So Putin wanted Trump to win because of this?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obama's Quid Pro Quo...
Screen Shot 2020-05-14 at 10.41.18 AM.png
"Tell Vlad..."

Obama and Putin share a disdain for working and middle class Americans. But "after the election" means "after I fool them I can do what I like and they cant stop me".
Trump has killed a lot of Amercians. Putin is proud of his toy baby.
You are representing the really childish mentality of people with Trump Derangement Disorder.
How can any intelligent person make a statement like"Trump has killed a lot of Amercians."
But of course you are definitely NOT an intelligent American"
(NOTE you can't even spell "American" EVEN with the little red dotted line!)
Really truly dumb and idiotic people like you show your intelligence simply by spelling!
How stupid then you make a really dumb statement "Trump has killed"!
If that's the case Obama killed 204,000 Americans!
Trump has killed a lot of Amercians. Putin is proud of his toy baby.
You are representing the really childish mentality of people with Trump Derangement Disorder.
How can any intelligent person make a statement like"Trump has killed a lot of Amercians."
But of course you are definitely NOT an intelligent American"
(NOTE you can't even spell "American" EVEN with the little red dotted line!)
Really truly dumb and idiotic people like you show your intelligence simply by spelling!
How stupid then you make a really dumb statement "Trump has killed"!
If that's the case Obama killed 204,000 Americans!
View attachment 336098
Wow, you're desperate.

You speak like tru Russian troll!
Trump has killed a lot of Amercians. Putin is proud of his toy baby.
You are representing the really childish mentality of people with Trump Derangement Disorder.
How can any intelligent person make a statement like"Trump has killed a lot of Amercians."
But of course you are definitely NOT an intelligent American"
(NOTE you can't even spell "American" EVEN with the little red dotted line!)
Really truly dumb and idiotic people like you show your intelligence simply by spelling!
How stupid then you make a really dumb statement "Trump has killed"!
If that's the case Obama killed 204,000 Americans!
View attachment 336098
Wow, you're desperate.

You speak like tru Russian troll!

So you are calling the CDC chart that shows Obama killed from 2010 to 2016 204,000 Americans a Russian source?
No, it's a Russian troll talking point.

Here's your chart.
View attachment 336098

According to your link to the CDC, total deaths
2017-2018 61,099
2019-2020 34,157

The first figure was worse than any year under Obama.

But I dont't think it's a good comparison, hospitals don't have trouble keeping up with all the flu cases.
No, it's a Russian troll talking point.

Here's your chart.
View attachment 336098

According to your link to the CDC, total deaths
2017-2018 61,099
2019-2020 34,157

The first figure was worse than any year under Obama.

But I dont't think it's a good comparison, hospitals don't have trouble keeping up with all the flu cases.

And I found Obama's first two years so here is the total for 272,306 DEATHS that Obama caused!
I'm doing exactly what you stated..."Trump has killed a lot of Amercians."
And I'm saying if you said that then Obama has killed 272,306 Americans!...not Amercians!
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Trump has killed a lot of Amercians. Putin is proud of his toy baby.
Thursday night was the night when the House Intelligence Committee’s Russia investigation was finally released for the world to see. Those that have time reading through novel-length interview transcripts will find one clear thread — Hollywood Rep Adam Schiff had nothing on President Trump with regards to him or his campaign working in cahoots with Russia, or Russians, to beat Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2016.

But what they are leaving out is that Russia wanted Hillary to win because she was a known asset and Trump unpredictable
But what they are leaving out is that Russia wanted Hillary to win because she was a known asset and Trump unpredictable

Yea, they "left that out"………… dumbass.
The attempts by Hillary Clinton’s campaign to paint Donald Trump as the candidate of President Vladimir Putin has led to an intense search for the Republican nominee’s Russian connections. Not much has turned up. But Russian oligarchs are among the Clinton campaign donors.

As of today, Trump’s links to Russia are tenuous. His adviser Carter Page once worked for the natural gas giant Gazprom. His campaign manager Paul Manafort once worked for the deposed Ukrainian president, Viktor Yanukovych, who is often described as pro-Russian even though he spent most of his career trying to set Russia and the European Union against each other. Manafort also had unsuccessful dealings with a Russian billionaire, Oleg Deripaska, who is still trying to recover millions of dollars from him. Trump himself once sold a very expensive house in Florida to Dmitri Rybolovlev, who made billions selling Russian potash. “I mean, I do that,” Trump said on ABC on Sunday. “I have lots of condos.”

No prominent Russian-Americans have surfaced among Trump’s donors. Even Leonard Blavatnik, the owner of Warner Music, who made most of his fortune – estimated by Bloomberg Billionaires at $16.2 billion – in Russia in oil and other industrial assets and who sprinkled donations generously among Republican candidates, has not given anything to Trump. His wife, Emily, has pitched in $33,400 to the Democratic Party and the maximum for a personal contribution, $2,700, to Clinton.
Obama's Quid Pro Quo...
View attachment 335955

Please explain your so-called Quid Pro Quo. What was the Quid? What was the Quo? What President Obama said was perfectly logical.

Obama asks Medvedev THIS QUID PRO QUO for Obama's re-election...
President Obama: On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it's important for him to give me space.
(QUID..."give me space"...)
President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."
President Obama: This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.
(QUO...Obama has more flexibility...)
President Medvedev: I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.

So Obama asked "QUID" give me more space, give me more latitude,don't do anything that will cause problems, QUID...
AND promised "QUO" After my election I have more flexibility. Meaning Obama will LOOK the other way when Russia does things that are harmful to the USA.
Quid pro quo ("something for something" in Latin[2]) is a Latin phrase used in English to mean an exchange of goods or services, in which one transfer is contingent upon the other; "a favor for a favor". Phrases with similar meanings include: "give and take", "tit for tat", "you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours", and "one hand washes the other".
Do you need any further clarity? Tell you what... you read the definitions of "quid pro quo" (QUID) and understand the meaning and I will not point out your lack of intelligence.(QUO). Just as Obama asked for Putin to give Obama space..(QUID) and Obama will give Putin "more flexibility" (QUO) to execute plans that might harm the USA.
Obama's Quid Pro Quo...
View attachment 335955

Please explain your so-called Quid Pro Quo. What was the Quid? What was the Quo? What President Obama said was perfectly logical.

Obama asks Medvedev THIS QUID PRO QUO for Obama's re-election...
President Obama: On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it's important for him to give me space.
(QUID..."give me space"...)
President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."
President Obama: This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.
(QUO...Obama has more flexibility...)
President Medvedev: I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.

So Obama asked "QUID" give me more space, give me more latitude,don't do anything that will cause problems, QUID...
AND promised "QUO" After my election I have more flexibility. Meaning Obama will LOOK the other way when Russia does things that are harmful to the USA.
Quid pro quo ("something for something" in Latin[2]) is a Latin phrase used in English to mean an exchange of goods or services, in which one transfer is contingent upon the other; "a favor for a favor". Phrases with similar meanings include: "give and take", "tit for tat", "you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours", and "one hand washes the other".
Do you need any further clarity? Tell you what... you read the definitions of "quid pro quo" (QUID) and understand the meaning and I will not point out your lack of intelligence.(QUO). Just as Obama asked for Putin to give Obama space..(QUID) and Obama will give Putin "more flexibility" (QUO) to execute plans that might harm the USA.

Funny. Nothing criminal or unethical about that. What's your point?
Obama's Quid Pro Quo...
View attachment 335955

Please explain your so-called Quid Pro Quo. What was the Quid? What was the Quo? What President Obama said was perfectly logical.

Obama asks Medvedev THIS QUID PRO QUO for Obama's re-election...
President Obama: On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it's important for him to give me space.
(QUID..."give me space"...)
President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."
President Obama: This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.
(QUO...Obama has more flexibility...)
President Medvedev: I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.

So Obama asked "QUID" give me more space, give me more latitude,don't do anything that will cause problems, QUID...
AND promised "QUO" After my election I have more flexibility. Meaning Obama will LOOK the other way when Russia does things that are harmful to the USA.
Quid pro quo ("something for something" in Latin[2]) is a Latin phrase used in English to mean an exchange of goods or services, in which one transfer is contingent upon the other; "a favor for a favor". Phrases with similar meanings include: "give and take", "tit for tat", "you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours", and "one hand washes the other".
Do you need any further clarity? Tell you what... you read the definitions of "quid pro quo" (QUID) and understand the meaning and I will not point out your lack of intelligence.(QUO). Just as Obama asked for Putin to give Obama space..(QUID) and Obama will give Putin "more flexibility" (QUO) to execute plans that might harm the USA.

Funny. Nothing criminal or unethical about that. What's your point?

A) And what are YOUR credentials to declare nothing criminal or unethical?
B) I never concluded it was criminal or unethical... YOU made that automatic assumption that "Quid Pro Quo" was illegal!
C) The only difference is there was NO transcript of Trump saying to Ukraine's President I believe Hunter Biden has done something wrong in Ukraine and
I want you to investigate (Quid) or I'll not release military aid..(QUO).
So until you provide proof that there WAS an unethical or criminal act done by Trump i.e. "Quid Pro Quo", it was no different than Obama's Quid Pro Quo.

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