Shutdown cost the GDP dramatically


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Austerity, Shutdown Knocked Almost 25 Percent Off Economic Growth

Fourth-quarter GDP growth would have been 4.2 percent instead of 3.2 percent if it had not been for spending cuts and the government shutdown pulling huge sums of money out of the economy. Total economic output would have been 0.43 percentage points larger for the year if government investment in the economy had only been flat rather than shrinking due to austerity measures.

Thanks Teddy Cruz and your Bagger Buddies!
Why does the low information left seem to think they are in the minority when they control 2/3 of the federal government? Keep thinking like losers and you will become losers.
Why does the low information left seem to think they are in the minority when they control 2/3 of the federal government? Keep thinking like losers and you will become losers.

Naw, not as long as there are loser like Teddy Cruz and Randy Paul around. One of them may be your 2016 candidate. Which do you prefer? :popcorn:
Why does the low information left seem to think they are in the minority when they control 2/3 of the federal government? Keep thinking like losers and you will become losers.

Naw, not as long as there are loser like Teddy Cruz and Randy Paul around. One of them may be your 2016 candidate. Which do you prefer? :popcorn:

I want Mr. Cruz. I want to see what is behind that Houston money machine of theirs. That is if we can keep Cruz from succeeding in this 'intimidate the Justice Department' crusade.
The Democrats have the WH although they act like Bush is still president.
The Democrats have the Senate.
The Republicans have a majority in the House.

Yet they are the most powerful force the US government has.

Democrats....always the victim.
They love to act like they are the ones on the way home from the prom and their prom date goes off
with the Football team and doesn't come home for days but when she does show up she still has a smile on her face.
And her date Pajama boy needs more Hot Chocolate to get over it.
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Why does the low information left seem to think they are in the minority when they control 2/3 of the federal government? Keep thinking like losers and you will become losers.

Naw, not as long as there are loser like Teddy Cruz and Randy Paul around. One of them may be your 2016 candidate. Which do you prefer? :popcorn:

Whaaat? Are you saying that it seems like the democrat party is in the minority when Cruz and Paul are around? Keep thinking like a loser and you will be a loser.
America blames the 1/3d that fucked it up, the GOP in Congress.

Rightfully so. This fact alone is going to make it hard for the GOP to take the Senate.

Any more such stupidity (the passing of the anti-TeaP farm bill indicates we have learned our lesson in the GOP) will cost us the House.
Horse shit. How can 1 out of three be the constant problem?

The real problem is the one the left refuses to admit. And that is the lack of any semblance of Leadership coming from the white house. Which come to think of it might be a good thing.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? 85% of the government was open, who believes this crap the Dems put out?
America blames the 1/3d that fucked it up, the GOP in Congress.

Rightfully so. This fact alone is going to make it hard for the GOP to take the Senate.

Any more such stupidity (the passing of the anti-TeaP farm bill indicates we have learned our lesson in the GOP) will cost us the House.

What if Christie would have appointed a Republican?
But this isn’t a new story so much as the continuation of a pattern of economic self-harm that began when the newly-minted Republican House majority began to successfully drive fiscal policy in the wrong direction starting in 2011. Rather than buoying economic growth, U.S. fiscal policy has placed a drag on the economy nearly every quarter since the Tea Party class of legislators was sworn in. Without those austerity measures, GDP would be far higher and unemployment would be far lower.

The government shutdown was but the most recent example of conservative efforts to derail economic recovery for some perceived partisan gain.
Why does the low information left seem to think they are in the minority when they control 2/3 of the federal government? Keep thinking like losers and you will become losers.

Naw, not as long as there are loser like Teddy Cruz and Randy Paul around. One of them may be your 2016 candidate. Which do you prefer? :popcorn:

I would give almost anything in the world to see Cruz and Warren debate. :eusa_pray:
Why does the low information left seem to think they are in the minority when they control 2/3 of the federal government? Keep thinking like losers and you will become losers.

Naw, not as long as there are loser like Teddy Cruz and Randy Paul around. One of them may be your 2016 candidate. Which do you prefer? :popcorn:

I would give almost anything in the world to see Cruz and Warren debate. :eusa_pray:

OMG! Liz Warren would pull out some Indian juju on him amiright?
Warren would make Cruz look so bad that Texas would deport him to Canada.

Warren and Christie would be super.
Warren would make Cruz look so bad that Texas would deport him to Canada.

Warren and Christie would be super.

Nah, nothing much there. Christie isn't making it that far anyway. Unless something really stupendous happens I believe Cruz has already been tapped for nomination. Other than that it's a wait and see. Most of these candidates are just to rally the base and then fall off in the process. The base all wound up against the evil Democrat will hopefully follow through and vote for the moderate, somewhat moderate, Republican canidate. That way the PACs can spend millions of dollars to elect a single person and yet spread it out.
Why does the low information left seem to think they are in the minority when they control 2/3 of the federal government? Keep thinking like losers and you will become losers.

Naw, not as long as there are loser like Teddy Cruz and Randy Paul around. One of them may be your 2016 candidate. Which do you prefer? :popcorn:

I would give almost anything in the world to see Cruz and Warren debate. :eusa_pray:

Yes, we need another rendition of "Cat in the Hat." Teddy is dead outside of Texas. I expect he will be the TP candidate in 2016.....but I doubt he will be the GOP candidate. The sane Republicans know he is DOA with the American public.

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