Sleepless in Seattle*


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a fun holiday-season heist parable, inspired by the very unusual/eccentric real-life story of American thief Scott Scurlock , whose bizarre exploits should inspire a Hollywood movie like Catch Me If You Can (Leo DiCaprio)! Thanks so much for reading,


My name's Isaac. They call me the Hollywood Bandit. That's because I've robbed over 20 banks in the Hollywood (California) area, posing as a theatrical pre-planned thief filming a movie, with my accomplice, the man holding the camera. We film 'staged robberies' that are actually bank robberies. We evaded the police for 2 years across California and in the Hollywood area ultimately. The press called me the Hollywood Bandit, because I'd become a master of social imagination manipulation, despite the fact that I look quite nerdy!


One of my favorite banks was the California Bank & Trust, which I robbed 3 times as the Hollywood Bandit. This was a most interesting bank, including a special gold vault-room. The think that makes bank robbery timeless is that it captures the human fascination with the art of designed acrobatics. If you're skilled at this, you can avoid the problems of violence. All you need is make-up, maybe a camera, and some clever tactics. I once used a toy-gun filled with corrosive HCL acid, though I never used it!


I sometimes wonder if the press called me the Hollywood Bandit, simply because I was invested in the artistic mischief of social imagination control and controls. After all, the FBI, who continue to dog me, don't consider me a terrorist but rather a...dancer!


So, to evade the FBI, I've changed my name and identity and moved to the iconic US city of Seattle. This is the city that plays host to my favorite NFL team the Seattle Seahawks and the popular consumer company in modern times, Starbucks coffee. Seattle is the ideal city for a master-thief to find niches of habitation despite conditions of social danger!


STARBUCKS: "We represent the very best of Seattle, since we're hospitable to peoples moving to seek American dials!"


Halloween in Seattle is terrific, since we find many young people costumed as terrific superheroes and seeking to use social imagination to celebrate a general American love of masquerading dance!


I've opened a new private wealthy bank account in Seattle, and I've deposited some of the money taken from traded lifted diamonds, some from Antwerp. My Seattle account represents my interest in shifting gears and changing my life from a person of thievery to a citizen of diaries!


This is the home I purchased in the suburbs outside Seattle. Doesn't it look like a castle? What sets this idyllic property apart is its subtle nod to classic dreams!


ISAAC: "I don't want to be remembered as a bank robber, but rather as a dandelion!"


This is the maroon Lamborghini I purchased with my bank robbery money, and I drive it around in my new city, Seattle!


SHIVA: "As the supreme Hindu god of destruction, my vision is to inform the universe that the aim of prestige is...duty!"


So, that's my story, folks. I'm a Catholic, an American, a bank robber, and a Seattle patriot now. I seek to use the grand American landscape to find the niche of American Dreams conducive to NFL fanfare, social democracy, peaceful retirement, and perhaps even anonymous storytelling. In other words, this is the story of an atypical American...daisy!


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)
Scurlock was a scum who lived near Olympia that chickened out and killed himself when it was apparent he would be caught. Good riddance and no need to celebrate the piece of crap.

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