So, what happened to Biden's call for unity?


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Less than three months ago, President Joe Biden stood in front of the U.S. Capitol in the wake of the Jan. 6 riots and delivered his inaugural address. He called for unity, and Americans who see a politically fractured country welcomed it. He could have then put together an agenda that would have accomplished many of his goals while also helping heal the country. On COVID-19, infrastructure and other matters, there was a road to garnering massive bipartisan support. We focus a lot on disagreements, but in each of these areas, average citizens share a broad consensus that Biden could have reached.

Oddly, after dedicating his inauguration to national unity, Biden has abandoned the pursuit entirely.

Biden pushed through a thoroughly partisan COVID-19 bill. The lockdowns smashed the livelihoods of many Americans. There was broad bipartisan consensus to provide further relief to small businesses and individual Americans. There was also support for further funding to speed vaccine deployment. By focusing on these core COVID-19-related areas, Biden could have achieved the first major bipartisan success in many years.

A group of 10 influential Republicans approached him with such a package. Biden rejected them and instead signed the most expensive spending bill in U.S. history, without a single Republican vote. This $1.9 trillion monstrosity delayed relief for average Americans by weeks in order to include non-COVID-19 related pork. It even changed the formula for aid to state and local governments to favor larger blue states over smaller red states.

Furthermore, Biden’s positions on voting and elections are not only partisan but corrosive. Biden, like all Democrats and Republicans, believes that looser voting rules help Democrats. Democrats and their media allies therefore scream about disenfranchisement, racism and voter suppression in the face of even the most reasonable proposals.

This debate has come to a head over Georgia’s new voting laws. Georgia has endured two consecutive election cycles fraught with accusations of foul play. Former Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams still insists her 2018 race was stolen. Former President Donald Trump similarly insists he was robbed. Putting aside the merits of either claim, confidence in our elections is essential.

[ME: Three cycles if you count the Russian Collusion charge that the democrats advanced for 3 effing years.]

It is not just reasonable but necessary to take a close look at Georgia’s voting laws — but Biden is not engaging in reasonable debate. He immediately blasted the law as “Jim Crow on steroids.” It’s about as divisive a charge as can be made. Jim Crow laws enforced segregation in schools, restaurants, hospitals and even marriage. They were completely antithetical to the ideals of our country. It’s hard to envision anything as destructive to the cause of national unity as comparing election security to racial segregation.

Biden provided three main arguments. First, he said the new law in Georgia was “sick” and “un-American” because it ended voting at 5 p.m., when working people were just getting off work. But that’s false. Voting in Georgia is open until 7 p.m., and anyone in line by then is entitled to vote. The new law made no changes to that rule. Biden was so wrong that even The Washington Post’s fact-checkers gave him four “Pinocchios” — their worst score. The Post explained that “the law did make some changes to early voting. But experts say the net effect was to expand the opportunities to vote for most Georgians, not limit them.”

Second, Biden claimed the Georgia law prohibited giving water to people waiting in line to vote. Here, again, the president was not telling the truth; the Georgia law allows polling officials to provide water. What the law prohibits is interested parties giving gifts of any kind (including food or water) to try to influence voters in line. Georgia’s secretary of state justified this restriction based on numerous cases of “line warming.” Examples include a candidate giving out pizza to influence voters in line within restricted voting areas designed to be free from campaigning.

Finally, Biden attacked the Georgia law for requiring photo IDs to vote. Democrats love to claim ID requirements are racist, but the argument is hard to defend. Georgia offers free IDs to any resident. Thirty-five states have some form of ID requirement for voting. Allowing voting without ID significantly increases the chances or perception of fraud. And most importantly, IDs are required for numerous activities in day-to-day life. To assert that black people are somehow incapable of procuring them is belittling and racist.

The Infrastructure Bill currently in the works is another example of no attempt at unity. From the start Biden and the Democrats stuffed it with all sorts of progressive liberal stuff. Biden could pass a bill to fix bridges and roads, and even provide broadband internet, with massive bipartisan support. Instead, he’s proposing a multitrillion-dollar spending plan filled with partisan, noninfrastructure goals. He’s using the popularity of infrastructure investing to shoehorn a left-wing agenda into the bill.

The saddest part is Biden never even gave a unity agenda a chance. Our country needs the healing he promised. Biden delivers the opposite.

We got lip service. That was it, the democrats said 'here's what we want and if you don't support it we'll pass it anyway through reconciliation and blame you for being obstructionist'. That ain't my idea of unity.
Less than three months ago, President Joe Biden stood in front of the U.S. Capitol in the wake of the Jan. 6 riots and delivered his inaugural address. He called for unity, and Americans who see a politically fractured country welcomed it. He could have then put together an agenda that would have accomplished many of his goals while also helping heal the country. On COVID-19, infrastructure and other matters, there was a road to garnering massive bipartisan support. We focus a lot on disagreements, but in each of these areas, average citizens share a broad consensus that Biden could have reached.

Oddly, after dedicating his inauguration to national unity, Biden has abandoned the pursuit entirely.

Biden pushed through a thoroughly partisan COVID-19 bill. The lockdowns smashed the livelihoods of many Americans. There was broad bipartisan consensus to provide further relief to small businesses and individual Americans. There was also support for further funding to speed vaccine deployment. By focusing on these core COVID-19-related areas, Biden could have achieved the first major bipartisan success in many years.

A group of 10 influential Republicans approached him with such a package. Biden rejected them and instead signed the most expensive spending bill in U.S. history, without a single Republican vote. This $1.9 trillion monstrosity delayed relief for average Americans by weeks in order to include non-COVID-19 related pork. It even changed the formula for aid to state and local governments to favor larger blue states over smaller red states.

Furthermore, Biden’s positions on voting and elections are not only partisan but corrosive. Biden, like all Democrats and Republicans, believes that looser voting rules help Democrats. Democrats and their media allies therefore scream about disenfranchisement, racism and voter suppression in the face of even the most reasonable proposals.

This debate has come to a head over Georgia’s new voting laws. Georgia has endured two consecutive election cycles fraught with accusations of foul play. Former Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams still insists her 2018 race was stolen. Former President Donald Trump similarly insists he was robbed. Putting aside the merits of either claim, confidence in our elections is essential.

[ME: Three cycles if you count the Russian Collusion charge that the democrats advanced for 3 effing years.]

It is not just reasonable but necessary to take a close look at Georgia’s voting laws — but Biden is not engaging in reasonable debate. He immediately blasted the law as “Jim Crow on steroids.” It’s about as divisive a charge as can be made. Jim Crow laws enforced segregation in schools, restaurants, hospitals and even marriage. They were completely antithetical to the ideals of our country. It’s hard to envision anything as destructive to the cause of national unity as comparing election security to racial segregation.

Biden provided three main arguments. First, he said the new law in Georgia was “sick” and “un-American” because it ended voting at 5 p.m., when working people were just getting off work. But that’s false. Voting in Georgia is open until 7 p.m., and anyone in line by then is entitled to vote. The new law made no changes to that rule. Biden was so wrong that even The Washington Post’s fact-checkers gave him four “Pinocchios” — their worst score. The Post explained that “the law did make some changes to early voting. But experts say the net effect was to expand the opportunities to vote for most Georgians, not limit them.”

Second, Biden claimed the Georgia law prohibited giving water to people waiting in line to vote. Here, again, the president was not telling the truth; the Georgia law allows polling officials to provide water. What the law prohibits is interested parties giving gifts of any kind (including food or water) to try to influence voters in line. Georgia’s secretary of state justified this restriction based on numerous cases of “line warming.” Examples include a candidate giving out pizza to influence voters in line within restricted voting areas designed to be free from campaigning.

Finally, Biden attacked the Georgia law for requiring photo IDs to vote. Democrats love to claim ID requirements are racist, but the argument is hard to defend. Georgia offers free IDs to any resident. Thirty-five states have some form of ID requirement for voting. Allowing voting without ID significantly increases the chances or perception of fraud. And most importantly, IDs are required for numerous activities in day-to-day life. To assert that black people are somehow incapable of procuring them is belittling and racist.

The Infrastructure Bill currently in the works is another example of no attempt at unity. From the start Biden and the Democrats stuffed it with all sorts of progressive liberal stuff. Biden could pass a bill to fix bridges and roads, and even provide broadband internet, with massive bipartisan support. Instead, he’s proposing a multitrillion-dollar spending plan filled with partisan, noninfrastructure goals. He’s using the popularity of infrastructure investing to shoehorn a left-wing agenda into the bill.

The saddest part is Biden never even gave a unity agenda a chance. Our country needs the healing he promised. Biden delivers the opposite.

We got lip service. That was it, the democrats said 'here's what we want and if you don't support it we'll pass it anyway through reconciliation and blame you for being obstructionist'. That ain't my idea of unity.
Unity means reducing the country to one party

Unity means indoctrinating all the children to think like the DNC.

Unity means censoring social media to reflect a common narrative

So yea, he is all about unity.
Less than three months ago, President Joe Biden stood in front of the U.S. Capitol in the wake of the Jan. 6 riots and delivered his inaugural address. He called for unity, and Americans who see a politically fractured country welcomed it. He could have then put together an agenda that would have accomplished many of his goals while also helping heal the country. On COVID-19, infrastructure and other matters, there was a road to garnering massive bipartisan support. We focus a lot on disagreements, but in each of these areas, average citizens share a broad consensus that Biden could have reached.

Oddly, after dedicating his inauguration to national unity, Biden has abandoned the pursuit entirely.

Biden pushed through a thoroughly partisan COVID-19 bill. The lockdowns smashed the livelihoods of many Americans. There was broad bipartisan consensus to provide further relief to small businesses and individual Americans. There was also support for further funding to speed vaccine deployment. By focusing on these core COVID-19-related areas, Biden could have achieved the first major bipartisan success in many years.

A group of 10 influential Republicans approached him with such a package. Biden rejected them and instead signed the most expensive spending bill in U.S. history, without a single Republican vote. This $1.9 trillion monstrosity delayed relief for average Americans by weeks in order to include non-COVID-19 related pork. It even changed the formula for aid to state and local governments to favor larger blue states over smaller red states.

Furthermore, Biden’s positions on voting and elections are not only partisan but corrosive. Biden, like all Democrats and Republicans, believes that looser voting rules help Democrats. Democrats and their media allies therefore scream about disenfranchisement, racism and voter suppression in the face of even the most reasonable proposals.

This debate has come to a head over Georgia’s new voting laws. Georgia has endured two consecutive election cycles fraught with accusations of foul play. Former Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams still insists her 2018 race was stolen. Former President Donald Trump similarly insists he was robbed. Putting aside the merits of either claim, confidence in our elections is essential.

[ME: Three cycles if you count the Russian Collusion charge that the democrats advanced for 3 effing years.]

It is not just reasonable but necessary to take a close look at Georgia’s voting laws — but Biden is not engaging in reasonable debate. He immediately blasted the law as “Jim Crow on steroids.” It’s about as divisive a charge as can be made. Jim Crow laws enforced segregation in schools, restaurants, hospitals and even marriage. They were completely antithetical to the ideals of our country. It’s hard to envision anything as destructive to the cause of national unity as comparing election security to racial segregation.

Biden provided three main arguments. First, he said the new law in Georgia was “sick” and “un-American” because it ended voting at 5 p.m., when working people were just getting off work. But that’s false. Voting in Georgia is open until 7 p.m., and anyone in line by then is entitled to vote. The new law made no changes to that rule. Biden was so wrong that even The Washington Post’s fact-checkers gave him four “Pinocchios” — their worst score. The Post explained that “the law did make some changes to early voting. But experts say the net effect was to expand the opportunities to vote for most Georgians, not limit them.”

Second, Biden claimed the Georgia law prohibited giving water to people waiting in line to vote. Here, again, the president was not telling the truth; the Georgia law allows polling officials to provide water. What the law prohibits is interested parties giving gifts of any kind (including food or water) to try to influence voters in line. Georgia’s secretary of state justified this restriction based on numerous cases of “line warming.” Examples include a candidate giving out pizza to influence voters in line within restricted voting areas designed to be free from campaigning.

Finally, Biden attacked the Georgia law for requiring photo IDs to vote. Democrats love to claim ID requirements are racist, but the argument is hard to defend. Georgia offers free IDs to any resident. Thirty-five states have some form of ID requirement for voting. Allowing voting without ID significantly increases the chances or perception of fraud. And most importantly, IDs are required for numerous activities in day-to-day life. To assert that black people are somehow incapable of procuring them is belittling and racist.

The Infrastructure Bill currently in the works is another example of no attempt at unity. From the start Biden and the Democrats stuffed it with all sorts of progressive liberal stuff. Biden could pass a bill to fix bridges and roads, and even provide broadband internet, with massive bipartisan support. Instead, he’s proposing a multitrillion-dollar spending plan filled with partisan, noninfrastructure goals. He’s using the popularity of infrastructure investing to shoehorn a left-wing agenda into the bill.

The saddest part is Biden never even gave a unity agenda a chance. Our country needs the healing he promised. Biden delivers the opposite.

We got lip service. That was it, the democrats said 'here's what we want and if you don't support it we'll pass it anyway through reconciliation and blame you for being obstructionist'. That ain't my idea of unity.

He learned just how much today's Republicans hate the American people. If it does not benefit the weathy, they are not interested.
his idea of unity = fk you white people

Yep. A million legal immigrants a year, mostly from the turd-world, supplemented by the worst chaos at our southern border in our lifetimes as Biden sends them all over America.

Maybe we should hope for Brazil, but we may get Venezuela; possibly Pol-Pot's Cambodia as the blood lust is fueled daily by the DemonRats and the MSM, the "education" system, corporations, etc.
Unity means reducing the country to one party

Unity means indoctrinating all the children to think like the DNC.

Unity means censoring social media to reflect a common narrative

So yea, he is all about unity.

The Democratic Party über alles!
He learned just how much today's Republicans hate the American people. If it does not benefit the weathy, they are not interested.

Yeah, Biden and the DemonRats so love America they are swamping communities with all these illegals. And undoing the Trump peace deals and sidling up to Iran etc. Yeah, and you think Republicans are the problem, smh.
Anyone who calls for unity and then meets Mitch McConnell changes their mind

Yeah, Chuck Schumer is such a unifier. Not to mention the senile hag Pelosi, she sure has been a unifier what with her fauxpeachments. Derp City.

And you people really believe the shit you post?
He is succeeding wildly. He is uniting the country. Just like he said he would.


Yeah, right. And the tooth fairy leaves money under pillows.

Biden is as divisive as the Divider-In-Chief Øbama was.
his idea of unity = fk you white people
Well the Biden Covid relief bill had broad support across America and if it had lock downs in it, I could not find them, so maybe you mis-read something from a right wing nut ball site. A lot of people, like my wife and I were suddenly young again (too young to get vaccine) after the vaccines came out, until Biden bought enough vaccines doses and most Americans are pleased. Now we are in the 54% of our age that have been vaccinated. Tomorrow we will be in the 75% of that vaccinated group that have had both inoculations. We're pleased.
He spoke out about the restrictive voting regulations bill and majority of the people across the country do not approve of efforts to restrict voting. You should join in the principle of encouraging voting as most Americans do, instead of against the majority of the voting electorate in that state, just because your boy lost there.
One the subject of infrastructure, the last president did nothing but hold an infrastructure week, yearly with no action or bills backed that I can remember. This is even though nobody on this board thinks American infrastructure is up anywhere near modern standards, as far as bridges, water systems and sewage system and lead pipes presently decaying and causing problems and health hazards, not to mention rail systems in general. Nothing quite as impressive as seeing boxcars swaying back an fourth, even at the low speeds our tracks are rated for. Infrastructure is just something like maintenance. You cannot just kick that can down the road forever, because something always breaks. It ain't alway glamorous but it is necessary.
His calls for unity fell on deaf ears, but that doesn't mean we can just stand still. One party is basically intent that forcing his agenda to fail will lead them back to power. Problem is, that party supported overthrowing the last election and going against constitutional and historic norms to attempt to hold on to power, against the voters of the United States, so they are not going to be in charge for a long time. They could at least try to help move the country forward to prove they are not totally against the government of the people, by the people and for the people, instead of playing the tire old obstructionists games just because their guy lost.
Not thrilled about the border, (not mentioned in your thread post), but for now, I'll go with Joe.
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