Sidney Powell: Some 'May Need Witness Protection' After Our Exposé


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2020
Sidney Powell: Some 'May Need Witness Protection' After Our Exposé

Trump Team attorney Sidney Powell on Friday told Newsmax's Howie Carr that once the campaign drops evidence of voter fraud there will be a number of people who will need to be in witness protection. "When are we going to have some positive developments in the president's case here?" Carr asked. Powell said evidence of fraud will be released this coming week. "This was very widespread, very deliberate, well-funded and everybody and their pet rock is trying to stop me from exposing it," the attorney said.

She is right. The violent democrat pigs will be out to do harm to the witnesses.
Sidney Powell: Some 'May Need Witness Protection' After Our Exposé

Trump Team attorney Sidney Powell on Friday told Newsmax's Howie Carr that once the campaign drops evidence of voter fraud there will be a number of people who will need to be in witness protection. "When are we going to have some positive developments in the president's case here?" Carr asked. Powell said evidence of fraud will be released this coming week. "This was very widespread, very deliberate, well-funded and everybody and their pet rock is trying to stop me from exposing it," the attorney said.

She is right. The violent democrat pigs will be out to do harm to the witnesses.

A Clinton Suicide?
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I been saying that a lot of people need to cross the street very very carefully. Especially one ways.

Check the brakes a few times. Make sure no electric radios or hair dryers are by the bath tub.

Simple survival skills against being Clintoned.
Here's the Nation Review

The magazine focused special attention on the Thursday news conference at the Republican National Committee by Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Guiliani, and lawyer Sidney Powell.
The two claimed a widespread voter fraud conspiracy, based on unproven allegations, which the National Review called “the most outlandish and irresponsible performance ever by a group of lawyers representing a president of the United States.” It dismissed the unproven theories of voter fraud and called their “lawyering worthy of the comments section of Breitbart News.’”
Like the violent pigs that planned on kidnapping and murdering Whitmer? Like the pigs that made death threats to the officials in charge of counting the votes in swing states? Those kind of violent pigs?
Or the ones that shoot Republicans on softball fields, hold severed heads up in glee...

We've become far too comfortable with violence all around.
Like the violent pigs that planned on kidnapping and murdering Whitmer?

Plans are not actual actions you ignorant skank ho.

No, its like the violence of your democrat terrorists Antifa and BLM who are burning and looting cities, killing cops and terrorizing people in the streets.

Just in case you missed the news for the last several months. Asshole.
Sidney Powell: Some 'May Need Witness Protection' After Our Exposé

Trump Team attorney Sidney Powell on Friday told Newsmax's Howie Carr that once the campaign drops evidence of voter fraud there will be a number of people who will need to be in witness protection. "When are we going to have some positive developments in the president's case here?" Carr asked. Powell said evidence of fraud will be released this coming week. "This was very widespread, very deliberate, well-funded and everybody and their pet rock is trying to stop me from exposing it," the attorney said.

She is right. The violent democrat pigs will be out to do harm to the witnesses.

Well, she's not wrong. She has no evidence. It's clear they are prosecuting this attempt to undermine the election in the media. They have no intention of doing it in court.
And anyone who signed these "sworn affidavits" is likely to be in some serious hot water after this is all done and over.
Sidney Powell: Some 'May Need Witness Protection' After Our Exposé

Trump Team attorney Sidney Powell on Friday told Newsmax's Howie Carr that once the campaign drops evidence of voter fraud there will be a number of people who will need to be in witness protection. "When are we going to have some positive developments in the president's case here?" Carr asked. Powell said evidence of fraud will be released this coming week. "This was very widespread, very deliberate, well-funded and everybody and their pet rock is trying to stop me from exposing it," the attorney said.

She is right. The violent democrat pigs will be out to do harm to the witnesses.

Wow, you mean we'll never see her on TV again... Thats a shame.
How many times can you cry wolf?

You tell us. Trump's team said the election was stolen and evidence would be forthcoming to prove in the courtroom. Case is coming up this week.

The minute the election was over and fraud was alleged, your MSM said 50 times: Positively No Evidence! All Hail Joe Biden! The election's over! There was no fraud!

Meantime over the last four years I've heard 10,000 times that Trump was elected by Putin, our elections are fraught with foreign interference and that Trump would be resigning any day now!

How many times you gonna cry wolf?
  1. You were WRONG about Trump not running.
  2. You were WRONG about Trump winning.
  3. You were WRONG about Russia.
  4. You were WRONG about Trump resigning.
  5. You were WRONG about Trump being removed.
  6. And now you are WRONG that this election is squeaky clean, that Joe won it and that it's all over.
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Sidney Powell: Some 'May Need Witness Protection' After Our Exposé

Trump Team attorney Sidney Powell on Friday told Newsmax's Howie Carr that once the campaign drops evidence of voter fraud there will be a number of people who will need to be in witness protection. "When are we going to have some positive developments in the president's case here?" Carr asked. Powell said evidence of fraud will be released this coming week. "This was very widespread, very deliberate, well-funded and everybody and their pet rock is trying to stop me from exposing it," the attorney said.

She is right. The violent democrat pigs will be out to do harm to the witnesses.
No kidding. The violent ones learned it from their hurting women who wore Maga hats in big cities and small. They also ran keys around painted areas of the car that had Maga decals on windows and windshields.

Maxine Waters rubberstamped all that hooliganism. She oughta be locked up in solitary confinement for the duration of her criminal life.
How many times can you cry wolf?

You tell us. Trump's team said the election was stolen and evidence would be forthcoming to prove in the courtroom. Case is coming up this week.

The minute the election was over and fraud was alleged, your MSM said 50 times: Positively No Evidence! All Hail Joe Biden! The election's over! There was no fraud!

Meantime over the last four years I've heard 10,000 times that Trump was elected by Putin, our elections are fraught with foreign interference and that Trump would be resigning any day now!

How many times you gonna cry wolf?
  1. You were WRONG about Trump not running.
  2. You were WRONG about Trump winning.
  3. You were WRONG about Russia.
  4. You were wrong about Trump resigning.
  5. You were WRONG about Trump being removed.
  6. And now you are WRONG that this election is squeaky clean that Joe won it.

Great post toobfreak. Thank you.

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