So Let Me Get This Straight...You Right-Wingers Here Believe That


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Its actually Liberals, Dems, Lefties et. al that are behind these recent violent and savage acts?

Do you seriously believe that or are you just trying to shove cowdung up a hill?


OK, so how many of you RWers on here actually believe and/or are suggesting that?
Its actually Liberals, Dems, Lefties et. al that are behind these recent violent and savage acts?

Do you seriously believe that or are you just trying to shove cowdung up a hill?


OK, so how many of you RWers on here actually believe and/or are suggesting that?

When you push people around and restrict their lives in a way that they don't want to be pushed around it makes people upset. Imagine if someone was to come up to you and demand you do this or do that for no reason whatsoever. You would not put up with that and neither are we because most of us were living our lives just fine and don't deserve further control over it.
Its actually Liberals, Dems, Lefties et. al that are behind these recent violent and savage acts?

Do you seriously believe that or are you just trying to shove cowdung up a hill?


OK, so how many of you RWers on here actually believe and/or are suggesting that?

When you push people around and restrict their lives in a way that they don't want to be pushed around it makes people upset. Imagine if someone was to come up to you and demand you do this or do that for no reason whatsoever. You would not put up with that and neither are we because most of us were living our lives just fine and don't deserve further control over it.

The images of slavery, Jim Crow days and segregation are still fresh in my mind.

I know what freedom, not having freedom, wanting freedom and fighting for freedom is all about. I know what and what not to be mad about.

Do you?
Its actually Liberals, Dems, Lefties et. al that are behind these recent violent and savage acts?

Do you seriously believe that or are you just trying to shove cowdung up a hill?


OK, so how many of you RWers on here actually believe and/or are suggesting that?

So, let me get this straight.... You think that just because the left engage in 'group think', you assume that the right are the same? Cuz outside of the borg that is the left, we all think for ourselves.
Its actually Liberals, Dems, Lefties et. al that are behind these recent violent and savage acts?

Do you seriously believe that or are you just trying to shove cowdung up a hill?


OK, so how many of you RWers on here actually believe and/or are suggesting that?

When you push people around and restrict their lives in a way that they don't want to be pushed around it makes people upset. Imagine if someone was to come up to you and demand you do this or do that for no reason whatsoever. You would not put up with that and neither are we because most of us were living our lives just fine and don't deserve further control over it.

The images of slavery, Jim Crow days and segregation are still fresh in my mind.

I know what freedom, not having freedom, wanting freedom and fighting for freedom is all about. I know what and what not to be mad about.

Do you?

Wow you must be old.
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So, let me get this straight.... You think that just because the left engage in 'group think', you assume that the right are the same? Cuz outside of the borg that is the left, we all think for ourselves.

:disbelief: This coming from the group that has a physical manual (or two) of right-wing talking points and will not deign to watch or listen to an objective news source? HI-larious.
Its actually Liberals, Dems, Lefties et. al that are behind these recent violent and savage acts?

Do you seriously believe that or are you just trying to shove cowdung up a hill?


OK, so how many of you RWers on here actually believe and/or are suggesting that?

So, let me get this straight.... You think that just because the left engage in 'group think', you assume that the right are the same? Cuz outside of the borg that is the left, we all think for ourselves.

You are the biggest bag of manure on this board.

When EVERY. SINGLE. RWer spouts the EXACT. SAME talking points.

From "ramming it down our throats" to "governmunt take over" to "we want our country back."

So, let me get this straight.... You think that just because the left engage in 'group think', you assume that the right are the same? Cuz outside of the borg that is the left, we all think for ourselves.

:disbelief: This coming from the group that has a physical manual (or two) of right-wing talking points and will not deign to watch or listen to an objective news source? HI-larious.
What are some objective news sources?
Its actually Liberals, Dems, Lefties et. al that are behind these recent violent and savage acts?

Do you seriously believe that or are you just trying to shove cowdung up a hill?


OK, so how many of you RWers on here actually believe and/or are suggesting that?

So, let me get this straight.... You think that just because the left engage in 'group think', you assume that the right are the same? Cuz outside of the borg that is the left, we all think for ourselves.

You are the biggest bag of manure on this board.

When EVERY. SINGLE. RWer spouts the EXACT. SAME talking points.

From "ramming it down our throats" to "governmunt take over" to "we want our country back."


You attribute quotes to me, so provide the posts where I have used these words. Go ahead, I'll wait.

And, no, I will go nowhere - this is not your board. It is Gunny's board. Simple concept - you ain't the boss. Un-fucking-lucky, loser.
so do progressives actually deny they live by the Rules for Radical handbook? Is that what you would have us believe?? That the sort of behavior we suspect is beyond any progressive? Really? Yes right,, I'm sure you are pure as the driven snow.. but remember, we were here to witness the demonization of Sarah Palin, Joe the Plumber and Carrie Prajean.. yep,, we know all about your demonization skills.
Its actually Liberals, Dems, Lefties et. al that are behind these recent violent and savage acts?

Do you seriously believe that or are you just trying to shove cowdung up a hill?


OK, so how many of you RWers on here actually believe and/or are suggesting that?

So, let me get this straight.... You think that just because the left engage in 'group think', you assume that the right are the same? Cuz outside of the borg that is the left, we all think for ourselves.

You are the biggest bag of manure on this board.

When EVERY. SINGLE. RWer spouts the EXACT. SAME talking points.

From "ramming it down our throats" to "governmunt take over" to "we want our country back."


are you one that advocates civil???? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

put lipstick on a pig and what do you get? a democrat,,errr a pig..
Its actually ...

OK, so how many of you RWers on here actually believe and/or are suggesting that?

Right Wingers don't believe, they parrot.
The sweeping generalization of the day award goes to you. Congratulations!

From the evidence on this board, I would have to suggest that needs to be a 'group award', because it appears that all lefties think alike - or rather they post alike. I see no evidence of actual thought processes, I see only a drooling ability to link to media and assume that whatever the media say is true.

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