*So Obama Wants To Change The World?*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. He wants too, and as of now he is just about to kill the very best medical system the planet has ever known.
2. And over half of American voters voted for this piece of shit twice. :mad:
3. I can not believe that there is so many fucking stupid people in America.
4. I want to change the world too, but not for the worse.
5. Do you want to change the world, and if you did, would it better for the betterment of people?

Sorry bout that,

1. Everything he does is wrong, and hurts the general population of the planet.
2. I wonder why he isn't hated more all over the planet???
3. To list a few.....
4. Coal.
5. Global Warming.
6. Shaking hands and bowing to murderous dictators.
7. Several current and older payouts to his friends, solyndra,.
8. Who can keep up, and each day its something new and the press says, *crickets* as if its just fine.

Sorry bout that,

1. He wants too, and as of now he is just about to kill the very best medical system the planet has ever known.
2. And over half of American voters voted for this piece of shit twice. :mad:
3. I can not believe that there is so many fucking stupid people in America.
4. I want to change the world too, but not for the worse.
5. Do you want to change the world, and if you did, would it better for the betterment of people?


Yes, our medical system is good. People from all over the world come here for treatment, even leaders of countries with socialized medicine. Typical that leaders have one system for the little people and another for themselves. Our research hospitals are on the cutting edge and many, like the Mayo, don't intend to accept Obamacare patients.

Actually, it's not true that over half the people voted for Obama. Less than a third of the eligible voters even bother to turn out for elections. I have a reasonable theory about what happens with the millions of unused ballots each year. Anyway, we need every registered voter to get out for the next election.

There are some stupid people here. There are also many communists, socialists, Marxists and liberals who hate capitalism. They vote Democrat.

Changing the country means getting back to basics. Dust off the constitution and start expecting people to pull their own weight if they are able. Close the borders and make people go through the immigration process. They need to be able to work, speak English and understand and appreciate our country. If they can't do that, they can stay home.

Repeal Obamacare before it completely destroys our health system and our middle class.

Both parties are controlled by big money. Things went off track so long ago that changing things is almost impossible. In 1913, when Wilson signed the contract, written by bankers, to allow the Federal Reserve to control our money (and us) and then made the income tax permanent, he sent us down the wrong path. In later years, the Great Society and war on poverty took us further off course. Programs that made things worse and yet the left still wants to keep throwing money at the problem.

We're fucked unless we repeal a lot of stupid laws and fade out some useless government programs. They have people so dependent on them now that it's impossible to get a handle on things.
Can you undue the damage that has been done? My husband and I were talking about it and when you have given your children over to socialists and they have them 8 hours minimum daily you have given away with one generation at least.
You really need to think about it. You give your children over to who every day? For 8 hours a day?
Yes, we can undo the damage that has been done and it is very easy.

Legalize Cannabis Sativa again and let the free market correct itself.

Cannabis was legal tender in America from 1630 until the early 1800s, almost 200 years. Americans were given tax credits based on how much they grew, then the Cannabis was pooled into the collective so American workers could turn it into various American products. Today, Americans have everything made in other countries, including hemp products. This will change when Cannabis is legal to grow and use again.

The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 was repealed as unconstitutional in 1969, so the US Federal government passed the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 which is a blatant lie. The CSA declares that Marihuana is a dangerous narcotic (that has never caused an overdose) and it can't be used as medicine (even though it treats AIDS symptoms, cancer, epilepsy, glaucoma, arthritis, etc. etc.). Americans pay artificially inflated medical prices for toxic pills with terrible side effects simply because safe natural Cannabis is unavailable to the general public. This will change when Cannabis is legal to grow and use again.

In 1916, the USDA reported in Bulletin #404 that one acre of hemp can produce at least 4 times more paper than an acre of mature trees. For the past 100 years, the world has needlessly cut down forests for paper and lumber while demonizing a plant ("...and God saw that it was good") that can make more paper and construction materials of better quality for less money.

Nixon expanded the war on drugs in 1972 when his own special committee advised the country that smoking Marihuana is not that big of a deal and it shouldn't be against the law. The drug war is now a trillion-dollar failure and the Land of the Free has more prisoners than any other country on Earth. All because of the lies of Richard Nixon who is now long dead.

Industrial hemp has always been the real target of "Marihuana" prohibition because industrial hemp can make everything that is sold at Wal-Mart today but with the power of production entirely in the hands of the masses. Wealthy industrialists cannot control the supply of Cannabis because anyone can grow it themselves, even homeless veterans. If Cannabis is legalized again, industrial hemp will replace trees for paper and construction, it will replace Monsanto's GMO corn for ethanol production, it will replace DuPont's petrochemicals for plastics, it will replace foreign imports of just about everything, and it is impossible for the 1% to control the supply or profits.

So if you want to reduce government spending, balance the budget, lower unemployment, reverse the Greenhouse Effect, and end the American police state, legalize "Marihuana" again.

State Industrial Hemp Statutes
Hemp: A New Crop with New Uses for North America
Feasibility of Industrial Hemp Production in the United States Pacific Northwest, SB681
USDA ERS - Industrial Hemp in the United States: Status and Market Potential
Colorado farmer harvests first U.S. commercial hemp crop in 56 years - The Denver Post
Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®) - National Cancer Institute

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