Smelly Cauliflower-Johnson considers to join if Phrump attacks Syria again


Nov 14, 2012

Meanwhile, Damascus accused France of staging the chemical attack in Idlib.

"“If the Americans were once again to be forced by the actions of the Assad regime … and they ask us to help it would be very difficult to say no,” Johnson told BBC radio.

Johnson has repeatedly accused the Syrian government of carrying out the sarin gas attack on the southern Idlib town of Khan Sheikhoun in early April, despite the fact both Russia and Assad denied responsibility."

"The Syrian Foreign Ministry has condemned the remarks made by France’s top diplomat, Jean-Marc Ayrault, about the alleged use of sarin gas in the Idlib province by the government forces.

The ministry said in a statement released by the SANA news agency on Thursday that “fabricated allegations launched by French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault” were part of the “campaign of lies” against Damascus.

According to the Syrian Foreign Ministry, these allegations show “without any doubt the involvement of France in preparing this crime in the framework of its full partnership in the aggression on Syria.”

On Wednesday, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said that the samples obtained by the French intelligence services prove that sarin nerve gas had been used in Khan Sheikhoun (Idlib province). He blamed the forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for the alleged chemical attack.

The alleged chemical incident in Khan Sheikhoun (Idlib province) occurred on April 4. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, on April 4, the Syrian air force delivered airstrikes on several militant facilities where munitions filled with poisonous substances were made.

However, Washington accused Damascus of using chemical weapons in the area, after which the US carried out a missile strike on a Syrian military airfield in the Homs province on April 7."

UK may attack Syrian government if another chemical attack happens: Johnson
Syrian government accuses France of staging chemical weapons attack

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