So..........the terrorist was an Islamic jihadis, an immigrant, and an anti-Busher???


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I saw the initial MSNBC and CNN reports that the suspect was a white male, and they emphasized WHITE male. Kieth Olbermann nearly shouted "WHITE male" when reading the description.

Mayor Bloomberg stated it would likely be a "homegrown" terrorist who "disliked the healthcare bill". In this day of liberals telling us what is and isn't a code word, I supposed "Homegrown terrorist who disliked the healthcare bill" is code word for a person in the Tea Party, right?

Well, how funny when the terrorist turns out to be a Muslim, immigrant and among his reasons for the bomb was his dislike of George W. Bush. NOW....we've been told the Tea Party might result in terrorists, right?

SO, then is it safe to say the anti-War and anti-Bush rallies have now resulted in terrorism? Thanks lefties, ya almost blew up Times Square.

All thats left to wonder now is why have so many plots popped up lately, but fizzled and failed? Inept terrorists? Bad bomb making skills? Could it have ANYTHING to do with the fact Bush went in with our brave soldiers and destroyed their training camps, thus making the terror network incapable of properly training terrorists, and now we're left with amateur wannabes who can't even blow themselves up, much less anyone else?

:clap2: Thank you US military
:clap2: Thank you US law enforcement, FBI, CIA
:clap2: And, yes, thank you George W. Bush for having leadership and courage to face an unpopular task.

We disrupted and destroyed their training network for the past 7 years. It worked. Their radicals continue to try, but lack the training that they were getting from 1985-2000 because we took them out along with their camps.

Now, lets hope Obama has as much will power to keep the boot on the neck of Al Qaida as he does to keep that boot in the neck of American citizen's private companies and taxpayers. Somehow.......I'm not confident he does.
Bucs90, you sound like you are thanking Bush for instigating terrorism? You do realize this particular terrorist didn't dislike Bush because he was just a regular guy?
It was clear that the MSM were just chomping at the bit to announce that the bomber was connected to the TEA Party movement. The media are, generally, biased scum - whether they are left or right - they are supposed to report with accuracy and fairness. They do not. Not any of them. The media should be ashamed of themselves.
Bucs90, you sound like you are thanking Bush for instigating terrorism? You do realize this particular terrorist didn't dislike Bush because he was just a regular guy?

Of course I realize that. Had Bush been timid and not responded swiftly and fiercly to 9-11, this guy would not have hated him as much. The American left would not have hated him as much either if he responded that way. Sucks that our American left and this terrorist would have anything in common, but thats the way it is.

Bush may have instigated some extra numbers of terrorists. But instead of pulling off elaborate and horrific events like 9-11, Madrid, London, Mali, Beruit.............they are burning their crotches and trying to build car bombs from toy clocks and do nothing but annoy a hot dog vendor. These terrorists are stupid to begin with, but now they have no training camps to teach them how to do jihad. Thats because Bush and our military took those camps out. Bush and the right suffered dearly in polls and the 06 and 08 elections. But, had the underwear bomber and the "white male who hated healthcare" times square bomber had better training in, say, Afghanistan pre-war.......would they have succeeded? Probably.

SO....thank you George W. Bush for having the guts to sacrifice polls and elections for the long term betterment of the US. And more than that, thank you for the troops that made it happen.
Most reports are now saying that he was a registered Democrat and did give money to the Obama campaign. Not surprisingly,the corrupt MSM is ignoring this. You can bet if he was a Republican they wouldn't be ignoring this. Just another Liberal MSM scam.
I saw the initial MSNBC and CNN reports that the suspect was a white male, and they emphasized WHITE male. Kieth Olbermann nearly shouted "WHITE male" when reading the description.

Mayor Bloomberg stated it would likely be a "homegrown" terrorist who "disliked the healthcare bill". In this day of liberals telling us what is and isn't a code word, I supposed "Homegrown terrorist who disliked the healthcare bill" is code word for a person in the Tea Party, right?

Well, how funny:lol: when the terrorist turns out to be a Muslim, immigrant and among his reasons for the bomb was his dislike of George W. Bush. :lol:NOW....we've been told the Tea Party might result in terrorists, right? :lol::lol:

SO, then is it safe to say the anti-War and anti-Bush rallies have now resulted in terrorism? Thanks lefties, ya almost blew up Times Square.

All thats left to wonder now is why have so many plots popped up lately, but fizzled and failed? Inept terrorists? Bad bomb making skills? Could it have ANYTHING to do with the fact Bush went in with our brave soldiers and destroyed their training camps, thus making the terror network incapable of properly training terrorists, and now we're left with amateur wannabes who can't even blow themselves up, much less anyone else?

:clap2: Thank you US military
:clap2: Thank you US law enforcement, FBI, CIA
:clap2: And, yes, thank you George W. Bush for having leadership and courage to face an unpopular task.

We disrupted and destroyed their training network for the past 7 years. It worked. Their radicals continue to try, but lack the training that they were getting from 1985-2000 because we took them out along with their camps.

Now, lets hope Obama has as much will power to keep the boot on the neck of Al Qaida as he does to keep that boot in the neck of American citizen's private companies and taxpayers. Somehow.......I'm not confident he does.

Yea Bloomberg and the rest of the Left Wing nutters sure were pretty quick to blame White Male for this attack huh? Talk about 'Racial Profiling?' Well this cretin was actually a Pakistani Muslim & registered Democrat who gave money to the Obama campaign. Lets wait and see if the Liberal MSM focuses on this or conveniently ignores this. Personally i'm going with the latter. Never ever trust the corrupt Liberal MSM.
Yea Bloomberg and the rest of the Left Wing nutters sure were pretty quick to blame White Male for this attack huh? Talk about 'Racial Profiling?' Well this cretin was actually a Pakistani Muslim & registered Democrat who gave money to the Obama campaign. Lets wait and see if the Liberal MSM focuses on this or conveniently ignores this. Personally i'm going with the latter. Never ever trust the corrupt Liberal MSM.

you have ABSOLUTELY NO PROOF of that lie....a blogger....whoopdeedoo......

but i guess that does not matter to you...?


nice deflection from the truth! :cuckoo:
New Socialist/Progressive mantra: "White Male did it!" How could these Socialists/Progressives immediately comment on these things before investigations even begin? Bloomberg and NBC are fukin A*sholes. Nuff said.
New Socialist/Progressive mantra: "White Male did it!" How could these Socialists/Progressives immediately comment on these things before investigations even begin? Bloomberg and NBC are fukin A*sholes. Nuff said.

i thought the op stated BLOOMBERG, a REPUBLICAN said it was more than likely a white male?

sheesh....liar liar pants on fire! :eek:
New Socialist/Progressive mantra: "White Male did it!" How could these Socialists/Progressives immediately comment on these things before investigations even begin? Bloomberg and NBC are fukin A*sholes. Nuff said.

i thought the op stated BLOOMBERG, a REPUBLICAN said it was more than likely a white male?

sheesh....liar liar pants on fire! :eek:

Bloomberg is not a Republican. He is a Socialist/Progressive Independent. I stand by my comment. Him and NBC are fukin A*sholes.
Btw,isn't "Blame White Male" Racial Profiling? Something for the Socialists/Progressives to chew on i guess. Hmm?

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