicans and gun control in keeping with the proper interpretation of the 2nd Amendment is one such issue. The insane availability of firearms does not come from the Democratic value of human life.

The Democrats do not value human life. I find it to be pretentious to declare so with 2nd Amendment issues.

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