So, what's the difference?


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018
Came across this picture this morning, and it raises an interesting point. 2 groups are using 2 books as justification for hate, violence, and intolerance.



Or do your usual thing and retreat to insults because you're too stupid to talk about it intelligently. Whichever.
Please explain how they are using their bibles as excuses for holding a gun. Also, how that relates to hate violence and intolerance.
If you want intelligent discussion on a MEME maybe first you need to figure out the background of the 2 pictures.
Came across this picture this morning, and it raises an interesting point. 2 groups are using 2 books as justification for hate, violence, and intolerance.

View attachment 204114


Or do your usual thing and retreat to insults because you're too stupid to talk about it intelligently. Whichever.

That picture has been around this group for a long time. It's the same girl in both photos and they were staged. It's total BS. Just another thinly veiled attack against the Right.
Came across this picture this morning, and it raises an interesting point. 2 groups are using 2 books as justification for hate, violence, and intolerance.

View attachment 204114


Or do your usual thing and retreat to insults because you're too stupid to talk about it intelligently. Whichever.
You do understand the difference.
One is expressing freedom to defend yourself, which is written in the Constitution, and the other is expressing hatred and murder of Jews and Christians.
Which illustrates the need for the gun in the first place.
Cops cannot serve and protect anymore, thanks to the Democrat's war on cops.
Came across this picture this morning, and it raises an interesting point. 2 groups are using 2 books as justification for hate, violence, and intolerance.

View attachment 204114


Or do your usual thing and retreat to insults because you're too stupid to talk about it intelligently. Whichever.

That picture has been around this group for a long time. It's the same girl in both photos and they were staged. It's total BS. Just another thinly veiled attack against the Right.
Prove it.
Came across this picture this morning, and it raises an interesting point. 2 groups are using 2 books as justification for hate, violence, and intolerance.

View attachment 204114


Or do your usual thing and retreat to insults because you're too stupid to talk about it intelligently. Whichever.
You do understand the difference.
One is expressing freedom to defend yourself, which is written in the Constitution, and the other is expressing hatred and murder of Jews and Christians.
Which illustrates the need for the gun in the first place.
Cops cannot serve and protect anymore, thanks to the Democrat's war on cops.
I don't see any republican christians defending themselves with guns. I don't see any need for them too. I see them intimidating folks with them sometimes. They also go on the occasional mass murder spree as well as using that book as an excuse to attack folks they don't like.

Nope, don't really see the difference yet.
Came across this picture this morning, and it raises an interesting point. 2 groups are using 2 books as justification for hate, violence, and intolerance.

View attachment 204114


Or do your usual thing and retreat to insults because you're too stupid to talk about it intelligently. Whichever.
There isn't a difference.

Republican Christianity = Extremist Islam.

There's a recent video on YouTube of commentary on a rightwing talk show host storming off of an HLN show because one of the guests said that rightwingers want Christian Sharia, which is true, but the snowflake felt offended and left.

I was going to make a thread about it, but haven't gotten around to it, as yet.
Came across this picture this morning, and it raises an interesting point. 2 groups are using 2 books as justification for hate, violence, and intolerance.

View attachment 204114


Or do your usual thing and retreat to insults because you're too stupid to talk about it intelligently. Whichever.
There isn't a difference.

Republican Christianity = Extremist Islam.

There's a recent video on YouTube of commentary on a rightwing talk show host storming off of an HLN show because one of the guests said that rightwingers want Christian Sharia, which is true, but the snowflake felt offended and left.

I was going to make a thread about it, but haven't gotten around to it, as yet.
Please do, I'd love to see both the linked info and the reactions here.
Please explain how they are using their bibles as excuses for holding a gun. Also, how that relates to hate violence and intolerance.
If you want intelligent discussion on a MEME maybe first you need to figure out the background of the 2 pictures.
You'd have to explain to me why bible and gun seem to go hand in hand so often, that's part of the trouble I have with this.

The pictures pretty much speak for themselves. Guns, attitudes, and "holy" books.
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Please explain how they are using their bibles as excuses for holding a gun. Also, how that relates to hate violence and intolerance.
If you want intelligent discussion on a MEME maybe first you need to figure out the background of the 2 pictures.
You'd have to explain to me why bibke and gun seem to go hand in hand so often, that's part of the trouble I have with this.

The pictures pretty much speak for themselves. Guns, attitudes, and "holy" books.
Lol have fun!
All these rabid conservatives here and no one can explain this?
Extremist islam is the way christianity used to be. They evolved.
Its islams turn.
Bad premise, as the former represents a proponent of self-defense and the latter represents an offensive to spread Religion by force.
All these rabid conservatives here and no one can explain this?

Explain what? The difference? Hmmm.

The first woman isn't wearing a hijab, the second woman doesn't have a flag? The second woman actually looks equipped for war, the first looks like she's just posting on facebook for likes? :thup:

Is there more?
birds of a feather flock together ... the desert religions. land grabbers everyone of them.
Came across this picture this morning, and it raises an interesting point. 2 groups are using 2 books as justification for hate, violence, and intolerance.

View attachment 204114


Or do your usual thing and retreat to insults because you're too stupid to talk about it intelligently. Whichever.
IRONIC coming from your side of the isle that resist movement looks like Isis and acts like the Middle East radical protesters.
Came across this picture this morning, and it raises an interesting point. 2 groups are using 2 books as justification for hate, violence, and intolerance.

View attachment 204114


Or do your usual thing and retreat to insults because you're too stupid to talk about it intelligently. Whichever.
You do understand the difference.
One is expressing freedom to defend yourself, which is written in the Constitution, and the other is expressing hatred and murder of Jews and Christians.
Which illustrates the need for the gun in the first place.
Cops cannot serve and protect anymore, thanks to the Democrat's war on cops.
I don't see any republican christians defending themselves with guns. I don't see any need for them too. I see them intimidating folks with them sometimes. They also go on the occasional mass murder spree as well as using that book as an excuse to attack folks they don't like.

Nope, don't really see the difference yet.

You don't see the difference because you don't want to see the difference. Your mind will not accept anything that contradicts your viewpoint, which is your right even though it is beyond idiotic. First of all, let's not conflate all Republicans with Christianity, there are quite a few who may be one but not the other. And I don't see many Republicans or Christians who intimidate anybody with guns, or did you assume that such persons who do intimidate somebody must automatically be a Republican and a Christian? Oh, I'm sure you can dig up somewhere on the web a story that fits your narrative, BFD. Are you going to therefore assume that every Republican and every Christian are all the same as whichever wingnut you show us? That's pretty lazy and stupid thinking IMHO.

Same deal with the "occasional mass murder spree as well as using that book as an excuse to attack folks they don't like", seriously dude? Say, wasn't that guy that shot up the GOP baseball team practice awhile back a democrat? You remember, the time Steve Scalese got shot? And then there's the Antifas people too. Guess it ain't all Repubs and Christians, is it? So tell me, where's the story about a Repub/Christian attacking people and using the bible as the excuse? No doubt you might find one if you look hard enough, which you probably did so just for giggles show us the link to the story. Again, are you going to therefore assume that every Republican and every Christian are all the same as whichever wingnut you show us? That's pretty lazy and stupid thinking IMHO.

You really don't see the difference? Yeah, I think you do but you just aren't honest enough to admit it. You just want to start a fight on the USMB, to rile up the Righties. That's fine, but in so doing to expose yourself as a dipshit Lefty who can't be taken seriously. Not a very exalted group, I must say; there are some on the Left around here who are worthy of discussion but you are not one of them. Have a nice day.
Came across this picture this morning, and it raises an interesting point. 2 groups are using 2 books as justification for hate, violence, and intolerance.

View attachment 204114


Or do your usual thing and retreat to insults because you're too stupid to talk about it intelligently. Whichever.
There isn't a difference.

Republican Christianity = Extremist Islam.

There's a recent video on YouTube of commentary on a rightwing talk show host storming off of an HLN show because one of the guests said that rightwingers want Christian Sharia, which is true, but the snowflake felt offended and left.

I was going to make a thread about it, but haven't gotten around to it, as yet.
There is no such thing as "Christian Sharia".

If you want to know who is the most extreme when it comes to religion its Muslims, then Jews, then Catholics, and all of them strangely vote Democrat.
Came across this picture this morning, and it raises an interesting point. 2 groups are using 2 books as justification for hate, violence, and intolerance.

View attachment 204114


Or do your usual thing and retreat to insults because you're too stupid to talk about it intelligently. Whichever.
You do understand the difference.
One is expressing freedom to defend yourself, which is written in the Constitution, and the other is expressing hatred and murder of Jews and Christians.
Which illustrates the need for the gun in the first place.
Cops cannot serve and protect anymore, thanks to the Democrat's war on cops.
I don't see any republican christians defending themselves with guns. I don't see any need for them too. I see them intimidating folks with them sometimes. They also go on the occasional mass murder spree as well as using that book as an excuse to attack folks they don't like.

Nope, don't really see the difference yet.

You don't see the difference because you don't want to see the difference. Your mind will not accept anything that contradicts your viewpoint, which is your right even though it is beyond idiotic. First of all, let's not conflate all Republicans with Christianity, there are quite a few who may be one but not the other. And I don't see many Republicans or Christians who intimidate anybody with guns, or did you assume that such persons who do intimidate somebody must automatically be a Republican and a Christian? Oh, I'm sure you can dig up somewhere on the web a story that fits your narrative, BFD. Are you going to therefore assume that every Republican and every Christian are all the same as whichever wingnut you show us? That's pretty lazy and stupid thinking IMHO.

Same deal with the "occasional mass murder spree as well as using that book as an excuse to attack folks they don't like", seriously dude? Say, wasn't that guy that shot up the GOP baseball team practice awhile back a democrat? You remember, the time Steve Scalese got shot? And then there's the Antifas people too. Guess it ain't all Repubs and Christians, is it? So tell me, where's the story about a Repub/Christian attacking people and using the bible as the excuse? No doubt you might find one if you look hard enough, which you probably did so just for giggles show us the link to the story. Again, are you going to therefore assume that every Republican and every Christian are all the same as whichever wingnut you show us? That's pretty lazy and stupid thinking IMHO.

You really don't see the difference? Yeah, I think you do but you just aren't honest enough to admit it. You just want to start a fight on the USMB, to rile up the Righties. That's fine, but in so doing to expose yourself as a dipshit Lefty who can't be taken seriously. Not a very exalted group, I must say; there are some on the Left around here who are worthy of discussion but you are not one of them. Have a nice day.
It was a trick question.

There is no real difference.

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