So a strike is basically synchronized laziness?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
Would that mean that the traditional leftist hate for strikebreakers is actually an internal conflict between desire to be paid not to work and fear of losing one's job/pay within themselves?
Sometimes frankly a strike is all that an employee has left. In this country, if a worker doesn't fight for every little thing they have, rest assured it will be taken away. Sorry, this is what America is. Its a dog eat dog country. Man vs man country. If a worker doesn't take a stand for themselves? Who exactly will? The employer? Not a chance. The employer wants nothing more than to pay less than they are already. Will the politician take a stance? GOD NO. They are in the pockets of the corporations who view their workers as nothing but a loss in profit. So, the only thing a person has is themselves. Hence, its nothing but barely surviving.
The workers seldom want to go on strike. The union bosses want to strike. Do you think the workers at Hostess wanted to lose their jobs? No. They were sacrificed by unions who would rather the company went out of business.

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