Six Reasons Why Obama Would Have Botched the Coronavirus Response


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
For all of the Democrats', Liberal MSM's, and snowflakes' unfounded / undeserved criticism of President Trump and his administration's handling of the COVID-19 Pandemic response, it is Barak Obama and his administration that would have failed in their response to COVID-19.

Here are the top 6 reasons why:

#6: Obama failed to restock the Strategic National Stockpile after H1N1

Obama’s failures during the H1N1 pandemic had consequences for the current coronavirus pandemic because in 2009 the Obama administration depleted the Strategic National Stockpile of N95 respirators and never replenished the stockpile during the remainder of his presidency.

After the swine flu epidemic in 2009, a safety-equipment industry association and a federally sponsored task force both recommended that depleted supplies of N95 respirator masks [...] be replenished by the stockpile.” The problem is that didn’t happen.

In fact, the Obama Administration ignored at least 3 government reports in which "federal officials predicted the United States would experience a critical lack of ventilators" during a global pandemic.

#5. Obama waited months to declare H1N1 a national emergency

President Trump decisively reacted and imposed a travel ban 30 days after China finally reported their outbreak to the WHO, long before the WHO declared the spread of COVID-19 to be a global pandemic.

By comparison, Barack Obama's Department of Health and Human Services declared the H1N1 pandemic a "national health emergency" on April 29, 2009, but didn’t declare it a "national emergency" until October. That's two months after the World Health Organization declared it a pandemic.

1) He's black
2)He's white
3)He's gay
4) He's married with children
5) He was born in Hawaii
6) He's a Kenyan Muslim !
4. Obama didn’t implement any travel bans during H1N1

Even AFTER the WHO declared H1N1 to be a global pandemic President Obama never issued any travel ban.

President 'Open Borders' refused to close our borders though H1N1 originated in Mexico:

"The H1N1 outbreak originated in Mexico. Despite calls from members of Congress to do so, the Obama administration refused to restrict travel with Mexico or close the border. "Closing our nation's borders is not merited here"
3. Obama’s H1N1 pandemic response was plagued by vaccine shortages

I part waves with the author of the article here - COVID-19 is a brand new strain of Corona Virus, one never seen before, meaning there was no test and no vaccine for COVID-19. The Trump administration has also been plagued by time required to develop a test and a lack of a vaccine.
2. Obama cut funding to the NIH

Remember how Democrats like Joe Biden falsely claimed that Trump cut funding to CDC and the NIH? Guess who actually did cut funding for the NIH? Yup, Barack Obama. Analysis from the Cato Institute found that “Real NIH spending soared from the mid‐1990s to 2011. It was then cut under President Obama but has rebounded under President Trump.
1. Obama actually did dissolve the White House pandemic office in 2009

It wasn’t all that long ago that the media falsely blamed Trump for “dissolving” the White House pandemic response office in 2018. The claim was quickly debunked, but here’s something you probably didn’t hear about. Barack Obama actually did eliminate the White House pandemic response office in 2009, the same year as the H1N1 pandemic.

In fact, there was no dedicated anti-pandemic unit at the White House National Security Council until one was created in the final months of the Obama administration—seven years after the H1N1 pandemic started, and two years after the Ebola epidemic. Barack Obama’s response to the H1N1 pandemic was slow, and plagued by vaccine shortages. His response to the 2014 Ebola outbreak was also plagued with problems —which apparently convinced him to re-open the office two years later.
Last I heard the POTUS is president Trump...Obama has been out for 4 years. OBS is as unfounded and moronic as TDS.
While I know 44 was the most incompetent president we ever had playing what if is a bit diengenous at best.
The only thing that you can say for sure is no matter how it was handled by him the crazy left would have been singing his praises.
Well, actually, Obama handled the swine flu (H1N1) pandemic the way Trump should have handled the COVID-19 pandemic. Obama refused to be pressured into declaring an emergency just because the WHO did. Obama also declined to recommend extreme measures to combat the virus. As a result, most schools (93%) stayed open and nearly all businesses were able to keep operating. Of course, it helped that liberal news networks and newspapers were not engaging in fear-mongering over the swine flu and thus you didn't have half the country scared out of its wits over the virus.

Obama knew that the economy was just starting to recover from the 2008 recession. He knew that creating panic and causing massive business shutdowns could send the country into a depression. So he had strong political reasons not to over-react to the swine flu outbreak.
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What an excited political mental gymnastics routine you've developed there.

GOP judges gives you a 10.

Reality gives you a 0.

The Obama Administration developed a test for the Swine-Flu and was shipping it within two weeks of the detection of that new virus.

Even if Obama were magically in charge at the beginning of this, nothing would have stopped the spread of this virus either. The world has been warned for years of this possible scenario.
The elephant in the room is the cover laid down by the marxist politburo.

Zero could literally do whatever he wanted and it was lauded and presented as the ONLY solution by the msm politburo. They could always tell us what he had for breakfast from their viewpoint.

On the other hand Trump could get out his microscope and come up with a vaccine tomorrow and it would presented as 'racist', 'riding the kenyan's coattails', 'trying to kill Americans'..... ad nauseum.

We'll find out in Nov. how trusted this communist politburo is....

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