So NOW what? What changes with the Chauvin verdict?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
Two thoughts on it: First, I suspect we'll see some changes in the rules of policing, and that would include training and accountability. There seems to be enough momentum for this to happen, but I don't know that it's going to definitely going to improve anything.

Second, we're still light years from having "an honest conversation on race" in this country, so this process is going to be rough, loud, divided and ugly. Seems to me that we have to make advances on race relations -- the big picture -- before anything positive sticks.
Two thoughts on it: First, I suspect we'll see some changes in the rules of policing, and that would include training and accountability. There seems to be enough momentum for this to happen, but I don't know that it's going to definitely going to improve anything.

Second, we're still light years from having "an honest conversation on race" in this country, so this process is going to be rough, loud, divided and ugly. Seems to me that we have to make advances on race relations -- the big picture -- before anything positive sticks.
Two thoughts on it: First, I suspect we'll see some changes in the rules of policing, and that would include training and accountability. There seems to be enough momentum for this to happen, but I don't know that it's going to definitely going to improve anything.

Second, we're still light years from having "an honest conversation on race" in this country, so this process is going to be rough, loud, divided and ugly. Seems to me that we have to make advances on race relations -- the big picture -- before anything positive sticks.
Training ain't it.

They've been training and training and training and training, for decades on decades now and it hasn't done a damn thing, the brutality has only gotten worse.

The thing that will stop these racist bastards in their tracks is punishment.
  1. They get convicted and do hard time to life for these offenses.
  2. Have their money taken away. (aka they're able to get the pants sued off of them)
After that happens to about 3 or 4 of them in a row, the rest will miraculously whip themselves into shape.

What honest conversation about race relations?

That when the police receive a 10-10, 10-14, 10-15, or 10-16, that it's time to do a 10-7 and go have donuts?

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Two thoughts on it: First, I suspect we'll see some changes in the rules of policing, and that would include training and accountability. There seems to be enough momentum for this to happen, but I don't know that it's going to definitely going to improve anything.

Second, we're still light years from having "an honest conversation on race" in this country, so this process is going to be rough, loud, divided and ugly. Seems to me that we have to make advances on race relations -- the big picture -- before anything positive sticks.
More blacks killing more blacks. LOL
Two thoughts on it: First, I suspect we'll see some changes in the rules of policing, and that would include training and accountability. There seems to be enough momentum for this to happen, but I don't know that it's going to definitely going to improve anything.

Second, we're still light years from having "an honest conversation on race" in this country, so this process is going to be rough, loud, divided and ugly. Seems to me that we have to make advances on race relations -- the big picture -- before anything positive sticks.
Training ain't it.

They've been training and training and training and training, for decades on decades now and it hasn't done a damn thing, the brutality has only gotten worse.

The thing that will stop these racist bastards in their tracks is punishment.

1. They get convicted and do hard time to life for these offenses.
2. Have their money taken away. (aka they're able to get the pants sued off of them)

After that happens to about 3 or 4 of them in a row, the rest will miraculously whip themselves into shape.

Largely, you are correctamundo here. Police officers are learning to stay out of trouble and avoid sticky situations so this kind of bad news doesn't happen to them like it did with Officer Chauvin - or Officer Wilson in Ferguson who lost his career- or countless others who have been punished even when exonerated. Had Chauvin been proclaimed innocent today, he would have still been out of a job and out of the fortune it cost him to defend himself.

Police officers are learning to avoid troublesome situations, and are indeed learning that the Black Man is America's Sacred Cow and to tread gently around them.
Two thoughts on it: First, I suspect we'll see some changes in the rules of policing, and that would include training and accountability. There seems to be enough momentum for this to happen, but I don't know that it's going to definitely going to improve anything.

Second, we're still light years from having "an honest conversation on race" in this country, so this process is going to be rough, loud, divided and ugly. Seems to me that we have to make advances on race relations -- the big picture -- before anything positive sticks.
Biden is pushing Critical Race theory to kids across the country.
The racism will get worse not better.Now minorities will be told every shitty day they have as adults will be whitey's fault.
America is fucked. If I were American I'd move to Florida of Wyoming or Idaho.
Most likely Wyoming.
Two thoughts on it: First, I suspect we'll see some changes in the rules of policing, and that would include training and accountability. There seems to be enough momentum for this to happen, but I don't know that it's going to definitely going to improve anything.

Second, we're still light years from having "an honest conversation on race" in this country, so this process is going to be rough, loud, divided and ugly. Seems to me that we have to make advances on race relations -- the big picture -- before anything positive sticks.
Changes? You are just getting closer to mob rule. It seems to be what Democrats want. So shove your narrative and your divisive propaganda.
Two thoughts on it: First, I suspect we'll see some changes in the rules of policing, and that would include training and accountability. There seems to be enough momentum for this to happen, but I don't know that it's going to definitely going to improve anything.

Second, we're still light years from having "an honest conversation on race" in this country, so this process is going to be rough, loud, divided and ugly. Seems to me that we have to make advances on race relations -- the big picture -- before anything positive sticks.
Training ain't it.

They've been training and training and training and training, for decades on decades now and it hasn't done a damn thing, the brutality has only gotten worse.

The thing that will stop these racist bastards in their tracks is punishment.
  1. They get convicted and do hard time to life for these offenses.
  2. Have their money taken away. (aka they're able to get the pants sued off of them)
After that happens to about 3 or 4 of them in a row, the rest will miraculously whip themselves into shape.

Dozens of black people were murdered in your shithole cities while this trial was going on, and you didn't give a shit about any of them. Why? Because you WANT it that way.
Until they quit hiring high functioning retards and toxic boymen at the police dept nothing changes. If anything the cops are going to get more brutal because many will look at it like their side lost.
Two thoughts on it: First, I suspect we'll see some changes in the rules of policing, and that would include training and accountability. There seems to be enough momentum for this to happen, but I don't know that it's going to definitely going to improve anything.

Second, we're still light years from having "an honest conversation on race" in this country, so this process is going to be rough, loud, divided and ugly. Seems to me that we have to make advances on race relations -- the big picture -- before anything positive sticks.
Training ain't it.

They've been training and training and training and training, for decades on decades now and it hasn't done a damn thing, the brutality has only gotten worse.

The thing that will stop these racist bastards in their tracks is punishment.
  1. They get convicted and do hard time to life for these offenses.
  2. Have their money taken away. (aka they're able to get the pants sued off of them)
After that happens to about 3 or 4 of them in a row, the rest will miraculously whip themselves into shape.
WTF are you talking about, you utter mope.
240 people have been killed by cops in 2021 and only 30 of them are blacks.
If you were genuinely concerned about police injustice you would be demanding that a murder charge in the case of Tony Timpa, or the Navy veteran who died in February. Both died from cops kneeling on their necks, but were not black, so nobody gave a fuck.
what changes is probably less burning and looting :dunno:
Perhaps, but I think most of those doing the destruction will simply shift their focus to the latest "victim". The fact that that jury convicted on ALL COUNTS tells me they simply weren't willing to risk their own lives and families by following the law.
Chauvin behaved like a disinterested, cold-blooded ass but there was plenty of testimony showing that he followed policy and training. Floyd did NOT die of asphyxia. You cannot compress an airway by exerting pressure on the lateral aspect of the cervical spine.
I'll be interested to see what his attorney appeals over.
Two thoughts on it: First, I suspect we'll see some changes in the rules of policing, and that would include training and accountability. There seems to be enough momentum for this to happen, but I don't know that it's going to definitely going to improve anything.

Second, we're still light years from having "an honest conversation on race" in this country, so this process is going to be rough, loud, divided and ugly. Seems to me that we have to make advances on race relations -- the big picture -- before anything positive sticks.
Changes? You are just getting closer to mob rule. It seems to be what Democrats want. So shove your narrative and your divisive propaganda.
Imagine their surprise when they realize mobs CAN form that do not fear them or their propaganda.
what changes is probably less burning and looting :dunno:
Perhaps, but I think most of those doing the destruction will simply shift their focus to the latest "victim". The fact that that jury convicted on ALL COUNTS tells me they simply weren't willing to risk their own lives and families by following the law.
Chauvin behaved like a disinterested, cold-blooded ass but there was plenty of testimony showing that he followed policy and training. Floyd did NOT die of asphyxia. You cannot compress an airway by exerting pressure on the lateral aspect of the cervical spine.
I'll be interested to see what his attorney appeals over.

Nothing seems most states and localities have decided to pass some police reform legislation since the Dems decided not to even discuss police reform last summer...but nothing really of substance will change. Police involved killings of suspects was very very rare to begin with

I don't think will in anyway keep Dem backed Brown Shirts from contining to loot, attempt insurrections, riot, assault and so further. They have already started gearing up with the tragic accident involving the Wright case.

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