So, election fraud doesn't exist?


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Three of six defendants have pleaded no contest to charges in an alleged voter fraud conspiracy in California that may have flipped an election hinging on one vote.

Los Angeles County Superior Court also will hold a hearing Wednesday in a separate civil case based on the same Compton city election to set a trial date.

In a June runoff election, Compton City Council member Isaac Galvan was reelected to the seat representing District 2, beating fellow Democrat Andre Spicer by 855 votes to 854 in the nonpartisan contest.

In August, prosecutors charged Galvan, 34, with election fraud and bribery.

Galvan, first elected to the Compton City Council in 2013, pleaded not guilty. The Daily Signal attempted to reach him for this report, but did not hear back from the councilman.

In the separate civil case, Spicer is suing to have Galvan’s election victory voided.

The incumbent’s one-vote margin, making it clear that suspected irregularities could have changed the outcome, sparked a prosecution that might have been overlooked, Spicer said.

“Fraud is a regular practice here,” Spicer told The Daily Signal, referring to Compton. “This is the first time it has gotten this far. He got arrested for fraud and bribery. That’s what put him up by one vote.”

Compton, located south of downtown Los Angeles, has a predominantly Hispanic and black population of about 96,500, according to the 2010 census.

This election was fraudulently won by only one vote. But how many others were won by one or more votes that were not discovered or could not be proven? And it was a local election, but why couldn't it happen in a race for a US Representative seat or in a state-wide election for senator or even for president? According to The Daily Signal,


Local elections have been overturned because of fraud in California, Florida, New Jersey, North Carolina, Indiana, and other states

To deny that election fraud exists is to deny reality. But that does not mean that Trump should be declared the winner and Biden thrown out of office. That election may well have been fraudulent to the point of the wrong person winning it. But accusations and allegations must be proved in court under the rules of evidence, and we just don't overturn an election in this country because we don't like the results. Maybe we need more time between election day and inauguration day, it used to be that incoming presidents were not sworn in until March.

Because there are so many claims of misconduct and nearly half the public questions the legitimacy of that election, it is incumbent on every state legislature to examine current election laws and procedures to ensure as much as possible an honest and accurate result in future elections. It may be inconvenient for some, but no one is being denied their right to vote. I think that is a small price to pay for a more trustworthy system.

Lt Governor of Texas is offering $25,000 per incidence of voter fraud.

Sounds like you can really cash in.

He's only had one claimant so far, a democrat who turned in a Republican who cast his dead wife's vote.
Three of six defendants have pleaded no contest to charges in an alleged voter fraud conspiracy in California that may have flipped an election hinging on one vote.

Los Angeles County Superior Court also will hold a hearing Wednesday in a separate civil case based on the same Compton city election to set a trial date.

In a June runoff election, Compton City Council member Isaac Galvan was reelected to the seat representing District 2, beating fellow Democrat Andre Spicer by 855 votes to 854 in the nonpartisan contest.

In August, prosecutors charged Galvan, 34, with election fraud and bribery.

Galvan, first elected to the Compton City Council in 2013, pleaded not guilty. The Daily Signal attempted to reach him for this report, but did not hear back from the councilman.

In the separate civil case, Spicer is suing to have Galvan’s election victory voided.

The incumbent’s one-vote margin, making it clear that suspected irregularities could have changed the outcome, sparked a prosecution that might have been overlooked, Spicer said.

“Fraud is a regular practice here,” Spicer told The Daily Signal, referring to Compton. “This is the first time it has gotten this far. He got arrested for fraud and bribery. That’s what put him up by one vote.”

Compton, located south of downtown Los Angeles, has a predominantly Hispanic and black population of about 96,500, according to the 2010 census.

This election was fraudulently won by only one vote. But how many others were won by one or more votes that were not discovered or could not be proven? And it was a local election, but why couldn't it happen in a race for a US Representative seat or in a state-wide election for senator or even for president? According to The Daily Signal,

Local elections have been overturned because of fraud in California, Florida, New Jersey, North Carolina, Indiana, and other states

To deny that election fraud exists is to deny reality. But that does not mean that Trump should be declared the winner and Biden thrown out of office. That election may well have been fraudulent to the point of the wrong person winning it. But accusations and allegations must be proved in court under the rules of evidence, and we just don't overturn an election in this country because we don't like the results. Maybe we need more time between election day and inauguration day, it used to be that incoming presidents were not sworn in until March.

Because there are so many claims of misconduct and nearly half the public questions the legitimacy of that election, it is incumbent on every state legislature to examine current election laws and procedures to ensure as much as possible an honest and accurate result in future elections. It may be inconvenient for some, but no one is being denied their right to vote. I think that is a small price to pay for a more trustworthy system.
It only exists when the Demofuckikingcraps lose.
Of course election fraud exist. Also, some types of election fraud is virtually undetectable unless caught in the act.

And even harder to prove in a court of law. Doesn't mean the fraud isn't rampant, and it makes you wonder about how many instances of fraud were detected but not alleged and how many were undetected at all.
Who ever said that it doesn't exist?

There is no evidence in any state of such massive voter fraud that would overturn any state elections for president in 2020, as claimed by the Neo-Fascist Wing of the GOP.

Not that there is no fraud, ever.

Lt Governor of Texas is offering $25,000 per incidence of voter fraud.

Sounds like you can really cash in.

He's only had one claimant so far, a democrat who turned in a Republican who cast his dead wife's vote.
You don't know shit about what is happening in Texas.
"To deny that election fraud exists is to deny reality."

"Who ever said that it doesn't exist?
There is no evidence in any state of such massive voter fraud that would overturn any state elections for president in 2020"

No one with gravitas claims "No Fraud Exists".
Of course it does, but to what degree?

We had about 156 million vote in 2020 (out of about 168 million registered)
And they voted in over 220,000 voting locations.
And with that many people spread out over a vast space like America and in a ginormous number of locations.....well sure, there are going to be some jackass nincompoops who think they can vote twice.

But to what impact?

  • Don Trump's own hand-picked elections czar, Christopher Krebbs, said it was the most secure election in history.
  • Don Trump's own hand-picked Attorney General, William Barr......said there was no fraud significant enough to change election results.
  • Don Trump's own hand-picked pollster, Tony Fabrizio.....informed him in December 2020 he lost because voters thought he was untrustworthy and incompetent. Not because of fraud.
  • The GOP's hand-picked auditors, Cyber Ninjas in Arizona......found the only fraudulent numbers they found benefitted Don Trump.

So it is time to give it a rest. The repeated claims of fraud and illegality are harming America. At this point, to still claim the election was anti-American. It is the behavior of enemies of our governance and of our long tradition of a peaceful transfer of power.
Shame and denunciation needs be levelled on those who continue to wave the "Voter Fraud". They are not citizen patriots who love America.

No one with gravitas claims "No Fraud Exists".

I have seen many posters who have made that claim. Usually with the addendum about no proof. But proof is hard to come by, but that does not mean there wasn't quite a lot more fraud than has been identified so far. Somewhere around 1,000 allegations have been made, and one wonders how many other allegations were not made for one reason or another, or how many instances of fraud went undetected at all. None of which means Trump should've won, maybe so, maybe not and I don't think we'll ever really know for sure. BUT - what we can do is take steps to make election fraud harder to do in future elections.
I have seen many posters who have made that claim. Usually with the addendum about no proof. But proof is hard to come by, but that does not mean there wasn't quite a lot more fraud than has been identified so far. Somewhere around 1,000 allegations have been made, and one wonders how many other allegations were not made for one reason or another, or how many instances of fraud went undetected at all. None of which means Trump should've won, maybe so, maybe not and I don't think we'll ever really know for sure. BUT - what we can do is take steps to make election fraud harder to do in future elections.
As one of the Justices reminded the Trumpy campaign lawyers, we don't base our laws on allegations and speculation.

Credit Chillicothe

"The repeated claims of fraud and illegality are harming America. At this point, to still claim the election was anti-American. It is the behavior of enemies of our governance and of our long tradition of a peaceful transfer of power.
Shame and denunciation needs be levelled on those who continue to wave the "Voter Fraud". They are not citizen patriots who love America.
Every instance of voter fraud in America has been proven to be conducted by Republicans.
Who ever said that it doesn't exist?

There is no evidence in any state of such massive voter fraud that would overturn any state elections for president in 2020, as claimed by the Neo-Fascist Wing of the GOP.

Not that there is no fraud, ever.
Lying sack of smelly shit.

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